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The Tremendous Trump Thread - Etterspill (Les førstepost)

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toreae skrev (9 timer siden):

Hvor mange republikanerne tror dere ikke blir å stemme på trump i november?
Hvor mye ønsketenking er dette (se youtubevideo under)?


Ganske mye ønsketenkning?



Har Joe Biden for lite energi til å sikre valgseier mot Trump? Stadig flere demokrater lurer på det. Og nå tør noen å si det høyt.

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Poor Old Gil skrev (4 timer siden):

Det er ikke for sent, men det begynner å haste.

Det er for sent. Biden vil ikke gi seg og det finnes ingen villig kandidat til å ta over. Å ville bytte ut Biden nå gjør bare mer skade enn nytte.

afterall skrev (42 minutter siden):

Ref. Ezra Klein er det ikke for sent. 

Han tar feil, dessverre.

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Poor Old Gil skrev (2 minutter siden):

Nei, han har rett. 

Her alt som skal til for at Ezra Klein har rett:

1. Man må overbevise Biden om å trekke seg.
2. Overbevise en annen kandidat til å stille.
3. Overbevise resten av partiet om å slutte seg om denne kandidaten.
4. Overbevise flertallet av befolkningen til å stemme på denne kandidaten. 

Dette høres ut som en oppskrift på katastrofe åtte måneder før valget. 

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38 minutes ago, VifteKopp said:

Her alt som skal til for at Ezra Klein har rett:

1. Man må overbevise Biden om å trekke seg.
2. Overbevise en annen kandidat til å stille.
3. Overbevise resten av partiet om å slutte seg om denne kandidaten.
4. Overbevise flertallet av befolkningen til å stemme på denne kandidaten. 

Dette høres ut som en oppskrift på katastrofe åtte måneder før valget. 

Hvis kandidaten i 2) er Taylor Swift, så er det ikke utenkelig at 4) vil skje!

Hun er penere, yngre, rikere, smartere, og mer populær enn Trump.
Hun har like mye politisk erfaring som Trump hadde i 2016.
Og republikanerne er allerede redde for henne som støttespiller for Biden.

edit: Jeg har vel ikke stor tro på at 'det blir å skje' som de sier nordpå.

Endret av nebrewfoz
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nebrewfoz skrev (4 timer siden):

Og republikanerne er allerede redde for henne som støttespiller for Biden.

Enkelte republikanere er redde for Swift, fordi de er spikk spenna gærne, og tror på konspirasjonsteorier om at "deep state" har noe muffens på gang, som involverer Swift, Superbowl, presidenvalget ... og sikkert romvesener også.

Alle vi andre er dog redde for gærne republikanere, særlig Trump.

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Medlem skrev (2 timer siden):

Who’s ahead ....

Dette er jo ikke akkurat veldig spennende, vi vet alle at Trump vinner, og at republikanerne har fått en eller annen form for kollektivt hukommelsestap, hvor de ønsker å gjeninsette omtrent den eneste presidenten i historien som forsøkte seg på statskupp.

VG hadde i dag en artikkel om forsmådde velgere som stemte Biden, som nå plutselig skal stemme Trump.


"Samraa Luqman har stemt på Det demokratiske partiet hele sitt liv.

Likevel vurderer hun å stemme på Donald Trump.

– Biden har lagt til rette for Israels folkemord i Gaza. Det er utilgivelig, sier hun til VG, ved et valglokale i Dearborn, i delstaten Michigan.

– Jeg hater Trump. Men hvis det står mellom kun de to, og min ene stemme avgjør, så velger jeg Trump. Jeg kan overleve å lide i fire nye år under Trumps diskriminering av muslimer, men 30.000 palestinere kunne ikke overleve «Folkemord-Joe»."

Jeg vet ikke hva det feiler mange amerikanere, men hva faen får disse kjøtthuene til å tro at Donald Trump, den mest pro-israelske presidenten noensinne, som har en jødisk svigersønn, og derav jødiske barnebarn, og som i sin presidentperiode støttet Israel uten unntak, flyttet den amerikanske ambassaden til Jerusalem, stoppet all støtte til UNWRA, og som ser ut til å hate alle som har et snev av brunfarge i huden, ikke er "trippel-folkemord-Donald"?

Benjamin Netanyah elsker Trump, og skulle vel ønske han var president nå, i stedet for Biden.
Det er ingen nåværende presidentkandidat som ville vært verre for palestinerne, enn Trump.

Enten så skrøner VG, og fabrikerer sitt eget narrativ, eller så er disse menneskene så kørka at de demonstrerer og er politiske aktivister ... uten å ha forstått et snev av politikk.


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0laf skrev (14 minutter siden):

Dette er jo ikke akkurat veldig spennende, vi vet alle at Trump vinner, og at republikanerne har fått en eller annen form for kollektivt hukommelsestap, hvor de ønsker å gjeninsette omtrent den eneste presidenten i historien som forsøkte seg på statskupp.

VG hadde i dag en artikkel om forsmådde velgere som stemte Biden, som nå plutselig skal stemme Trump.


"Samraa Luqman har stemt på Det demokratiske partiet hele sitt liv.

Likevel vurderer hun å stemme på Donald Trump.

– Biden har lagt til rette for Israels folkemord i Gaza. Det er utilgivelig, sier hun til VG, ved et valglokale i Dearborn, i delstaten Michigan.

– Jeg hater Trump. Men hvis det står mellom kun de to, og min ene stemme avgjør, så velger jeg Trump. Jeg kan overleve å lide i fire nye år under Trumps diskriminering av muslimer, men 30.000 palestinere kunne ikke overleve «Folkemord-Joe»."

Jeg vet ikke hva det feiler mange amerikanere, men hva faen får disse kjøtthuene til å tro at Donald Trump, den mest pro-israelske presidenten noensinne, som har en jødisk svigersønn, og derav jødiske barnebarn, og som i sin presidentperiode støttet Israel uten unntak, flyttet den amerikanske ambassaden til Jerusalem, stoppet all støtte til UNWRA, og som ser ut til å hate alle som har et snev av brunfarge i huden, ikke er "trippel-folkemord-Donald"?

Benjamin Netanyah elsker Trump, og skulle vel ønske han var president nå, i stedet for Biden.
Det er ingen nåværende presidentkandidat som ville vært verre for palestinerne, enn Trump.

Enten så skrøner VG, og fabrikerer sitt eget narrativ, eller så er disse menneskene så kørka at de demonstrerer og er politiske aktivister ... uten å ha forstått et snev av politikk.


Flere Michiganders mener det er mulig Trump utfører sin isolasjonistiske politikk og støtter Israel til mindre grad finansielt sett enn Biden,  men en del også mener det er bedre å si de skal støtte Trump for å få Biden til å endre sin politikk 

Jeg kjenner personlig flere arab amerikanere fra Dearborn som sier noe lignende 

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En ganske dårlig nyhet. Det ser ut at Generasjon Z er villig til å stemme på Trump. Her ser det ut at det først og fremst er snakk om omfattende misnøye med det politiske systemet - og nettavhengighet som er motivet for de fleste; 

"Do you think Donald Trump is someone who will shake up the country for the better or do you think he is a danger to democracy and will hopelessly divide the country if elected?" :

Among respondents between the ages of 18 and 24, 65 percent said they believe he would "shake up the country for the better," while only 35 percent view him as a "danger to democracy," according to the poll, which surveyed 2,022 registered voters from February 21 to 22.

Gen Z Backs Donald Trump Shaking Up the Country (msn.com)

Dette avslører at 65 % av de yngre på 18 til 24 er villig til å stemme på Trump fordi de vil ha endringer og dermed ønsker at han skulle foreta handlinger som vil " riste opp landet til det bedre." Det er som med de fåtallige fargede som hadde stemt på Trump i 2020, de vil at han skulle få det politiske systemet til å kollapse. Fordi de var kommet til å hate tilværelsen som de og deres hjemland hadde havnet i. Det er også sett at det finnes liknende tendenser blant demokratiske velgere om at de foretrekke Trump, hele 29 % (det var 14 %) mener Trump gjort en "god jobb som president" i 2017-2021. Dette tyder på at mange er misfornøyd med Biden som sliter med at 83 % mener han er blitt for gammelt for en ny presidentperiode. 

A third of young voters said they wouldn't want to be friends with someone who voted for a different presidential candidate: poll (msn.com)

Det er kommet skremmende meningsmålinger som tyder på at man nå er i borgerkrigstilstander mentalt sett; 33 % av de yngre vil ikke være venn med disse som stemt på et annet parti eller en andre presidentkandidat. Det minner om det som var sett i Bosnia Hercegovina i våren 1991, da hadde en nesten lik stor andel av befolkningen den gang begynte å fjerne seg fra andre på etniskpolitiske spørsmål som hadde blitt ladet pga. storserbiske propagandakampanjer den gang - da var vennskap på tvers av etniske og religiøse skillelinjer svært vanlig i 1960-1990 perioden. For mange ofre var tap av vennskap og følelse av forræderi mye sterkere enn alt annet. Rundt 101,000 til 105,000 omkommet under den bosniske krigen, som fordrevet en tredjedel av befolkningen på flukt. 

If Trump wins, he’ll be a vessel for the most regressive figures in US politics (msn.com)

Fifty years ago, then governor Ronald Reagan headlined the inaugural Conservative Political Action Conference. He spoke of the US as a city on a hill, an example of human virtue and excellence, a divinely inspired nation whose best days were ahead.

The speakers at last week’s conference were decidedly less inspiring. A lineup of extremists, insurrectionists and conspiracy theorists gathered for panels like “Cat Fight? Michelle v Kamala” and “Putting Our Heads in the Gas Stove”. At CPAC, you can drink “Woke Tears Water”, buy rhinestone-studded firearms and play a January 6-themed pinball machine.

But it would be wrong to dismiss CPAC as a crackpot convention. It is also a harbinger of what a second Donald Trump presidency would bring, influenced by a consortium of self-proclaimed Christian nationalists and reactionary dark money groups like the Heritage Foundation who see Trump as their return ticket to relevancy.

The Heritage Foundation has poured $22m into Project 2025, their plan to gut the “deep state” and radically reshape the government with a souped-up version of the unitary executive theory, which contends that the president should be allowed to enact his agenda without pesky checks and balances. To paraphrase one speaker at CPAC: “Welcome to the end of democracy.”

The Heritage Foundation’s policy agenda is disturbingly radical, even by the standards of the modern Republican party. They want to dismantle the administrative state, ban abortion completely at the state and federal level, and, as always, cut taxes for the rich. They would put religious liberties over civil ones, and Christian rights over the rights of women, people of color, LGBTQ+ people and really anyone who does not look and think exactly like they do.

As Trump himself said in an alarmingly theocratic speech last week: “No one will be touching the cross of Christ under the Trump administration, I swear to you.” And we have no reason to doubt him. Russell Vought, a radical involved with Project 2025 who speaks with Trump at least twice a month, is a candidate to be the next White House chief of staff.

Vought works closely with the Christian nationalist William Wolfe, a former Trump administration official who has advocated for ending surrogacy, no-fault divorce, sex education in schools and policies that “subsidize single motherhood”. The Heritage Foundation has even called for “ending recreational sex”.

Media coverage of Trump tends to focus on his mounting legal woes (nearly half a billion in damages and counting) and increasingly bizarre rants (magnets don’t work underwater). But such an approach misses the point. We can’t risk focusing on spectacle at the expense of strategy, and he has made his strategy perfectly clear.

January 6 was a purity test, and he’s since cleared his ranks of people who’ve even whispered disapprovingly

He has said he will be a dictator on “day one” and “go after” and indict those who challenge him. He’s running on a 10-point “Plan to Protect Children from Leftwing Gender Insanity”. He’s promised to send federal troops into Democratic-run “crime dens”, by which he means New York City and Chicago.

He will have advantages in the courts this time around, too. Groups such as the Article III Project – an advocacy group for “constitutionalist” judges – are making sure of it. A3P is led by Mike Davis, a Trump loyalist lawyer who has been floated for attorney general. (You know, the role that Jeff Sessions and Bill Barr weren’t extreme enough for?) He has promised: “President Trump’s next generation of judges will be even more bold and tough.” And in the meantime, his organization has taken out TV ads attacking the judges and prosecutors in Trump’s criminal trials as “activists” who have “destroyed the rule of law”.

If the Article III Project gets what they want, judges hearing challenges to Trump’s proposals will be judges he appointed. Not only will his policies be more dangerous and dogmatic, they’ll be better designed to withstand judicial scrutiny, especially in a friendly court.

Look no further than the Alabama supreme court, which ruled last week that frozen embryos are children, imperiling the legality of IVF and foreshadowing far worse. Trump, clearly panicking, has distanced himself from this decision, but as long as he continues to nominate radical activist judges – and he will – it is nothing more than posturing.

Related: We must start urgently talking about the dangers of a second Trump presidency | Margaret Sullivan

As was the case during his first term, Trump will serve as a vessel for some of the most regressive figures in American politics. And unlike last time – when he was incentivized to get re-elected legitimately – he will be unencumbered by any notion that he should abide by democratic norms or heed moderating voices. January 6 was a purity test, and he’s since cleared his ranks of people who’ve even whispered disapprovingly.

Despite all of this, Trump is leading Biden in many polls. Most projections put the race at 50/50 at best. If Trump and his extremist cronies prevail in 2024, Project 2025 will be under way this time next year, stripping millions of Americans of our freedoms. The end of democracy, indeed.

Jeg tror ikke de yngre bryr seg om det i deres trangsynthet, naivisme og polarisering - mange ønsker at noe skulle skje med det politiske systemet, og dessverre er det klart at de ganske forstår ikke hva demokrati er, eller hva slags styre de egentlig har, det ser ut at de strømmer til "Fører"-fenomenet fordi for dem er presidentvervet det eneste som får alt til å rulle i den politiske maskinen. Det minner aktuelt om det athenske pøbeldemokratiet i slutten på 400-tallet da folkestyret "gikk berserk" og fikk Sokrates drept, samt forvist enhver og alle av verdi for bystaten... Det endt med at Sparta undertvunget seg Athen, som kunne ha blitt utryddet om spartanerne hadde ønsket det. Dette var helt presist hva som er hensikten med 1789-konstitusjonen utarbeidet av grunnlovsfedrene; å avverge et pøbeldemokrati. Det er hvorfor denne konstitusjonen er antidemokratisk ved å fremme plutokratiske prinsipper, tillate oligarkidanning og satt fram obligatoriske samfunnsregler - ordet "democracy" eksistert ikke, likedan "right to vote". Så det som skjer i året 2024 kan betraktes å være sluttstreken for grunnlovsfedrenes gave til det amerikanske folket. 

GOP 'Headed Down the Path Towards Extinction'—Political Analyst (msn.com)

With the fall of Republican National Committee (RNC) chair Ronna McDaniel, and the potential appointment of Lara Trump in her place, the Republican Party faces "extinction," a political analyst said.

McDaniel on Monday announced she will resign, following weeks of criticism and speculation that her tenure was coming to an end. The niece of Republican Senator Mitt Romney, who was chosen by former President Donald Trump to lead the RNC in 2017, had been blamed for funding issues. She was also criticized for the Republicans losing multiple elections since 2020.

rump this month signaled his dissatisfaction with McDaniel and endorsed Michael Whatley, the North Carolina Republican Party chair who serves as general counsel of the RNC, as the committee's next chairman, and his daughter-in-law, Lara, as co-chair.

William F. Hall, adjunct professor of political science and business at Webster University in St. Louis, Missouri, told Newsweek the potential appointment of Trump's daughter-in-law was inconceivable and warned it would send the party into free fall.

"Regretfully and also very sadly, it now genuinely appears that the former American political party, formerly known and referred to as the 'Grand Old Party' (GOP), may well now be headed the down the path toward extinction, similar to the former American political party known as the: 'Don't Tread on Me' political party," Hall said.

"The very notion that this former great, historic American political party, the political party of the Abolitionist Movement that championed against slavery and the party of Abraham Lincoln, would even contemplate the possibility of installment of a relative of one of the leading candidates for both the Party's Presidential nomination and potentially, the Office of the President, is in my view, is not only inconceivable....as well as truly indicative of a former once great major American political party, now in total free fall and in total and complete disarray."

McDaniel's resignation is expected to take effect March 8, three days after Super Tuesday.

"It has been the honor and privilege of my life to serve the Republican National Committee for seven years as Chairwoman to elect Republicans and grow our Party," McDaniel said in a statement.

Losing McDaniel could cause further problems for the RNC, according to Christopher Phelps, a professor of modern American history at the University of Nottingham in the U.K, because she had experience and networking skills.

"The RNC's fundraising is at a very low ebb, and Donald Trump has cast blame on the outgoing RNC chair, Ronna McDaniel, so out she goes," Phelps previously told Newsweek. "But McDaniel was well-experienced, having served since 2017, and accordingly very well-networked among Republican big-money sources.

"It will put to the test whether the problem was McDaniel or, actually, what she was selling. Is the Republican donor class actually willing to pay Trump's lawyers and court fees, or is that the very problem? Would they prefer to be funding an RNC that is actually focused on winning campaigns? If Trump himself is the problem, naming a Trump to the task is not likely to turn things around."

Former President Donald Trump has big plans should he win a second term this year, and many of those plans could impact your wallet — both positively and negatively. Whether Trump returns to the White House (and delivers on his promises) won’t be known until November and beyond. But it’s worth looking at what he has planned.

Trump Is Promising Supporters a Lot for Second Term, but Does Any of It Affect Your Wallet? (msn.com)

Here are some of the key initiatives Trump has been pressing on the campaign trail and how they could impact you financially.

1. Downsized Government: Trump has made no secret of his dislike of the federal government and has promised to abolish whole agencies and fire tens of thousands of government workers, the AP reported. If he succeeds, the most obvious impact would be that tens of thousands of former government workers will be unemployed. Many will have to compete for jobs in the private sector. When this happens, it usually means employers have more leverage to tamp down wages and benefits.

2. Taxes: Like most Republican presidential candidates, Trump has promised to cut tax rates for both businesses and workers. This could mean you’ll take more of your paycheck home and/or get a bigger refund during tax season. But as Vox reported, some experts worry that tax cuts would mostly benefit the wealthy rather than middle- or working-class Americans.

3. Gas prices: One of the key talking points during Trump campaign rallies is his desire to increase oil and gas production in the U.S. and do away with Biden administration initiatives to encourage electric vehicle adoption. This could lead to much lower gas prices. In a recent interview with GOBankingRates, private equity investor Grant Cardone predicted that with Trump back in the White House, prices at the pump will “go to two bucks” a gallon and home heating costs will also be cheaper.

4. Deportation of Illegal Immigrants: At a December campaign event in Iowa, Trump said that on his first day back in the White House, he will “begin the largest domestic deportation operation in American history,” NBC News reported. This means millions of illegal immigrants will be sent packing — and employers will need to replace millions of workers. That could be a tall order, considering that American citizens are not exactly lining up to take those jobs, which often require hard work for low pay. A shortage of workers in industries such as agriculture, construction, distribution and services could lead to higher prices for everything from produce to apartments.

5. Tariffs: Another cornerstone of the Trump campaign is his promise to impose what The Washington Post called “unprecedented” tariffs on trillions of dollars’ worth of imports. Such a move would likely strengthen U.S.-based industries and jobs by discouraging foreign imports. But it could also lead to higher prices on products that are much cheaper to source overseas.

På Punkt 3 må det sies at Trump har et patologisk hat mot elektriskdrevne bilkjøretøyer (EV i USA) som er nærmest vanskelig å fatte, han er meget fast besluttet på å ødelegge alt selv om det er en vekst i salg av EV-kjøretøyer i USA, for selv om de lange reiseavstandene gjør det umulig å erstatte bensinbiler med elbiler, har elbilene funnet en nisje i forstadstrafikk og bytrafikk hvor disse er i ferd med å vinne popularitet. Dette ønsker de amerikanske bilprodusentene å ta fordel av. 

What Trump got right, wrong on auto industry in Waterford speech (freep.com)

Electric vehicles:

* "Nobody wants to buy" electric vehicles. False. There is no dip in demand. There is a slowing of growth in demand. All car companies, including Tesla, see that increased competition is reducing EV prices. People are buying EVs but the demand is not growing as fast as the supply.

* "They (Electric vehicles) don't go far" before needing to be charged. Half true. Most EVs on the road today travel 200 to 300 miles, with some going well over 300, before needing a charge. Many EVs now can go nearly as far as ICE (internal combustion engine) vehicles before needing to refuel.

* "They (Electric vehicles) are very expensive." Mostly false, depending on the vehicle. The average price of an EV is about 10% more than a traditional gasoline-powered internal combustion engine vehicle. But federal incentives take down the purchase cost, plus costs over the lifetime of an EV are less.

* "They require far fewer jobs to make. Michigan you're going to get so screwed." Mostly true. The claim of fewer jobs to build electric vehicles is believed to be true, but has not been proven yet.

The China threat, autoworker job security:

* "They ordered a hit job on Michigan manufacturing with this insane electric vehicle mandate." Mostly false. In fact, the global auto market is moving to electric vehicles and will be a majority of vehicles sold in the next 20 years or so. The problem with backing away from pressuring the auto industry today to develop EV technology is that America will lose the overall manufacturing lead. China will win. China is prepared to take over the world with electric vehicles. If North American and European companies don't focus on pushing forward, other countries will come in and eat their lunch. There will be no coming back from that. The Detroit Three could be out of business. In addition, automakers have invested billions in Michigan and other parts of the U.S. to lay the groundwork for local electric vehicle production.

* "If we build all the charging booths that are necessary, the country would go bankrupt. It costs, like, $3 trillion." False. The $3 trillion price tag proposed by President Joe Biden, with bipartisan support, pays for overhauling the country's infrastructure, like roads and bridges, electric and water systems, and high-speed internet; as well as funding education, climate and social programs.

* "They want to make our Army tanks into all electric..." In fact, electric vehicles have a lower heat signature, which makes them safer for soldiers. Adversaries can see a tank location because it puts out a lot of heat. Exhaust on a tank can literally melt the paint off a car. EV vehicles also are silent, which is considered a safety issue for the military.

Det er aktuelt noe som til og med russerne selv hadde studert - flere ganger i fakta - fordi det er mange fordeler, men så langt er dette bare en drøm så lenge kraftutnyttelsespotensialiteten er altfor lav - et batteri kunne bare ha en tidel av en bensintanks kraft. Uansett må det sies at elektrisk drift finnes i alle futuristiske stridsvognkjøretøyer uansett om disse drives med atomkraft eller annet. Den dagen militære finner ut hvordan, vil de elektrisere alle kjøretøyer de kan finne. Om femti år, antar jeg. Ennå virker det som at den er en besettelse inntil det sinnssvake for Trump. 

Global competition:

* "The big plants, the ones you really have to see, are the ones they’re building in Mexico. Far more advanced; double, triple the size of what’s happening in the United States. Big plants are all being built in Mexico." Half true. Chinese automakers are planning to build factories in Mexico. No one knows the size or scope yet as property purchases have not been made public. The Detroit Three automakers have not reported the building of new plants in Mexico.

* "They’re building plants in Mexico right across the border, and the cars are being sold tax free into the United States. I will stop that the first day." Half true. The Detroit Three have had factories in Mexico for a while, with Ford building the fewest vehicles there — the Mustang Mach-E and Bronco Sport. A few Chinese vehicles made by the JAC Group, assembled by a manufacturer in Mexico, are sold in Mexico only. These vehicles would be taxed at 2.5% because they wouldn't qualify for Free Trade exemptions because they don't use enough U.S. domestic parts. In certain cases, imports may be sold without tariffs when they are offset by exports of the same value. Polestar, for example, can offset its Polestar 2 imports when it exports the Polestar 3 made in South Carolina, according to Automotive News Europe.

* "I used to say Angela (Merkel, then Chancellor of Germany), I said 'How many Chevrolets do you have in Munich? Probably none. How many Chevrolets do you have in Germany? Maybe none. But we take their BMWs; We take their Volkswagens; their Mercedes-Benzes. We’re so stupid..." False. In fact, General Motors sold off its operations in Europe before Trump was president. Chevrolet left because of lagging sales and continued financial losses in Germany.

* "(I) renegotiated deals with Japan. Japan took such advantage of us. So one-sided." Mostly false. Trump did renegotiate trade agreements with Japan, but they focused primarily on the agriculture industry. In fact, not all market access is about money. What made American vehicles uncompetitive in Japan is that the U.S. couldn't meet the quality and safety requirements.

* "Your biggest threat to your unions is millions of people coming across the border. They’ll have someone else take it for one-third the price." False. The UAW already negotiates national labor contracts with the Detroit Three and currently is organizing foreign-based automakers. After the UAW contract ratification, Honda, Toyota, Hyundai and Tesla all announced worker pay raises.

* "We want to bring manufacturing back." Mostly false. U.S. and foreign companies currently are investing billions of dollars in U.S. auto manufacturing, like battery and production plants. Since the early 1990s, when Japanese manufacturers Toyota and Honda were given a limit on how many vehicles they could import into the U.S., they've set up shop in America. In recent years, Volkswagen and Mercedes-Benz and Hyundai all have established a large U.S. manufacturing presence.

* "You're getting nice wages for a short period of time, but you're going to be out of jobs in two years." False. The Inflation Reduction Act requires vehicles and parts to be built in North America and specifically in the U.S. for some parts. Otherwise, companies lose access to money.

--- Og denne mannen skal bli president? Hva i all verden er det disse egentlig tenker på...??!! 

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Mr.M skrev (2 timer siden):

er det noen sjanse for at Trump havner i fengsel før/under valget i november, eller er det toget gått?

Han kan nok muligens få en dom, men fengsel nei. (Og skulle han vinne benåder han seg selv selvfølgelig ;)

Donald Trump: 68,2, Nikki Haley 26.5

Haley ser mer og mer desperat ut spør du meg. 


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Mr.M skrev (2 timer siden):

er det noen sjanse for at Trump havner i fengsel før/under valget i november, eller er det toget gått?

Nei, sniken snor seg nok unna som vanlig. Og jeg tror han med stor sannsynlighet kommer til å vinne i november. Og taper han tør jeg ikke tenke på det helvete han kommer til å lage ("frastjålet" valget for andre gang).

Endret av Poor Old Gil
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