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Spør ethvert spørsmål du har angående Astrologi her.


Jeg kan finne stjernekartet ditt og tolke dét, men det tar litt tid, og jeg må ha (omtrent) eksakt fødselstidspunkt- og sted. Jo mer nøyaktig, jo mer nøyaktig, så klart. Men jeg kan gi en del info ut fra dato på året. Trenger ikke fødselsår, med mindre det er på en grense (så som 20-21 April osv).


Jeg forklarer ut fra min livserfaring, og jeg liker å skrive ut fra min forståelse av energier; Luft, Ild, Jord og Vann.


Har brukt 15 år av mitt liv på temmelig dedikért studéring av dette temaet, av menneskers adferd i henhold til deres stjernetegn og psykologisk interagéring av andre. Jeg har ingen forklaring på hvorfor det er sånn, men jeg mener et godt stykke over 99% sikkert at dette spiller en rolle i folks liv. Hvordan, kan jeg ikke svare på akkurat per i dag. Det stemmer ekstremt godt i forhold til meg selv.


De som synes dette bare er tull, må gjerne skrive dét, og utfordre meg om de vil.

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Jeg kan finne stjernekartet ditt og tolke dét, men det tar litt tid, og jeg må ha (omtrent) eksakt fødselstidspunkt- og sted. Jo mer nøyaktig, jo mer nøyaktig, så klart. Men jeg kan gi en del info ut fra dato på året. Trenger ikke fødselsår, med mindre det er på en grense (så som 20-21 April osv).

28. februar, kl. 19.00, Jessheim fødestue.

Som du kanskje har lagt merke til, er jeg en skeptiker når det gjelder slike ting, men nysgjerrig også.

Endret av theNiceOne
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Hadde vært mer spennende om du kunne finne min fødselsdato ved å stille meg spørsmål om min oppførsel, noe som burde vært lett men desverre nok er umulig :p


Morsomt det der  :yes:

Men til trådstarter. Astrologi kan sikkert være spennende å kikke på det som alt annet man fordyper seg i. Har selv et par bøker om kinesisk astrologi som ble kjøpt for moroskyld. Det er ganske mye man kan finne at stemmer. Men det jeg ikke skjønner helt der, er hvordan det kan stemme for alle født i samme året. Men selv der så går de i detaljer som er mye mer enn kun årstallet.

Endret av G
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Der var det noe jeg ikke finner at helt rimer med min logiske sans. Men for all del så kan det jo stemme. La oss si man ruller ut ekvator på en linje, så dekker den da 80 % av ringbredden til planeten saturn. Siden det er 50 tusen kilometer bredt, mens jorden er temmelig nær 40 tusen km lang i omkrets rundt ekvator  :wee:


Man skulle jo tro at ringene er megastore, men om de ikke er større enn det..  :ohmy:  :hm:

Min logiske sans fikk seg en trøkk-seksten i dag. Men det kan jo ha skjedd mye på alle de tiår Sagan kom med denne påstanden i måleteknikk, eller han kan jo ha sitert feil fra kilden også for alt vi vet?


Godt jeg ikke tok feil da:




Saturn's rings are about 175,000 miles (282,000 km) across, 

Kilde: Google og http://coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/ask/108-How-large-are-Saturn-s-rings-


Godt man ikke skal stole på alt man hører sier nå jeg!  :tease: til Carl Sagan

Men jeg digger deg også Carl Sagan. Vet at han er død. RIP https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Sagan

Endret av G
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Der var det noe jeg ikke finner at helt rimer med min logiske sans. Men for all del så kan det jo stemme. La oss si man ruller ut ekvator på en linje, så dekker den da 80 % av ringbredden til planeten saturn. Siden det er 50 tusen kilometer bredt, mens jorden er temmelig nær 40 tusen km lang i omkrets rundt ekvator  :wee:


Man skulle jo tro at ringene er megastore, men om de ikke er større enn det..  :ohmy:  :hm:

Min logiske sans fikk seg en trøkk-seksten i dag. Men det kan jo ha skjedd mye på alle de tiår Sagan kom med denne påstanden i måleteknikk, eller han kan jo ha sitert feil fra kilden også for alt vi vet?


Godt jeg ikke tok feil da:


Kilde: Google og http://coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/ask/108-How-large-are-Saturn-s-rings-


Godt man ikke skal stole på alt man hører sier nå jeg!  :tease: til Carl Sagan

Men jeg digger deg også Carl Sagan. Vet at han er død. RIP https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Sagan

Størrelsforholdet mellom jorden og Saturn


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OK, la oss begynne med dette, som en slags innledning.


Hvordan forklarer du:

  1. at ikke alle stjernetegnene har lik sektor?
  2. at det ikke er 12 stjernetegn på den aktuelle sirkelen, men 13 (Opihuchi i tillegg til de vanlige 12)?
  3. at kalenderen er forskjøvet med en god del siden dette ble påfunnet, slik at det nå er et annet stjernetegn som er i posisjon på et gitt tidspunkt?
  4. at jord, luft og ild ikke er energi, men du kaller dem energier?
  5. at hvis alle planetene i solsystemet står på rekke rett over hodet ditt, vil du kunne mer enn kansellere deres samlede effekt på deg ved å sette deg ned?
  6. hvis det ikke er gravitasjon, hvilken mekanisme er det da som påvirker oss fra de ulike himmelegemene?
  7. hvordan kan denne mekanismen - hva den nå er - ha effekt som er raskere enn lyset? (mange av stjernene er så lang borte at de er et helt annet sted på himmelen når lyset fra dem når frem til oss)
  8. hvorfor og hvordan skal stjerner og andre himmelegemer som ligger langt fra hverandre fremdeles kunne påvirke oss?
  9. hvorfor er akkurat fødsesøyeblikket så viktig?
  10. hvorfor er det lettere for deg å tro at dette er en reell effekt, enn at det er reinspikka bullshit?
  • Liker 3
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Men det jeg ikke skjønner helt der, er hvordan det kan stemme for alle født i samme året.

Ved å bruke brede, intetsigende påstander.

For eksempel:

"Du er ansett for å være en fornuftig og snill person"

"Det kan av og til hende du blir sur"

"Noen ganger kan du bli fristet, da er det lurt å være varsom"

  • Liker 4
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OK, la oss begynne med dette, som en slags innledning.


Hvordan forklarer du:

  1. at ikke alle stjernetegnene har lik sektor?
  2. at det ikke er 12 stjernetegn på den aktuelle sirkelen, men 13 (Opihuchi i tillegg til de vanlige 12)?
  3. at kalenderen er forskjøvet med en god del siden dette ble påfunnet, slik at det nå er et annet stjernetegn som er i posisjon på et gitt tidspunkt?
  4. at jord, luft og ild ikke er energi, men du kaller dem energier?
  5. at hvis alle planetene i solsystemet står på rekke rett over hodet ditt, vil du kunne mer enn kansellere deres samlede effekt på deg ved å sette deg ned?
  6. hvis det ikke er gravitasjon, hvilken mekanisme er det da som påvirker oss fra de ulike himmelegemene?
  7. hvordan kan denne mekanismen - hva den nå er - ha effekt som er raskere enn lyset? (mange av stjernene er så lang borte at de er et helt annet sted på himmelen når lyset fra dem når frem til oss)
  8. hvorfor og hvordan skal stjerner og andre himmelegemer som ligger langt fra hverandre fremdeles kunne påvirke oss?
  9. hvorfor er akkurat fødsesøyeblikket så viktig?
  10. hvorfor er det lettere for deg å tro at dette er en reell effekt, enn at det er reinspikka bullshit?



I beg to differ  :)


Selv all materie er energi, det forklarer vitenskapen  ;)

Jord er materie, luft er materie (vakuum er knapt materie, men selv den har ørlite materie i korte tidsblaff) og ild er absolutt energi. Tror du unektelig kan påstå at ild ikke er energi.


Ellers mange gode og reflekterte spørsmål. Bra jobba.



Ved å bruke brede, intetsigende påstander.
For eksempel:
"Du er ansett for å være en fornuftig og snill person"
"Det kan av og til hende du blir sur"
"Noen ganger kan du bli fristet, da er det lurt å være varsom"
Ja, det er jo en mulighet  :lol:
Forventet vel egentlig et slikt svar, så det var ikke så overraskende egentlig.
Endret av G
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I beg to differ :)


Selv all materie er energi, det forklarer vitenskapen ;)

Jord er materie, luft er materie (vakuum er knapt materie, men selv den har ørlite materie i korte tidsblaff) og ild er absolutt energi. Tror du unektelig kan påstå at ild ikke er energi.


Ellers mange gode og reflekterte spørsmål. Bra jobba.

Joda, vitenskapen sier at energi kan bli masse og masse kan bli energi, men det ER ikke det samme. Og ser du etter så ser du at jeg ikke nevnte ild.


Energi kan per def brukes til å utføre arbeid. Hvordan får du jord, luft eller vann til å gjøre det, uten å tilføre annen energi?

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Men siden jeg sitter med boken foran meg her, så skal jeg forsøke å klore ned det som liksom skal passe ikke kun på meg, men også på hele barneskolens årskull. Til og med for alle i parallellklassene:




Først introduserer boken noen ting som bare kunne være ren fantasi dratt ut av hatten:


Polarity: yang

Symbolism: infant, seed

Lucky color: midtnight blue

Fragrance: sandalwood

Flavor: salty

Food/beverage: whole grains/dark ale

Flower: holly

Gem: turquoise

Feng shui direction: north

Lucky number: three


(ja ser at feng shui står nevnt der, skulle akkurat til å si at dette virker litt som feng shui fjas)



Kinesisk astrologi del 1 i spoiler






Men så kommer den inn på spesielle egenskaper ved meg:


- is one of charm, creativity and survival.


Sjelene som er født i *** lærer leksen om "concealment,"

Stemmer faktisk jævlig godt, videre

.. as an embryo is hidden within the womb.


*** is analytical, always curious and highly intelligent (tror det er innertier, uten å skryte)


Men er hele klassekullet mitt eksakt like meg?


*** inhabit a private world, one that is hidden from view and camouflaged - a place of retreat. They use charm to deflect and evade unpleasantness whenever possible. Under duress, *** know how to take cover, artfully dodging both expectations and intrusions. Because they are always alert. *** may seem anxious or nervous at times. Their attentiveness allow them to avoid many traps and dangers in life. *** represents fertility, the ability to live unseen, and intelligence. Being consumate survivors, *** have the ability to adapt easily to most circumstances.


Talkative and fascinating, *** is a natural in social situations, and is always a favorite party guest. However, *** is essentially introverted by nature and feels the most comfortable when socializing with close friends and family. Master of many trades, the eclectic *** has an innate sense of human nature and is observant of those around them. According to Chinese folk legend, as maturity approaches, *** are believed to acquire the gift of prophecy. Og her klikker det sikkert for noen til WTF, sant?  :wee:


They are natural teachers, and enjoy imparting life's knowledge to all who care to listen (often doing so well into the midnight hour).


The most harmonious time of day for *** is between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. (stemmer på en prikk det klokkeslettet), when the dark yin force reaches its peak. The stealthy *** rules these arcane hours that encompass the yin and the yang. It is said that the *** has a split personality because of this. In spite of their love of parties and sharing of nightly confidences, midnight should be a time of rest and regeneration for them.


Essential Temperament

Analytical and, at times, argumentative, *** will gain the upper hand in any verbal battle of wits. Worry (especially over health matters), excitability, and quick temper can also be part of their nature. Absolutt, absolutt enkelte av disse egenskapene ihvertfall, men ikke nødvendigvis alltid med utfall i min favør.


Although loveable, *** is a bit of an opportunist. Most cannot resist making a good deal. Disarmingly charming and materialistie, this soul is warm-hearted, passionate, and wired to live for the moment.


Those born into *** years are loveable and remain physically attractive throughout their lives. Fakta helt sant, kødder ikke! Ingen selvgodhet, men sannheten dette.


*** are so resourceful and ambitious that they are often very financially successful. Nah, litt usikker på dette punktet

They love to acquire possessions and are extraordinary good at spotting a bargain. Tror det stemmer godt

An occasional *** will become greedy or stingy, but most are kindhearted and fair. The perfect gift for a *** person is an unusual object that has come from a faraway place, such as a relic from an ancient tomb. Høres ihvertfall spennende ut, hehe.


Those born into *** years are always in pursuit of a new adventure. *** are natural explorers and voyagers. They adore all things different and unusual. *** usually love to travel, and any foreign voyage will excite them. Favorite escape places for *** are caves, caverns, underground passages, and catacombs. Tja, hehe. Livlig fantasi det skal dama som er forfatter ihvertfall ha!


Bizarre and forbidden places, such as abandoned castles and undiscovered ruins, fascinate the inquisitive ***. Da burde mange data- og konsollspill passe som hånd i hanske vel?


Verbally candid and agile, *** excels as a critic. Tuller du, det er nesten helt sant.

*** lives by its wits and, given a choice, avoids manual labor (often directing others to get the task done). Uff, tror det kan stemme  :wee:


They prefer to use their brain to problemsolve and create adventures and possibilities. Ja, ansett meg til det!


*** also make excellent managers and business owners. Tja, aldri prøvd det egentlig.


*** have an unusually fruitful imagination and an insatiable thirst for knowledge. With a desire for diverse experiences, *** is a true magician of words and imagination. Stemmer det folkens? Slik dere kjenner meg som debattant på forumet? Jeg tror fakta det der kan være innom noe.


The season of the year when born, summer or winter, strongly influences the life of ***. Those born in the summer, when food is plentiful and grain lofts full, are less prone to worry. It is said that *** born in the winter must endlessly scavenge for food and will always fear poverty.


*** personality can be difficult to understand. It is intricate and occasionally contradictory. The effusive *** can talk to anyone about anything. Although *** are sharp critics, they usually maintain propriety and diplomacy. *** are also amusing and entertaining companions, being both intellectually sharp and versatile. Fidgety and restless. *** detest boring routine, and variety is what this soul seeks.


The other side -- the ***'s Duality

In contrast to their many admirable attributes, unenlightened *** can be covert, secretive, and will deflect or mislead if it is to their advantage. They are difficult to please, demanding, and highlty critical of others. Often their standards are so unreasonable that they are impossible for others to uphold. Despite their surface composure, *** may also be gnawed by a devastating feeling of insecurity. Due to their congeniality, *** usually have an impressive circle of acquaintances at their fingertips, and an unscrupulous *** will take full advantage of this. Profiteering and opportunistic behaviour represents the ***'s energy being directed in its most unproductive form. It is for this reason that some *** have difficulty making or keeping close friends. Expressed in its darkest form, this energy becomes dishonesty, and seclusion. The choice lies entirely with the individual. Taken to extreme, histronic or avoidant personality disorders may develop.


Slik er det med alle dyretegn i kinesisk astrology. Det nevnes en nedside for hvert eneste dyretegn.


Gifts and Capabilities

Being high-strung by nature, *** hate alarm clocks, agendas, and pressure. Kunne ikke beskrevet det bedre selv! hehe


They work most efficiently in solitary situations. *** souls are rarely content working for others. This explains the surprising number of business owners, shopkeepers, and entrepreneurs who were born into *** years. Skulle tro at staten kunne ønsket seg at alle var født slik da?


When *** makes money it is directly attributable to their acute intelligence.


*** are the thriftiest souls in the Chinese Zodiac. Every expenditure is carefully considered, and all pennies spent are accounted for and justified. Nå ja, kanskje til en viss grad, men langt i fra så fulltreffer.


*** worry about their financial future, and soberly consider every purchase or investment.


Many *** possess a talent for writing, especially in the areas of fantasy, ancient lore, and science fiction. The *** has an uncanny imagination, and many gifted writers and publicists were born in *** years. Their imagination thrives in sequestered nooks, in worlds of their own, private and lot to view. Var da veldig til repeat på begrepet imagination da. Men siste setning passer nok personligheten ja.


The deep-seated creativity of this sign (kreativitet nevnt igjen.. var da voldsomt) of this sign cries out for expression either through writing, sculpture, or painting. Art reproductions, verbatim at times, are a *** specialty.



Expression through music is another way *** channel their creative energies. This sign boasts many composers and conductors. The combination of imagination and depth can motivate the *** to write a classical novel, compose a brilliant symphony, or acquire and sell the rarest of lost art treasures. Jeg "sugde" ihvertfall på blokkfløyte på barneskolen  :p


Those born under the sign of the *** enjoy the material comforts of life. Food and housing are their highest priorities. *** always stock up for a rainy day, feeling most comfortable with a little extra stored away. The *** lives in the present and harbours fear of lack in the future. The *** can feel isolated and tends to suffer alone. Money, or the lack thereof, is a particular concern. However, as a result of their cleverness and meticulous to detail, *** usually make money rather easily. The *** is an organizational genius at home and prefers a neat and tidy atmosphere. Du de forskjellige dyretegn i kinesisk astrology har også en troubled side ved seg som enkelte kan oppleve. Tror den omtales i den seksuelle delen av stjernetegnene (egne bok). Mulig at jeg er trouble når det kommer til organziational skills da, siden jeg foretrekker "neat and tidy atmosphere", men at jeg ikke så lett får det til. Husker likevel av og til ganske godt hvor jeg har lagt enkelte ting da. Så det må være en rest av det i meg. Mulig jeg heller er et ekorn da, eller en spurv. De vet jo også hvor de la i fra seg en nøtt, et frø eller sånne ting.  :p 

Var litt morro å lese boken om igjen og dele det med dere.


The child

As children, little *** are sweet and loving, and have charming dispositions. However, like Monkey and Tiger children, *** children are extremely hyperactive. They may seem shy, but inwardly *** children are quite competitive. These little survivors are blessed with an accelerated metabolism, and even the most premature of *** infants have a good chance for survival. This child will talk at an early age and take an interest in cooking and helping around the home. Being affectionate and demonstrative, this child will enjoy group play and will make friends easily. The highly intelligent *** child will be an avid reader and will learn to use words early in life. Tja, for det første så var jeg svært sjenert, for det andre så ble jeg aldri sendt til barnehage for å få de erfaringene. Men jeg var vel en av to i klassen som lærte å lese først. Men så mistet jeg interessen for bøker etter det  :wee:


Home and Hearth

*** parents like to teach and impart knowledge to their youngsters. *** is an alert parent who always makes sure their children have opportunities to learn, to experiment, and to understand. These parents will provide nutritious food that enhances children both mentally and physically. *** are self-concious and do not enjoy being the center of family photographs, home movies, or photo albums. The evasive nature of this sensitive soul does not like to feel exposed.


The most favorable time of year for cozy *** is during the postharvest winter months between late January and late February. At this time the storehouses are stocked with food and families are sequestered, safe, sheltered, and secure. Good food and good conversation can be shared and the *** can enjoy the results of their labor.


Both male and female *** are gregarious and tend to lead an extremely active social life. Wherever these talkative charmers find themselves, their presence is welcome. *** souls liven up any reunion in which they take part. These souls love entertaining and do it with knowledge and refinement. Their guests, who are numerous, find them the most entertaining of hosts and hostesses and are inclined to lavish compliments on them.


Auspicious Careers

The best career choices for the *** include salesperson, technical writer, art or film critic, business owner, pawnbroker or antique dealer, financial lender, politician, musician, philosopher, or scientist. *** will also make excellent managers, bosses, and business owners.


Many journalists and writers are found under this sign. In addition, some of the most successful salesmen and woman are ***. Commerical traveler, legal or financial expert, and broker are also natural career choices for the ***. Forensic pathologist, criminologist, detective, and even undercover spy work can also be a good fit.


The famous and the Infamous

Som well-known *** include: Antonio Banderas, Hugh Grant, Ozzy Osbourne, David Duchovny, Alan Alda, Samuel L. Jackson, Al Gore, Sarah Vaughan, Joan Jett, Vanessa Redgrave, Daryl Hannah, Richard Simmons, Howard Dean, Gwyneth Paltrow, Sean Penn, Cameron Diaz, William Shakespeare, Leo Tolstoy, Jules Verne, Charlotte Bronte, Truman Capote, T.S. Eliot, Eugene O'Neill, Margaret Mitchell, Racine, George Sand, Defoe, Jules Renard, Toulouse-Lautrec, Amadeus Mozart, Louis Armstrong, Irving Berlin, Joseph Hayden, Zubin Mehta, Aaron Copeland, Claude Monet, Prince Charles and Presidents George Washington and Franklin Pierce.



Sweet ***, you so need a sympatethic ear and a soft place to fall. It's all right to relax those rigid standards of yours and ask for what you need. Never view yourself as a jack-off-all-trades and master of none. You draw your knowledge from a wide variety of sources, which is an art unto itself. Let go of your perfectionist ways; no melon is completely round an no person is perfect. As an oil lamp becomes brighter after trimming, your truth will always become clearer after being discussed. So, let's talk.


Call the keeper of dreams.

I would claim mine now.

No longer will the shackles

Of spent yesterdays

Or the yoke of unknown tomorrows

Restrain me.

I am set free

By the power found in loving me.

Call the keeper of dreams.

I would claim mine now.



The *** Woman

(obs jeg er hannkjønn)


Jan is an organizational genius. She also holds the title of the thriftiest woman in her family. Each purchase she makes en every penny she spends will have a useful and well-considered purpose. Despite having a handsome trust account and a steady income, Jan worries about her financial future. Her sharp eye for detail gives her a distinct advantage both professionally and personally, but she is not made for hard physical work. Her fortunate financial position can be attributed to her acute intelligence, rather than to the sweat of her brow.


Her company is the kind of people eagerly seek. Sincere, direct, and highly intelligent, others apprieciate her efficiency, her scrutiny, and her dependability. However, Jan's positive qualities constitute only one part of her complicated personality. When her defenses are down, Jan suffers from many compulsions and obsessions. She feels uneasy in her human frailty and is convinced that there is always something that she should be "doing". Psychologically and emotionally delicate, Jan is one a life quest for her personal identity. Confidentially, she will admit that her greatest fear is of being alone. Dependent on a significant other, she is a soul who frankly cannot be isolated or stranded on an emotional beach.


She will be the first to admit that she is not easy to live with. This is a woman who needs to hold her husband in high esteem. She has fixed opinions and has difficulty compromising these. Her husband's arguments are mute points that she effusively rebuts item by item. However, Jan is unquestionably an outstanding mother. She goes out of her way to be a friend to her children and relishes their intelligence. Being a mother brings her a feeling of comfort and reassurance.


Kimmy's big, brown eyes and cute-as-a-button charm conceal a cunning and upwardly mobile young woman. Underneath her pixie exterior resides a lucid mind and a superbly sarcastic wit. Kimmy's feminine and dainty appearance masks a resourceful, intelligent, and practical woman. Her charming personality and natural interest in writing and literature have allowed her to become a highly succesful publicist. She is invaluable to her author clients in making contacts and persuading publishers. Journalism, literary pursuits, and the entertainment industry are natural fields for her, and her dream is to become a television or radio personality. Her competence is wellrecognized. However, she lacks self-confidence, and is plagued by various emotional problems. Teamwork suits her well, as do positions that provide strong moral support.


Kimmy's health, like many *** woman, is delicate. She is hightly sensitive to spores, pollen, animal dander, and other allergens. Sinusitis and bronchitis have become less bothersome as middle age has approached, but still cause her to suffer. Her emotional health has improved through experience and maturity, which has resulted in greater self-confidence.


Both Jan and Kimmy love the nightlife and seldom miss an opportunity to socialize. When relaxed and at ease, they are soft-spoken, well-mannered, discreet, and never at a loss for words. Both ladies are excellent conversationalists and diplomatic concerning sensitive issues. This diplomacy has mitigated many delicate and awkward situations. However, if feeling antagonistic, Jan and Kimmy (as is the case with their other *** sisters) have the mental and verbal skills to launch a full-blown assault, replete with shocking statements and sarcastic barbs.


For example, Kimmy's need for perfection can quickly work her up to a nervous fever pitch, at which time her friendly demeanor disintegrates. Unable to restore her composure once stresses have gone beyond a certain point, Kimmy has said things in anger that she regrets.


After the storm clouds have cleared, each lady returns to her amusing, kind, witty, and warm persona. Each is cherished for their adaptability, organization, and ability to deal with countless precarious situations.



The *** Man

Whether tinkering with a new hobby or researching the details on an obscure scientific phenomenon, Tim leaves no stone unturned. He aims to do things correctly, or not at all. But, like his Tiger brothers today's passion is not necessarily tomorrow's pursuit. Tim becomes an instant expert on any subject he tackles, and his "projects" can turn his humble home into a mad professor's laboratory. Highly intelligent and curious, Tim excels at exhaustingly dissecting and reproducing scientific and artistic phenomena.


At any one time, Tim may be designing a new type of harpsichord key or a homemade ionic air purifier. His office (and irked wife's kitchen) is strewn with Tim's latest projects. This month it is a "perpetual motion device" run only by magnets that has Tim enthralled. He would love nothing more than to have the local energy company buy his unique solar panel design (which takes up most of his irked wife's patio). Tim is also a gifted musician. Despite his boundless talent, he rarely plays or composes anymore, because he feels that he could never be "the best". His desire for perfection shadows him in chronic malaise.


Ron has been a technical writer for 30 years. He is a genius at writing and illustrating complex technical manuals for the aerospace industry with precision and scrutiny. Seldom calling in sick and never late for work, Ron's personal life i similarly ordered. His home is always neat and tidy and Ron's family looks forward to his lavish gourmet cooking.


Despite his technical writing capabilities, Ron is romantic. He has an elaborate body of work that few know about or have ever seen. He dreams of writing a matchless science-fiction or extraordinary novel alive with fantasy and legends. Ron is in good company, sharing his taste and sensitivity with his literary *** brothers William Shakespeare, Leo Tolstoy, Daniel Defoe, and Jules Verne.


Ron was a strikingly handsome young man, and at the age of 60 he looks no more than 45. Always scrupulous regarding his outward appearance, Ron moves with grace and continues to remain youthful.


Both Tim and Ron enjoy good physical health. However, their digestive systems are touchy, and they each suffer from heartburn and indigestion. In addition, Tim has suffered with various nervous conditions, from hyperactivity as a child, to emotional volitility in his early adult years. Both men have sensitive nervous systems, and each must be cautious regarding high blood pressure and cardiac health.


In social situations where they feel accepted and admired, both Tim and Ron are charming, talkative, and all-round delightful men. However, both men hold their cards close to their chest. Their essence of "concealment" causes them to keep many secrets and disguise their true motives.


Effusive and helpful when times are good, during a crisis *** are fragile and withdraw deep inside their private mental nooks. While deeply family-oriented and attached, *** men struggle with fidelity. This is not to say that all *** males are philanderers, only that their insatiable curiosity and search for diversity can cause them conflicts. *** men can also take their spouses for granted, becoming emotionally engaged only when there is trouble in paradise.


As fathers, both men ar excellent providers but keep a subconscious distance from their children. Only upon reestablishing a new relationship of peer-quality with an older child do *** reap the rich rewards of parenthood. *** men adore babies and are tender and almost maternally nurturing towards infants. However, as the children become a little older, the *** male falls apart, so to speak, at maintaining this closeness. Like their Rabbit brothers, *** men isolate themselves and detach from their offspring during the grammar and junior high school years, only to become as close as a best friend when the children reach adulthood. It is then that thi detached, busy, perfectionist negotiates a close and involved relationship with their child.


Both Tim and Ron fiercely hold on to the fallacy that they are "jack of all trades and masters of none". This self-effacing thinking casts a cloud over the joy they should rightly feel with their accomplishments.




Så er det andre detaljer i boken:


The Elements

The Heavenly Stems With the Earthly Branches


Side 163



The Doctrine of the Five Elements



Wood produces Fire

Fire creates Earth

Earth supports Metal

Metal compliments Water

Water assists Wood



Fire destroys Metal

Metal is hostile to Wood

Wood fights Earth

Earth conflicts with Water

Water extinguishes Fire

Side 164



The Creative Cycles



The Destructive Cycles


Side 165



The Yin Conductive, Producing, Supporting Forces


Side 166



The Yang Inhibiting, Controlling, Destroying Forces


Side 167




Side 168



Så kommer flere siders beskrivelse av hvert element. Mitt element er Vann, så heldig som jeg er.



The Water element represents the last and final period in the 60-year cycle between the ages of 48 to 60, and this stage is characterized by the powers of reflection, sensitivity, and persuasiveness.


The nature of Water is that of feelings and emotions. Water descends, seeks out, and fills low places, especially the hearts of the disheartened and needy. Those born into the Water elements are guided by their feelings and the need to communicate. The Water element endows one with a lucid and quick mind; however, this element is chaotic because it does not have its own form and tends to take on the shape of whatever contains it.


Water-element people possess the ability to persuade others and manipulate their environment. The Water element also brings the gift of empathy and bestows a more sedate nature to each sign. Water-element natives view life objectively and are much sought after for their counsel. The Water element blesses its natives with a deep spiritual nature and the ability to thrive in social contexts. Those born into Water years possess extraordinary intuition and often function as a kind of spiritual barometer in this life.


The element of Water relates to the physical organs of the kidneys and bladder. The flavor associated with this element is saltiness, and beneficial foods are peas and pork. The color designated to Water is black or dark blue, and this element corresponds to the midnight hours, the season of winter, and coldness. The feng shui direction assigned to the Water element is north, representing flowing emotions an wavy lines and shapes.


Kommentar her:

Interessant å se at det korresponderer på noen punkter med dyretegnet mitt.


Feng shui retning for dyretegn: North

Feng shui retning for element: North


Lucky color for dyretegn: Midnight blue

Color designated to Water: Black, or Dark Blue


Flavor for dyretegn: Salty

Flavor associated for element: Salty



Water signs are most compatible with those born under the elements of Metal, Wood and Fire. Water must make an extra effort when dealing with other Water-element people; similarly, serious conflicts and misunderstandings can arise between Water people and those born into Earth-element years. Bra jeg ikke lever i Waterworld verdenen, dere vet filmen da  :wee:


Water-Element Combinations (Legger på nummer på dyretegnene jeg)


1. The Water Rat is an open-minded Rat, and they are always looking for new ideas and experiences. This is a very sensitive soul who empathizes with others. With their fine vocabulary and vivid imagination, Water Rats excel in language, writing, and journalism. This Rat knows how to communicate, and they can easily influence the populous. The Water element produces a soul who is deeply emotional and more introverted than other Rats.


2. The Water Ox has a knack for accurately gauging future potentials and for utilizing the talents and resources of others. The Water Ox will be able to wear away at even the toughest rock in life with silent, yet constant, efforts. This intuitive Ox prefers to infiltrate, rather than dominate as other Oxen-element combinations do. They have a way with words and a talent that causes others to want what they want; thus they can achieve their goals in an indirect way.


3. The Water Tiger is a humanitarian and empathetic soul, and has a more serene and sedate nature than other Tigers. These are the dreamers and the artists of the Tiger kingdom. Their manner is less brusque and their edges are not as rough as other Tiger-element combinations. They have been blessed with a judicious insight into human nature and have a sixth sense. The Water Tiger is exquisitely sensitive, and many pursue positions of spiritual leadership.


4. The Water Rabbit is sensitive and well liked. Their sensitive feelings can be soothed with plenty of tender, loving care and liberal doses of the finer things in life. The Water element intensifies the sensitivity of this Rabbit-element combination. The Water Rabbit is a deep thinker and possesses enhanced intuition, bordering on psychic. They are admired for their good taste and are highly valued for their advice.


5. The Water Dragon is extremely gifted and has a more sedate nature than other Dragon-element combinations. This is a liberal-minded Dragon, always open to new ideas and experiences. They have a true gift for seeing things objectively and creating a foundation in all that they do. The water Dragon is humane, an excellent judge of the truth, and they excel in any type of public relations work or public speaking.


6. The Water Snake is charismatic, capable, and blessed with an insightful and intuitive radar. They have a well-developed ability to communicate with others. They are empathetic and have a multitude of interests. Water Snakes have a gift for seeing things objectively, and this combination of sign and element is a compassionate and excellent judge of human character. Because of this, Water Snakes are often highly sought after as advisors and financiers.


7. The Water Horse advances their own ideas through their convincing speech, thereby influencing the thoughts of others. This is an open-minded Horse, always seeking new ideas and experiences. They have a gift for seeing things objectively, and are viewed as humorous and friendly. The Water Horse is able to convey their emotions powerfully, and has an insatisable need for movement and decisive action.


8. The Water Goat is the most sensual of the Goat family and possesses remarkable street smarts. They do need much emotional support however, and loyalty is of supreme importance to the Water Goat. Poets abound amongst the Water Goats, and many talented writers, artists, and performers are found with this combination of sign and element. The Water Goat is the most peace-loving of Goats, and is determinedly humanitarian.


9. The Water Monkey is tolerant and thoughtful. More inclined to moderation than other Monkey-element combinations, they rarely take themselves too seriously and are full of humor and good cheer. The Water Monkey has a deep need to communicate with others. They cannot tolerate boredom, routine, or the stagnation of their keen mind. Water Monkeys possess a stealthy nature and further their cause by influencing and persuading others.


10. The Water Rooster is energetic and possesses an enjoyable sense of humor. They do, however, have a tendency to worry excessively at times. This is the intellectual type of Rooster who will enjoy cultural pursuits. With Water as this Rooster's element, they will be given to clear thinking and compassion. The Water Rooster is proficient in the use of the written word and is a commanding speaker capable of swaying other's opinions.


11. The Water Dog is talented and intuitive. They can be very persuasive for the right cause, and others see them as kind and compassionate. Water is an exceptionally empathetic influence on the already tenderhearted Dog, and this makes the Dog capable of great sacrifice. Always scrupulous and virtuous, the Water Dog's principal quality is loyalty. Occasionally lacking self-confidence, this emotional Dog needs much encouragement from others to assuage their self-doubts.


12. The Water Pig is shy and quiet, yet able to articulately express themselves. They are hardworking and loyal, but may have felt restrained at early periods in life. Competition does not interest them in the least, and what they seek is peace and tranquillity. This most private of the Pig family is intuitive to the point of clairvoyance. They prefer to live within a safe and comfortable world of love and affection.



Elementene har egne egenskaper også. Tar kun for meg Vann (ser at dette listeoppsummerer tidliger tekst):



Color: Black/Blue

Season: Winter

Direction: North

Foods: Salty

Fruit: Chestnut

Organs: Kidneys

System: Excretory

Face: Ears

Emotion: Fear

Weather: Cold

Personal: Gentle


Side 187



Your Birthtime companion


Side 189


Jeg mener jeg tilhører den doble timen til dyretegnet Slange akkurat her.

Det skal gi meg ekstra egenskaper:



The Hour of the Snake

Side 191

The wise and philosophical Snake rules the routine mid-morning hours between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Those born during Snake hours are more intuitive, reflective, and private. With this stealth and mystic companion, birth signs receive behind-the-scenes influence and are armed with the patience to wait for the right time to make their mark. The essence of the Snake is a quiet, gathered strength. With the Snake as companion, an individual sign becomes more wise, cultivated, cerebral, seductive, accomodating, intuitive, attractive, reflective, organized, alert, sympathetic, elegant, soft-spoken, compassionate, and calm. Harmonious pairings are the Goat, Pig, Tiger and Dog. Jeg har fått høre at jeg er rolig. Noe jeg jo visste selv naturligvis  :)



Chinese Love Signs -- Karmic Connections

Eastern sages have known for milleniums that certain souls seek each other out. Powerfully drawn together by what some people call "chemistry", or "that certain something", specific signs act as magnets to one another. These unusual attractions are sometimes unexplainable. Some examples of these "karmic connections" include a strikingly handsome man happily married to a simple, somewhat physically unattractive woman; a brilliant and well-educated woman happily bethrothed to an uncomplicated man with little formal education; a wealthy person quite happily in love with someone from povertystricken roots.


From these examples, and countless others, it is evident that physical appearance, professional aspirations, and social circumstances are not responsible for the surprising attraction that exists between certain souls. This attraction is not based on sexuality alone. These deep and unseen connections underlie close family members, best friends, special bonds with specific pets, as well as love and sexual relationships. They are "spiritual rendezvous", if you will, between kindred and familiar souls.


Thousands of years of experience have borne out some rather striking consistencies of attraction. While relationships are possible between all signs, some combinations are inherently happier and more harmonious than others.



Fortsetter i innlegg #18. Ble langt dette stykket

Endret av G
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Joda, vitenskapen sier at energi kan bli masse og masse kan bli energi, men det ER ikke det samme. Og ser du etter så ser du at jeg ikke nevnte ild.


Energi kan per def brukes til å utføre arbeid. Hvordan får du jord, luft eller vann til å gjøre det, uten å tilføre annen energi?


Jord kan suge til seg vann fordi det er porøst?  :)

Er jo et arbeid det også  :nei:  :wee:


Kinesisk astrologi del 2 i spoiler


Innlegg #18 fortsettelse fra #17



Compatibility and Attraction

Why do these instant attractions exist? What is behind the urge to be close to one person and not another? What motivates people to throw all caution to the wind to seek out a relationship with another so unsuited for them? Perhaps you've even asked these questions about your own relationships. Chinese astrology proposes a paradigm of relationships between signs that explains this phenomenon.


In the Triangles of Compatibility graph, you will notice that the 12 signs are arranged together in four groupings of three. These notable compatibility groupings are known for their affection and likemindedness. These four complimentary trinities walk hand in hand through the realm of the heart.


Side 196

Her er det listet opp de 12 dyretegn inni hjulets ytterkant. Så er det tegnet hele fire trekanter som tangerer yttersidene med sine spisser.


Altså Rat - Dragon, Dragon - Monkey og Monkey - Rat har høy kompatibilitet


Så, Ox - Snake, Snake - Rooster og Rooster - Ox


Så Tiger - Horse, Horse - Dog og Dog - Tiger


Så Cat - Goat, Goat - Pig og Pig - Cat



Så nevner da den jeg tilhører:

First Compatibility Trine

The achievement-oriented and visionary signs of the Rat, Dragon and Monkey comprise the first compatibility trinity. They are intense and enthusiastic lovers. In life and in love, these three tend toward restlessness and intend to accomplish what they set out to do. Impetous and easily frustrated, these three soul mates are irrepressible, unpredictable, and possess potent positive yang energy.

Side 197



Incompatibility and Oppositions

Side 198


Sometimes two souls meed and seem to clash immediately. There is incompatibility between signs in direct opposition to each other. This dynamic explains an interaction with a person who is so kind to others, yet rather brusque with you. When interacting with a polarized opposite, you may encounter antagonism, lack of cooperation; and tense, unhappy unions. While fascinated by, and initially attracted to each other, those signs in direct opposition will eventually repell each other du to clashes in essential disposition.


For instance, the stealthy demeanor and occasional elastic conscience of the Snake will frustrate and antagonize the honest and forthright Pig. In kind, the carefree, easy manner of the Horse could incite the nervous Rat to emotional tantrum level. The self-assured Dragon may never relate to the Dog's exasperatingly self-effacing ways, and so on.


Of interesting note concerning the oppositions: each is said to "open the money vault" for one another. Oppositional signs can be most auspicious in business, bringing to the table what the other lacks.


Signs in direct opposition include


The Rat and the Horse

The Ox and the Goat

The Tiger and the Monkey

The Rabbit and the Rooster

The Dragon and the Dog

The Snake and the Pig

Side 199



Soul Mates and Combatants

Shown in the following Soul Mates/Combatants below are some arcane relationships rarely spoken of that are neither placed within the trines of compatibility nor in the opposition to each other. These extreme combinations of signs are the "soul mates" of each sign and in drastic reverse -- the karmic "combatants" of each sign. While the soul mates often celebrate golden wedding anniversaries, in contrast, there are also two signs that are locked in unseen combat with one another.



In the graph, notice that outside of the compatibility triangles and oppositions there are the best and worst pairings for each of the 12 signs.


Side 200


While the Goat, Rabbit, and Pig are the best of friends, it is with the extroverted Horse that the Goat will find their soul mate. Rat Souls are highly compatible with both the Dragon and the Monkey, but it is with the stoic Ox that the Rat will find their soul mate.


Soul Mates


The Rat and the Ox

The Tiger and the Pig

The Rabbit and the Dog

The Dragon and the Rooster

The Snake and the Monkey

The Horse and the Goat



Similar in extreme energies, while the Dog and Dragon experience friction du to their direct opposition, it is with the critical Rooster that the Dog will find their greatest challenge. The Tiger and the Monkey will never see eye-to-eye, but it is with the languishing Snake that the Tiger will experience the greatest frustration, and even tangible animosity.


Karmic Combatants


The Rat and the Goat

The Ox and the Horse

The Tiger and the Snake

The Rabbit and the Dragon

The Monkey and the Pig

The Dog and the Rooster

Side 201




Relationship Rainbow

Signs that are not in opposition, not within the triangles of compatibility, and not considered soul mate/combatants will be compatible in various colorful degrees.

Side 202


Lister opp for:


Rat compatibility rainbow:


Rat: A- (Excellent. Good marriage)

Ox: A+ (Outstanding! A soulmate)

Tiger: C (Fair-Moderate. Some tolerance needed)

Rabbit: D

Dragon: A- (Excellent. Good marriage)

Snake: D

Horse: D

Goat: F (Very bad. Difficult and strong conflicts)

Monkey: A- (Excellent. Good marriage)

Rooster: C- (Fair-Moderate med det minustegnet på. Some tolerance needed)

Dog: C (Fair-Moderate. Some tolerance needed)

Pig: B (Very Good. Different enough to be fun.) -- Dette er jeg sammen med i 21 år nå  ;)




The Rat and Love

It is after sunset, during the midnight hours they rule, that Rats come alive with numerous acquaintances, lively discussion, and intensely romantic interludes. The Rat soul values companionship and love more than anything else. Rats are ardent lovers and exuberantly express the physical aspect of their love. However, despite an abundance of eclectic charm, they often suffer form loneliness. Rats tend to have legions of acquaintances, but very few close friends. This deeply emotional soul yearns for affection and sincere attention. To love and to be understood is as vital to this sign as breathing. Rats need a partner to cherish as well as one who cherishes them in return.


Romantically, the best match for the Rat is with the Dragon or Monkey; however, their true soul mate is the Ox. Rats should be particularly cautious in love relationships with a Goat or Horse.



These two like-minded souls will seek to achieve a complete merging body and spirit. Both are imaginative lovers who refuse to settle down in routine. However, both being yang positive souls, it is important for each to take the lead in romance. Each partner's high-strung disposition may exacerbate worries, affecting productivity.



So sentimental and vulnerable is the Rat to their soul mate, the Ox, that this tender soul may sacrifice their finances at love's altar. There can be nothing to good or too costly for their beloved Ox. With this potent combination, the Rat's usual perceptive discernment and shrewd financial sense can go right out the window.



This unlikely match is a common one that "looks good on paper", but may fail to provide emotional satisfaction to both parties. The Tiger overshadows their Rat partner just by being themselves and always being on the go. This leaves their Rat partner feeling abandoned and inadequate.



The Rat soul cannot live without communication, and the detached Rabbit can leave the Rat feeling empty and abandoned. The Rabbit is not as invested in the relationship as is their Rat partner and will often become the artful dodger.



When married, even in the face of a dalliance, emotional security reins supreme with these two souls, if a choice must be made between a spouse and a lover, there is no contest. Both of these souls recognize each other's taste for variety.



When it comes to lovemaking, the Rat is a master and virtuoso, and sex is something they are capable of surrendering themselves to, body and soul. This highly interests the Snake, but the Snake's taste for forbidden fruit could devastate the hypersensitive Rat's sense of home and hearth (and Rats will rarely forgive the infidelity).



Despite their opposition, these two souls interestingly enough hook up with each other frequently. However, a dichotomy exists within Rats between a need for security and a need for independence. They need an understanding ear to listen to their ideas, and the Horse is too preoccupied with their own dreams and ambitions. This is a relationship that can end in bitterness.



This relationship is a comedy of errors. By the time the leisurely Goat wakes up to face the world, the energetic Rat has almost completed their day. Hyperactivity meets sloth, and the result can be inharmonious, to say the least.



Sexuality is an art and fine science between Rats and Monkeys. These two love each other and are not bashful about showing it. They may have many exhausting nights of love intertwined with intellectual conversations and confidences.



Rats do not enjoy being left alone with no one to speak to, and they need to exchange ideas (cementing their own positions in the process). This works well with the equally interactive Rooster, but the Rat is too sensitive to withstand the Rooster's caustic criticisms.



The Rat can't help correcting the Dog's All to human errors, and the Dog feels belittled and not up to par--a disaster from an insecure Dog's point of view. The relationship resembles that of a parent/child relationship, which leads to power struggles and difficult interactions. Any infidelity on the Rat's part will be considered absolute treason.



Rats have a tendency to feel as if nobody understands them. Feeling understood in a love relationship is important for their peace of mind, and the compassionate Pig fits the emotional bill nicely. (But then who doesn't get along with the Pig?)



Slik fortsetter det gjennom hvert av de 11 andre dyretegnene.


Så er det en kort oppsummering for hvert dyretegn. Men hvor fødselsårstall i forhold til elementene er ramset opp, fra side 255 og utover.



ISBN for denne lefsa er:


ISBN 13:  978-1-56414-796-7

ISBN 10:  1-56414-796-7


Forfatter:  Shelly Wu, 2005

Tittel: Chinese Astrology, Exploring the Eastern Zodiac

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Føler at det jeg skal si her behøver et eget separat avsnitt. Jeg synes kinesisk astrologi er litt "schizo" på dyretegn.


Fordi det dyretegnet jeg forklarer ovenfor er det dyretegn man finner fra fødselsdato, og det vil da bli individets tegn utad. Det du presenterer for andre folk rundt deg.


Men alle har et eget kinesisk dyretegn utenom som er det virkelige dyretegnet. Ganske sprø greier. Altså det mest sanne dyretegnet blir derfor ikke det jeg beskriver ovenfor. Og det blir derfor også noe en sikkert automatisk forsøker å holde skjult.


Utover det så er det andre dyretegn som kan gi deg tilleggsegenskaper. Kommer litt tilbake til det om jeg finner tid nå..



Kinesisk astrologi del 3 i spoiler (kommer muligens litt senere)


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