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Russlands invasjon av Ukraina [Ny tråd, les førstepost]

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Russian Troops Plead for Rotation After Losing 3 Companies from Ukrainian Bridgeheads


"The pleading from the Russian troops corroborates Ukrainian success in establishing bridgeheads south of Kherson and reveals a significant morale issue within the Russian ranks."

NATO official wants 'military Schengen' in Europe, sparking threats from Kremlin


"NATO's logistics command chief urged members on Nov. 23 to remove the red tape hindering troop movements across Europe, as it would impair a swift response in a potential conflict with Russia."


Opinion: Putin wants to complete Stalin’s unfinished genocide in Ukraine


"People across Ukraine and around the world will light candles tomorrow in memory of the millions of Ukrainians killed in the artificial famine engineered by Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin’s regime in the 1930s. Known to history as the Holodomor, this man-made famine remained hidden in the Soviet shadows for decades."

"Ukraine’s struggle against Russian imperialism dates back over 300 years. It’s a tragic history marked by wave upon wave of subjugation, colonization, and Russification. Tsarist efforts to suppress Ukrainian identity could not prevent the rise of a Ukrainian national consciousness or stop Ukrainians from declaring independence amid the chaos that followed the 1917 Russian Revolution. After years of bitter fighting, the Bolsheviks were eventually able to crush Ukraine’s statehood bid and incorporate the country into the fledgling Soviet Union."


UN declaration commemorating Holodomor anniversary signed by 55 nations


A Ukraine-led UN declaration to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the Holodomor famine was signed by 55 member states, marking a 44% increase since the previous similar declaration was presented in 2018, Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said on Nov. 24



Ukraine’s Struggle for Arms and Attention Gives Putin an Opening


As the war in Gaza deepens, some in the US and EU are asking whether they can go on funding what Ukraine’s top general admits is a stalemate.


Students in Samara collect e-cigarettes to cannibalise their parts for use in drones


Students at Samara University in Russia’s Volga region are collecting used e-cigarettes to help Russia’s war effort in Ukraine, according to Volunteers in Uniform, a patriotic student group that forms part of the university’s Falcon military club.


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Why Ukraine Isn’t Deploying Abrams on the Battlefield? The Reason is Simple, Experts Say

According to experts, the decision to keep Abrams tanks in storage until spring might be part of a larger strategy for a spring offensive. However, concerns have been voiced about the limited number of these tanks available for the extensive thousand-kilometer front line.

Business Insider interviewed several experts who shed light on the situation with Abrams tanks in Ukraine. Sergej Sumlenny, a German expert and founder of the European Center for Resilience Initiatives, highlighted the prolonged deliberation by the USA on sending these tanks to Ukraine. This delay allowed Russian forces to fortify their positions with trenches, mines, and other defensive structures.

Sumlenny also pointed to a previous attempt by Ukrainians to use Western armored vehicles, specifically Bradley armored personnel carriers, in a frontal attack during a counterattack in the Zaporizhia region. The outcome was less than favorable, with Oryx analysts reporting a significant loss of Bradleys in the operation. This led to concerns about the effectiveness of Western tanks on the battlefield.

In summary, the delayed deployment of Abrams tanks, coupled with the challenges faced during previous offensives, has raised questions about the strategic decisions and effectiveness of these tanks in the ongoing conflict.

In general, having 31 tanks per 1,000 km of the front line is considered very limited, emphasized Sumlenny. “That’s just three tanks per one hundred kilometers — that’s ridiculous,” stated the expert.

Retired US Marine Corps Colonel Mark Cancian, now a senior advisor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, also shared his perspective.

Cancian believes that the Abrams tanks, along with the surviving Bradleys, are currently in reserve. He suggests that they might be strategically held back for a spring offensive when the weather is more favorable. The challenging autumn and winter conditions in Ukraine, including swamp, rain, snow, and frost, would make these machines inefficient and logistically difficult to maintain.

Cancian speculates that, given the stable front, Ukrainians are likely holding the tanks in reserve, and the spring could provide a favorable opportunity for a counterattack.

Kateryna Stepanenko, an expert at the Institute for the Study of War, concurs with Cancian’s viewpoint. She also highlighted the challenges posed by “rain and mud” during the autumn and mentioned that observers have not witnessed Abrams tanks being used on the Ukrainian battlefield. Hopefully, this will change in the future.


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Russian losses in Ukraine have wiped out its advantage in Baltics, report says

“Russia has effectively lost its position of power and the capacity to threaten its neighbors with projections of military power,” Pavel Baev wrote in a November report for the French Institute of International Relations.

Baev, a longtime Russia expert whose worked included a stint at a research institute inside the Soviet Union’s defense ministry, argues many Western policy planners haven’t grasped the long-term implications of what the war in Ukraine means for security in the Baltics.

While some in the West see Russia’s weakened position as transitional and a Russian comeback inevitable, Moscow sees the loss of its conventional military edge in the Baltics as “both unacceptable and irreversible,” Baev said.

The Baltic nations of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were annexed by the Soviet Union during World War II. Since becoming independent in the 1990s, their forces always have been far smaller and less developed than Russia’s.

However, they have welcomed training with U.S. troops and other NATO allies, which are required to collectively defend the Baltic nations if they are attacked, in line with the alliance’s treaty.

Russia’s war in Ukraine has taken an extreme toll on its military and challenges its ability to maintain a large force on its western flank with NATO, the report said. The study argues that Moscow’s strategic goal of turning its military exclave of Kaliningrad into a launching pad to dominate the central part of the Baltic region “has effectively been canceled.”

Moreover, Ukraine’s ability to target Russian military infrastructure around Crimea has exposed weaknesses in Russia’s coastal defense weapon systems. Those vulnerabilities also apply to the Russian military along the Baltic coast.

Beyond the tactical weaknesses, Russian capabilities were compromised as assets moved to the war front. Many of the Baltic units tasked with guarding Russia’s western border with NATO countries have been decimated during the nearly two years of fighting in Ukraine, according to the report, which sites a lengthy list of damaged units.

“Whatever the scope of the outcome of the war, Russia will not be able to rebuild a position of military superiority in the Baltic theater or even to set an approximate balance of forces with NATO, which is implementing a new plan to strengthen its posture in this reconfigured direction,” Baev said.

Moscow could be forced to rely more on long-range missiles and talk up its nuclear capability for deterrence purposes, to make up for its conventional military disadvantages.

“Plain strategic logic dictates that weakness of conventional forces necessitates greater reliance on nuclear capabilities, and the Baltic theater may see applications of this logic,” the report says.

Regardless of the outcome of the war, Russia also will need to position forces along its southern border with Ukraine for the long-haul, the report says.

For years, the Baltics have been a focal point for the American-led NATO alliance, which has strengthened its position in the region amid concerns that it was outgunned by Russia. Many of the alliance’s changes were prompted by Russia’s initial 2014 intervention in Ukraine, which shattered old post-Cold War assumptions about a more secure Europe.

In the years before 2014, many NATO militaries drastically reduced defense spending, shrunk the sizes of their militaries and regarded the prospect of large-scale conflict on the European continent as an anachronism.

The U.S. military also sharply scaled back on the Continent, removing the last of its battle tanks from Europe just months before Russia’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula.

The diminished NATO force prompted angst among security analysts at the time. Those concerns were reinforced by a large war game, carried out by the Rand Corp. think tank with the assistance of numerous American military commands between 2014 and 2015.

It found a Russian offensive in the Baltics would overwhelm lesser-armed alliance forces and seize the Estonian and Latvian capitals in a matter of hours.

The Rand war game, which garnered much attention at the time, said “the outcome was, bluntly, a disaster for NATO.”

Since then, NATO has added multinational battlegroups in the Baltics and Poland and ramped up rotations of other combat forces in the region, including U.S. Army tank units.

That, along with the addition of Finland into NATO and eventually Sweden, tipped the balance in the Baltics to NATO’s favor, Baev said.

“With the accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO, the Baltic theater is reconfigured so profoundly to Russia’s disadvantage that no amount of effort could make ‘Fortress Kaliningrad’ defensible,” the report said.

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Russisk angrepsdrone mot hodet: Ordfører truet på Facebook
I et manipulert bilde er en angrepsdrone rettet mot hodet til ordføreren i Sør-Varanger. Slik er Finnmark utsatt for en russisk påvirkningsoperasjon, mener Magnus Mæland (Høyre).


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Snikpellik skrev (5 timer siden):

Norge gir 250 millioner kroner til matsikkerhet i Ukraina gjennom Nansen-programmet


En litt "artig" vri på Nansen programmet er at Vidkun Quisling faktisk jobbet med Fridtjof Nansen  i Ukraina på 20-tallet, og er faktisk anerkjent som en helt der, etter det humanitære bidraget sitt. Han var også gift med 2 ukrainske kvinner, den ene 17 år da de møttes. Han var 36...

Det var vel også kontakten med russerne som, ironisk nok, gjorde at han endte opp på tysk side under VK2.


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JK22 skrev (1 time siden):

Nærslagsbrannrørsgranater var meget effektiv i møte med kamikaze-svermer under 2.vk med 3- og 5-tommers skyts (76mm og 127mm) om bord på de amerikanske krigsskipene, som kunne unngå katastrofale tap i året 1945, spesielt etter det vist at Oerlikon- og Bofors kanonene var ineffektivt fordi disse måtte bruke kontaktbrannrørsgranater. De fleste japanske fly som var skutt ned, var truffet med 76mm og 127mm granater. 


Er det nærhetsbrannrør du her kaller nærslagsbrannrør? Det andre kaller vi anslagsbrannrør.

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Jalla21 skrev (28 minutter siden):

Er det nærhetsbrannrør du her kaller nærslagsbrannrør? Det andre kaller vi anslagsbrannrør.

Disse har vist seg effektiv mot Shahed-dronene. Nesten førti var sendt mot Kyiv-regionen ifølge vage opplysninger og det var ikke sett bruk av missiler mot dem. Til tross for at disse kom helt gjennom luftvernsforsvaret og nådd byområdet blir de meiet ned med disse nærhetsbrannrørgranater som lyste opp himmelen - en seer mener det minner om et Star Wars-film med sporlys og detonasjoner. Med en 76mm granat kunne et fly treffes opptil tjue meter vekk fra detonasjonen. 

Allerede i høsten 2022 skal amerikanerne ha kommet på at de trenger VT ammunisjon og har startet arbeidet på "High Explosive Proximity" (HEP) granater i bare 30mm kaliber. Aktuelt, prosjektet startet allerede i 2019 muligens som respons på trusselen fra iranske droner og det var i høsten 2022 prosjektet ble avsluttet ved å starte preproduksjonsfasen. HEP og en etterfølger, Multi-Mode Proximity Airburst (MMPA), har blitt satt i produksjon i 2023.

Dette kan benyttes i Bradley-stormpanservogner og det er mulig at dette kan ha vært sett i Avdiivka-kampene. Fordi da et opptak vist en Bradley skjøt mot en trelinje i Stepove, var luftdetonasjoner observert. Dette lot til å være meget spesielt virkningsfullt mot de russiske soldatene. Russerne og ukrainerne hadde tidlig vært nødt til å bruke anslagsbrannrør i sin ammunisjon for automatskyts. Når en BMP-2 sammenlignes med en Bradley, er det lett å se at BMP-2 har meget store munningsflammer og blir lett synlig, mens Bradley produserte meget lite munningsflamming. Russerne kan dermed ikke "se" en fremrykkende skytende Bradley, bare merker at det braket løst blant dem. 

Alt tyder på at HEP ammunisjon er kommet til Ukraina. 

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Russland angriper igjen Ukraina med selvmordsdroner lørdag kveld. Ifølge en talsmann for det ukrainske forsvaret har russerne nå funnet en ny metode for å lure luftvernet.


– Nå ser vi at de har begynt å bruke karbonmateriale. Det er fordi karbon er et absorberende materiale for radarsignaler og er svart.

– Fargen vil komplisere arbeidet med luftvern, fordi det gjør det vanskeligere for soldatene å oppdage droner på himmelen – og skyte dem ned.


Angrepet natt til lørdag er ifølge det ukrainske luftvåpenet det største med bruk av Shahed-droner så langt i krigen. Og angrepene var hovedsakelig rettet mot hovedstaden Kyiv.

Lørdag kveld melder ukrainske medier at Russland angriper en rekke ulike områder. Det gjelder både regionene Zaporizjzjia og Dnepropetrovsk - og igjen mot Kyiv.


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Markiii skrev (10 timer siden):

"Det har gått litt over ett år siden de russiske styrkene gikk over grensen på Storskog tidlig en kald februarmorgen. Natten i forveien hadde russiske bombefly, eskortert av russiske jagere, bombet de norske antiluftvåpensystemene og de fleste av de stasjonerte norske jagerflyene på Ørland og Evenes. De få norske jagerne som kom seg på vingene, ble raskt skutt ned av en overveldende mengde russiske jagerfly.


Langs E6 møtte de norske hærstyrkene køer av flyktninger fra Trøndelag som kjørte sørover. Tusenvis av norske flyktninger stod også i kø over grensene mot Sverige og Finland, som året i forveien hadde måttet oppgi Gotland, Lappland og Norra Karelen i bytte mot en ny nøytralitetsstatus, etter at NATO-alliansen kollapset som følge den nyvalgte republikanske presidenten – som hadde trukket USA ut av alliansen."


Dette kan være fremtiden vår, folkens. Det er bare å stålsette seg.

Når en ser hvordan Russland «sliter» i Ukraina og bruker opp «alt» av ressurser der er det vel veldig usannsynlig at det vil skje. 

Samtidig er det spådd i div media at Russland snart vil bryte sammen. Så dette er nok å se spøkelser på høylys dag.

Da har jeg mere tro på at atomvåpen vil taes i bruk ved ett senere stadie, litt avhengig av utviklingen fremover. Da direkte mellom USA og Russland

Endret av OMyren
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