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AMD Polaris & Vega og midlertidig (?) Navi



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Fixed Issues

Radeon RX 5700 series graphics product system configurations may intermittently experience a display loss or black screen while gaming or on desktop with a limited number of displays.

Har opplevd noe intermittent dritt ja. Både i spill og på desktop (RX 5600 XT)

Er løsningen å få flere skjermer? Eller er det der bare en beskjed om at selv de med får skjermer også opplever det? Har en ekkel følelse av at dette bare forverrer seg når det ligger en Windows Update nedlastet i bakgrunnen og suger til seg krefter. At det går an å kode et sånt makkverk!



Known Issues

Some users may still experience black screen or system hang issues during extended periods of gameplay. AMD will continue to monitor and investigate reports of these issues closely.

Er ikke bare DirectX 12 og sånt som suger balle (suger kraften fra RAM og buffre) da? Begynner mer og mer å lure på om dette er et kronsisk Windows programmeringersproblem. Lykke til Microsoft med deres Xbox gaming satsning over på desktop :sick: Har mine tvil, når det er så mye dårlige opplevelser.

Jeg føler meg ikke trygg på at det blir så veldig mye bedre på Nvidia. Mulig jeg får lyst å prøve neste Nvidia-3000-serie-GPU likevel. Men dersom det er Microsoft og Windows 10-kodingen som skaper helvete så må det jo bli tøys for både Nvidia-GPU og Intel-GPU også da vel?



Windows indexing-helvete påstås å være løst i 2004-maiutgaven av Windows 10. Kan det være håp om at MS tar seg i sammen framover?



Den kan allerede lastes ned med Media Creation Tool blant annet.

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16 hours ago, ExcaliBuR said:

AMD var så fornøyde med 20.4.2 Optional at de har fått den WHQL sertifisert.

Release notes:

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Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.4.2 Highlights

Support For

  • Gears Tactics™
  • Predator: Hunting Grounds™

Fixed Issues

  • Radeon RX Vega series graphics products may experience a system hang or black screen when running Folding@Home while also running an application using hardware acceleration of video content.
  • A system crash or hang may be experienced when using Edge browser to play Netflix™ content.
  • XSplit™ may experience an application hang or freeze when performing a scene switch.
  • Minor stuttering may occur when performing a task switch with performance metrics overlay open in some games.
  • Overwatch™ may experience an intermittent crash while entering a game or during extended gameplay sessions.
  • Radeon RX 5700 series graphics product system configurations may intermittently experience a display loss or black screen while gaming or on desktop with a limited number of displays.
  • Radeon Software may experience an application crash when playing games with non-alphanumeric characters in the game title.
  • Radeon RX Vega series graphics products may experience an application crash with Microsoft® Teams when hardware acceleration is enabled.
  • An ‘Unable to get requirements’ error message may intermittently occur when viewing the Upgrade Advisor tab in Radeon Software.
  • Radeon RX Vega series graphics products may experience a system crash or TDR when playing games with Instant Replay or Record Desktop enabled.
  • Resolved an install issue where Error 1603 could occur when an installation prerequisite for Visual C++ was not correctly detected as installed.

Known Issues

  • Enhanced Sync may cause a black screen to occur when enabled on some games and system configurations. Any users who may be experiencing issues with Enhanced Sync enabled should disable it as a temporary workaround.
  • Using Edge™ web browser to playback video content with a multi display system configuration may cause a system hang or crash after extended periods of use.
  • Performance Metrics Overlay and Radeon WattMan incorrectly report higher than expected idle clock speeds on Radeon RX 5700 series graphics products. Performance and power consumption are not impacted by this incorrect reporting.
  • Modifying the HDMI Scaling slider may cause FPS to become locked to 30.
  • Some games may exhibit stutter intermittently during gameplay on Radeon RX 5000 series graphics products.
  • Radeon RX Vega series graphics products may experience a system crash or TDR when performing multiple task switches using Alt+Tab.
  • Desktop or In-game corruption may occur intermittently when HDR is enabled.
  • Direct ML Media Filters are currently unavailable in Radeon Software Media gallery for video or image content.
  • Some users may still experience black screen or system hang issues during extended periods of gameplay. AMD will continue to monitor and investigate reports of these issues closely.
  • Some laptops may encounter a BSOD when installing Radeon™ Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition over an existing OEM graphics driver. To work around this issue, first uninstall the OEM graphics driver using Programs and Features within the Control Panel. Once complete, install the Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition package and select the Factory Reset option during setup.

Important Notes

  • AMD Ryzen™ Mobile Processors with Radeon™ Vega Graphics FAQ for Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition can be found here.

Package Contents

The Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.4.2 installation package contains the following:

  • Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.4.2 Driver Version (Windows Driver Store Version 26.20.15029.27017)



Gikk manuellt inn og sjekket amd.com og fant en 20.5.1 versjon nå !!


  • Liker 1
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On 5/21/2020 at 1:34 PM, kjeLL// said:

eneste måten du kan feilsøke en "windows" glitch på er å kjøre en ren installasjon av windows. men om jeg var deg, ville jeg testet en annen kabel før jeg startet på det.

Edit: se også etter om kabelen krysser strømkabler og lignende som kan ha elektromagnetisk forstyrrelse om kabelen er dårlig isolert.

Har du noen erfaring med Ebay-kabler? Er dette noe som duger? Komplett.no er kjipe på varesortimentet. De har ingen 2.1 kabler. Og svært få selger 3 meter som er minimum av hva jeg kan leve med fra gulv-stasjonær PC og opp til monitor. Går mye i 2 metere rundt om, er skikkelig irriterende mange 2 metere som selges. Ser at Netonnet har 2 meter HDMI 2.1. Gidder ikke å kjøpe HDMI 2.0 nå, når store kina kan skaffe hdmi 2.1 for en slikk og ingenting.


Denne koster GBP 13.99 før all porto og importavgifter og sånt er betalt.





Kan det være lurt å vurdere fiberoptiske varianter av HDMI 2.1? Aliexpress eksempelvare:

Optical Fiber HDMI 2.1 2.0 Cable Ultra-HD (UHD) 8K 4K Cable 120Hz 48Gbs with Audio Video HDMI Cord HDR 4:4:4 Lossless amplifier

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jeg har kun kjøpt 5m hdmi fra ebay og de er hdmi 2.0 . det som er med digitale kabler er at; enten fungerer dem feilfritt eller så fungerer dem ikke feilfritt. så kvalitets 1.4 og 2.0 kabler "kan" fungere som 2.1 kabler om de ikke har gjort noe spesielt for å bryte standarden mellom kabler. her må folk bare rope ut om jeg tar veldig feil.

Endret av kjeLL//
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  • 2 uker senere...

AMD har bekreftet at RDNA2 blir på 7 nanometer:


AMD: ZEN3 and RDNA2 fabbed at 7nm as originally planned

by Hilbert Hagedoorn on: 06/09/2020 08:25 AM | source: AMD | 22 comment(s)
AMD: ZEN3 and RDNA2 fabbed at 7nm as originally planned

There have been a number of rumors of fabrication 7nm to 5nm node switching for upcoming AMD parts. AMD has updated some of the their roadmaps confirming a thing or two. First off, ZEN3 based processors and RDNA2 based GPUs will be fabricated at 7nm.

The slides originate from AMD, and cover the 2019 to 2022 production roadmap. Contradictory a recent rumor that reported a possibility where AMD would make a move to use a 5nm production at TSMC already for ZEN3 (Vermeer), this roadmap outlines how things are planned.




AMD with a set of slides now creates a more clear picture, ZEN3 is confirmed to remain at 7nm, 5nm however will be used for ZEN4, which sounds like a far distance future processor, but in reality, we're talking the next year 2021 already. The roadmap actively shows ZEN 4 alias AMD Ryzen 5000 to appear between 2021 and 2022, and that serirs is fabbed at 5 nanometers alongside Navi RDNA3 graphics chips. These would be used an "Advanced Node" during the same period.




As you all know, AMD is also working on RDNA2, actually in two lines. One for GPU architectures RDNA 2 (gaming) and then there is CDNA (computing). Both of these are also confirmed to be fabbed at in 7nm nodes as well.


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20.5.1 er oppdatert den 10.6.


Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.5.1 Highlights

Support For

  • Windows® May 2020 Update
  • Radeon Memory Visualizer
  • AMD Link
    • Brand new AMD Link Xinput Emulation driver (AMDXE), which will improve compatibility with current and future games. This gets installed the first time game streaming starts with AMD Link and will appear as a new Xbox 360 controller in Device Manager.

Fixed Issues

  • Radeon Software may experience a crash or hang on Hybrid Graphics system configurations.
  • On a limited number of displays, launching a game may lead to an intermittent black screen that requires a system reboot to resolve.
  • Fixed an issue where AMD Link may experience random or intermittent disconnects.
  • When performing a task switch, Destiny™2 may experience an application hang or black screen.
  • Overwatch™ may experience an intermittent crash or black screen when joining a match.
  • Incorrect memory clocks may be reported in performance metrics overlay on Radeon RX 5700 series graphics products.
  • Some Hybrid Graphics system configurations with Radeon RX 5500 series graphics products may experience a blue screen on driver installation.
  • High memory usage may be experienced when Instant Replay and Desktop Recording is enabled on a system and a display on the system has timed out or gone to sleep.
  • A TDR or black screen may occur when running the Vulkan test from Geekbench™5.
  • Hitching may be observed in League of Legends™ on some system configurations after performing a task switch.
  • Sniper Elite™4 may minimize when invoking Radeon Software’s overlay.
  • The standard profile in Radeon Software may become applied when the gaming profile is clicked on numerous times in quick succession.
  • Lighting corruption may be seen when moving your mouse in Grand Theft Auto™5 with Radeon Boost enabled.
  • Texture corruption may be seen in the bottom right corner of the screen when moving your mouse in Shadow of the Tomb Raider™ with Radeon Boost enabled.
  • Red Dead Redemption™2 may fail to launch in some Hybrid Graphics system configurations.
  • Memory Tuning may fail to apply on AMD Radeon VII graphics products.
  • “Unable to get requirements” error message may sometimes be displayed in the Upgrade Advisor tab.
  • GPU metrics may sometimes fail to load in the performance tab of Radeon Software.
  • Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order™ and Control™ may experience application hangs when launched with Radeon Anti-Lag enabled.

Known Issues

  • Radeon RX Vega Series and Radeon VII graphics products may experience performance drops when Performance Metrics Overlay is open while a game is running.
  • Some game titles may experience hitching when Instant Replay is enabled on Radeon RX 5000 series system configurations.
  • Enhanced Sync may cause a black screen to occur when enabled on some games and system configurations. Any users who may be experiencing issues with Enhanced Sync enabled should disable it as a temporary workaround.
  • Using Edge™ web browser to playback video content with a multi display system configuration may cause a system hang or crash after extended periods of use.
  • Performance Metrics Overlay and Radeon WattMan incorrectly report higher than expected idle clock speeds on Radeon RX 5700 series graphics products. Performance and power consumption are not impacted by this incorrect reporting.
  • Some games may exhibit stutter intermittently during gameplay on Radeon RX 5000 series graphics products.
  • Radeon RX Vega series graphics products may experience a system crash or TDR when performing multiple task switches using Alt+Tab.
  • Modifying the HDMI Scaling slider may cause FPS to become locked to 30.
  • Desktop or In-game corruption may occur intermittently when HDR is enabled.
  • Some users may still experience black screen or system hang issues during extended periods of gameplay. AMD will continue to monitor and investigate reports of these issues closely.

Important Notes

  • AMD Ryzen™ Mobile Processors with Radeon™ Vega Graphics FAQ for Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition can be found here.

Package Contents

The Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.5.1 installation package contains the following:

  • Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition Driver Version 20.10 (Windows Driver Store Version 27.20.1017.1011)


  • Innsiktsfullt 1
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Om vi skal ta dette for god fisk, så skal det nevnes at 6900XT også er ryktet å være i "mellomklasse" segmentet.

Kommentar til videoen, første punktet som tyder på at det er fake, for min del, er AIO løsning med blower style onboard kjøling til grafikk. En blanding av Vega 64 Liquid og Vega 64 blower. Virker rart allerede der.

Endret av ExcaliBuR
  • Innsiktsfullt 1
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Red Dead Redemption 2 actually performs better on Linux than Windows with AMD Graphics

by Hilbert Hagedoorn on: 06/19/2020 09:11 AM | source: FlightlessMango (YouTube) | 43 comment(s)
Red Dead Redemption 2 actually performs better on Linux than Windows with AMD Graphics

Based on a video comparison by FlightlessMango you'll observe that in a comparison between Linux and Windows versions, Red Dead Redemption 2 runs faster on Linux with an AMD graphics card.

The man made use of a Core i7 8700k with 16GB of RAM running at 3200Mhz and an AMD Radeon Vega 56 graphics card for both operating systems. For Linux, it used the drivers Mesa-git 20.2.0 , amdvlk-2020.Q2.4-1, and amdgpu-pro-20.10 . For Windows, meanwhile, he used the AMD Radeon Adrenalin 20.5.1 driver.

You'll notice that the game performed a notch better on that Linux platform than on Windows 10. Now we shouldn't make it too dramatic, as at 1080p, the benchmark on Linux was faster by 3-5FPS in average frames per second. For NVIDIA that is the opposite, and seems to run slower.

Red Dead Redemption 2 actually performs better on Linux than Windows with AMD Graphics Red Dead Redemption 2 actually performs better on Linux than Windows with AMD Graphics


Nice one, Linux community!

Tenker Microsoft har litt å stri med for å strigle sin Windows 10?




AMD Adds Option to report crashes, bugs or issues in its drivers

by Hilbert Hagedoorn on: 06/22/2020 01:21 PM | source: tomshardware | 4 comment(s)
AMD Adds Option to report crashes, bugs or issues in its drivers

A smart observation learns that AMD made a few changes in it's latest drivers. Among them a new feature where users fill a simple form to report bugs and crashes.

AMD has been screaming for feedback for a long time, and the shortest route obviously is your driver.  Previously you got pointed to the website where you had to fill out an abundance of data and specifications. The new option opens a tool and grabs all your system's specifications automatically, information that you previously had to manually input every time you want to create a report for a bug. And yes we can understand that you might oppose that as well. An AMD representative on Reddit, mentions that AMD will share more information on the tool/option soon. You can grab the driver here and btw, yeah you can probably tell its a slow news today :)




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For Navi10 eiere så har AMD lansert en beta-driver som gir mulighet for GHS (Graphics Hardware Scheduling).

Release Notes:


Radeon™ Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.5.1 Beta with Graphics Hardware Scheduling Highlights.

Support For

  • Windows® May 2020 Update
    • AMD is excited to provide beta support for Microsoft’s Graphics Hardware Scheduling feature. By moving scheduling responsibilities from software into hardware, this feature has the potential to improve GPU responsiveness and to allow additional innovation in GPU workload management in the future. This feature is available on Radeon RX 5600 and Radeon RX 5700 series graphics products.

Known Issues

  • Oculus™ VR headsets may not display content or may experience severe performance drops with Hardware Scheduling enabled.
  • Enhanced Sync may cause a black screen to occur when enabled on some games and system configurations. Any users who may be experiencing issues with Enhanced Sync enabled should disable it as a temporary workaround.
  • Using Edge™ web browser to playback video content with a multi display system configuration may cause a system hang or crash after extended periods of use.
  • Performance Metrics Overlay and Radeon WattMan incorrectly report higher than expected idle clock speeds on Radeon RX 5700 series graphics products. Performance and power consumption are not impacted by this incorrect reporting.
  • Some games may exhibit stutter intermittently during gameplay on Radeon RX 5000 series graphics products.
  • Radeon RX Vega series graphics products may experience a system crash or TDR when performing multiple task switches using Alt+Tab.
  • Desktop or In-game corruption may occur intermittently when HDR is enabled.
  • Direct ML Media Filters are currently unavailable in Radeon Software Media gallery for video or image content.
  • Some users may still experience black screen or system hang issues during extended periods of gameplay. AMD will continue to monitor and investigate reports of these issues closely.
  • Some game titles may experience hitching when Instant Replay is enabled on Radeon RX 5000 series system configurations.

Important Notes

  • AMD Ryzen™ Mobile Processors with Radeon™ Vega Graphics FAQ for Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition can be found here.

Package Contents

The Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.5.1 Beta installation package contains the following:

  • Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.5.1 Beta Driver Version (Windows Driver Store Version 27.20.1017.4017).


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Mitt RX5600 XT betalte jeg kr 3090 for.

Dette går jo bedre verdiøkning enn mange aksjer. Utgjør jo 21 % "avkastning", lol.

Nå er kanskje ikke et halvt års brukt kort verdt like mye som et nytt. Men også der er smaken som baken. Dette er jo et budsjettkort og derfor ikke så ettertraktet :p

Ingen umiddelbare planer om å selge det, da det er et greit ventekort. Verdt kr 3749 nytt i følge Komplett. :lol:


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AMD har gitt ut 20.7.1.

Release notes:


Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.7.1 Highlights

Support For

  • Disintegration™
  • AMD Bug Report Tool(1)
    • The AMD Bug Report Tool is a new and easy way to report issues directly to us. Simply fill in the form and send the report in. The tool will automatically capture system details for you, giving our development teams the necessary information to identify and resolve issues in future software releases.

Fixed Issues

  • Some game titles may experience hitching or stutter when Instant Replay is enabled on Radeon RX 5000 series system configurations.
  • Radeon RX Vega Series and Radeon VII graphics products may experience performance drops when Performance Metrics Overlay is open while a game is running.
  • An error message may sometimes be displayed instead of your stream preview when switching between tabs in Radeon Software while streaming.
  • Custom fan and clock tuning may sometimes reset to default when changes are applied in the Radeon Performance Tuning tab.
  • Custom tuning profiles may fail to load or apply correctly after some system boots.
  • Display resolution may fail to stretch to full panel when the display scaling feature is enabled for Counter-Strike™: Global Offensive.
  • The game compatibility tab in Radeon Software may sometimes show incorrect GPU information for populated games.
  • An error message indicating “Oops something went wrong” may sometimes appear when clicking on the game compatibility tab.
  • Valorant™ may be detected or listed incorrectly as League of Legends™ in the gaming tab in Radeon Software.
  • Microsoft™ Teams may experience an intermittent TDR when performing screen sharing on some APU system configurations.
  • Saints Row™: The Third Remastered may experience a system crash or hang when changing display mode.
  • DOTA2™ may experience frame drops when Radeon Chill is enabled and the system is left idle for a short period of time.
  • Invoking Radeon Overlay may cause stuttering in playback content when using the Netflix™ Windows® store application.
  • Deus Ex: Mankind Divided™ may experience an application crash or hang when loading into some train stations.
  • Fan speed may report as zero when GPU-Z is running alongside a 3D application.
  • The toast messages for some features such as Instant Replay, Instant GIF and Radeon Replay are not correctly showing when Record Desktop is set to off.
  • Radeon Software Install now provides an error message when a user attempts to install unsupported hardware.
  • Some AMD Ryzen™ 3 2200U Mobile Processor with Radeon™ Vega 3 Graphic system configurations may experience a system hang or long boot time when upgrading from previous Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition releases.
  • DOOM Eternal™ may experience intermittent corruption on Radeon RX 5600 series graphics products.
  • DOOM Eternal™ may experience a system hang when HDR and Radeon Overlay are enabled.
  • Some hardware accelerated Chrome™ content leveraging VP9 playback may experience corruption on DisplayPort™ connected displays.
  • Grass or water corruption may be visible in Final Fantasy™ XV after extended periods of gameplay.
  • Radeon Software may fail to generate a profile for League of Legends™ in the gaming tab.
  • Radeon Software’s in-game overlay may fail to appear or may cut off when invoked on 4K display, while the desktop resolution is set to 4K and a game is running with a resolution set to 1080p.
  • After using the DirectML Media Filters in Radeon Software, graphics memory may no longer report accurately in Radeon Software performance section or may report still in use.
  • Enabling Radeon Image Sharpening may cause colors to appear washed out when HDR is enabled.

Known Issues

  • Performance Tuning Profiles saved from previous Radeon Software releases will no longer be compatible with Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.7.1 and onward.
  • Launching VR applications using the Oculus Rift™ headset may cause corruption or a system hang on Radeon RX 5000 series graphics products.
  • Enhanced Sync may cause a black screen to occur when enabled on some games and system configurations. Any users who may be experiencing issues with Enhanced Sync enabled should disable it as a temporary workaround.
  • Performance Metrics Overlay and the Performance Tuning tab incorrectly report higher than expected idle clock speeds on Radeon RX 5700 series graphics products. Performance and power consumption are not impacted by this incorrect reporting.
  • With HDR enabled, Windows® desktop may experience flickering, and performing a task switch while in a game may cause colors to become washed out or over saturated.
  • YouTube playback may become frozen with Microsoft® Edge player and Chrome™ when played on an extended display on some AMD Ryzen™ 7 3000 series and AMD Ryzen™ 4000 series APU system configurations.
  • Banners in Radeon Software may sometimes fail to show, and navigation buttons for those banners may fail to work.
  • Modifying the HDMI Scaling slider may cause FPS to become locked to 30.
  • Previews for video content on Netflix® using Microsoft® Edge browser may fail to load or appear black.
  • AMD is investigating isolated reports of intermittent system hangs while exiting system sleep on some AMD Ryzen™ 3000 Series Mobile Processors with Radeon™ Graphics. 
  • AMD will continue to monitor and investigate any new reports of black screen or system hang issues during extended periods of gameplay closely. Users are encouraged to use the new Bug Reporting Tool for any issues they may encounter.


(1) AMD Bug Report Tool is available for all GCN and RDNA based graphics products. Supported on Windows®7 and Windows®10 operating systems

Important Notes

  • AMD Ryzen™ Mobile Processors with Radeon™ Vega Graphics FAQ for Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition can be found here.

Package Contents

The Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.7.1 installation package contains the following:

  • Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.7.1 Driver Version (Windows Driver Store Version 27.20.2001.8002).


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