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DayZ diskusjonstråd - Teknisk diskusjon i egen tråd!

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Er spelet blitt noko meir optimalisert? Har ei heilt kurant maskin med I7, GTX780 etc - men sist eg spelte, for omlag 6 mnd sidan (?), så lagga det, og eg opplevde heilt vannvittige framedrops. Spesielt inne i byar.


DayZ SA.


Har ca samme oppsett og spillet går smooth as silk hos meg nå.


Ok, kanskje på tide å prøve det igjen då. Var absolutt håplaust sist eg prøvde.

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Er spelet blitt noko meir optimalisert? Har ei heilt kurant maskin med I7, GTX780 etc - men sist eg spelte, for omlag 6 mnd sidan (?), så lagga det, og eg opplevde heilt vannvittige framedrops. Spesielt inne i byar.


DayZ SA.

Har ca samme oppsett og spillet går smooth as silk hos meg nå.

Ok, kanskje på tide å prøve det igjen då. Var absolutt håplaust sist eg prøvde.
spillet er enda elendig optimalisert. Med elendige frameddrops osv i byer og spillet kjører rett og slett elendig enda. ingenting er fixa der.
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Jeg og 2 venner fant et little bird helikopter. Vi hadde det beste lootet og vi fløy til en by. Vet ikke helt hvilken. Etter å ha vært i en stor dogfight landa vi oppå et stort bygg. Der kom det en bug så helikopteret krasja i kanten og vi måtte ut for det begynte å brenne. Da falt vi alle ned fra det bygget og vi overlevde. Ingen brukne ben, bare jeg blødde og vi hadde fortsatt tinga våre. Noe av de mest episke øyeblikkene jeg har hatt så langt på DayZ mod.

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Jeg hadde også et rimelig kult øyeblikk her om dagen, på favorittserveren min med Epoch mod og kartet Napf:


Like etter at jeg spawner inn, oppdager jeg at det er et mission like nord for låven der jeg har plassert safen min. Jeg tømmer inventory og tar med meg en M40A5(?) og til sammen 15 skudd. "Dette er sikkert nok" tenkte jeg og løper nesten to kilometer opp på en ås med oversikt over missionet som kaltes "Rats of Jensit". Fra åsen og ned til midten av missionet var det rundt 550 meter og jeg hadde veldig god oversikt, og jeg la meg ved siden av et tre og gjorde meg klar. Det var mellom 15 og 20 tungt bevepnede AI-er som voktet området, og loot besto av en HMMWV og en kasse med ukjent innhold. Første skudd jeg fyrte av traff en bot i hodet, og han gikk ned. De begynte øyeblikkelig å skyte tilbake, men det gikk greit - jeg klarte å ta ut til sammen 10 bots med 15 skudd, men da var jeg fri for ammo --- dårlig planlegging.


Noen meter bak meg sto det tilfeldigvis en ulåst bil, sannsynligvis har noen stjålet den og prøvd å gjemme den her. Det sto også en låst safe like ved, men den kunne jeg ikke gjøre noe med. Jeg tar bilen og kjører tilbake for å hente mer ammunisjon, og kjører halve veien tilbake for å så løpe den siste biten. I det jeg kommer til safen blir jeg beskutt av en tulling med pistol som ikke treffer noe. Jeg skøt han en gang i siden og så ikke noe mer til han. Nede ved bilen var alle bot-ene drept, noen hadde fullført jobben min. Men, de hadde ikke rukket å loote... Jeg brukte tre skudd på å treffe han som prøvde å krype ned til bilen, og så flyttet jeg meg. Det var da jeg oppdaget at en annen sniper prøvde å se etter meg, men han så på feil plass... Jeg fyrte av et skudd, 600 meters hold, midt i planeten. Game over, tenkte jeg...


Jeg løper ned til kassene og legger fire våpen i ryggsekken, men det var mer loot. Jeg rakk ikke å ta med meg mer - jeg ble skutt og faller om med 3000 blood. "FAEN", tenkte jeg, for jeg var sikker på at jeg hadde drept alle sammen, men så oppdaget jeg at selv om jeg var delvis bevisstløs, så kunne jeg gå inn i bilen! Med den kom jeg meg unna, mens det haglet kuler rundt bilen. I safen hadde jeg alt jeg trengte for å lege meg selv, og jeg var en bil og noen våpen rikere, men det beste var kicket jeg fikk av hele situasjonen. For et intenst spill. :)


TL;DR: Drepte ti bots og to spillere, rakk å loote mission sånn halvveis før jeg nesten ble drept selv. Stakk av i en Humvee.



DayZ SA har jeg ikke prøvd på lenge, men det virket dårlig sist jeg prøvde... Epoch mod er veldig bra! Kartet Panthera er heller ikke ille, men jeg liker Napf og serveren jeg spiller på har veldig gode admins som fikser ting med en gang. Den gangen safen min spiste nøklene mine, kom admin umiddelbart og fikset meg nye nøkler. Kudos til admin, som for øvrig var Peppermint...

Endret av BALT3
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Hørte rykter om at de skal begynne planlegge kjøretøy inn i SA nå, så om vi er heldige har vi kjøretøy i SA i 2020!

det var vell litt vell optimistisk.


Skjer vel litt her...





Friends, I am happy to report that we have officially begun working on the art for our first vehicle. Until this point, our working prototype has been an old vehicle from ArmA2 but now, we are working on a brand-new V3S with many of its components (i.e. wheels, doors, etc...) separated into different meshes to work in a similar manner as weapon attachments."


Peter / Lead Designer


"This week there has been ongoing work on advanced weather impact, which is being expanded, partially rewritten and tweaked to provide better utilization and feeling. Also newly added mercury thermometer comes in hand if you are unsure about your body temperature. The prototype of the dynamic events system - the UH-60 gets company from the eastern camp, the well known Mi-8 helicopter. A few new items were added recently from the PAX showcase, such as the stun baton and balaclavas and they will be available for public in next experimental version. As well hunting will be expanded with the useful snare trap shortly.

We are currently focused on cleaning and redoing configurations for all doors as their handling was fundamentally changed in the game engine. Improvements which will be noticeable at first is the easier interaction with them - forget about nightmare which door to choose from action menu to open those you want to while you are standing near to more of them as now it takes into account what your cursor is aiming at and it's not proximity based. The second welcomed change is related to the audio side - sounds of doors opening and closing are possible now and are already plugged in and you can really tell difference. (Although the variation in sound effects are not quite there yet)


More sounds will come later for example for locked doors because with recent door improvements we can finally start working on barricading. We have already done some design outline and analysis toward barricading mechanics - to allow you to take existing structures and occupy them for your needs. First thing to come will be (un)locking the door's lock with a lockpick which will be expanded with different padlocks and even combination ones. Later the wooden planks, nails and other material come to use in combination with tools which gain other purpose aside from melee only.


Keep your ears open while looting... see you in Chernarus folks!"

Chris / Lead Artist


"Character Art

Since the last update, the biggest change with character art has come with the creation of a new base body type with is ~10% more slender than the previous. It is more fitting for somebody surviving in a harsh environment and will help reduce the number of clipping errors between clothing/player bodies. Because of this and recent changes to how characters are assembled and to their animations, we have been doing a lot of bug fixing. Unfortunately that means pausing the creation of new items by some of our artists to fix the worst of these issues immediately, however, we're mostly past this and will begin again on some new clothing “sets”. Work on reshaping other items to reduce the severity of clipping will be ongoing.

Weapons (or the AKS-74-and-U)

Many of you were happy to learn about the AKS-74U and many asked me on twitter and on the DayZ forum which caliber it will be chambered for. Surely, we would not add a 5.56mm AKS-74U, right? I mean, they never *really* made a direct AK100-series equivalent for the AKS-74U after all.



Well, you'll be happy to learn we are, in parallel, working on art for 5.45x39mm ammo. In other news, The MP133s animations have been finished and are now pending sounds and the lever-action repeater is ready to deploy, following implementation by design.


Friends, I am happy to report that we have officially begun working on the art for our first vehicle. Until this point, our working prototype has been an old vehicle from ArmA2 but now, we are working on a brand-new V3S with many of its components (i.e. wheels, doors, etc...) separated into different meshes to work in a similar manner as weapon attachments."


Standup Notes for the week of 08 Sept 14


  • V3S Transport Truck
  • New civilian zombie
  • NEAF civilian hangar
  • New 55-gal drum
  • Derringer
  • AKS74U
  • 5.45mm ammo
  • Radio Cassette player
  • RGD2 smoke (white, black)
  • Waterproof packable bag
  • Waterproof backpack


  • Bugfixing
  • Grenade, chemlight, flare related animations finished
  • Repeater reload animations done
  • Throwing animations in progress
  • MP133 reload animation in progress
  • Arming/Disarming animations polishing in progress


  • bugfixing
  • configs and scripts for new items
  • added mi8 for random spawning
  • advanced weather impact on player
  • reconfiguring doors and adding sfx
  • barricading mechanic outline
  • ​finalizing new controls


  • Character and inventory items duplication fixing
  • Melee combat tweaking
  • Shotgun shooting over network fix
  • Door reimplementation (now in internal testing and bugfixing)
  • New gamecontrols
  • Forced reinitialized players
  • Desync issues
  • Better sound over network
  • Central economy (type related cleanup and respawn, dynamic tweaking)
  • New basic zombie behavior
  • ​Partial reworking of respawn / cleanup system according to required type-related implementation



Patcher kommer ukentlig nå eller nesten, den siste patchen ble utsatt en uke.


Status Report - Week of 15 Sept 14




This is the topic of this week’s status report. As we move forward with development on DayZ past 0.49 and into 0.50 this is one of our primary focuses. Throughout our Alpha and Beta phases the core engine that powers DayZ is created. During this process new engine functions are introduced, deprecated functions are removed, and the general nature of how a great deal of systems operate can completely change. Within normal closed development this would not be an issue, however developing DayZ in the open and updating the primary branch with any reliable frequency can leave us vulnerable at times.


Individuals focused on identifying, and exploiting vulnerabilities during the development process -will- find holes. No amount of closed testing within a time scale that allows us to update the primary branch with reliable frequency, and keep to our target of a two to three year development cycle will stop this. However, Early Access does offer us an unparalleled opportunity to identify, and address potential vulnerabilities with how DayZ functions prior to the 1.0 that traditionally we would never have. Vigilance as these vulnerabilities are identified, and addressing them is critical to the stability of DayZ 1.0, and will serve to make the final product that much more of an enjoyable experience.

That said, over the next month these are our security goals.

  • Purge of the stable branch hive
    • The intent here is to purge existing large volume magazines and legacy items from the economy
  • Working with BattlEye to deploy a new, more comprehensive method of detection
  • Closer collaboration between our internal hacks/exploit team and VAC
  • Addressing at an engine level current methods of rapid player position updates
  • Rolling out private shards for player rented servers with our game server provider partners
    • Private shard servers will offer the additional protection of server administrator level bans, password protection for private shard servers, and whitelist support

As 0.49 rolls out to stable branch today, the most obvious change with this update (aside from the stable hive purge) is the move of the initial persistence feature for rented DayZ servers to an opt-in selection with each game server provider. Given that consumer data, and player storage is such a valuable and key feature to DayZ, and still very early we want to ensure that the system is a physical choice each game server administrator makes. While this system is refined, each game server provider operates a last known good fail-safe for servers opting in to persistence that will restore the storage from the last successful startup in the event of any unforeseen failure. Moving forward into 0.50, we intend to move persistence from this opt in system to all stable branch servers.

- Brian Hicks / Producer


Chris / Lead Artist

"Character Art:

Since my last report, we wrapped up on bugfixing some of the character art (for now anyways) and began working on medical scrubs, a prison uniform, and some new women’s clothing. Yes, soon you will be able to don a skirt as you mow down zombies, fulfilling that weird fantasy we all have. Work continues on the new civilian zombie and so far it’s looking quite nice. I’m looking forward to getting some feedback from the fans about him.


The base vehicle model will be finished this week and we have begun working on the various parts which players will need to find in order to repair and maintain a working vehicle.


We’re polishing up the AKS74U and the SVD of old, since we’re closing in on a centralized economy to regulate the number of them on the map. The MP133 and Lever action are waiting on sounds. A new weapon you can expect in the not-to-distant future is a Steyr AUG. One of my favorites."



  • Standup Notes for the week of 15 Sept 14


    • Prison uniform
    • Medical Scrubs
    • Female clothing
    • AKS74U and SVD polishing
    • Steyr AUG model
    • Civilian Airfield structures
    • Leather craft able items
    • Vehicle components


    • Bugfixing
    • Vehicle component & servicing design
    • Implementation of waterproof containers
    • Design on snares/traps
    • Implementation of drowning on player
    • Implementation of prototype wildlife trap


    • Various reload animations polishing
    • Rifle aim walks in progress
    • MP133 reload animations
    • Zombie movement design & prototyping
    • Motion capture session
    • MP133 reload config


    • Bugfixing
    • Server/Client crash triage
    • Door reimplementation & bugfixing
    • Game control redesign implementation
    • Remote player movement enhancements
    • Security triage
    • Security on player location updates
    • Zombie behavior & AI
    • Sound-over-network enhancements & optimization
    • Player respawn/connecting fixes




Endret av Heradon
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Mer info fra streamen i dag. Som nå kommer ukentlig akkurat som patchene.

Complete list of Answers


Over the next month there will be an increase in performance and optimization of the server

Expanded crafting system to be able to combine multiple items at once using tools

GSPs are limited because of the rapidly changing nature of Early Access

Civilian Air control Station and hangar, as well as other unique objects coming to NEAF

New functionality such as blocking will be added to melee system

New bandaging to each limb separately

Renderer is a large task and the programmer in charge of it, works on it everyday. ETA Q1 2015

New tent model will be bigger and have more options

Construction will include smaller makeshift shelters

V3S will be the test vehicle for the vehicle attachment system (much like the M4 and the weapon attachments)

Base V3S model is nearly done; All the various parts need to be finished in the next month. Animations, sounds and configuration will occur after all parts are modeled

Some parts will be necessary while others will be visual changes and optional

Tents now spawn in a different building class in current .49 version

Sounds will be released in large groups

Phantom sounds are being investigated and they have a good idea on where they might be coming from

Improvised camouflage on tents will be possible in the future

New renderer will allow for spray painting on the fly by allowing materials to act as a module and applying shaders to the item based on the color of paint (Procedural color change)

Balota military camp was relocated to Myshkino, other buildings in balota airfield will become destroyed models due to it being a primary evacuation point

DayZ will never have a full lore story, the devs are setting up the canvas but our lore is whatever we want it to be

Loot economy will be constantly changing

Player spawns will change more as the map changes (goal is to minimize suiciding)

Features are a priority for the development team, currently vehicles are the focus

Dragging will be both dead bodies and injured players (similar to the rescue pull from the mod)

Ammo crafting such as shell reloading isnt planned but could be easily possible after 1.0

Non-perishable goods should be much more rare in the future

Improvised grenades and I.E.D are awaiting for a more robust crafting system

World containers are waiting for a polished world economy, as well as more stable persistence

Ghillie suit was created by taking the grass model and pasting it over a green shirt. There will be a burlap hood to be headwear. Will not be able to wear a backpack with the ghillie suit.

Items inside wet clothes can get wet themselves (waterproof backpack already modeled)

Current design is one gun on back and any item in your hand (If you choose to carry a second gun than good for you. Peter Nespesny)

Steam workshop modding is a commitment from the DayZ team and BI

0.50 will likely be a hotfix for server crashing, map design, and adding in some extra items that have been finished

Survivor GameZ will make a return to DayZ standalone in the future

Brian is looking forward to server performance and increased player count

Chris is looking forward to teamwork features, repairing vehicles and base building

Peter wants to see the vehicles in game soon and barricading/locking doors

New zombie AI is currently being worked on but is several months away (new sensing of player, stealthing from zombies, audio changes etc.)

Growing a crop once horticulture is implemented will be based on average playtime and the amount of time before a server resets

Missions and quests will not be added never ever (unless modders do it)

Events will be dynamic meaning that they will not require a server reset

The next month or two will see an increased focus on security

BE Anti-cheat detection will be far improved

Stable hive purge destroyed ALL unlimited magazines

Private shards on route to be deployed

Next week should have a great status report (vehicle images hint hint)

Thanks to /u/PwnDailY on Reddit.

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Siden jeg ikke vil blande hovedbrukeren min når det gjelder språk har jeg lagd en twitch bruker nr.2 Der norske dayz streams vil foregå på. Har ikke enda ordnet info panel og slike ting. Men hadde vært hyggelig om dere fulgte! Vi har jo ingen norske dayz streamere så og si nesten. Så her tenker jeg å streame DayZ og andre spill på norsk i framtiden!


Endret av Quakecry
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Hei på dere!

Jeg har aldri spilt et zombie-apokalyptisk-spill før, men har veldig lyst til å prøve (har nettopp begynt å se på Walking Dead :)). Har i den anledning noen spørsmål. Jeg har forsøkt å se litt på Youtube og forumer, men er vanskelig å få et inntrykk av hvordan spillet er per dags dato.


Er Dayz Standalone å anbefale? Er spillet såpass "ferdig" at det er mulig å ha det kjekt? Hvis ikke, er det et tilsvarende spill som er verdt å prøve? Helst ikke singelplayer-spill; jeg vil gjerne spille med en kamerat.


Siste spørsmål: Kan jeg spille Dayz relativt greit med I5-3210M, GT 640M og 8 GB ram?

Endret av Donkey Kong
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Hei på dere!

Jeg har aldri spilt et zombie-apokalyptisk-spill før, men har veldig lyst til å prøve (har nettopp begynt å se på Walking Dead :)). Har i den anledning noen spørsmål. Jeg har forsøkt å se litt på Youtube og forumer, men er vanskelig å få et inntrykk av hvordan spillet er per dags dato.


Er Dayz Standalone å anbefale? Er spillet såpass "ferdig" at det er mulig å ha det kjekt? Hvis ikke, er det et tilsvarende spill som er verdt å prøve? Helst ikke singelplayer-spill; jeg vil gjerne spille med en kamerat.


Siste spørsmål: Kan jeg spille Dayz relativt greit med I5-3210M, GT 640M og 8 GB ram?

Ville kanskje heller anbefalt deg å kjøpe Arma 2 og lastet ned DayZ modden istede. Der får mere spill for pengene, og heller vente til DayZ SA blir bedre. Selv om jeg syns DayZ SA er fullt spillbart nå, men det er mye mere å gjøre i modden, og blir kanskje ikke like fort lei.

Du kan jo se om du finner en demo av arma 2 eller arma 3 og se om du drar de spilla, om du gjør det, klarer du DayZ også. Usikker på om det skjermkortet der vil fungerer noe særlig til DayZ, isåfall på veldig low settings.

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