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Game of Thrones - Sesong 8 (USA-sendetid) | ÅPEN BOKPRAT IKKE LOV! BRUK SPOILERE!

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Melisandre sa hun kom til å drepe noen, og hun så tre sett med øyne.


Noe som jeg automatisk kobler med Cersei, og de to andre navnene hun hele tiden sier.


Skyt meg om jeg tar feil.


Hun stabba jo en gutt når hun flyktet, som jeg ville tru daua. Så kanskje det er en =| Spennende!

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Jeg begynte å se på Game of Thrones fordi det var magi, krig, masse politiske intriger og sexen var en fin bonus. Personlig foretrekker jeg selvfølgelig at det er kvinnfolk involvert i sexscenene, men jeg blir ikke nevneverdig brydd av to mannfolk som går løs på hverandre.


Hvorfor blir du så ekstremt brydd og sint over å måtte se det? Skaper det litt rare følelser i deg?


det er kvalmt, ikke så rart det. er ikke naturlig..

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Homofili er ganske naturlig enten du vil eller ikke, det forekommer hos veldig mange typer pattedyr og har gjort dette i millioner av år.



Jeg synes hun virker litt "butt" i kroppen, altså som om noen har lagt henne i en totonns presse stående rett opp og ned

Foretrekker nesten sånne små, "butte" berter, mye lettere og ha med å gjøre!

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Hu der er vel bodydouble, er det ikke? Der var hun ganske så formfull, hun virket ganske tynn ellers (med klær på). Godt mulig hun har slanket seg siden sesong 1, men er jo kjent sak at de bruker erstatninger i fleste nakenscener.

Du får se henne naken med ansiktet også, så tviler.

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Ingen body-doubole på Emilia Clarke såvidt jeg vet iallfall. Litt fra et intervju med henne:


Q. Game of Thrones contains a lot of adult content, what was your impression when you first read the scripts and discovered that the show would be like that?



Emilia: Yes definitely, but I think it’s very realistic, it’s very true to life. It doesn’t hide. It shows things as they are and it shows the kind of hardships that people have to go through and I think that is something that is incredibly important to see, especially in Dany. We had loads of discussions beforehand about the particulars, the marriage scenes for example and her first sexual encounter with Drogo. In the books there’s a slightly different edge to it but we wanted to show it in terms of the harsh reality that she has to come up against. As an actor you just have to go there, you just have to trust that that’s what you need to see from Dany in order to get to where she ends up. So yeah, it is raunchy and it’s racy and it’s got a lot of blood and guts and violence but that’s why people like it, that’s why it’s not Harry Potter, it’s not Lord of the Rings, it’s got some guts to it! That’s what I like about it as well.


Q. Is it not nerve racking though, to perform those types of scenes, particularly at this very early stage in your career?



Emilia: Hugely! Yeah! I was a young, inexperienced girl, not only with hardly any film experience but definitely no nudity-on-screen experience! So yeah it was petrifying but HBO were wonderful and they’ve got a huge amount of integrity to them and they kind of, were there for me and I knew that I was in safe hands. And Jason Momoa is incredible, and wicked, and lovely, and just made it really simple and really easy to do!


Q. When you do scenes like that is it awkward? Funny? Strange?



Emilia: Yeah because what you see as an audience, hopefully, is an element of truth and a representation of what it would be like in real life. As an actor, when you’re filming it, you’ve got an entire crew you know, you’re in a warehouse in Belfast on like, a Tuesday afternoon and so it’s a matter of you as the actor trying very hard to create your own bubble, your own world, to try and make it as realistic as possible.


Q. What’s been the reaction from the male fan base? Any strange fan mail, any marriage proposals?



Emilia: (laughs) There’s been no marriage proposals as of yet! What I try to do is, when I first got the job I found myself online and I saw something that wasn’t nice, it was very horrible so I vowed from then on to never look at any thing on the Internet, ever! From then on I kind of thought, the safest thing for me to do to keep my sanity, was to not look at anything at all. If someone says something lovely, or if there’s something really nice out there or if the fans are happy, which is first and foremost my aim, because when you’ve got your favourite character in your favourite book it’s such a special thing, and to have someone come along and kind of make that come to life in a way that you’re not happy with can be really horrible for you. So knowing that the fans are happy is wonderful but I never really have to go out and look for it, someone always ends up letting you know, and my mum will probably tell me if it’s bad!





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Jeg aldri lest bøkene eller noe så jeg har ikke peiling, men her er hva jeg tror skjer med Arya etter hva som ble sagt i forrige episode og noen av de tidligere episodene (og folk som har lest bøkene skal selvfølgelig ikke avsløre om jeg har rett eller ei):



Jeg tenker hun ender opp som en snikmorder eller noe, og lærer å skifte fjes akkurat som Jaqen og den gjengen der.





Men jeg håper jeg tar veldig feil, da. Hadde vært kjipt om dette stemte.

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