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[Løst] Terrorangrepet i Boston 15 - 19. april 2013

Gjest Slettet-x7D6du0Hjb

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Vel, for det første: Digitale bilder på internett er ikke nødvendigvis representable for virkeligheten i det hele tatt. Du har hørt om Photoshop? Vel, ja selvfølgelig har du det, for det finnes jo en idè der ute om at bildet av mannen som hadde mistet bena sine var photoshoppet.


For det andre: Man kan kanskje ikke si at "disse pikslene er motbevist", men man kan si "budskapet til disse bildene er motbevist".

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Hva med de bildene her, Baltazar?




On Thursday night [Friday morning] at 12:45am EST. I was in my living room working on my computer when I heard multiple “pops” coming from outside. At that point, I had no idea that I was about to become an eye witness to the biggest news story in the country.


When I looked outside my window, I could clearly see two people (the Tsarnaev brothers) taking cover behind an SUV and engaging in gunfire. After witnessing shots being fired I promptly ran up the stairs to my 3rd floor bedroom to distance myself a little further away from the gunfire. As I ran into my room, overwhelmed by shock, adrenaline, and curiosity, I jumped onto my bed to stay below the windows but also have a clear view at the shooters and photograph the event. As soon as I was laying safely on my bed I started taking pictures with my iPhone 5 and captured the following images that documented the terrifying shootout with the Tsarnaev brothers, which then led to an overnight citywide manhunt.


Here are the two brothers taking cover behind the black Mercedes SUV and shooting towards Watertown Police officers. (Taken at 12:46:11AM)


The shooters were also driving the green sedan on the left. They had the back passenger door open and were going back into the car where they had additional supplies (assumingly, more ammunition and explosives). They also had backpacks at their feet where they also had additional supplies.


This is a view from the west-facing window in my bedroom and at the end of the block (Laurel St.) you can see multiple police vehicles. These vehicles were about 75-80 yards from the shooters. (Taken at 12:46:25AM)


Here it’s clear to see the brothers taking aim and firing on the officers. (Taken at 12:47:57AM)


This is a zoomed in view from the last image. The red circle highlights the pressure cooker bomb that was used just moments after this photo was taken. The use of this explosive created an enormous cloud of smoke that covered the entire street. While the street was still cloudy with smoke one of the brothers started running down the street towards the officers, while still engaging them in gunshots. As he got closer to the officers, within 10 -15 yards of them he was taken down. From my vantage point I did not see whether he was tackled to the ground or brought down by gunshots.


As the one brother was running toward the officers the second got back into the SUV, turned it around in the street and proceeded to accelerate at the vehicle barricade. This image shows the black SUV charging the officer vehicles. (Taken 12:50:57AM)


This is a zoom-in from the last image and the red circle highlights where one of the brothers was taken down and still laying in the street. The black SUV proceeded to accelerate towards the officers and drove in between the two cars at the top of the picture. The SUV side swiped both cars taking out doors and windows and ultimately broke through the vehicle barricade and continued driving west on Laurel St. This was the last I saw of the black SUV.


This image was taken from the east-facing window. As soon as the black SUV had left the street officers rushed toward the green sedan and the spot of the shooting. As soon as officers got to the vehicle they started alerting all others on scene that there were “IEDs” on the street and for everyone examining the scene to clear the entire street. Also pictured at the bottom of the image is a Watertown Police SUV that had crashed in our driveway at the start of the gunfight and had many of its windows shot out. (Taken 12:57:52AM)


At the bottom of this image is the blast mark from the pressure cooker bomb that exploded in the middle of the street. At the top of the image, the bright light is a bomb detecting robot that was moving toward the blast mark. (Taken at 1:20:10AM)


Here bomb squad personnel inspect the blast mark of the large explosion. (Taken 1:39:22AM)


Here heavily armed agents are still in search of the suspect on Laurel St. (Taken 2:14:54AM)


Here is the bomb detecting robot inspecting the vehicle from the back right passenger seat. (Taken at 2:49:19AM)


After shooting had stopped my roommate found a bullet hole that penetrated his west-facing wall and continued to pierce through his desk chair. His room is on the 2nd floor corner of the house, closest to the street, with west and south facing walls


The bomb squad had finally inspected the entire vehicle and all the backpacks beside it and have cleared the area. (Taken 5:45:25AM)


Armed Agents searching and evacuating all homes on Laurel St. They evacuated ours shortly after this photo was taken. (Taken at 6:01:17AM)


After being evacuated from our home, we spent a long and emotionally straining day in our neighbor’s house down the block. My roommates and I are all very grateful that we made it through such a terrifying event unharmed. These kind of horrifying events make you realize how precious life really is and the need to cherish every moment you have. You quickly reflect on the people that surround you and how important those relationships are in your life. I know I am truly blessed to have my health and safety after this horrible event and am thankful for every person that has touched my life. Thank you to all of my family, friends, and the incredible number of people who reached out with love and support.

Truly Blessed,

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Jeg synes bare det generelt er rart at et privat selskap som Craft er der, måten og stedet de står er også noe spesielt.

Jeg synes ikke det er mer rart enn at securitas, G4S og andre selsaper bidrar politiet med sikkerhet rundt en rekke arrangementer i Norge.


Er jo 99% sikkert at de 2 brødrene la ifra seg sekker, man ser også hvor rolig de er rett etter bombene har sprengt= skyld.

Finnes EXIF til bildene? Det er umulig å si noe om hvor rolig personene er utifra tilfeldige, men bevisst valgte bilder. Nøyaktige timestamps kunne hjulpet litt, men film viser det enormt mye bedre, kun da kan man si noe om reaksjonene til folk.

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Har denne videoen (spoiler) blitt postet her før?






Jeg liker å se på meg selv som en som ikke faller for konpsirasjonsteorier, men jeg må innrømme at jeg begynte å lure fælt når jeg så denne filmen.

Står om han her: https://www.diskusjon.no/index.php?showtopic=1501339&view=findpost&p=20439273

Så vidt jeg kan se er han tatt etter at den første fyren er skutt og drept...

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Jeg synes ikke det er mer rart enn at securitas, G4S og andre selsaper bidrar politiet med sikkerhet rundt en rekke arrangementer i Norge.



Finnes EXIF til bildene? Det er umulig å si noe om hvor rolig personene er utifra tilfeldige, men bevisst valgte bilder. Nøyaktige timestamps kunne hjulpet litt, men film viser det enormt mye bedre, kun da kan man si noe om reaksjonene til folk.

Craft er ikke G4S, les deg litt opp.

Og når han er rolig går vekk har ikke den yngste broren noe sekk på seg..

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La oss anta at videoen er filmet i MINST 24 frames per second. Jeg sier MINST fordi det er i den laveste delen av skalaen hva angår videokameraer nå til dags.


Da skal alt dette altså ha skjedd på under ett sekund, eller 10/12 deler av et sekund. Om kameraet filmet i 30 frames er det 2/3-deler av et sekund. Og til sist 60 frames som tilsvarer 1/3 av et sekund. Lykke til med det, gutten, uansett hvilken av de tre det er.


EDIT: Jeg skal ikke engang begynne å ta opp alle de tåpelige "om man mister begge beina i en eksplosjon så dør man"-kommentarene der. For det er selvfølgelig mer sannsynlig at man fikk perfekt plassert en perfekt protese med perfekt falskt blod på det perfekte tidspunkt.

Endret av Lakus
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Det blir stadig avslørt nye ting om bombingen i boston. Steven Spielberg burde virkelig hat en boston bombing award, for dette var veldig godt iscenesatt.


Pictures that Prove Double Amputee was an Actor at Boston Bombings



Til å være så skeptisk til det som skrives i media utviser du utrolig dårlig dømmekraft når det kommer til andre kilder. Det er helt tydelig at du og dine meningsfeller har en helt annen definisjon av hva et bevis er enn noen av oss andre. Dette er allerede avslørt som usammenhengende vissvass.
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