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Den offisielle 6xxx tråden, med link til drivere og prisguide


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Oppdatert 27.07.11

Er det ting dere mener bør være i post 1 eller 2 så send meg PM så skal jeg legge det inn :yes:

AMD's skjermkort drivere finnes HER Siste versjon er 11.7

Dette er AMDs nye skjermkort


5xxx serien VS. 6xxx serien







Tester av 6950 og 6970








6970 multicard skalering


Tester av 6850 og 6870









Diamond, Sapphire & XFX AMD Radeon HD 6870 Video Card Roundup


6950 to 6970 flash thread"]


Asus hd6970 bios for de som har lyst å prøve den



Nærmer seg 6990


Sjekk post 2 for info/bilder/priser av de forskjellige kortene!

Linker til prisguiden 6850-->6970


Old news



Litt 6990 nyheter her


AMD offically launched HD 6700 series



Cayman Radeon HD 6970 and 6950 launch December 15th


EU price from €429 to €449 with VAT



AMD Cayman further detailed



Cayman HD 6970 to launch November 29th

Siste nytt er at 6950 og 6970 vil komme i mitden av desember...Time Will Show



Some Cayman Radeon HD6970 specs



AMD Antilles Radeon HD 6990 Not Far Away



AMD promotes Cayman as the new R300

Leaked AMD Northern Islands 'Cayman' Details Appear - New Architecture



Cayman is sampled

AMD Radeon HD 6870 Memory Voltage Modification - With a Pencil



Da begynner ryktene om 6970 å dukke opp



Sist men inte minst inkommer rapporter om lanseringsdatumet. Ett pressmöte med mediaembargo hålls den 14 oktober i Los Angeles och den officiella introduktionen sker veckan därpå. Det mesta pekar på att Radeon HD 6800-serien ser dagens ljus den 21/22 oktober, beroende på tidzon.


AMD Radeon HD 6870 benchmark performance predicted

ATI Preps New Dual-Chip Flagship Graphics Card - Rumours.

A High End Performance Expected from the AMD Radeon 6870


Litt mere snacks


Kopierer inn noen innlegg fra Beyond3d.com formuet:




Radeon HD 6700 series will launch on October 12.





So shall, according to an anonymous source, the introduction of the new graphics cards on time-series on October 12 this year, AMD plans. This year is no graphics card, however the upper fields first go to the starting line as this makes most times a pixel accelerator from the middle segment the beginning. Demnach kommt als erste der neuen Serie, die von uns bereits angekündigte Grafikkarte mit dem Codenamen " Barts ". Thus comes the first of the new series which we have already announced graphics card with the code name "Bart". AMD seems like the competition is no air to breathe give way, because just that day, also plans to present its middle-class nVIDIA graphics card GT430 on GF108 basis.


The following list you will see the new GPUs that graphics chip will replace the previous:


Caicos: Low-End-GPU ersetzt Cedar/RV810 Caicos: Low-end GPU replaced Cedar/RV810

Turks: Mid-Range-GPU ersetzt Redwood/RV830 Turks: Mid-range GPU replaced Redwood/RV830

Barts: High-Mid-Range GPU ersetzt Juniper/RV840 Barts: High-Mid-Range GPU replaced Juniper/RV840

Cayman: High-End-GPU ersetzt Cypress/RV870 Cayman: High-end GPU replaced Cypress/RV870

Antilles: Dual-GPU Top-Modell ersetzt Hemlock/R800 Antilles: Dual-GPU top-model replaces Hemlock/R800


Furthermore, we could bring in experience that the series HD6000er probably the first to CHL a digital PWM control of the company will have CHIL. Next is the fact that "Bart Pro" in an expensive design comes from the cooler and heat pipes have is about 2x8mm. In addition, "the Chamber Barts XT technology to use" Vapor make in order to keep a cool head.


In addition, there are improvements in the rendering of 3D Blu-Ray, the introduction of UVD3 come with.. Connections in the form of HDMI1.4 1.2, and DisplayPort are called.









nApoleon 发表于 2010-8-31 22:50


Cayman pro will a bit longer than HD5870.

Core clcok=850Mhz


Vapor heatsink(Not flat)




AMD's upcoming Cayman XT pixellized


Alleged AMD Caicos card pixellized







What is AMD's Northern Islands?


A look at what is coming in October


by Charlie Demerjian




Some more info here: http://pclab.pl/news43091.html, from "a little unofficial talk with an AMD worker". You can try to google translate it, but I don't think it will work well. It's also written rather vaguely, so I complied the main points for you:


- improved Cypress architecture, all GPU blocks improved (so shaders too?)

- better performance clock for clock, less power consumption.

- The experience in the 40nm process allows for better organization of the die (and save space - that's what I personaly wondered if possible)

- Better yields allow for more complicated structures

- new UVD 3.0 decoder, with full video playback acceleration for Eyefinity, up to 6 monitors. Overall better decoder.

- no problems with samples of chips and cards, not even with the 6970.

- prototypes might be send to AMD partners in the coming weeks

- AMD wants HD6970 on the market before Xmas (obviously!)

- No worries from competetion, they believe Radeons will reign in DX11 generation

- Aggressive pricing planned, as long as enough cards can be produced. (buy one asap before prices go up! )

- First low-end, then middle, then HD6970.

- HD6800 planed for beginning of 2011, could be earlier though.

- no comment on the rumour AMD would be doing a fusion processor for next Xbox.

- lots of optimizm in the AMD camp





As we hinted a few reliable sources, one could go to AMD soon with a new branding process (naming) to swing. AMD so shall make a few small signs, the graphics card name for a new naming scheme. One reason could be that not enough has HD6700 graphics cards and thus help with a Rebrand of Juniper chips must.


This could soon be out of a Juniper XT, which is an HD5770, HD6770 is a planned and will be out of the HD6770 (XT Barts) a HD6870. We have also learned that you think about it at AMD, rename the HD6970 (Antilles) in a HD6990. What will happen after the Rebrand named HD6970 is unfortunately unclear. We could imagine however, that AMD consider several graphics cards with dual-GPU contact with different performance, which could be planned from the HD6870 (XT Cayman), a new HD6970. could also be a possibility given that it leaves the HD6970 as a single-GPU graphics card and the only multi-GPU HD6990





AMD to delay the launch of Radeon HD 6000 series, while Nvidia drops GPU price


AMD Radeon HD 6870 benchmarks




AMD skruvar upp klockfrekvenserna för Radeon HD 6800



mere snacks :)


Litt mer snadder å lese :!:


Displayport 1.2 i framtida AMD Eyefinity


Kilder nær AMD sier selskapet tar sikte på å oppgradere DualView Eyefinity med Display Port 1.2, som gir støtte for flere skjermer til samme forbindelsen.


Med bare uker igjen til lanseringen av de første modellene i Radeon HD 6000-serien er nynner det for full av hva AMD faktisk har planer med den nye grafikk kortene. Er det bare en optimalisert krets, eller det er flere nyheter under panseret?


En av de heteste ryktene bekymringer om gjennomføringen av Display Port 1.2 i multi-screen system Eyefinity. Den nyeste versjonen av grensesnittet dobler båndbredden 10,8 til 21,6 Gbps, noe som gir noen interessante muligheter.


For bare Eyefinity er støtte for multi-streaming mest interessante, muligheten til å sende flere uavhengige signaler over samme kabel. En enkelt tilkobling for Display Port 1.2 kan lage kjeder med opptil fire skjermer i 1920 x 1200 eller to 2560 x 1600 piksler (60 Hz).


Nå er det snakk om fremtidige Radeon HD 6870 støtter Display Port 1.2. Under et bilde av en Tidlig test card som lekket på nettet, har den modellen doble utganger i form av mini-kontakter. I AMD's donasjon ville gi støtte i minst seks skjermer, tre skjermer for hver Mini Display Port 1.2. Hvis dette gjelder for referanse design eller bare en spesialutgave som Eyefinity 6 er foreløpig uklart.


DisplayPort 1.2 er en fullstendig logisk skritt i utviklingen av flere skjermer, og viser at teknologien er ikke opp til Radeon HD 6000-serien er bare et spørsmål om tid før konkurrentene har oppdaget fordelene med høyere båndbredde og flere kanaler.




AMD Radeon HD 6800 Dokument Lekkasje


Skjermbilder av et PDF-dokument som beskriver den kommende Radeon HD 6800-serien har nå lekket ut på nettet, med opprinnelse fra IT.com.cn, postet på Chiphell. Selv om dokumentet er i forenklet kinesisk, mange av de avsløre detaljer - slik som nomenklatur og varemerkebeskyttet funksjoner - er på engelsk. Som forventet, Radeon HD 6870 har GDDR5 minne og PCI Express 2.1 x16-støtte, med DirectX11. I tillegg til Eyefinity, noe som kalles "EyeSpeed" har blitt lagt til. UVD 3 er nevnt, men detaljene er på kinesisk. Ikke overraskende, er AMD endelig introdusere sitt alternativ til NVIDIA 3D Vision - AMD HD3D. Det avgjørende informasjon kommer senere - Barts XT er AMD Radeon HD 6870 og Barts Pro er AMD Radeon HD 6850


De ryktene mill har lenge trodd at Barts er mainstream Juniper erstatning, med Cayman er den ytelsen Cypress erstatning, med dual-Cayman danner entusiast Antillene produktet. Dette førte til en logisk konklusjon som Barts vil bli HD6700, Cayman HD 6800 og HD 6900 Antillene. Ryktet om Barts være HD 6800 i stedet for HD 6700 har eksistert en stund, og var i utgangspunktet forkastet av noen entusiaster. Men, antar dette PDF er legitim og hvis Barts er faktisk HD 6800, hvordan passer Cayman og Antillene i? Jada, kan Cayman bli 6950/70 HD, men hva med Antillene? Lysbildet nevner også at i henhold til AMD nomenklatur, gyldige nok er "30", "50" og "70". Så, er HD6990 usannsynlig. Foruten dette ikke faktor i det ryktet Antillene Pro. Og hvis Barts er HD6800, betyr dette det vil ende opp langsommere enn eller knapt raskere enn HD5800?


Selvfølgelig, det er mye forvirring og avvik mellom de forskjellige rykter, og mye av det har å gjøre med oppfattet nomenklatur.


I tillegg er Chiphell plakater spekulere prisene på HD 6800 er mindre enn 2000 CNY, som er mindre enn US $ 300.


oversatt med google translate, overse derfor gramatikken :roll:



Nye bilder lekket fra it.com.cn

(funnet her: http://be.hardware.info)




Flere i spoilern









mere konkrete detaljer


Litt snacks :)


More Leaks/Rumors on AMD 6800 series


I snagged this post from my other Fav Hardware site. Thought some of you might enjoy having the latest look-see.


Posted by Sampsa Kurri (Admin and writer in Muropaketti)


AMD Radeon ™ HD 6800 Series GPU Detailed Feature Summary


AMD Radeon™ HD 6870 GPU Feature Summary:


* GDDR5 memory interface

* PCI Express® 2.1 x16 bus interface

* Eye-Definition graphics

* Second generation graphics with full DirectX® 11 support

* Shader Model 5.0

* DirectCompute 11

* Programmable hardware tessellation unit

* Accelerated multi-threading

* HDR texture compression

* Order-independent transparency

* Image quality enhancement technology

* AMD Eyefinity multi-display technology

* AMD EyeSpeed visual acceleration3

* AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing (APP) technology

* OpenCLSupport

* DirectCompute 11



Accelerated video encoding, transcoding, and upscaling


o UVD 3 dedicated video playback accelerator

o Enhanced Video Quality features


* Advanced post-processing and scaling

* Dynamic contrast enhancement and color correction

* Brighter whites processing (Blue Stretch)

* Independent video gamma control

* Dynamic video range control



AMD HD3D technology


o Stereoscopic 3D display/glasses support

o Blu-ray 3D support

o Stereoscopic 3D gaming

o 3rd party Stereoscopic 3D middleware software support


AMD CrossFireX™ multi-GPU technology


o Dual GPU scaling


Cutting-edge integrated display support


o Integrated dual-link DVI output with HDCP

o Integrated DisplayPort 1.2 output

o Integrated HDMI 1.4a with support for stereoscopic 3D

o Integrated VGA output


Integrated HD audio controller


o Output protected high bit rate 7.1 channel surround sound over HDMI with no additional cables required

o Supports AC-3, AAC, Dolby TrueHD and DTS Master Audio formats


AMD PowerPlay™ power management technology


o Dynamic power management with low power idle state

o Ultra-low power state support for multi-GPU configurations


AMD Catalyst™ graphics and HD video configuration software


o Certified drivers for Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP

o AMD Catalyst™ Control Center - AMD Catalyst™ software application and user interface for setup, configuration, and accessing features of ATI Radeon products

o Unified Graphics display driver - AMD Catalyst™ software enabling other PC programs and devices to use advanced graphics, video, and features of AMD Radeon™ products



6800 planned Oct. 19 release, the original 6870 production early August was going quite well (we visit it its own calculation of Distribution), the end product, 6900 Series is scheduled for release in November. ...... First burst so much, next time be adjourned to the ......


There was what appeared to be an Internal AMD Memo posted with this but it didnt contribute any specs . It just issued warnings stating these were guidelings for OEMs.


EDIT: Seems to match pretty nicely to "leaked" NDA info which is ment for OEM people




Mere funn fra Kent -amdme-


AMD to Rebrand Juniper to HD 6700 Series?


AMD Rebranding HD 5770 and HD 5750 to HD 6700 Series


AMD seems to have been on the crossroads of which naming scheme to adopt. The first scheme based on conventional logic tells users that Barts-based SKUs should sit in the HD 6700 series, and Cayman-based single-GPU SKUs in the HD 6800; while the second scheme promotes Barts to the HD 6800 series, and Cayman to the HD 6900 series, pushing the low-volume, high-end Antilles (dual-Cayman) graphics card to the HD 6990 SKU. Evidently, AMD chose the newer, second scheme. The only rationale that makes sense is that the x800 series seems to be very popular, and if Barts, with its radically redesigned SIMD components can perform on par or better than the HD 5800 series SKUs, that’s enough to justify its upwards push.


Since the new performance SKU will be labeled HD 6800 series, that leaves some vacuum with the HD 6700 series. The solution to this came in the form of a perceptually bad practice of rebranding Juniper-based SKUs to HD 6700 series. There is a possibility of AMD stepping up clock speeds, or adding software features to the HD 6700 series, but that’s as far as we can see the Juniper going. “Turks” and “Caicos” are new GPUs, that trail behind in the HD 6600, HD 6500, and HD 6400 Series, respectively.




Option 1: Don’t Rebrand Juniper

Antilles Radeon HD 6970

Cayman XT Radeon HD 6870

Cayman PRO Radeon HD 6850

Barts XT Radeon HD 6770

Barts PRO Radeon HD 6750

Juniper XT Radeon HD 5770

Juniper LE Radeon HD 5750

Turks Radeon HD 66xx/65xx

Caicos Radeon HD 64xx


Option 2: Rebrand Juniper

Antilles Radeon HD 6990

Cayman XT Radeon HD 6970

Cayman PRO Radeon HD 6950

Barts XT Radeon HD 6870

Barts PRO Radeon HD 6850

Juniper XT Radeon HD 6770

Juniper LE Radeon HD 6750

Turks Radeon HD 66xx/65xx

Caicos Radeon HD 64xx





Hva skal man mene om dette da tro???

Radeon HD 6850, 6870 i prestandatest


10.10.10 og 12.10.10




Mulig at dette er postet allerede, men men :whistle:


Leaked Radeon HD 6870 3DMark test shows 30% gain on 5870




We have to start off by saying that the performance figures you see above are in no way official, and could have been Photoshopped. But we are really hoping they aren’t for AMD’s sake and gamers too.


The leaked 3DMark Vantage score from Chinese site Pcinlife.com is for an as yet unreleased 6000 series Radeon graphics card, more specifically the HD 6870. The score is 11,634 which, when compared to the 5870 score Neoseeker is getting of around 9,000, shows a 30% performance increase.


As usual, Crysis is seen as the benchmark by which all cards are judged. In this case, on further testing the 6870 managed 43.55fps at 1920×1200 with 4x AA.


If this is a real HD 6870, then AMD has another hit on its hands and gamers should start saving up now. The rumor is the 6000 series cards could appear as soon as November. It’s also possible they will be one of the first to drop the ATi name.


Matthew’s Opinion


The tables have really turned with this generation of graphics cards. Nvidia used to rule, but AMD turned that around with the 5000 series cards which are both high-performance and cheaper than the Nvidia alternatives.


I was a Nvidia stalwart for my last 5 generations of PC, but my latest rig has a 5850 at its heart. It was very cheap, especially considering it’s a 2GB model, and also very quiet and cool. The significance of that is not only am I happy with the card, but AMD will be the first place I look next time I upgrade. I’m sure many other gamers will do the same based on how well these cards perform.


I really hope this is a 6870 card on test and not a fake. If it is, then it looks like AMD will continue to grow its market share when the 6000 series cards are released at the end of the year



Det er jo mulig at det rett og slett er 6"7"50 og 6"7"70 som kommer nå og ikke 6850/6870 :hmm:


6770 and HD5870 has the same number of stream processors is equivalent to the number (320x4D

Width +4.2 Gps 256bit memory guaranteed beyond 5850 and GTX460 1GB of bandwidth (134.4GB / s),

The 6770 result in higher performance of the core frequency or directly beyond the 5870 (900MHz)

6770 consumes less than GTX460 768MB, only 146W :)



grei forklaring fra Andreas Dimestam Chefredaktör Sweclockers.com:



AMD väljer att döpa till HD 6800 eftersom HD 5700 kommer att leva kvar 2011. De vill inte att att kunder ska få intrycket av att HD 5700 är utdaterad eftersom HD 6700 existerar.


För övrigt skriver vi på NDA nästa vecka, passa på att fråga om de nya grafikkorten nu för sen kan vi inte publicera mer.


"-Ska man tolka det som att ni sitter med mer information som ännu inte publicerats?

I så fall frågar jag: Kan ni snälla berätta allt ni vet? =)"


Nja, vi har nog publicerat det mesta. Det som är kvar är lite lösryckt information som att UVD3 kommer att stödja 4K-upplösningar och att nya Eyefinity fixar daisy-chaining via Displayport 1.2. Annars handlar mycket om att HD 6800 kommer att vara strömsnål, att AMD producerar de första HD 6870 och att partnertillverkarna har fria tyglar när det gäller HD 6850. Kommer förmodligen många överklockade modeller kort efter lanseringen.








Litt mer fakta eller rykter :p


AMD HD6870 and HD6850 benchmarks get leaked


Today we noticed that Hexus have translated some information from chinese website xfastest.com. They have shown some benchmark figures from the upcoming HD6850 and HD6870.


Both of these cards have already been pictured and leaked on various Far East sites (shame on you guys!), but this is the first benchmark information we have seen to date. Obviously they are running on pre-release drivers so the scores can be taken lightly.


What it does show however is that the new HD6870 and HD6850 are not direct replacements for the five series cards with the same naming conventions.


KitGuru says: It looks right now that the 6900 series cards will be replacements for the high end 5800 series cards out today. Naming conventions have never been AMD’s strong point, as this would further verify. We are sure this is going to cause a fair bit of confusion with the enthusiast audience.


Hvis dette er mid-end kort lover det jo godt :love:




Radeon HD 6870 and 6850 launch Oct 22nd

Radeon HD 6870 officially at 900MHz


14-->19 oktober


Litt nakenbilder av Barts:





Barts har en rimelig liten kjerne og det blir spennende å se varme/strømbruk på HD5870 ytelsesnivå.




En artikkel hos VR-Zone setter lys på mulige problemer med yields og sprengt kapasitet hos tsmc.



Har jeg selv vært Nvidia sjef, har jeg prøvd å hindre AMD så godt jeg kan. Tidligere har Nvidia betalt for hele wafere uansett yields, mens AMD har bare betalt for fungerende brikker. Vet ikke hvordan det er nå og hvem som blir prioritet.


Gleder meg stort til å se en test av toppmodellene i kommende generasjon, og hvor mye de slår de nåværende top kortene til 10 tusen per stykk. Men med det strømforbruket må det bli litt støy.



Test kilde





Foreløpige vurdering av 3D-kortene AMD Radeon HD 6800


Publisering av kilden gir en foreløpig idé om ytelsen til de to 3D-kart av neste-generasjons AMD, som vil debut denne måneden.


Så langt det er kjent, vil i en serie av AMD Radeon HD 6800 er en modell HD 6850 og HD 6870Hvem ytelse ble evaluert ved hjelp av tester 3DMark.


Ifølge ubekreftede opplysninger, er kjernen i GPU AMD Radeon HD 6870 klokket til 900 MHz. I konfigurasjonen av akseleratoren omfatter 960 stream prosessorer og 256-bit minnebuss. GDDR5-minne klokket til 1050 MHz (effektive - 4200 MHz). I 3DMark Vantage testen, viser dette kortet resultatene av P16270 og X7538, i testen 3DMark06 - 19480.


Kernel AMD Radeon HD 6850 er klokket til 775 MHz, minne - på 1000 MHz (effektive frekvensen - 4000 MHz). Bus bredde, samt den eldre modellen, er 256 binære bits, men antallet stream-prosessorer er redusert til 800. I 3DMark Vantage kartet viste resultatene av P14872 og X6549, i testen 3DMark06 - 18750.


Til sammenligning, kilden til bly indikatorer på andre 3D-kart i de samme testene (3DMark Vantage/3DMark06). Modell NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480 viser resultatene P18376/19671, GeForce GTX 460 med 256-bit buss og et minne - P13623/18601, GeForce GTX 460 med 192-bit bus og 768 MB minne - P13386/18259, GeForce GTS 450 - P9792 / 15793. Grafikk akselerator, ATI Radeon HD 5870 gevinster i disse testene resultat P17924/19433, ATI Radeon HD 5850 - P15593/18762, ATI Radeon HD 5830 - P14014/17298, ATI Radeon HD 5770 - P11017/16358, ATI Radeon HD 5750 - P9124/14966


Visuelt sammenligne indikatorene tillater linjen diagrammer. Til venstre viser resultatene av testen 3DMark Vantage, til høyre en test 3DMark06.



Hd6870 og 6850 i nettbutikk...ikke i norge :p



Preliminära svenska priser för Radeon HD 6870, HD 6850


Med fem dagar kvar till lansering avslöjar en svensk distributör de första prisuppgifterna. Radeon HD 6850 hamnar på cirka 1 899 kronor medan HD 6870 går på 2 199 kronor inklusive moms.


Nvidia möter Radeon HD 6800 med överklockade Geforce GTX 460


Det gröna laget sitter stilla i båten i väntan på den nya Radeon HD 6800-serien och räknar med att överklockade Geforce GTX 460 ska klara av att hålla utmanarna stången.


"The best comparison for the first new AMD cards will be our GTX460 OC editions. The higher OC ones (around 825MHz) should be quite competitive, both in performance and price".




Bilder av 6870 og 6850 :)





Det begynner å poppe opp en del rykter, og i dag fikk vi jaggu bilder fra forsia på hw.no oxo. Det er bra.


Jeg skal ha nytt gfxkort nå, men er usikker på hva som er riktig nå.


Jeg har etterhvert skjønt at amd kjører et lite lasertriks med navnet/betegnelsen, og dette forvirret meg en periode. Men, hvis jeg har skjønt dette riktig;


1. 6870 kommer til å koste rundt 2k i norge

2. 5850 koster i dag under 2k i norge.

3. ytelsen er sammenlignbar?


Og denne sammenstillingen av fakta virker litt snedig på meg - er det reelt sett et generasjonsskifte da?


Kommer disse korta til å være mainstream eller øver midtsjikt? Er de i stand til å drive det meste av nutidens spill på 1920x1200?



Hvis hd6870 skal kunne konkurrere med gtx460 (og det er det som er planen) må prisen et godt stykke under 2000kr. Utifra svenske priser og prisen på gtx460 tipper jeg at den faller på 16-1700kr.


6870 kommer nok til å ligge rett over 5850 i ytelse pluss at den skal være kjøligere og muligens pga dette og revisjon av brikke kommer til å klokke bedre enn 5850. Dette gjør at JEG tror at 6870 er et bedre kjøp enn 5850 :yes:


men alt dette vet vi om noen få dager ;)


ps: se litt lengre frem i tråden så ser du "pre." bench av kortene :thumbup:


edit: er vel ikke et generasjonsbytte.. kan vel heller si at det er et navnebytte/revisjon ++ av brikkene..


Kortene er mid-end, high-end kommer om noen uker.

Tester kommer på fredag når NDA´en oppheves. Da får vi svar på mange ting :yes:



Tuesday, 19 October 2010 13:43

Sapphire HD 6800 shows up in retail - http://www.fudzilla.com/graphics/item/20546-sapphire-hd-6800-shows-up-in-retail





HD6870 (som vi har sett en del ganger allerede)




Ser pent ut det der ja :dribble:


Her er litt mer snadder:

Radeon HD 6870 has 151W TDP


2 TFlops, 19W idle, 1120 stream Processors


Let us give you some more details on the soon-to-launch Radeon HD 6870 card. We already talked about the 900MHz core clock speed and 1120 stream processors as well as 1GB GDDR5 memory with a 256-bit bus and 4200 MHz memory clock.


We can tell you that the TDP is 151W at load and 19W at idle. The card still needs two dual 6-pin power connectors as it’s just over the magical 150W mark. AMD wanted to be sure that these cards will work on lousier power supplies and didn’t want to take any risks.


The Radeon HD 6870 offers HDMI output as well as two mini DisplayPorts capable of supporting 1.2 devices and two DVIs. The card is dual slot and will end up with some retail partner sticker.


The card has 32ROPs and it's capable of 2.0 TFLOPs.


Cayman XT and PRO are Radeon HD 6970 and HD 6950


Antilles dual is Radeon HD 6990, all Q4



The Cayman PRO is Radeon HD 6950, Cayman XT is Radeon HD 6970 and guess what, the Antilles dual-chip card is Radeon HD 6990. No surprises there.


AMD still sticks with its schedule to ship Radeon HD 6950, HD 6970 and HD6990 in Q4 2010 and it was confirmed one more time that Radeon HD 5700 series will continue to live into Q4 2010 and onwards.


An AMD executive from the GPU Division is the one who shared this with the world and its partners. Many won’t be surprised, but this is the first time that we got something that we can claim is official. We have decided to withold his name for his own sake as we didn't speak to him directly, we just got these latest info he talked about.


Now that we know the names we can go after the specs and performance of this beast, AMD’s biggest and hottest GPU ever. At Fudzilla, Eliot mostly cares about TDP but most of us here agree that a Porsche GT3 is a way better product than a Toyota Prius, despite its fuel consumption. We do acknowledge that the Prius has way better “TDP”.


Let it be big and hot, as long as it wins benchmarks and doesn´t cook our homes.


Super snadder :dribble:






Ser ut som jeg må stå opp tidlig på fredag og ta med kaffekoppen og lese på http://www.sweclockers.com/.

Kl. 06:00 legger de ut alle tester de har gjort og det blir kos å lese.



Denne er vel litt kjekk å se, hvis den ikkje er postet før.






Endret av Goodall
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Oppdatert 16.12.10

6970 i prisguiden

6950 i prisguiden

6870 i prisguiden

6850 i prisguiden


6970 kortene














Du får med:

1 x CrossFire cable

1 x Power cable





Du får med:

1 x DVI to D-Sub adaptor

1 x CrossFire cable

1 x Power cable









6870 Turbo


Du får med:

•ATI CrossFireXTM Bridge Interconnect

•2x Power Cable 2x 4pin in, 6 pin out

•DVI-VGA Adapter




Du får med:

•ATI CrossFireXTM Bridge Interconnect

•2x Power Cable 2x 4pin in, 6 pin out

•DVI-VGA Adapter




Du får med:

•ATI CrossFireXTM Bridge Interconnect

•2x Power Cable 2x 4pin in, 6 pin out

•DVI-VGA Adapter











DVI Dongle


CrossFire Cable(Optional

Mini DP to DP Cable x 1





Du får med:

DVI Dongle

CrossFire Cable(Optional







Du får med:

1 CrossFire™ Bridge Interconnect Cable

D-Sub Adapter

Mini-DP to DP Cable

6 PIN to 4 PIN Power Cable

HDMI 1.4a high speed 1.8 meter cable(Full Retail SKU only)




Du får med:

1 CrossFire™ Bridge Interconnect Cable

D-Sub Adapter

6 PIN to 4 PIN Power Cable

HDMI 1.4a high speed 1.8 meter cable(Full Retail SKU only)





Endret av Goodall
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ATI Preps New Dual-Chip Flagship Graphics Card - Rumours


ATI, graphics business unit of Advanced Micro Devices, will launch a new dual-chip graphics card by the end of the year, according to a rumour published by a China-language web-site. The card will replace the current top-of-the-line ATI Radeon HD 5970 graphics accelerator.


The forthcoming flagship graphics board will be powered by two chips featuring the yet unannounced Southern Islands architecture. The information indirectly implies that power consumption of the future graphics processing units (GPUs) will not be too high and will allow AMD's ATI unit to put two of such chips onto a single card without exceeding standard 300W power envelope, which is crucial for meeting requirements of large system builders. As reported previously, ATI Radeon HD 6000-series graphics boards will become available in late October or early November, 2010.


Not a lot is known about the Southern Islands family of products. The SI family will offer higher performance compared to currently available ATI Radeon HD 5000 “Evergreen” line, but will hardly be considerably more advanced in terms of feature-set. It is rumoured that designers of the new GPUs concentrated mostly on improving efficiency, but not on building something completely new from scratch, which is why certain building blocks of the new Sothern Islands family will be inherited from the current Evergreen line.


According to the report from Cnbeta web-site, ATI "Southern Islands" will also feature an improved version of ATI Eyefinity technology as well as a more advanced Universal Video Decoder (UVD). The improvements will allow the new chip(s) to playback video in ultra high definition (UHD) resolutions. Unfortunately, at present there are no commercial UHD movies, hence, a more important feature of future GPUs will be ability to upconvert full-HD Blu-ray movies to higher resolutions.


ATI/AMD did not comment on the news-story.

- http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/video/display/20100821110023_ATI_Preps_New_Dual_Chip_Flagship_Graphics_Card_Rumours.html

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Etter det jeg har hørt og lest om rykter, så kommer ikke det kortet som mest sannsynligvis vil kalles 6870 før i Q4 2011. Og hvis AMD satser på 28nm, så vil det ikke komme før det, heller senere.

Q4 2011 og 28nm faller på NI som skal være en ny generasjon og arkitektur som de ryktene jeg har lest sier, så det gir lite mening at den vil gå under 6000-serien.

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Kopierer inn noen innlegg fra Beyond3d.com formuet:




Radeon HD 6700 series will launch on October 12.





So shall, according to an anonymous source, the introduction of the new graphics cards on time-series on October 12 this year, AMD plans. This year is no graphics card, however the upper fields first go to the starting line as this makes most times a pixel accelerator from the middle segment the beginning. Demnach kommt als erste der neuen Serie, die von uns bereits angekündigte Grafikkarte mit dem Codenamen " Barts ". Thus comes the first of the new series which we have already announced graphics card with the code name "Bart". AMD seems like the competition is no air to breathe give way, because just that day, also plans to present its middle-class nVIDIA graphics card GT430 on GF108 basis.


The following list you will see the new GPUs that graphics chip will replace the previous:


Caicos: Low-End-GPU ersetzt Cedar/RV810 Caicos: Low-end GPU replaced Cedar/RV810

Turks: Mid-Range-GPU ersetzt Redwood/RV830 Turks: Mid-range GPU replaced Redwood/RV830

Barts: High-Mid-Range GPU ersetzt Juniper/RV840 Barts: High-Mid-Range GPU replaced Juniper/RV840

Cayman: High-End-GPU ersetzt Cypress/RV870 Cayman: High-end GPU replaced Cypress/RV870

Antilles: Dual-GPU Top-Modell ersetzt Hemlock/R800 Antilles: Dual-GPU top-model replaces Hemlock/R800


Furthermore, we could bring in experience that the series HD6000er probably the first to CHL a digital PWM control of the company will have CHIL. Next is the fact that "Bart Pro" in an expensive design comes from the cooler and heat pipes have is about 2x8mm. In addition, "the Chamber Barts XT technology to use" Vapor make in order to keep a cool head.


In addition, there are improvements in the rendering of 3D Blu-Ray, the introduction of UVD3 come with.. Connections in the form of HDMI1.4 1.2, and DisplayPort are called.









nApoleon 发表于 2010-8-31 22:50


Cayman pro will a bit longer than HD5870.

Core clcok=850Mhz


Vapor heatsink(Not flat)

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HD 6800 benchmark lekket på nettet.


Artikkel på The Tech Report.


Lekkasjen direkte



Typical scores for 1920x1200 4xAA Extreme are 900+ for the GTX 480 and 500+ for the HD 5870. Amazingly, the HD 6870 scores a whopping 922, which is a massive increase over the HD 5870 and puts it on par with the GTX 480. Do note, however, that the previous results were on Heaven 2.0, whereas the HD 6870 benchmarks use Heaven 2.1.





Lover jo bra, da begynner spilldesignererne sikkert også og dytte inn mere grafikk som bruker tessellation, nå som begge produsentene støtter dette fullt ut.

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Some more info here: http://pclab.pl/news43091.html, from "a little unofficial talk with an AMD worker". You can try to google translate it, but I don't think it will work well. It's also written rather vaguely, so I complied the main points for you:


- improved Cypress architecture, all GPU blocks improved (so shaders too?)

- better performance clock for clock, less power consumption.

- The experience in the 40nm process allows for better organization of the die (and save space - that's what I personaly wondered if possible)

- Better yields allow for more complicated structures

- new UVD 3.0 decoder, with full video playback acceleration for Eyefinity, up to 6 monitors. Overall better decoder.

- no problems with samples of chips and cards, not even with the 6970.

- prototypes might be send to AMD partners in the coming weeks

- AMD wants HD6970 on the market before Xmas (obviously!)

- No worries from competetion, they believe Radeons will reign in DX11 generation

- Aggressive pricing planned, as long as enough cards can be produced. (buy one asap before prices go up! )

- First low-end, then middle, then HD6970.

- HD6800 planed for beginning of 2011, could be earlier though.

- no comment on the rumour AMD would be doing a fusion processor for next Xbox.

- lots of optimizm in the AMD camp





As we hinted a few reliable sources, one could go to AMD soon with a new branding process (naming) to swing. AMD so shall make a few small signs, the graphics card name for a new naming scheme. One reason could be that not enough has HD6700 graphics cards and thus help with a Rebrand of Juniper chips must.


This could soon be out of a Juniper XT, which is an HD5770, HD6770 is a planned and will be out of the HD6770 (XT Barts) a HD6870. We have also learned that you think about it at AMD, rename the HD6970 (Antilles) in a HD6990. What will happen after the Rebrand named HD6970 is unfortunately unclear. We could imagine however, that AMD consider several graphics cards with dual-GPU contact with different performance, which could be planned from the HD6870 (XT Cayman), a new HD6970. could also be a possibility given that it leaves the HD6970 as a single-GPU graphics card and the only multi-GPU HD6990


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