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hmm... godt å vite. da skal jeg se hvor langt jeg kan presse den før den blir ustabil.


Problemet mitt nå er at den kernelen jeg har fått opp sensorer på vil ikke laste nvidiadriveren så vifta på grafikk-kortet går på full guffe hele tiden. Med adre ord; jeg kommer ikke til å kjøre på denne kernelen, så når jeg har funnet en klokke/temp jeg er fornøyd med så har jeg ikke nødvendigvis tempovervåkning når jeg skal tilbake til FaH :hm: så jeg bør vel sette den litt lavere da for sikkerhets skyld.

Lenke til kommentar
Hvor høyt temperatur ville dere turt å la en i7 gå på kontinuerlig?

Kjørte 80 - 84 med bigadv i romtemperatur 20c med 3.9GHz uten problemer over flere dager, men anbefalt temperatur er vel bare 68c under full load så jeg ble litt engstelig. Etter å ha snudd sidevifta til å blåse inn i kabinettet kunne jeg OC videre til 4.26GHz og likevel falt temperaturen under load til 76 - 78c så jeg er nå ekstremt fornøyd med kombinasjonen P6T og i7 920. 76 - 78c må den tåle, selv over lengre tid, idle ligger den nå på kjølige 45 - 47c.


Jeg bruker Cooler Master Hyper N520 http://old.prisguide.no/product.php?produc...4&cat_id=58 Den bråker litt på full guffe, men kjøler veldig bra.

Endret av -alias-
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Det vet jeg ikke fordi jeg ikke er noen erfaren overklokker. Jeg lar minnet følge med når jeg øker bushastigheten, som faktisk er det eneste jeg endrer. Tidligere har jeg også endret på volt for minne og CPU, men ikke med denne riggen. Kjører i tillegg 3 stk. GTS250 i SLI, noe overklokket de også. Riggen kommer såvidt over 24K i 3DMark06 og er den mest klokkevennlige sammenstilling av komponenter jeg har eid, men samtidig den rimeligste. Skal jeg kjøre SMP (uansett type) må jeg klokke ned til 4GHz. Skjermkortene tåler FAH slik de står. De viktigste parametere ser slik ut:




Endret av -alias-
Lenke til kommentar

takker for svar. Lette litt rundt og fant ut at det er cpuhastighet og ikke ram som betyr mest for foldinga. Og det var like greit for det virker ikke som om RAMen min er spesielt overklokkingsvennlig.


Med CPUBurn stresstest la CPUen seg på 80-81C når klokket til 3.36G (168*20), men med FaH krøp den opp til 84C. Siden jeg bare testkjører på den kernelen jeg har temp-sensorene på, så klokker jeg den litt ned (165*21=3.3G) og ser hva den stabiliserer seg på.


Savner de gode gamle dager når man hadde shutdown temperaturer i BIOS. Nå er alt bassert på ACPI som skal klokke ned når temperaturen blir for høy. Bare så synd at FaH er for lite kravstor til å få ACPIen til å gire opp.

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Hmm, har tydeligvis problemer med å få sendt inn.. Men hva skjedde her, ga den opp med å sende?




[16:32:47] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:32:47 UTC]

[16:32:47] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:32:47] Connecting to

[16:32:47] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:32:47] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:32:47] (

[16:32:47] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:32:47] Connecting to

[16:32:47] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:32:47] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:32:47] (

[16:32:47] - Error: Could not transmit unit 00 (completed February 6) to work server.

[16:32:47] Keeping unit 00 in queue.

[16:32:47] Trying to send all finished work units

[16:32:47] Project: 6021 (Run 0, Clone 84, Gen 7)



[16:32:47] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:32:47 UTC]

[16:32:47] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:32:47] Connecting to

[16:32:47] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:32:47] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:32:47] (

[16:32:47] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:32:47] Connecting to

[16:32:48] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:32:48] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:32:48] (

[16:32:48] - Error: Could not transmit unit 00 (completed February 6) to work server.



[16:32:48] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:32:48 UTC]

[16:32:48] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:32:48] Connecting to

[16:32:48] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:32:48] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:32:48] (

[16:32:48] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:32:48] Connecting to

[16:32:48] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:32:48] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:32:48] (

[16:32:48] Could not transmit unit 00 to Collection server; keeping in queue.

[16:32:48] Project: 6021 (Run 0, Clone 84, Gen 7)



[16:32:48] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:32:48 UTC]

[16:32:48] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:32:48] Connecting to

[16:32:48] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:32:48] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:32:48] (

[16:32:48] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:32:48] Connecting to

[16:32:48] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:32:48] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:32:48] (

[16:32:48] - Error: Could not transmit unit 00 (completed February 6) to work server.



[16:32:48] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:32:48 UTC]

[16:32:48] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:32:48] Connecting to

[16:32:48] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:32:48] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:32:48] (

[16:32:48] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:32:48] Connecting to

[16:32:48] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:32:48] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:32:48] (

[16:32:48] Could not transmit unit 00 to Collection server; keeping in queue.

[16:32:48] + Sent 0 of 2 completed units to the server

[16:33:18] Trying to send all finished work units

[16:33:18] Project: 6021 (Run 0, Clone 84, Gen 7)



[16:33:18] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:33:18 UTC]

[16:33:18] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:33:18] Connecting to

[16:33:18] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:33:18] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:33:18] (

[16:33:18] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:33:18] Connecting to

[16:33:18] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:33:18] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:33:18] (

[16:33:18] - Error: Could not transmit unit 00 (completed February 6) to work server.



[16:33:18] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:33:18 UTC]

[16:33:18] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:33:18] Connecting to

[16:33:18] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:33:18] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:33:18] (

[16:33:18] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:33:18] Connecting to

[16:33:18] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:33:18] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:33:18] (

[16:33:18] Could not transmit unit 00 to Collection server; keeping in queue.

[16:33:18] Project: 6021 (Run 0, Clone 84, Gen 7)



[16:33:18] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:33:18 UTC]

[16:33:18] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:33:18] Connecting to

[16:33:18] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:33:18] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:33:18] (

[16:33:18] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:33:18] Connecting to

[16:33:18] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:33:18] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:33:18] (

[16:33:18] - Error: Could not transmit unit 00 (completed February 6) to work server.



[16:33:18] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:33:18 UTC]

[16:33:18] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:33:18] Connecting to

[16:33:18] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:33:18] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:33:18] (

[16:33:18] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:33:18] Connecting to

[16:33:18] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:33:18] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:33:18] (

[16:33:18] Could not transmit unit 00 to Collection server; keeping in queue.

[16:33:18] + Sent 0 of 2 completed units to the server

[16:33:48] Trying to send all finished work units

[16:33:48] Project: 6021 (Run 0, Clone 84, Gen 7)



[16:33:48] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:33:48 UTC]

[16:33:48] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:33:48] Connecting to

[16:33:48] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:33:48] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:33:48] (

[16:33:48] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:33:48] Connecting to

[16:33:48] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:33:48] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:33:48] (

[16:33:48] - Error: Could not transmit unit 00 (completed February 6) to work server.



[16:33:48] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:33:48 UTC]

[16:33:48] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:33:48] Connecting to

[16:33:48] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:33:48] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:33:48] (

[16:33:48] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:33:48] Connecting to

[16:33:48] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:33:48] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:33:48] (

[16:33:48] Could not transmit unit 00 to Collection server; keeping in queue.

[16:33:48] Project: 6021 (Run 0, Clone 84, Gen 7)



[16:33:48] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:33:48 UTC]

[16:33:48] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:33:48] Connecting to

[16:33:48] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:33:48] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:33:48] (

[16:33:48] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:33:48] Connecting to

[16:33:48] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:33:48] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:33:48] (

[16:33:48] - Error: Could not transmit unit 00 (completed February 6) to work server.



[16:33:48] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:33:48 UTC]

[16:33:48] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:33:48] Connecting to

[16:33:48] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:33:48] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:33:48] (

[16:33:48] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:33:48] Connecting to

[16:33:48] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:33:48] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:33:48] (

[16:33:48] Could not transmit unit 00 to Collection server; keeping in queue.

[16:33:48] + Sent 0 of 2 completed units to the server

[16:34:18] Trying to send all finished work units

[16:34:18] Project: 6021 (Run 0, Clone 84, Gen 7)



[16:34:18] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:34:18 UTC]

[16:34:18] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:34:18] Connecting to

[16:34:18] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:34:18] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:34:18] (

[16:34:18] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:34:18] Connecting to

[16:34:18] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:34:18] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:34:18] (

[16:34:18] - Error: Could not transmit unit 00 (completed February 6) to work server.



[16:34:18] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:34:18 UTC]

[16:34:18] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:34:18] Connecting to

[16:34:18] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:34:18] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:34:18] (

[16:34:18] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:34:18] Connecting to

[16:34:18] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:34:18] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:34:18] (

[16:34:18] Could not transmit unit 00 to Collection server; keeping in queue.

[16:34:18] Project: 6021 (Run 0, Clone 84, Gen 7)



[16:34:18] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:34:18 UTC]

[16:34:19] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:34:19] Connecting to

[16:34:19] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:34:19] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:34:19] (

[16:34:19] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:34:19] Connecting to

[16:34:19] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:34:19] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:34:19] (

[16:34:19] - Error: Could not transmit unit 00 (completed February 6) to work server.



[16:34:19] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:34:19 UTC]

[16:34:19] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:34:19] Connecting to

[16:34:19] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:34:19] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:34:19] (

[16:34:19] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:34:19] Connecting to

[16:34:19] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:34:19] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:34:19] (

[16:34:19] Could not transmit unit 00 to Collection server; keeping in queue.

[16:34:19] + Sent 0 of 2 completed units to the server

[16:34:49] Trying to send all finished work units

[16:34:49] Project: 6021 (Run 0, Clone 84, Gen 7)



[16:34:49] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:34:49 UTC]

[16:34:49] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:34:49] Connecting to

[16:34:49] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:34:49] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:34:49] (

[16:34:49] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:34:49] Connecting to

[16:34:49] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:34:49] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:34:49] (

[16:34:49] - Error: Could not transmit unit 00 (completed February 6) to work server.



[16:34:49] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:34:49 UTC]

[16:34:49] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:34:49] Connecting to

[16:34:49] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:34:49] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:34:49] (

[16:34:49] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:34:49] Connecting to

[16:34:49] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:34:49] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:34:49] (

[16:34:49] Could not transmit unit 00 to Collection server; keeping in queue.

[16:34:49] Project: 6021 (Run 0, Clone 84, Gen 7)



[16:34:49] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:34:49 UTC]

[16:34:49] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:34:49] Connecting to

[16:34:49] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:34:49] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:34:49] (

[16:34:49] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:34:49] Connecting to

[16:34:49] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:34:49] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:34:49] (

[16:34:49] - Error: Could not transmit unit 00 (completed February 6) to work server.



[16:34:49] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:34:49 UTC]

[16:34:49] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:34:49] Connecting to

[16:34:49] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:34:49] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:34:49] (

[16:34:49] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:34:49] Connecting to

[16:34:49] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:34:49] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:34:49] (

[16:34:49] Could not transmit unit 00 to Collection server; keeping in queue.

[16:34:49] + Sent 0 of 2 completed units to the server

[16:35:19] Trying to send all finished work units

[16:35:19] Project: 6021 (Run 0, Clone 84, Gen 7)



[16:35:19] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:35:19 UTC]

[16:35:19] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:35:19] Connecting to

[16:35:19] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:35:19] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:35:19] (

[16:35:19] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:35:19] Connecting to

[16:35:19] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:35:19] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:35:19] (

[16:35:19] - Error: Could not transmit unit 00 (completed February 6) to work server.



[16:35:19] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:35:19 UTC]

[16:35:19] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:35:19] Connecting to

[16:35:19] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:35:19] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:35:19] (

[16:35:19] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:35:19] Connecting to

[16:35:19] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:35:19] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:35:19] (

[16:35:19] Could not transmit unit 00 to Collection server; keeping in queue.

[16:35:19] Project: 6021 (Run 0, Clone 84, Gen 7)



[16:35:19] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:35:19 UTC]

[16:35:19] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:35:19] Connecting to

[16:35:19] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:35:19] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:35:19] (

[16:35:19] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:35:19] Connecting to

[16:35:19] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:35:19] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:35:19] (

[16:35:19] - Error: Could not transmit unit 00 (completed February 6) to work server.



[16:35:19] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:35:19 UTC]

[16:35:19] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:35:19] Connecting to

[16:35:19] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:35:19] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:35:19] (

[16:35:19] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:35:19] Connecting to

[16:35:19] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:35:19] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:35:19] (

[16:35:19] Could not transmit unit 00 to Collection server; keeping in queue.

[16:35:19] + Sent 0 of 2 completed units to the server

[16:35:49] Trying to send all finished work units

[16:35:49] Project: 6021 (Run 0, Clone 84, Gen 7)



[16:35:49] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:35:49 UTC]

[16:35:49] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:35:49] Connecting to

[16:35:49] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:35:49] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:35:49] (

[16:35:49] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:35:49] Connecting to

[16:35:49] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:35:49] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:35:49] (

[16:35:49] - Error: Could not transmit unit 00 (completed February 6) to work server.



[16:35:49] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:35:49 UTC]

[16:35:49] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:35:49] Connecting to

[16:35:49] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:35:49] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:35:49] (

[16:35:49] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:35:49] Connecting to

[16:35:49] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:35:49] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:35:49] (

[16:35:49] Could not transmit unit 00 to Collection server; keeping in queue.

[16:35:49] Project: 6021 (Run 0, Clone 84, Gen 7)



[16:35:49] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:35:49 UTC]

[16:35:49] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:35:49] Connecting to

[16:35:49] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:35:49] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:35:49] (

[16:35:49] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:35:49] Connecting to

[16:35:49] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:35:49] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:35:49] (

[16:35:49] - Error: Could not transmit unit 00 (completed February 6) to work server.



[16:35:49] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:35:49 UTC]

[16:35:49] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:35:49] Connecting to

[16:35:49] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:35:49] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:35:49] (

[16:35:49] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:35:49] Connecting to

[16:35:49] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:35:49] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:35:49] (

[16:35:49] Could not transmit unit 00 to Collection server; keeping in queue.

[16:35:49] + Sent 0 of 2 completed units to the server

[16:36:19] Trying to send all finished work units

[16:36:19] Project: 6021 (Run 0, Clone 84, Gen 7)



[16:36:19] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:36:19 UTC]

[16:36:19] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:36:19] Connecting to

[16:36:19] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:36:19] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:36:19] (

[16:36:19] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:36:19] Connecting to

[16:36:19] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:36:19] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:36:19] (

[16:36:19] - Error: Could not transmit unit 00 (completed February 6) to work server.



[16:36:19] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:36:19 UTC]

[16:36:19] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:36:19] Connecting to

[16:36:19] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:36:19] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:36:19] (

[16:36:19] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:36:19] Connecting to

[16:36:19] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:36:19] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:36:19] (

[16:36:19] Could not transmit unit 00 to Collection server; keeping in queue.

[16:36:19] Project: 6021 (Run 0, Clone 84, Gen 7)



[16:36:19] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:36:19 UTC]

[16:36:19] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:36:19] Connecting to

[16:36:19] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:36:19] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:36:19] (

[16:36:19] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:36:19] Connecting to

[16:36:19] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:36:19] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:36:19] (

[16:36:19] - Error: Could not transmit unit 00 (completed February 6) to work server.



[16:36:19] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:36:19 UTC]

[16:36:19] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:36:19] Connecting to

[16:36:19] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:36:19] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:36:19] (

[16:36:19] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:36:19] Connecting to

[16:36:19] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:36:19] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:36:19] (

[16:36:19] Could not transmit unit 00 to Collection server; keeping in queue.

[16:36:19] + Sent 0 of 2 completed units to the server

[16:36:49] Trying to send all finished work units

[16:36:49] Project: 6021 (Run 0, Clone 84, Gen 7)



[16:36:49] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:36:49 UTC]

[16:36:49] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:36:49] Connecting to

[16:36:49] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:36:49] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:36:49] (

[16:36:49] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:36:49] Connecting to

[16:36:49] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:36:49] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:36:49] (

[16:36:49] - Error: Could not transmit unit 00 (completed February 6) to work server.



[16:36:49] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:36:49 UTC]

[16:36:50] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:36:50] Connecting to

[16:36:50] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:36:50] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:36:50] (

[16:36:50] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:36:50] Connecting to

[16:36:50] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:36:50] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:36:50] (

[16:36:50] Could not transmit unit 00 to Collection server; keeping in queue.

[16:36:50] Project: 6021 (Run 0, Clone 84, Gen 7)



[16:36:50] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:36:50 UTC]

[16:36:50] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:36:50] Connecting to

[16:36:50] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:36:50] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:36:50] (

[16:36:50] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:36:50] Connecting to

[16:36:50] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:36:50] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:36:50] (

[16:36:50] - Error: Could not transmit unit 00 (completed February 6) to work server.



[16:36:50] + Attempting to send results [February 6 16:36:50 UTC]

[16:36:50] (Read 20434728 bytes from disk)

[16:36:50] Connecting to

[16:36:50] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:36:50] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:36:50] (

[16:36:50] + Retrying using alternative port

[16:36:50] Connecting to

[16:36:50] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[16:36:50] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[16:36:50] (

[16:36:50] Could not transmit unit 00 to Collection server; keeping in queue.

[16:36:50] + Sent 0 of 2 completed units to the server

[16:37:20] Trying to send all finished work units

[16:37:20] Project: 6021 (Run 0, Clone 84, Gen 7)

[16:37:20] - Error: Could not get length of results file work/wuresults_00.dat

[16:37:20] - Error: Could not read unit 00 file. Removing from queue.

[16:37:20] + Sent 0 of 1 completed units to the server

[16:37:50] Trying to send all finished work units

[16:37:50] + No unsent completed units remaining.

[16:37:50] + -oneunit flag given and have now finished a unit. Exiting.- Preparing to get new work unit...

[16:37:50] Cleaning up work directory

[16:37:50] ***** Got a SIGTERM signal (15)


Folding@Home Client Shutdown.



--- Opening Log file [February 6 16:38:39 UTC]



# Linux SMP Console Edition ###################################################



Folding@Home Client Version 6.29







Launch directory: /usr/local/fah

Executable: ./fah6

Arguments: -oneunit -verbosity 7 -smp 2


[16:38:39] - Ask before connecting: No

[16:38:39] - Proxy: localhost:8080

[16:38:39] - User name: Gwareth (Team 37651)

[16:38:39] - User ID: 1651629D4C3E731C

[16:38:39] - Machine ID: 1


[16:38:39] Loaded queue successfully.

[16:38:39] - Preparing to get new work unit...

[16:38:39] Cleaning up work directory

[16:38:39] - Autosending finished units... [February 6 16:38:39 UTC]

[16:38:39] Trying to send all finished work units

[16:38:39] + No unsent completed units remaining.

[16:38:39] - Autosend completed

[16:38:42] + Attempting to get work packet

[16:38:42] Passkey found

[16:38:42] - Will indicate memory of 1346 MB

[16:38:42] - Connecting to assignment server

[16:38:42] Connecting to http://assign.stanford.edu:8080/

[16:38:44] - Successful: assigned to (

[16:38:44] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home

[16:38:44] Loaded queue successfully.

[16:38:44] Connecting to

[16:38:48] - Downloaded at ~580 kB/s

[16:38:48] - Averaged speed for that direction ~406 kB/s

[16:38:48] + Received work.

[16:38:48] + Closed connections


[16:38:48] + Processing work unit

[16:38:48] Core required: FahCore_a3.exe

[16:38:48] Core found.

[16:38:48] Working on queue slot 01 [February 6 16:38:48 UTC]

[16:38:48] + Working ...


[16:38:48] *------------------------------*

[16:38:48] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core

[16:38:48] Version 2.13 (Tue Aug 18 18:28:33 CEST 2009)


[16:38:48] Preparing to commence simulation

[16:38:48] - Looking at optimizations...

[16:38:48] - Created dyn

[16:38:48] - Files status OK

[16:38:49] - Expanded 1781402 -> 2059833 (decompressed 115.6 percent)

[16:38:49] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=1781402 data_size=2059833, decompressed_data_size=2059833 diff=0

[16:38:49] - Digital signature verified


[16:38:49] Project: 6024 (Run 0, Clone 152, Gen 4)


[16:38:49] Assembly optimizations on if available.

[16:38:49] Entering M.D.

[16:38:55] Completed 0 out of 500000 steps (0%)

[16:39:07] ***** Got a SIGTERM signal (15)


Folding@Home Client Shutdown.




Siden jeg tenkte å ta en liten pause fra CPU-folding hadde jeg satt -oneunit flagget..

Hvorfor gir den helt opp, og stopper? Og når jeg starter opp klienten på nytt, så laster den ned en ny WU og påstår den ikke har noen usendte å sende? (No unsent completed units remaining.)


Ser ut til at jeg har kasta bort to WUer, gitt.

Lenke til kommentar
[16:36:50] + Sent 0 of 2 completed units to the server

[16:37:20] Trying to send all finished work units

[16:37:20] Project: 6021 (Run 0, Clone 84, Gen 7)

[16:37:20] - Error: Could not get length of results file work/wuresults_00.dat

[16:37:20] - Error: Could not read unit 00 file. Removing from queue.

[16:37:20] + Sent 0 of 1 completed units to the server

[16:37:50] Trying to send all finished work units

[16:37:50] + No unsent completed units remaining.

[16:37:50] + -oneunit flag given and have now finished a unit. Exiting.- Preparing to get new work unit...

[16:37:50] Cleaning up work directory

[16:37:50] ***** Got a SIGTERM signal (15)

Det var tydeligvis et problem med resultatfila, og da slettes den fra køen. Det snodige er jo at før de to "Error:" linjene så sier den 2 completed, så slettes den med problemer og det er 1 completed, før det plutselig ikke er noen completed i det hele tatt. Tror det kanskje hadde vært greit å slettet "work" katalogen og queue.dat.

Lenke til kommentar

Jeg fikk falske "Got a SIGTERM signal (15)" når maskina mi var ustabil.


SIGTERM er det den sier når den mottar en kommando om å stenge ned programmet, feks en kill, eller man gjør en reboot.


Hvis du ikke har avsluttet manuelt (ctrl+c hvis du kjører manuelt i terminal) eller rebootet på dette tidspunktet ([16:39:07] eller [16:37:50]) vil jeg si at det er noe som ikke er helt stabilt med systemet ditt.

Lenke til kommentar

Tror ikke det siden den går fra 0% til sigterm


Jeg vet ikke hva som eksluderes fra logen når man bruker -verbosity 7 i stede for 9 men en korrekt avsluttning av -oneunit bør se noe slikt ut:


[13:09:59] Completed 500000 out of 500000 steps  (100%)
[13:10:00] DynamicWrapper: Finished Work Unit: sleep=10000
[13:10:10] Finished Work Unit:
[13:10:10] - Reading up to 20457096 from "work/wudata_06.trr": Read 20457096
[13:10:10] trr file hash check passed.
[13:10:10] edr file hash check passed.
[13:10:10] logfile size: 55143
[13:10:10] Leaving Run
[13:10:15] - Writing 20546771 bytes of core data to disk...
[13:10:15]   ... Done.
[13:10:17] - Shutting down core
[13:10:17] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
[13:10:17] CoreStatus = 64 (100)
[13:10:17] Unit 6 finished with 95 percent of time to deadline remaining.
[13:10:17] Updated performance fraction: 0.939046
[13:10:17] Sending work to server
[13:10:17] Project: 6014 (Run 0, Clone 109, Gen 10)

[13:10:17] + Attempting to send results [February 1 13:10:17 UTC]
[13:10:17] - Reading file work/wuresults_06.dat from core
[13:10:17]   (Read 20546771 bytes from disk)
[13:10:17] Connecting to
[13:11:00] Posted data.
[13:11:00] Initial: 0000; - Uploaded at ~456 kB/s
[13:11:01] - Averaged speed for that direction ~363 kB/s
[13:11:01] + Results successfully sent
[13:11:01] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.
[13:11:01] + Number of Units Completed: 26

[13:11:02] Trying to send all finished work units
[13:11:02] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[13:11:02] + -oneunit flag given and have now finished a unit. Exiting.- Preparing to get new work unit...
[13:11:02] Cleaning up work directory
[13:11:02] ***** Got a SIGTERM signal (15)
[13:11:02] Killing all core threads

Folding@Home Client Shutdown.

Lenke til kommentar

Åja, neinei, se bort ifra det :) Det var bare meg som tok en avslutning av jobben igjen da jeg blei forbanna over at den fremdeles ikke sendte inn. Jeg hadde som sagt tenkt å ta en pause fra CPU-foldinga.

Men når den feila med innsendinga, så starte jeg den opp igjen for å se om den klarte å sende inn da. Noe den ikke gjorde, så blei det dreping av prosess og en forbanna zyrex..

Lenke til kommentar

Forøvrig så kan du gjøre kun sending med en parameter til fah6:


fah6 -queueinfo

Gir deg status for de 10 slot'ene. Merk deg nr. til WU som er ferdig/klar til sending og skriv


fah6 -send nn

der nn er slot nr. til ferdig WU. Evt. all for å sende alle ferdige.

Bør kun brukes dersom fah6 ikke kjører.

Endret av HawP
Lenke til kommentar

Gpu 2 hos meg på mitt 295 har fått masse feilmeldinger siste uka, den har kjørt uten en feil siden den ble startet og har gått måneder uten noe tull.

Har testet å slette filene og laste ned nye.

Temp er fin, ingen overklokk.




[21:30:30] + Attempting to send results [February 8 21:30:30 UTC]

[21:30:31] + Closed connections


[21:30:31] + Processing work unit

[21:30:31] Core required: FahCore_11.exe

[21:30:31] Core found.

[21:30:31] Working on queue slot 03 [February 8 21:30:31 UTC]

[21:30:31] + Working ...


[21:30:31] *------------------------------*

[21:30:31] Folding@Home GPU Core

[21:30:31] Version 1.31 (Tue Sep 15 10:57:42 PDT 2009)


[21:30:31] Compiler : Microsoft ® 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86

[21:30:31] Build host: amoeba

[21:30:31] Board Type: Nvidia

[21:30:31] Core :

[21:30:31] Preparing to commence simulation

[21:30:31] - Looking at optimizations...

[21:30:31] DeleteFrameFiles: successfully deleted file=work/wudata_03.ckp

[21:30:31] - Created dyn

[21:30:31] - Files status OK

[21:30:31] - Expanded 88517 -> 447307 (decompressed 505.3 percent)

[21:30:31] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=88517 data_size=447307, decompressed_data_size=447307 diff=0

[21:30:31] - Digital signature verified


[21:30:31] Project: 10102 (Run 399, Clone 3, Gen 6)


[21:30:31] Assembly optimizations on if available.

[21:30:31] Entering M.D.

[21:30:37] Tpr hash work/wudata_03.tpr: 270720324 3386734358 829016683 2436729941 2868517835


[21:30:37] Calling fah_main args: 14 usage=100


[21:30:37] Working on p10102_lambda_370K

[21:30:39] Client config found, loading data.

[21:30:39] Starting GUI Server

[21:31:38] Completed 1%

[21:32:36] Completed 2%

[21:33:34] Completed 3%

[21:34:33] Completed 4%

[21:35:31] Completed 5%

[21:36:30] Completed 6%

[21:37:28] Completed 7%

[21:38:26] Completed 8%

[21:39:25] Completed 9%

[21:40:23] Completed 10%

[21:41:24] Completed 11%

[21:42:26] Completed 12%

[21:43:21] Completed 13%

[21:43:21] mdrun_gpu returned

[21:43:21] NANs detected on GPU


[21:43:21] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE

[21:43:25] CoreStatus = 7A (122)

[21:43:25] Sending work to server

[21:43:25] - Preparing to get new work unit...

[21:43:25] + Attempting to get work packet

[21:43:25] - Connecting to assignment server

[21:43:26] - Successful: assigned to (

[21:43:26] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home

[21:43:26] Loaded queue successfully.

[21:43:28] + Closed connections


[21:43:33] + Processing work unit

[21:43:33] Core required: FahCore_11.exe

[21:43:33] Core found.

[21:43:33] Working on queue slot 04 [February 8 21:43:33 UTC]

[21:43:33] + Working ...


[21:43:33] *------------------------------*

[21:43:33] Folding@Home GPU Core

[21:43:33] Version 1.31 (Tue Sep 15 10:57:42 PDT 2009)


[21:43:33] Compiler : Microsoft ® 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86

[21:43:33] Build host: amoeba

[21:43:33] Board Type: Nvidia

[21:43:33] Core :

[21:43:33] Preparing to commence simulation

[21:43:33] - Looking at optimizations...

[21:43:33] DeleteFrameFiles: successfully deleted file=work/wudata_04.ckp

[21:43:33] - Created dyn

[21:43:33] - Files status OK

[21:43:33] - Expanded 88710 -> 447307 (decompressed 504.2 percent)

[21:43:33] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=88710 data_size=447307, decompressed_data_size=447307 diff=0

[21:43:33] - Digital signature verified


[21:43:33] Project: 10102 (Run 368, Clone 4, Gen 6)


[21:43:33] Assembly optimizations on if available.

[21:43:33] Entering M.D.

[21:43:39] Tpr hash work/wudata_04.tpr: 6808793 1285217778 2926071420 2279855798 3350367373


[21:43:39] Calling fah_main args: 14 usage=100


[21:43:40] Working on p10102_lambda_370K

[21:43:42] Client config found, loading data.

[21:43:42] Starting GUI Server

[21:44:40] Completed 1%

[21:45:38] Completed 2%

[21:46:38] Completed 3%

[21:47:40] Completed 4%

[21:48:43] Completed 5%

[21:49:25] Completed 6%

[21:49:25] mdrun_gpu returned

[21:49:25] NANs detected on GPU


[21:49:25] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE

[21:49:28] CoreStatus = 7A (122)

[21:49:28] Sending work to server

[21:49:28] - Preparing to get new work unit...

[21:49:28] + Attempting to get work packet

[21:49:28] - Connecting to assignment server

[21:49:29] - Successful: assigned to (

[21:49:29] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home

[21:49:29] Loaded queue successfully.

[21:49:31] + Closed connections


[21:49:36] + Processing work unit

[21:49:36] Core required: FahCore_11.exe

[21:49:36] Core found.

[21:49:36] Working on queue slot 05 [February 8 21:49:36 UTC]

[21:49:36] + Working ...


[21:49:36] *------------------------------*

[21:49:36] Folding@Home GPU Core

[21:49:36] Version 1.31 (Tue Sep 15 10:57:42 PDT 2009)


[21:49:36] Compiler : Microsoft ® 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86

[21:49:36] Build host: amoeba

[21:49:36] Board Type: Nvidia

[21:49:36] Core :

[21:49:36] Preparing to commence simulation

[21:49:36] - Looking at optimizations...

[21:49:36] DeleteFrameFiles: successfully deleted file=work/wudata_05.ckp

[21:49:36] - Created dyn

[21:49:36] - Files status OK

[21:49:37] - Expanded 88565 -> 447307 (decompressed 505.0 percent)

[21:49:37] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=88565 data_size=447307, decompressed_data_size=447307 diff=0

[21:49:37] - Digital signature verified


[21:49:37] Project: 10103 (Run 673, Clone 8, Gen 2)


[21:49:37] Assembly optimizations on if available.

[21:49:37] Entering M.D.

[21:49:43] Tpr hash work/wudata_05.tpr: 3045373934 108463370 1860412296 2786041247 677869972


[21:49:43] Calling fah_main args: 14 usage=100


[21:49:43] Working on p10103_lambda_370K

[21:49:45] Client config found, loading data.

[21:49:45] Starting GUI Server

[21:50:43] Completed 1%

[21:51:41] Completed 2%

[21:52:41] Completed 3%

[21:53:37] Completed 4%

[21:53:37] mdrun_gpu returned

[21:53:37] NANs detected on GPU


[21:53:37] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE

[21:53:40] CoreStatus = 7A (122)

[21:53:40] Sending work to server

[21:53:40] - Preparing to get new work unit...

[21:53:40] + Attempting to get work packet

[21:53:40] - Connecting to assignment server

[21:53:41] - Successful: assigned to (

[21:53:41] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home

[21:53:41] Loaded queue successfully.

[21:53:44] + Closed connections


[21:53:49] + Processing work unit

[21:53:49] Core required: FahCore_11.exe

[21:53:49] Core found.

[21:53:49] Working on queue slot 06 [February 8 21:53:49 UTC]

[21:53:49] + Working ...


[21:53:49] *------------------------------*

[21:53:49] Folding@Home GPU Core

[21:53:49] Version 1.31 (Tue Sep 15 10:57:42 PDT 2009)


[21:53:49] Compiler : Microsoft ® 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86

[21:53:49] Build host: amoeba

[21:53:49] Board Type: Nvidia

[21:53:49] Core :

[21:53:49] Preparing to commence simulation

[21:53:49] - Looking at optimizations...

[21:53:49] DeleteFrameFiles: successfully deleted file=work/wudata_06.ckp

[21:53:49] - Created dyn

[21:53:49] - Files status OK

[21:53:49] - Expanded 88676 -> 447307 (decompressed 504.4 percent)

[21:53:49] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=88676 data_size=447307, decompressed_data_size=447307 diff=0

[21:53:49] - Digital signature verified


[21:53:49] Project: 10103 (Run 675, Clone 5, Gen 2)


[21:53:49] Assembly optimizations on if available.

[21:53:49] Entering M.D.

[21:53:55] Tpr hash work/wudata_06.tpr: 4268730121 574480613 1457744315 1397175188 1674640218


[21:53:55] Calling fah_main args: 14 usage=100


[21:53:56] Working on p10103_lambda_370K

[21:53:57] Client config found, loading data.

[21:53:58] Starting GUI Server

[21:54:55] Completed 1%

[21:55:56] Completed 2%

[21:57:01] Completed 3%

[21:58:07] Completed 4%

[21:58:50] Completed 5%

[21:58:50] mdrun_gpu returned

[21:58:50] NANs detected on GPU


[21:58:50] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE

[21:58:53] CoreStatus = 7A (122)

[21:58:53] Sending work to server

[21:58:53] - Preparing to get new work unit...

[21:58:53] + Attempting to get work packet

[21:58:53] - Connecting to assignment server

[21:58:54] - Successful: assigned to (

[21:58:54] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home

[21:58:54] Loaded queue successfully.

[21:58:56] + Closed connections


[21:59:01] + Processing work unit

[21:59:01] Core required: FahCore_11.exe

[21:59:01] Core found.

[21:59:01] Working on queue slot 08 [February 8 21:59:01 UTC]

[21:59:01] + Working ...


[21:59:02] *------------------------------*

[21:59:02] Folding@Home GPU Core

[21:59:02] Version 1.31 (Tue Sep 15 10:57:42 PDT 2009)


[21:59:02] Compiler : Microsoft ® 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86

[21:59:02] Build host: amoeba

[21:59:02] Board Type: Nvidia

[21:59:02] Core :

[21:59:02] Preparing to commence simulation

[21:59:02] - Looking at optimizations...

[21:59:02] DeleteFrameFiles: successfully deleted file=work/wudata_08.ckp

[21:59:02] - Created dyn

[21:59:02] - Files status OK

[21:59:02] - Expanded 83962 -> 447307 (decompressed 532.7 percent)

[21:59:02] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=83962 data_size=447307, decompressed_data_size=447307 diff=0

[21:59:02] - Digital signature verified


[21:59:02] Project: 10103 (Run 976, Clone 2, Gen 0)


[21:59:02] Assembly optimizations on if available.

[21:59:02] Entering M.D.

[21:59:08] Tpr hash work/wudata_08.tpr: 4215529975 16153161 3968064337 2321323860 2305933786


[21:59:08] Calling fah_main args: 14 usage=100


[21:59:09] Working on p10103_lambda_370K

[21:59:10] Client config found, loading data.

[21:59:10] Starting GUI Server

[22:00:09] Completed 1%

[22:00:57] Completed 2%

[22:00:57] mdrun_gpu returned

[22:00:57] NANs detected on GPU


[22:00:57] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE

[22:01:00] CoreStatus = 7A (122)

[22:01:00] Sending work to server

[22:01:00] EUE limit exceeded. Pausing 24 hours.

[22:18:58] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[22:18:58] (

[22:18:58] + Retrying using alternative port

[22:18:58] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[22:18:58] (Got status 503)

[22:18:58] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[22:18:58] (

[22:18:58] Could not transmit unit 00 to Collection server; keeping in queue.

[22:18:58] Project: 10102 (Run 399, Clone 3, Gen 6)

[22:18:58] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[22:18:58] - Error: Could not get length of results file work/wuresults_03.dat

[22:18:58] - Error: Could not read unit 03 file. Removing from queue.

[22:18:58] Project: 10102 (Run 368, Clone 4, Gen 6)

[22:18:58] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[22:18:58] - Error: Could not get length of results file work/wuresults_04.dat

[22:18:58] - Error: Could not read unit 04 file. Removing from queue.

[22:18:58] Project: 10103 (Run 673, Clone 8, Gen 2)

[22:18:58] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[22:18:58] - Error: Could not get length of results file work/wuresults_05.dat

[22:18:58] - Error: Could not read unit 05 file. Removing from queue.

[22:18:58] Project: 10103 (Run 675, Clone 5, Gen 2)

[22:18:58] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[22:18:58] - Error: Could not get length of results file work/wuresults_06.dat

[22:18:58] - Error: Could not read unit 06 file. Removing from queue.

[22:18:58] Project: 10102 (Run 990, Clone 9, Gen 2)

[22:18:58] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.



[22:18:58] + Attempting to send results [February 8 22:18:58 UTC]

[22:19:00] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[22:19:00] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[22:19:00] (

[22:19:00] + Retrying using alternative port

[22:19:01] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[22:19:01] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[22:19:01] (

[22:19:01] - Error: Could not transmit unit 07 (completed February 6) to work server.

[22:19:01] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.



[22:19:01] + Attempting to send results [February 8 22:19:01 UTC]

[22:19:41] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[22:19:41] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[22:19:41] (

[22:19:41] + Retrying using alternative port

[22:19:42] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[22:19:42] (Got status 503)

[22:19:42] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)

[22:19:42] (

[22:19:42] Could not transmit unit 07 to Collection server; keeping in queue.

[22:19:42] Project: 10103 (Run 976, Clone 2, Gen 0)

[22:19:42] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[22:19:42] - Error: Could not get length of results file work/wuresults_08.dat

[22:19:42] - Error: Could not read unit 08 file. Removing from queue.



[21:58:50] mdrun_gpu returned

[21:58:50] NANs detected on GPU

Dette går igjen etter ca 7% hele tiden.

Endret av War
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[21:58:50] mdrun_gpu returned

[21:58:50] NANs detected on GPU

Dette går igjen etter ca 7% hele tiden.

Har tatt ut et 9800GX2 av samme grunn. Kortet er ikke skadet og kjører alt annet uten feil, men ikke folding der det sto. Hvis jeg flytter det til en annen maskin så folder det uten feil. Jeg tror det må ha noe med strøm å gjøre og lurer på om PSU har noen form for "memory" som husker komponenter som har feilet? Feilen kom ved de nye p1010 WUene.

Endret av -alias-
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Den "hukomelsen" til PSU går nok heller på at det kortet krever for mye av en bestemt spennings-rail på det bestemte PSUet. Med andre ord; kortet feiler på en bestemt PSU fordi det ikke får nok strøm på en av spenningene som kortet tar fra denne. De fleste PSU idag har flere railer på hver spenning ( i alle fall 12V), så andre komponenter kan greie seg fint. Hvis man har modulært power bør man se om man kanskje har koblet for mye på samme rail og vurdere å sette skjermkortet som feiler på en egen rail som ikke er lastet med noe annet og se om det hjelper.

Endret av Xell
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