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Trodde det var viden kjent at GameStop tar urimelig høye priser i forhold til konkurrenter! Det er helt sykt av og til.. :(

Det er virkelig sykt at jeg kan finne spill på nettet til under 200,- som de tar 599,- for på Gamestop. Helt vannvittig! At det liksom skal veies opp for at man handler hos "fagfolk" er bare tull.

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Nintendo’s next Mario game for Wii U could use the GamePad more, says 3D World’s co-director

We speak to the team behind Super Mario 3D World in the new issue of Edge, which is published on April 10 in print, on iPad, Google Play and Zinio. Within that feature, Nintendo producer Yoshiaki Koizumi says that while work has begun on the new game, it could not confirm whether it’ll be 3DS or Wii U title. “That’s still a secret!” he says. “I can tell you, though, that we’ve already started approaching our next challenge.”


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Har dagens Nintendo Direct blitt nevnt? 30 minutter med informasjon om nyeste Smash Bros. Så vidt meg bekjent pleier Nintendo Directs som kun dekker ett spill vare i cirka 15 minutter, så dette kan kanskje bli interessant. http://kotaku.com/new-nintendo-direct-incoming-the-upcoming-stream-whic-1558095734


Edit: Begynner midnatt norsk tid.

Endret av Klatt3n
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Det var masse ny info:


The Nintendo 3DS version will be coming out this summer, while the Wii U version of Super Smash Bros. will be available in winter.

Technical differences and the desire to achieve maximum polish were given as reasons for the time difference between the versions by game director Massahiro Sakurai. It was confirmed that on the 3DS the game runs at 60 frames per second in full stereoscopic 3D, although some Assist Trophies and Pokémon will run at 30 fps.


While Sakurai noted that the two versions would be linked in some manner, details were not given at present. However, we do know that different stages will be available in each of the versions and stages that cross versions will have uniqiue designs to differentiate them.


The Nintendo 3DS version will feature an exclusive mode called Smash Run. This mode is similar to The Subspace Emissary from Brawl, but for four players will player together and only have five minutes to fight enemies and obtain power-ups as you make your way through the giant level. At the end of the five minutes, the four players will then fight in a battle. The enemies in this mode will be randomly generated and will span the numerous Nintendo franchises we have come to know and love.


Audiophiles will be pleased to hear that the 3DS version has two tracks per stage, while the Wii U version has songs from previous games in the series.


Online multiplayer was also confirmed for both versions as well, meaning you won't have to get all your friends together to enjoy the fun. On the Wii U, two new modes have been added - a 'For Fun' or 'For Glory' mode, with the former being more randomised and the latter only taking place on Final Destination with no items.

It was also announced that most stages will also have a Final Destination form, where platforms and items are removed to promote pure fighting.


Nintendo will monitor online gameplay and punish cheaters as appropriate, hoping to replicate the family-friendly approach they took for Miiverse. Additionally, players will be given a 'Global Smash Power', which is essentially an overall score, giving you your worldwide ranking to brag about.

In a surprise announcement, Sakurai revealed that players can create custom movesets, but only for local multiplayer. Nintendo will release more details about this mode shortly so stay tuned to N-Europe.

Boss battles have now been included, whereby Nintendo foes will appear and players will need to fight both the boss and each other. Yellow Devil has been confirmed for the Mega Man stage, while Ridley was also shown.

In regards to the roster, Zero Suit Samus was confirmed as returning (as a separate character) with a pair of Jet Boots to help her kick butt. Adding to the female line-up is the returning Zelda with a new Phantom Smash to act as both an offensive and defensive move. Sheik is now a separate character, with the ability to perform new attacks. Yoshi now stands upright, rather than hunched over, and is stronger than before.


Details about changes to existing characters were also announced, including a new Hammer-based attack for Kirby, the new Pikmin 3 colours joining Captain Olimer and a decrease in Pit's flying ability.

It was also confirmed that Rosalina can keep Luma by her, or launch it so that it is can attack on its own. Little Mac is able to overcome attacks through sheer willpower, but his moves in the air are not great. He also has his own Special Meter, which when full allows him to do special attacks. The Wii Fit Trainers (in case you had forgotten the male is included) use yoga moves to increase strength and focus.


And in a surprise announcement at the end, Charizard is joining the fight. The beloved shiny-card Pokémon can now battle alongside the other characters to prove what a bad ass he is. Expect more details soon, but the video did show his Mega Evolution forms so its safe to assume they're in the game.

Greninja is also adding to the Pokémon roster, making this game the biggest Pokémon line-up so far.


At konsollversjonen kommer såpass lenge etter må være dårlig nytt for Wii U som sliter med salget og absolutt kunne trengt en systemselger ved siden av Mario Kart 8.

Endret av kilik
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Nattens Nintendo Direct (SSB edition) var episk. Masse gameplay. Eg blir nok å skaffe begge versjonene, kun fordi eg gleder så sjukt at eg må ha påfyll i sommar, Smash Run (3DS exclusive) såg episk kult og og det blir "some sort of" kommunikasjon for dei med begge versjonene.

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Så jeg fikk min Elgato Game Capture HD sendt hjem på Mandag som var. Men jeg har et problem; jeg teststreamet på twitch i går uten å lagre, og allikevel har jeg ikke fått tilbake det som ble brukt av lagringsplass. Det er ingen videoer lagret på PC'n min noe sted, og jeg har sjekket. Jeg har 197,2 GB igjen på Lokal disk (C:) og 404 på Lokal disk (D:). Det er Lokal disk (C:) jeg bruker, og før jeg begynte å bruke opptakeren min, hadde jeg 198,3 på den. Så er det noen som vet hvorfor jeg ikke får tilbake lagringsplassen jeg brukte mens jeg streamet når jeg aldri lagret videoen?

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Jeg har Elgato, som jeg kjøpte for å digitalisere VHS-ene med familiefilmer. På PCene mine(begge to) fikk jeg enten ikke bilde, lyd eller den stoppet recorde etter to-tre min. Masse trøbbel. Prøvde flere ulike programmer og drivere etc etc. Prøvde på søsteren min sin Mac, og det funket uten problemer... Grrrr....

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Takker for gode forslag, men er ikke den type spill jeg er ute etter. Har forøvrig 3D world, og Rayman, MK8 og SSB blir mest sannsynlig kjøpt på et eller annet tidspunkt.


Vurderer å prøve et Legospill da jeg aldri har spilt det før. Noen kan også skaffes ganske billig.


Ellers gir jeg kanskje the cave og/eller trine2 en kjangs.

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