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Filmprat v2.0 - Generell diskusjon om/rundt film


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Sant, denne var faktisk gull! Siste Jackie -film jeg så var Rush Hour 3, og det er kanskje den mest bedrøvelige filmen jeg har sett noensinne.. (jeg er ikke langt fra å være seriøs, heller..)


Min favoritt siden barndommen har alltid vært Armour of God ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091431/ ).


Har også likt noen av de nye veldig godt.. Mener å huske at Shanghai Noon (i hvert fall den første av de) var småfornøyelig! Likte også Rush Hour 1! :)

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Sant, denne var faktisk gull! Siste Jackie -film jeg så var Rush Hour 3, og det er kanskje den mest bedrøvelige filmen jeg har sett noensinne.. (jeg er ikke langt fra å være seriøs, heller..)


Min favoritt siden barndommen har alltid vært Armour of God ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091431/ ).


Har også likt noen av de nye veldig godt.. Mener å huske at Shanghai Noon (i hvert fall den første av de) var småfornøyelig! Likte også Rush Hour 1! :)


Armour of God er grei nok den men for min del så er det Project A 1 og 2, Dragons Forever og Police Story som er de store filmene eller mine favoritter om du vil. Kunne jo også ha nevdt en hel haug andre filmer som alle slår de amerikanske filmene hans, men skal vel også sies at jeg har hatt mye moro med en del av de filmene også, med de står en del tilbake når det kommer til HK filmene hans.

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Warner Bros. Confirms Superman Reboot:


Just a few days after this article was posted, Warner Bros. Pictures Group President Jeff Robinov has told The Wall Street Journal that the studio is going to be reintroducing Superman. We assume this will be similar to how Louis Leterrier's The Incredible Hulk was a reboot of Ang Lee's Hulk. Here is what the article says:

Warner Bros. also put on hold plans for another movie starring multiple superheroes -- known as "Batman vs. Superman" -- after the $215 million "Superman Returns," which had disappointing box-office returns, didn't please executives. "'Superman' didn't quite work as a film in the way that we wanted it to," says Mr. Robinov. "It didn't position the character the way he needed to be positioned." "Had 'Superman' worked in 2006, we would have had a movie for Christmas of this year or 2009," he adds. "But now the plan is just to reintroduce Superman without regard to a Batman and Superman movie at all."


The article also talks about Warner Bros. adapting other DC properties over the new few years. "By 2011, Mr. Robinov plans for DC Comics to supply the material for up to two of the six to eight tent-pole films he hopes Warner Bros. will have in the pipeline by then," it says. Those projects will likely be about single characters at first, and will be darker much like The Dark Knight:

With "Batman vs. Superman" and "Justice League" stalled, Warner Bros. has quietly adopted Marvel's model of releasing a single film for each character, and then using those movies and their sequels to build up to a multicharacter film. "Along those lines, we have been developing every DC character that we own," Mr. Robinov says.


Like the recent Batman sequel -- which has become the highest-grossing film of the year thus far -- Mr. Robinov wants his next pack of superhero movies to be bathed in the same brooding tone as "The Dark Knight." Creatively, he sees exploring the evil side to characters as the key to unlocking some of Warner Bros.' DC properties. "We're going to try to go dark to the extent that the characters allow it," he says. That goes for the company's Superman franchise as well.


The studio is set to announce its plans for future DC movies in the next month. For now, though, it is focused on releasing four comic-book films in the next three years, including a third Batman film, a new film reintroducing Superman, and two movies focusing on other DC Comics characters. Movies featuring Green Lantern, Flash, Green Arrow, and Wonder Woman are all in active development.


Det er et par settninger inne i den teksten der som virkelig gleder meg (uthevet), jeg regner også med at det betyr at Bryan Singer IKKE skal regissere den neste Superman filmen.

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Creatively, he sees exploring the evil side to characters as the key to unlocking some of Warner Bros.' DC properties. "We're going to try to go dark to the extent that the characters allow it," he says. That goes for the company's Superman franchise as well.[/b]

Betyr dette at vi vil få en remake av Superman III?

The studio is set to announce its plans for future DC movies in the next month. For now, though, it is focused on releasing four comic-book films in the next three years, including a third Batman film, a new film reintroducing Superman, and two movies focusing on other DC Comics characters. Movies featuring Green Lantern, Flash, Green Arrow, and Wonder Woman are all in active development.[/i]

Tror Green Lantern kan bli bra, en film om en intergalaktisk politistyrke har i mine øyne et stort potensiale. Spennende å se om de velger å fokusere på den første grønne lykten (Alan Scott), han bodde jo i Gotham.

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Kommer det bare norsk versjon av Wall-E på kino i Norge?. Det er en skam ihvertfall. Har gledet meg til å se den på kino, men føler at det ikke er vitsen om det bare kommer norsk tale.

jeg har sett den! på engelsktale.

er nesten ikke en dritt med snakking, men den kan umulig komme i bare norsk tale.

kung fu panda reklamerte med bare på norsk, men den er da i engelsktale:D den kom bare noen dager senere i orginaltale.

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