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Noe snedig jeg lurer på er hvorfor noen nesten aldri bruker stor bokstav etter punktum.?

(Her på HW- forumet bruker de fleste stor bokstav etter punktum, men jeg har vært på en del andre forum der folk ikke bruker stor bokstav etter punktum. :w00t: )

bare en naturlig forklaring på det, de gidder ikke, har ikke giddet å fulgt med i norsk timene og er for sløve. :hrm:

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hva er det egentlig som skjer når det "knekker" i f.eks fingrene..?

Kan du engelsk har du forklaringen her:

What's really happening when you "crack" your knuckles is that you are either pushing the joint back into or out of its normal position. Joints are the meeting points of two separate bones which are held together by connecting tissues and ligaments. A thick, clear lubricant (made mostly of carbon dioxide and some nitrogen) called synovial fluid is found between the bones. When you stretch or pull your finger to get that desired popping noise, you are causing the bones to pull apart. Pressure is reduced on the synovial fluid and bubbles form that quickly expand and then burst - which is why you get that noise.

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Jeg lurer på om A.I. faktisk er mulig?

Kanskje i fremtiden. :)

Helt sikkert. Han som hadde kommet lengst med nanoteknologien hadde dog jukset med forsøkene... dermed er vi ikke kommet så langt som man trodde ...



.... det finnes jo grader av AI og (?)






I've been trying to give an idea of how artificial animals could be useful, but the reason that I'm interested in them is the hope that artificial animals will provide the route to artificial humans. But the latter is not going to happen in our lifetimes (and indeed may never happen, at least not in any straightforward way).


In the coming decades, we shouldn't expect that the human race will become extinct and be replaced by robots. We can expect that classical AI will go on producing more and more sophisticated applications in restricted domains - expert systems, chess programs, Internet agents - but any time we expect common sense we will continue to be disappointed as we have been in the past. At vulnerable points these will continue to be exposed as "blind automata". Whereas animal-based AI or AL will go on producing stranger and stranger machines, less rationally intelligent but more rounded and whole, in which we will start to feel that there is somebody at home, in a strange animal kind of way. In conclusion, we won't see full AI in our lives, but we should live to get a good feel for whether or not it is possible, and how it could be achieved by our descendants.

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