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Oppfør deg som en idiot på EAs forum og de sperrer deg ute fra spillene dine - AVKREFTET

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Da er det klart, du kjøper ikke spill fra EA. Når du legger ut noen hunderlapper for et spill i butikken, så leier du bar spillet. Du har et begrenset antall ganger du kan intstallere det. Og nå altså, hvis EA ikke liker hva du skriver på deres forum så kan du risikere at du ikke kan spille spillet du trodde du hadde lovlig kjøpt.


EA spesifiserer heller ikke hva man kan bli bannet for. En ting er å være et jævla rasshøltroll, men EA kan banne brukere hvis de kommer med legitime klager om spill, om feks bugs. Nå sier jeg ikke at det vil skje, men at det i verste fall kan skje.


Og hordan er dette i forhold til forbrukerloven?


Jeg har hatt mye kos med Red Alert 1 og 2, men nummer tre vil ikke bli innkjøpt. Synd, for det har fått god kritikk. Takk og pris for at det er så mange andre gode spill ute på markedet som gjør en boikott av EA ikke så vanskelig.

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I utgangspunktet mener jeg tiltaket til EA er KJEMPEBRA.. stå på..


Det er bare viktig at dette blir en "last-resort" mot folk som lager skikkelig kvalme på forumet. Slike barnslige idioter har ingenting i et onlinespill å gjøre uansett.


Tviler sterkt på at EA banner folk for å klage på spill.. så lenge diskusjonen er saklig.. Folk overreagerer noe sinnsykt.


Skjønner ikke at dere kan klage så mye på dette her, vil dere ikke ha slike folk vekk fra spill og forum? Dersom man lager kvalme på en uteplass hver helg så blir en jo til slutt utestengt på livstid, sånn er det bare, og slik burde det være flere plasser.

Endret av Fenixen
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Ser ut som om det var en misforståelse eller at mediastormen fikk dem til å skifte mening....



Hey everyone,


If you didn't notice, your C&C Community Manager, me, had a bit of a run-in with the video game blogging media today in reference to a direct quote I made on our forums here a few days ago in regards to how we handle bans and suspensions on the forums and in-game. You all know how we are greatly trying to protect and serve you from those who wish to disrupt our C&C community by breaking ToS on our forums or in-game, and I know everyone appreciates when we take action on those that are the worst.


That said, the previous statement I made recently (that's being quoted on the blogs) was inaccurate and a mistake on my part. I had a misunderstanding with regards to our new upcoming forums and website and never meant to infer that if we ban or suspend you on the forums, you would be banned in-game as well. This is not correct, my mistake, my bad.


If we suspend or ban you from the forums, that does not affect your in-game account and certainly it does not impact your in-game account for other games. Quite often we usually warn you before taking any type of action, suspend you before considering any type of ban, etc. I am sure you guys know that we are fairly tolerant and stress that you please show respect to others, but we also understand the forums are a place to be heard and express your opinion in a constructive manner. Everyone has their "flame" moments.



Your Posting in our official C&C EA Forums is enabled by an EA Nucleus account (the Master EA Account you typically login with to chose your Persona) -- but access to the forums and access to the games are separate. Players who have been banned from EA Forums are not automatically banned from online access to their other EA games, or the game associated with that particular forum. Players can be warned, suspended, and/or then banned if they breach the Terms of Service or Code of Conduct in a forum, game or service. Each forum, game and service is managed independently by our customer support representatives responsible for that specific forum, game or service.


Suffice to say, when we take action on someone on our C&C forums here, for any number of ToS breaking reasons, it does not impact your C&C game account or any other EA Game Account connected to your forum name. The mods here do a great job of alerting me when we need to warn someone or take further action, if I haven't seen it myself or heard it in a thread from one of you, but any action we take on a C&C Forum User, doesn't impact their in-game status.


I apologize for the misunderstanding, but I hope everyone is able to see the greater good intent in that we are simply trying to keep the forums and in-game as friendly and fun environments as possible, just know that those two environments are treated seperately by myself, the mods, and especially our Customer Support team. =)





*hopefully i'll have better historical memorable moments as your C&C Community Manager than this one =) *


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Da kan denne diskusjonen egentlig legges vekk, pga dette:


"If we suspend or ban you from the forums, that does not affect your in-game account and certainly it does not impact your in-game account for other games. Quite often we usually warn you before taking any type of action, suspend you before considering any type of ban, etc. I am sure you guys know that we are fairly tolerant and stress that you please show respect to others, but we also understand the forums are a place to be heard and express your opinion in a constructive manner. Everyone has their "flame" moments."

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Da var det heldigvis en misforståelse. Det hadde overrasket meg om det var noe annet.

Det som skremmer meg er hvor mange som faktisk hadde støttet en slik ordning.

Moderatorer er ikke supermennesker. De kan faktisk banne folk for de minste ting hvis de føler for det.

De kan banne folk de ikke liker, folk som klager på et spill, folk som i det hele tatt nevner at de har image til et lovlig kjøpt spill, folk som gir uttrykk for en annen politisk retning enn de liker osv.

Hvorfor er det en del her som tror at alle som bli bannet blir det fordi de oppfører seg som drittsekker? Og har vi ikke alle hatt en episode hvor vi har blitt hisset opp og skrevet ting vi angrer på?

Skal man da miste tilgang til lovlige kjøpte spill?

Nei, akkurat her så skjønte tydeligvis EA at de hadde sagt noe feil. Men det er tydeligvis mange som ikke skjønner det.

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