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Ting som irriterer så grenseløst v2.0!


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Så jæææævlig mange som som føler seg så forpult smarte fordi de skjønner at "dommedagen" ikke kommer i morra. Jada fortell alle vennene dine hvordan NASA og vitenskaps folk har bevist at ikke kommer til å skje noe, eller kom med en morsom vits for tusende gang, for det begynner jo VIRKELIG ikke å bli gammelt nå, synes det er det morsomste EVER :D :D :D . Fy faen så jævlig fuckings smarte folk er, blir helt motherfuckings imponert

Endret av Carlgutt
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We have now officially entered the day that ends´the Mayan calendar, at least in Norway. I met with a very good friend and had midnight meditation, a really nice way of starting of the "day". During the meditation I channeled something I was told to share with you all. I ask for you to feel in to the words and judge for your self if this is for you or not. If it is, I am glad I was allowed to share, if not it´s OK.


"If you use this golden opportunity - align yourself , every cell and DNA to the Galactic Alignment. You will experience to be; not only aligned with everyone around you, but the Universe it self.

This will set your vibration in tune with the new frequency sweeping your planet and your Galaxy at this time.


It sets the standard for what to come, not only in the next few days, but the next eon. This frequency of love, that you all have heard so much about, is not only important for your survival as a human race, but carries the signature of the Creator and the One.

It is ingrained in your DNA as the light that carries your uniqueness and Oneness - all in one.


This light has a correlating sound and is as you were reminded earlier, the beginning and end of all created - the start and finish - and what makes up the synchronisety of all that is by it´s own unique frequency that you all carry within.

By using this knowledge you become not only the creation, but the creator, as the reflection of the One and as the Creator it self.


You have been called "children" - it is time to grow up and become what you really are in your own right, and experience the power given to you, but with the a new Grace - learned from past experiences and mistakes.


Ingrain and integrate, trust your self from within, listen to your heart - where all your answers lies. Thank You.



Hva faen. Og de påstår at de driver med selvutvikling? Hva faen.


Takk,kjære Marina! Dette traff ett eller annet dypt inn i meg, og jeg så noe jeg ikke har sett før, som gav meg en aha opplevelse. Glad i deg! Varm klem


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Jeg irriterer meg over folk som insisterer på å putte nicket sitt i bunn av posten sin. Det er så jævlig latterlig, som om jeg ikke hadde en signatur, ett bilde OG nicket deres fra før av. Jeg trenger det virkelig ikke inn med teskje at meldingen ble skrevet av den personen. Also, det der "X waits for Alice"-greiene er forbi latterlig.

Endret av Kaymeerah
  • Liker 3
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