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Russlands invasjon av Ukraina [Ny tråd, les førstepost]

Gjest Slettet-404071

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Sosialist57 skrev (8 timer siden):

Men det ligner litt på Vietnam. Hva kjemper de for ? Og hvor mye må de gi slipp på? 

De kjemper for å slippe unna fascistregimet i Kremlin sine konsentrasjonsleire, gruppevoldtekter og mord.

De kjemper for å redde seg fra Russlands folkemord på Ukrainerne.

De kjemper for å overleve som folk.

De kjemper for friheten fra Moskvas onde og brutale jernhæl.

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Hvilke tjenester er det som leverer satellittbilder fra Ukraina som er synlig for alle? Hvor kan jeg finne de nyeste oppdaterte bildene?

Planet Labs er en leverandør. På sidene deres ligger det et galleri, men det er et veldig begrenset galleri med få bilder: https://www.planet.com/gallery/?Ukraine=true Siste bildet der er fra 26 august og viser kjernekraftverket ved Zaporizhzhia.

Men det er tydeligvis flere bilder fra Planet labs som sirkulerer der ute. Jeg fant et annet bilde fra 26 august her: https://wartranslated.com/update-from-ukrainian-military-expert-oleg-zhdanov-27-august/


A satellite photo of Antonovskiy bridge from 26 August was uploaded online, it shows that the bridge span is severely damaged but not collapsed yet, and no vehicles were present on the bridge indicating any movement has stopped. At the same time, the pontoon and ferry service is operational.


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Tidligere terrorist og kommandant på russisk side i 2014; Igor Girkin slår tilbake etter arrestasjonen sin, og angriper på nytt forsvarsministeren på sin blogg.

Igor Girkin who has remained relatively quiet in the past couple of weeks after his debacle and an alleged attempt to enter Ukraine through Crimea, comes back with a long-winded post on his Telegram channel, once again throwing shade at the Russian Minister of Defence who is claimed to be “pushing for mobilisation in Russia while the president is firmly against it”.

In the post, Girkin first goes over the results of the third “Effective” stage of the SMO, claiming that it has now slowly became the fourth “preserve the civilian population of Ukraine” stage:

In the last couple of weeks, a topic has emerged on the Internet that is becoming more widespread, it has a nominal name: “Shoygu is not to blame for anything, he is doing all his best to win the war (insisting on holding the necessary mobilisation measures for this), but Putin personally interferes with him.” Apparently – this topic is being heavily thrown in and pushed through. And it is especially receiving a push right now, when Ramzan Akhmadovich [Kadyrov] reiterated his readiness to “quickly take Kyiv at any moment, if there is such an opportunity” (quoting closely, not exactly).


Since my deepest sympathies for the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (sometimes reaching enthusiastic admiration) are widely known, and for half a year I have been restrained from even more hysterical reverence for the president by the firmly observed promise “not until the war is over,” I consider myself entitled to try and act as an “arbitrator” (don’t take it as impudence!) in this (to use the words of respected Vitaly “Afrika”) “dance of shadows on the ashes”, which the anonymous force behind the above “stuffing” is trying to present to us.


So, very briefly about the current military situation:


1. The third (“Effective” – R.A. Kadyrov) stage of the SMO, in just three weeks since its start smoothly became the 4th (“saving the civilian population by slowing down the pace of the operation” – by S.K. Shoigu personally);


2. In fact, all the “effectiveness” of the 3rd stage ended with insignificant (but costly) tactical advances near Donetsk, culminating in the capture of the Peski urban settlement. On the Kherson front, there was an “exchange” – ours advanced 5 km to Mykolaiv from Snigirevka, ukrs captured two villages and a bridgehead on the Inuglets River between Snigirevka and Davydov Brod. On other fronts also, in general, the frontline has not changed.


3. During the summer, the enemy sharply (by many times) increased the number of missile and unmanned strikes against the deep and close rear areas of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Armed Forces of the LDPR, achieving new successes, now quite comparable (in terms of damage) with missile strikes on their own territory received from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation from the beginning of the SMO. Thus, in this respect, the RF Armed Forces have lost “exclusive superiority”, while the Armed Forces of Ukraine have achieved a certain parity. Sad but true.

Concluding on the result of these stages Girkin believes that Russian Federation has lost the initiative and failed to reach the stated goals of the third stage, which in fact has lead to Ukraine strengthening its position in the war despite issues with replenishment of troops. He then moves on to pronounce how the narrative of Shoygu being capable of producing any results and mobilising the country are completely false:

Based on this, it can be concluded that within the framework of the SMO, the Russian command not only failed to achieve the defeat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but even the complete displacement of the enemy forces from the territory of the DPR using available forces fell into the category of “hopeful dreams.” It is clear that new offensive attempts will be made and may even lead to new tactical successes, but on the whole, a balance has developed on the frontline. And the “scales” on the part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are now very slowly but steadily outweighing the Russian.


Both sides are experiencing problems with the replenishment of troops and their growing demotivation, however, in the context of the overall numerical superiority of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, this problem is less critical for them than for the RF Armed Forces.


Another thing is that the Russian Federation, indeed, has not yet decided to fight at full strength and has not even tried to carry out limited mobilisation measures at the front and in the rear, which (only in theory and of course far from immediately) can sharply incline the “scales” in our direction.


And now we return to our beloved minister’s allegedly acute urge to “achieve this very mobilisation” and his “attempts” to convince the “unyielding supreme leader” to announce it.


So, I think this version is a complete and absolute lie. At least even looking at what activities the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is taking right now to replenish troops without mobilisation. And right now, instead of replenishing the extremely tired and already seasoned (that is, those who have learned to fight in the current difficult conditions) front-line units (which could dramatically increase their morale and combat effectiveness in general), Mr. Shoygu’s department is feverishly forming in all regions of the Russian Federation the “volunteer named battalions”, which, once they get to the front, will inevitably be if not defeated in the very first battles (just like now our troops are beating units of the “territorial defense”), then they will inevitably suffer huge unjustified losses – simply due to the general “dampness” and inexperience of the personnel. And it is not a fact that after these “cruel lessons” and huge losses the “named volunteers” will not start to running much faster than the fighters of PMCs and line contract units are doing now.


Thus, we are talking about either the same “advanced cretinism”, or about … the sabotage I have repeatedly mentioned. (I agree to the presence and “symbiosis” of both of these motives).


But, let’s say, we are talking simply about progressive idiocy and the desire of the thoroughly ineffective army elite to “just create as many colonel and general command / staff positions as possible.” Let it be.


But after all, in the event of mobilisation, our Russian society will face a logical question: “But how is that!? We were defeating everyone for six months! And suddenly mobilisation is required? Konashenkov has been lying to us all this time?!?!” To this question – like it or not, something will need to be answered. And “organisational conclusions” must be made. And who will be the first candidate for “organisational conclusions”? What do you think? Konashenkov? Hardly!


Or, perhaps, do you think that Vladimir Vladimirovich himself will appear on TV and ask “to be treated with understanding”, taking the blame on himself? I highly doubt it.

Girkin continues his criticism of Shoygu once again bringing up the argument that any decent general would have already resigned after failing to achieve their stated goals:

Sergei Kuzhugetovich will certainly become the first and main candidate “to fly out”. “By the totality of merit”, so to speak … He will be remembered everything, all the “2000 drones”, and “unparalleled” tanks / aircraft / missiles (in numbers that can be counted on the fingers), and an amazing selection of leading military personnel, and general supply of troops, etc., etc.


Does our wonderful minister want such an ending? I doubt. Therefore, I’m practically sure that he will “pull the cat by the tail” to the end, reporting to the president that “just a little more, just a little more – and the enemy will break down and sue for peace! be patient a little!” And – since our president is most of all inclined to “do nothing and wait until something happens…” – then such assurances fall on fertile ground. Well, I think so….

And, yes, if you imagine for a moment that Sergei Kuzhugetovich really “like a lion is fighting for the national-state interests of Russia” and daily reports to the president the full truth about what is happening at the front, supplementing it with the words: “I strongly beg you to immediately mobilise, until it’s not too late!” – then why he did not resign, offering it as the most serious and obvious argument, not wanting to take responsibility for the impending disaster? (I remind you that in my eyes, the protracted war in the so-called Ukraine “was and will be a catastrophe that can lead to the collapse of the Russian Federation, which I wrote about many times for many years in a row).

But right after his resignation – Sergei Kuzhugetovich, as a seasoned experienced politician (well, he’s not a military man, really?) – could (“dressed in all white”) go to the media platform and mournfully declare: “I did everything I could, but since it was not possible to convince Vladimir Vladimirovich to mobilise and introduce martial law – I wash my hands of it!”

But Sergei Kuzhugetovich will never do this. Since the word “Honour” for him is nothing more than an abstract concept, but “Authority” is an utterly understandable and quite tangible thing. And for the sake of some kind of “honour” he would not even think of sacrificing authority, while to “playing an honest man” in any way convincingly, there’s not enough brains for that.

It appears as if Girkin’s scare has gone away and we are going to see more of his posts in the near future.





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On 8/26/2022 at 9:30 PM, SkyMarshall Arts said:

Kanskje hjelp fra vesten vil hjelpe til slutt. KANSKJE. Og det er et stort kanskje.


Hjelpen har allerede hjulpet enormt. Hadde det ikke vært for hjelpen fra Vesten så tror jeg hele Ukraina hadde vært tapt nå. Ikke bare Ukraina, men også Moldova.

Kanskje hadde russiske tanks allerede rullet videre mot de baltiske landene …

Det er først de siste ukene, fra sommeren av, de virkelig tunge våpnene har kommet inn til Ukraina. Fortsatt må de få både luftforsvar, jagerfly og mer artilleri før en offensiv. De neste ukene blir nok brukt til å svekke russiske styrker enda mer, før en eventuell mindre offensiv. Tipper den siste og avgjørende offensiven neste vår … Da er nok en betydelig mengde soldater ferdig trenet i alt fra nye jagerflytyper og andre avanserte våpenplattformer. Det forutsetter at Vesten holder trykket oppe. Dette er ikke tiden for å tråkke på bremsen …

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Vet ikke om det er blitt nevnt før, men det er en ting som  burde bekymre oss når det gjelder den gassflammen borti russland. Det at de kjører (tilsynelatende) full produksjon og bare brenner av gassen gjør jo også at de med ganske kjappe og enkle grep kan oversvømme markedet med gass tidvis om de vil. 

Dette vil gjøre dobbelt vondt for EU (og oss), da alle investeringene i alternativer, gass, vind, vannkraft, starte gamle kullkraftverk og nedstenging av industri vil være bortkastede penger. Plutselig vil det ikke være så attraktivt å importere gass fra Bahrain, USA, Algerie o.l. og gassprisene vil samtidig begynne å svinge noe voldsomt. Om krigen ikke går russernes vei vil de nok vise markedsmakten sin ved å regulere denne gass-strømmen ganske mye når vinterkulda kommer. 

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Kjell Iver skrev (2 minutter siden):

Vet ikke om det er blitt nevnt før, men det er en ting som  burde bekymre oss når det gjelder den gassflammen borti russland. Det at de kjører (tilsynelatende) full produksjon og bare brenner av gassen gjør jo også at de med ganske kjappe og enkle grep kan oversvømme markedet med gass tidvis om de vil. 

Dette vil gjøre dobbelt vondt for EU (og oss), da alle investeringene i alternativer, gass, vind, vannkraft, starte gamle kullkraftverk og nedstenging av industri vil være bortkastede penger. Plutselig vil det ikke være så attraktivt å importere gass fra Bahrain, USA, Algerie o.l. og gassprisene vil samtidig begynne å svinge noe voldsomt. Om krigen ikke går russernes vei vil de nok vise markedsmakten sin ved å regulere denne gass-strømmen ganske mye når vinterkulda kommer. 

Det er et veldig godt poeng, ja. Men dersom EU da sier til Valdemar at han kan ta seg en bolle og bare sitte der med all gassen sin fordi de nekter å kjøpe er plutselig jegeren blitt den jagede. Det blir tidenes "chicken run" om han prøver seg. Jeg tror nok at tiden for ensidig avhengighet av én leverandør på energi er borte, og at de som kan og vil alternative energiverk (sol/vind/atom/vann ++) kan gå gode tider i møte.

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>generisk navn> skrev (5 minutter siden):

Det er et veldig godt poeng, ja. Men dersom EU da sier til Valdemar at han kan ta seg en bolle og bare sitte der med all gassen sin fordi de nekter å kjøpe er plutselig jegeren blitt den jagede. Det blir tidenes "chicken run" om han prøver seg. Jeg tror nok at tiden for ensidig avhengighet av én leverandør på energi er borte, og at de som kan og vil alternative energiverk (sol/vind/atom/vann ++) kan gå gode tider i møte.

En slik situasjon vil virkelig sette EU på prøve og jeg er i tvil om samholdet landene i mellom vil holde i en sånn situasjon. Jeg tror ikke de er så prinsippfaste - det koster for mye.

 En ting å si det, noe annet når de hundrevis av millioner av mennesker må betale så mye for det. De stemmer da fort for radikale parti som ønsker den "billige" russiske gassen velkommen. Akkurat denne problemstillingen - at man kommer i en situasjon der vi takker nei til gass fra russerne er nok svært langt fram i tid. Men den situasjonen vil vel øyeblikkelig oppstå den dagen det evt blir krig mellom NATO og russerne.

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Kjell Iver skrev (1 time siden):

Vet ikke om det er blitt nevnt før, men det er en ting som  burde bekymre oss når det gjelder den gassflammen borti russland. Det at de kjører (tilsynelatende) full produksjon og bare brenner av gassen gjør jo også at de med ganske kjappe og enkle grep kan oversvømme markedet med gass tidvis om de vil. 

Dette vil gjøre dobbelt vondt for EU (og oss), da alle investeringene i alternativer, gass, vind, vannkraft, starte gamle kullkraftverk og nedstenging av industri vil være bortkastede penger. Plutselig vil det ikke være så attraktivt å importere gass fra Bahrain, USA, Algerie o.l. og gassprisene vil samtidig begynne å svinge noe voldsomt. Om krigen ikke går russernes vei vil de nok vise markedsmakten sin ved å regulere denne gass-strømmen ganske mye når vinterkulda kommer. 

Folk er i ferd med å miste troen på Markedet. Og politikerne vil aldri akseptere et avhengighetsforhold med en fiendemakt som truer dem med militærmakt. De vil heller si nei fremfor å gi etter, da dette vil bli for kostbart - som hvis russiske stridsvogner ruller i Berlins gater. Balterne og østeuropeerne er hardt rammet, men det finnes ikke en vilje for å søke en lett løsning ved å gi etter, ettersom de oppfatter dette som en eksistensiell trussel. 

Hva er vitsen med penger om man må leve i ufrihet og utrygghet? Det vil aldri bli en normalisering mellom EU og Russland, altfor mye har hendt. Macron og Scholz er i hardt uvær, franskmannen kritiseres mer og mer av hans egne folk, spesielt etter hans egne innrømmelser om at man vanskelig kunne få Putin i tale, og Scholz har et PR-problem hos det tyske folket som er kjent for langssinne - og de tilgir ikke forræderi. 

Russisk gass vil bli utstengt for alltid. Gassimport fra andre land er i ferd med å ta seg opp, men kraftbørsen må bringes under kontroll for å stanse prisspekulasjonen. 

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