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Hva slags PCer sitter folk på? Sitter på en 6600K@4,4GHz/GTX970 og sliter med lag i end game.


Amd fx-8350 4.0 ghz 8 core, amd radeon fury, 16 gb minne, ssd hd. 


Har ikke noe lag end game med med mindre jeg har på fastest , på normal hastighet er det ingen lag

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Hvor stor galakse spiller du på? Jeg har den leie tendensen til å kjøre på med mask antrall AI når jeg spiller 4x


Spiller på huge og max AI's



600 stjerner (eller 800?), 19 AIs, 4670K og 980ti. Ca 30 FPS på galakseskjermen og ned til 10 når jeg ser på slagene  :hm:


post-96473-0-00638100-1463347605_thumb.png post-96473-0-03010100-1463347614_thumb.png 


Har gjort hele galaksen til mine vassals :p

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Jeg begynte på nytt, tiny galaxy (150 stjerner). Spiller som United Nations.

Og jammen fant jeg ikke et identisk solsystem tilhørende Human Coalition. Er en bug hvor man får både flere Earths og Sol systems men også identiske navn på stjernesystem.

Har møtt tre primitive raser. Driver og studerer den ene som ligger i mitt space. De skyter raskt fremover i teknologi nå. Gleder meg til jeg kan kommunisere med dem. En rase med ørken-øgler som er individualister i likhet med meg. Har også møtt to store sivilisasjoner på samme nivå. En av dem den andre humans, som jeg nå er venner med, og også en annen mammalian species som ser ut som Yak'er eller noe slikt som alle er indirect democracies. Morsomt, morsomt, spill. Elsker detaljene.

Dog - går det an å oppgradere defense platforms osv. overhodet? Eller må man bulldoze og bygge nytt? Får man tilbake noe ressurser for det?

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Herlig spill! :)


En utviklingsdagbok kom ut her forleden, og beskriver planene for patching framover:


Hi everyone!
Well folks, here we are again, one week later… The development team has mostly weathered the release jitters and nerves are starting to calm down. The ship we worked so hard on for the last three years has been successfully launched and is currently on its maiden voyage. The crew seems mostly happy but some of the inspectors have raised concerns about mid-ship structural issues. As chief architect, I am not entirely surprised, but the reports will allow us to commence upgrades as soon as HMS Stellaris returns from its round-trip to Alpha Centauri. Alright, enough with the metaphor, let’s talk about our future plans for Stellaris!
First off, for those of you who are unfamiliar with our post-release policies, we will release a lot of expansions over the coming years. Each expansion will be accompanied by a major update (for Stellaris, these free updates will be named after famous science fiction authors) containing a whole bunch of completely free upgrades and improvements to the game in addition to regular bug fixes. As long as enough players keep buying paid content for the game, we promise to keep improving the game for everyone, almost like an MMO.
Now, before we begin the expansion cycle in earnest, we will spend the rest of May and June only focusing on bug fixes and free upgrades to the game. We carefully listen to all your feedback, which has already made us alter our priorities a bit. As a veteran designer of our complex historical games, I was anticipating a fair amount of criticism regarding the mid-game in Stellaris compared to that of our historical games, but I was more concerned with the depth of the economy than the relative lack of diplomatic options, for example. I also find much of the feedback on the Sector system interesting; the GUI and AI concerns will receive the highest priority. One area I was not at all surprised to get flak for is the lack of mid-game scripted content, however. We simply took too long getting all the early and late game stuff in, and neglected a whole category of events called “colony events”, which were supposed to be the bread and butter of the mid-game for the Science Ships.
We’ve been digesting and discussing your feedback and how to best go about improving the mid-game to make it more dynamic, both in the short and long run. Let’s start with our short term plans. When the game was released, we had already proceeded to fix a lot of issues. Together with some other pressing issues that have been reported, the plan is to release the 1.1 update - “Clarke” - near the end of May. We will try to cram as much as we can into this update, but the more fundamental stuff will have to wait until the next update (“Asimov”), which is scheduled for the end of June. The “Clarke” patch will mainly be a bug fix and GUI improvement update. Here are some of the highlights:
Fixes to the Ethic Divergence and Convergence issues. Currently, Pops tend to get more and more neutral (they lose Ethics, but rarely gain new ones.)
The End of Combat Summary. This screen looks bad and also doesn’t tell you what you need to know in order to revise your ship designs, etc.
Sector Management GUI: There are many issues with this, and we will try to get most of them fixed.
Diplomacy GUI issues. This includes the Diplomatic Pop-Ups when other empires contact you, but also more and better looking Notifications, and more informative tooltips on wars, etc.
AI improvements: Notably the Sector AI, but also plenty of other things. This kind of work is never "finished"...
Myriads of bug fixes and smaller GUI improvements.
Late game crises bugs. There were some nasty bugs in there, blocking certain subplots and various surprising developments.
EDIT: Remaining Performance Issues. We know about them; they might even be hotfixed before Clarke.
EDIT: Corvettes are too good.

*bilde kan ikke linkes pga forumregler*
New Diplomatic Notification. This is a mock-up, not an actual screenshot!
*bilde kan ikke linkes pga forumregler*
New Fleet Combat Summary. This is a mock-up, not an actual screenshot!
After that, we’re moving on to the “Asimov” update, and this is when we can start making some major gameplay improvements to especially the mid-game. As you might have guessed, we plan to add some new diplomatic actions and treaties. Another thing that struck me during our discussions is that the normal lack of access to the space of other empires makes the game feel more constricted than intended. It limits your options since you can’t really interact much with the galaxy beyond the borders of your empire, and you only tend to concern yourself with your direct neighbors. This is bad for your Science Ships too, of course, since they might not be able to finish some of the grander “quests”. Compare the situation with Europa Universalis, where you usually have access to the oceans and can thus reach most of the world, or Crusader Kings, where you can even move through neutral territory with your armies. We also intend to add as much mid-game scripted content as we can. Thus, this is currently the plan for “Asimov”, but it’s not set in stone yet, so please bear with us if something gets pushed or altered:
Border Access Revision: Borders are now open to your ships by default, although empires can choose to Close their borders for another empire (lowering your relations, of course.)
Tributaries: New diplomatic status and corresponding war goals.
Joint Declarations of War: You can ask other empires to join you for a temporary alliance in a war against a specific target.
Defensive Pacts.
Harder to form and maintain proper Alliances.
More war goals: Humiliate, Open Borders, Make Tributary, etc.
Emancipation Faction. We had to cut this one at the last minute. Needs redesign.
Diplomatic Map Mode. Much requested!
Diplomatic Incidents: This is a whole class of new scripted events that causes more interaction with the other empires.
Past “Asimov”, I can’t give you any kind of specifics yet, but I am currently leaning towards honing in on the following general areas for the “Heinlein” update (these are not promises!):
Sector and Faction Politics: We are working on a design for this. I always wanted to make Factions more closely tied to Sectors, for example...
Federation and Alliance Politics: As a player, you need more ways of interacting with the other members, push your will through, and get elected, etc.
Giving Directions to Allies and Subject States.
Strategic Resource Overhaul: You should need these and search for them far and wide. They should be extremely important.
Battleship Class Weapons. Some Battleship front sections will be repurposed for an XL size weapon slot. There are currently four ship sizes but only three sizes to weapons, creating an imbalance. Also, Battleships should have fewer small weapon slots and have to rely on screens of smaller ships.
Fleet Combat Mechanics: Formations and/or more complex ship behavior is needed.
Mid-game scripted content: Guarded “treasures”, mid-game crises, colony events, etc.
Living Solar Systems: Little civilian ships moving around, etc.
Again, remember that we need to be somewhat flexible when things don't work out or when something else takes priority, so please take these later plans with a large grain of salt. As always, we also listen keenly to your feedback, so keep it coming!
Now, I am sure you are full of questions about the details, but hold your horses; it will all be explained in the coming dev diaries!
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Hva er greia med at noen av nasjonene er ekstremt mye sterkere enn alle andre? Jeg har gjort det best av de andre og har kanskje den tredje største flåten i galaksen med 3k. Det er to andre nasjoner som er "overwhelming" og den ene av de erklærte krig mot meg nå. Sålangt har de vist 57k, så da er det jo helt håpløst.


EDIT: Leste om Fallen Empires nå, tror jeg etablerte meg litt for nære de.

Endret av Uncle Scrooge
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Jeg har ekspandert en god del nylig. Etter at det falne imperiet tvang meg til å forlate de ni systemene, ekspanderte jeg i sør og sørvest, til omtrent tredobbel størrelse. Så forsket jeg på kolonisering av nye planettyper, og i 2290 satte jeg i gang storstilt kolonisering av ikke mindre enn TRETTEN planeter innenfor mine egne grenser! :D Så koloniserte jeg fem planeter i før. Og når tar jeg tilbake de tapte systemene i nord. Jeg har kultivert relasjonene til det falne imperiet, og forhåpentligvis er det bra nok...:o 


Jeg har også utviklet økonomien min en god del. Jeg har gått fra +9 energi og ca +150 mineraler for ni år siden. Nå har jeg +55 energi og +213 mineraler! :D På tide å ekspandere flåten min, som for øyeblikket er 158 skip ut av 309 tillatte. Og jeg fikk nylig teknologien for crusisers! ;)


Her er mitt Q'Tar-imperium anno midten av 2299:


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Hello everyone! As you may have noticed, there was no Stellaris development diary this week, because the team has been extremely busy working on the first free patch for the game, which we have named Clarke. Clarke is currently undergoing internal QA testing, and we hope to have a beta version of the patch out for you before the end of the week. Therefore, we decided to do a dev diary after all, detailing some of the fixes, changes and improvements coming in the patch.

Please note that the highlights below are just highlights, NOT exhaustive patch notes!
A major target area for Clarke was the UI, particularly in regards to sectors and diplomacy. A few highlights:
  • Sectors can now be managed directly from the outliner.
  • Diplomatic Notifications are now much more detailed.
  • End of Combat interface has received a major face-lift.
  • Habitability icons/tooltips now show you more detailed information, including which worlds in a system you can currently colonize.
Another major target area for Clarke was to address complaints regarding the AI, particular in sectors to sectors and warfare. A few highlights:
  • Greatly improved sector AI handling of pops, buildings, spaceports and mining stations.
  • Fixes for AI in end game crises.
  • Improvements and fixes to AI handling of its fleets.
  • Less restrictions on what the AI will trade and with who, especially in regards to border access.
  • In multiplayer, empires that are player-controlled will have a 'limited' AI for a period of 10 years if the player drops. The limited AI will not make any drastic changes to the empire, such as changing sectors, disbanding ships, declaring wars, etc, allowing a player to rejoin their empire pretty much as they left it.
We've also added a new option in galaxy setup where you can set the AI's overall aggressiveness.
We also took some time to add a pair of highly requested features to the empire builder. Namely, the ability to write a biography for your species and empire, and the ability to customize ruler titles. Ruler titles are customized separately by gender, and will remain even if you change government type, so long as the new government is of the same type as the previous one (so changing from a Monarchy to another Monarchy will not clear your ruler titles, while changing from a Monarchy to a Democracy will).
While balance wasn't our main priority for Clarke, we nonetheless targeted a few major balance issues. A few highlights:
  • War score costs now scale to the size of your target, so you can take more planets from large empires but can't vassalize them in a single war.
  • The ability to stack evasion on Corvettes was nerfed.
  • Strike craft had their range substantially increased.
  • Ethics were rebalanced to make Xenophile/Xenophobe stronger picks, among other changes.
  • It is no longer necessary to control planets to demand them in war, but controlling planets that are set as wargoals are now worth more warscore.
  • Technology cost is now increased both by number of planets owned and size of population, instead of just population. Accordingly, the tech increase cost from population was lowered.
In addition to all this, Clarke naturally also includes dozens of fixes for bugs large and small. A few highlights:
  • Military Station maintenance is now correctly calculated (was far too high previously).
  • Numerous fixes to events, including fixing up the Old Gods event chain.
  • Fixed 'ghost' trade deal entries and trade deals silently failing when you traded above a certain percentage of your resource stockpiles.
  • Democracies that don't allow slavery will no longer get the Slaver mandate.
  • Difficulty settings are now available in multiplayer setup.
With Clarke almost finished, we're now switching over fully to working on the Asimov patch, as outlined in last week's dev diary. Where Clarke was mainly a fix and UI improvement patch, Asimov will target the midgame with new diplomatic features and event chains. More details about Asimov will be released in development diaries over the next few weeks, but if you have any questions about the Clarke patch, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.




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Wow for et spill. Storkoste meg helt til jeg gikk for planet nr. 6 og fikk sektorer tvunget på meg. Hva poenget med sektorer er når man har under 10 planeter skjønner jeg ikke, men jeg har kanskje ikke satt meg nok inn i det. Det er også endel dødtid på dette tidspunktet, så om jeg ikke skal få sysle med mine 5-6 planeter så blir det jo rett og slett kjedelig. Systemet virket også ganske klumsete så jeg endte opp med å endre på .lua filen og satt grensen på maks planeter til 50 før jeg må begynne med sektorer.


Men må si jeg liker ikke laggen. På normal speed så går det greit, men alt over lagger endel. Og det er en litt rar type lag eller hakking. Det virker som om maskinen min takler spillet helt fint og at det egentlig går helt glatt, men likevel er det hakking med jevne mellomrom. Ligner litt på Windows 10 hakkingen som mange opplever.

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