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G80 og R600, hva vet vi?

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Gjest medlem-105082
sorry for død link. denne skal funke



Den fungerer, ja :thumbup:


Edit: Få feilmelding om at mappen er tom. Bare hos meg?

Endret av medlem-105082
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Nye hovedkort er aldri billig. Ergo har man kjøpt et P35 system nå ville det vært ergelig om PCIe 2.0 kom allerede 2008.


men det er ikke nye cpuer, skjermkort eller ramm heller.


Logikken sier jo at du må sammenligne på likt system, kan ikke feks sammenligne dyreste hovedkort med billigste ramm evnt nyeste hovedkort med gammel ramm.

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Gjest medlem-105082
Det funket hos meg, NightBlade.



Må vel ha skjedd noe under nedlastingen da. Men nå er siden kjapper hos VR-Zone :)

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Det er jo helt normalt at driverne er veldig ferske på lanseringsdagen. Det at flere spill fikk store ytelsehopp bare ved å gå fra 8.36 til 8.37 tyder jo på at det er veldig mye å hente på nye drivere. De spillene som kom dårlig ut i testen ser ut til å lide av umodne drivere og ikke mangel på hardware. Folk som kjøper Radeon HD 2900XT kan nok se frem til god ytelse selv om det kan ta uker og måneder før kortene yter som fortjent.


Jeg synes egentlig dette lover svært bra. Både for de som er tidlig ute og handler de nærmeste dagene og de som venter utover sommeren.

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Dette gir meg flashbacks til Radeon 8500 lanseringen mtp driver situasjonen. Får håpe ting kommer på plass ganske raskt. Slik det er nå taper AMD både i ytelse og IQ.



Det er på en måte godt å se at det ikke bare er nVidia som har uoptimaliserte drivere... :yes:

Både nVidia og ATi har nye arkitekturer nå, og de har begge måttet sette av ekstra ressurser til å kode Windows Vista-drivere, så derfor vil nok ting ta litt lenger tid nå.

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At det er bugs, og kanskje ikke den mest optimale ytelsen er nok sant, men dårlig IQ er det langt ifra.

IQ'en er jo helt "perfekt".

Fra det som er blitt vist har 8x00 klart bedre AF og AA IQ. CFAA er virkelig blur-o-vision.


Er det bare meg eller minner ATi sin nye AA teknikk (CFAA) celdig mye om nVidia sin Qunicux AA som vel ble introdusert sammen med GeForce 3??

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Det er vel noe av det samme ja. Vi får se hvordan ting utvikler seg.


The is actually a pre-alpha driver, but it includes a preview of new 12xAA and 24xAA modes. These modes use an advanced edge detection filter that delivers edge quality while eliminating blurring.

- vr-zone

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Det er vits en del reveiw ut av x2900xt  nå .Jeg lurer hvordan mellomkort til ati vil gjøre mot  8600gt/gts


I og med at mellomkortene ikke kommer ut før slutten av juni så er det vel ikke så mange review enda...



I følge Guru3D så kommer 2600 og 2400 i juli:

In another article we'll go in-depth on the HD 2400 and HD 2600 cards, yet for these cards we can only give you the information we gave you. That part is a paper launch with availability likely in July.
Endret av [GDI]Raptor
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Her kommer nVidia sitt svar på 2800XT... Priskutt på både 640 og 320MB utgaven av 8800GTS


Watch out R600

Nvidia dropped its prices significantly to prepare better for Radeon HD 2900XT launch. It specially adjusted the prices of the GTS series and today you can buy the 640 MB version for just about 300 to €310 including shipping and 320 MB costs even less.


You can buy a 320 MB card including shipping and handling cost for about €256 and the card works at the default frequencies and comes from Sparkle. The best part is that this card is marginaly slower then the 640 MB card and some €140 cheaper than Radeon HD 2900XT.


This will certainly put a lot of pressure on the Radeon HD 2900XT as the 320 MB of Geforce 8800 GTS performs better in many tests or at least comes close to a €140 expensive card. This will be a tough call for consumers.


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Enda en R600 review:




Radeon HD 2900 XT In Trouble


ATI definitely did not pull off another Radeon 9700 Pro. The Radeon 9700 Pro was a phenomenal card for the time. It introduced a 256-bit bus for the first time and excelled in DirectX 9 shader performance. The Radeon 9700 Pro positively shocked gamers and had a very long life span. Everyone wanted a generational jump such as that with the R600. The ATI Radeon HD 2900 XT however is more akin to NVIDIA’s GeForce FX 5800. It does not seem like this will have a very long life span in comparison. NVIDIA quickly answered the GeForce FX 5800 by introducing the GeForce FX 5900 (NV35). ATI really needs to do something similar in this situation, or they may lose some loyal fans in the enthusiast community and you can bet they are going to continue to lose sales to NVIDIA’s 8000 series products.


Here is what it boils down to. If the Radeon HD 2900 XT performed exactly on par with the GeForce 8800 GTS in every game, it would still be a loser because it draws nearly 100 more watts of power, meaning it is very inefficient. The facts are though that it doesn’t even match the 8800 GTS currently. In every game it slides in underperforming compared to the GeForce 8800 GTS 640 MB, and it does it while drawing a lot more power, as much power or more as an 8800 GTX. Not only that, but a GeForce 8800 GTS 640 MB based video card can now be had for up to $70 cheaper than the Radeon HD 2900 XT. I don’t know about you, but a video card that is cheaper, runs a lot faster and draws less energy just seems like the better value to me.


This doesn’t even bring into the equation the GeForce 8800 GTX which outclasses the ATI Radeon HD 2900 XT on every front. Yes, it costs about $130 more, but that $130 buys you a lot more performance in games. It is sad that ATI does not have a GPU to compete with the GeForce 8800 GTX. At this point NVIDIA has, dare I say it, a monopoly over the high-end of computer gaming video card market. If you want the best gaming performance, it is still the GeForce 8800 GTX. The GTX has no competition.

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Enda en test:




Performance Summary: Throughout our entire battery of gaming related benchmarks, the new Radeon HD 2900 XT performed at roughly the same level as a standard GeForce 8800 GTS. Depending on the test configuration, the Radeon HD 2900 XT and standard GeForce 8800 GTS traded victories, but more often than not the GTS pulled ahead. In comparison to a factory-overclocked GTS, the Radeon HD 2900 XT obviously fares a bit worse and it simply cannot hold a candle to the more powerful, and of course more expensive GeForce 8800 GTX or Ultra.

Black Box Bundle



Native CrossFire



Power Consumption

Heat & Noise

Late to the Game

Not Competition for 8800 GTX




Kan paste inn enda en test:




Ultimately, though, we can't overlook the fact that AMD built a GPU with 700M transistors that has 320 stream processor ALUs and a 512-bit memory interface, yet it just matches or slightly exceeds the real-world performance of the GeForce 8800 GTS. The GTS is an Nvidia G80 with 25% of its shader core disabled and only 60% of the memory bandwidth of the Radeon HD 2900 XT. That's gotta be a little embarrassing. At the same time, the Radeon HD 2900 XT draws quite a bit more power under load than the full-on GeForce 8800 GTX, and it needs a relatively noisy cooler to keep it in check. If you ask folks at AMD why they didn't aim for the performance crown with a faster version of the R600, they won't say it outright, but they will hint that leakage with this GPU on TSMC's 80HS fab process was a problem. All of the telltale signs are certainly there.


There are many things we don't yet know about the GeForce 8800 and Radeon HD 2900 GPUs, not least of which is how they will perform in DirectX 10 games. I don't think our single DX10 benchmark with a pre-release game tell us much, so we'll probably just have to wait and see. Things could look very different six months from now, even if the chips themselves haven't changed.

Endret av [GDI]Raptor
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Nye hovedkort er aldri billig. Ergo har man kjøpt et P35 system nå ville det vært ergelig om PCIe 2.0 kom allerede 2008.


men det er ikke nye cpuer, skjermkort eller ramm heller.


Logikken sier jo at du må sammenligne på likt system, kan ikke feks sammenligne dyreste hovedkort med billigste ramm evnt nyeste hovedkort med gammel ramm.


Ok, men da beveger du deg helt bort fra poenget som var at jeg ikke ønsker PCIe 2.0 nå, rett etter intel har lansert P35 kort med "gammel" PCIe.

Endret av Theo343
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