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Heroes of Might and Magic; din favoritt?

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    • Heroes of Might and Magic
    • Heroes of Might and Magic II
    • Heroes of Might and Magic III
    • Heroes of Might and Magic IV
    • Heroes of Might and Magic V

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Hvilken av spillene i Heroes of Might and Magic-serien er din favoritt og hvordan syntes du overgangen fra 2D (1-4,3DO) til 3D (5,Ubisoft) har gått? Noen gode minner fra serien du ønsker å dele med oss?





Heroes of Might and Magic (1995)

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Heroes is a turn-based strategy game in which you play as on of four different heroes: the warlock, sorceress, barbarian, or knight. You must build up your castle by adding different locations to earn different units to strengthen your army with. Units include dragons, cyclopses, phoenixes (phoeni?), paladins, and many more. Your goal is, of course, to destroy you opponents, but this isn't the whole game by a long shot.


Another aspect of the game is exploring the world your are given and discovering treasures, spells, mines to gather resources, nomad camps, magic lamps, ultimate artifacts, and more.



Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Succession Wars (1996)

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Heroes of Might and Magic II is a fantasy role-playing game which takes place in the land of Enroth, a place of magic. There are a multitude of creature types, from griffins to rocs, golems to pikemen, unicorns to hydras, and four different dragons. Each castle type has six different creatures, from the weak to the strong. There are six castle types, each corresponding to a hero class: Knight, Sorceress, Wizard (Good side), Barbarian, Necromancer and Warlock (Evil side). There are also six different types of neutral creatures you can recruit in special structures scattered about the maps.


Compared to the first game, this sequel has larger and more interactive combat screens. The spell system is now based on spell points instead of spell memorization.


The maps themselves range from small two player maps, to huge maps that all six player types could fit in easily. There is a map maker included, and you can multiplay via hotseat, modem, or IP.



Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia (1999)

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Receiving news of her father's death, Catherine Ironfist, Queen of Enroth, sails for Erathia to attend her father's funeral. Fearing the worst, she assembles a military fleet as her escort. Arriving on the coast of Erathia, Catherine finds an allied wizard's tower, devastated from battle and abandoned. There she learns Erathia is falling to its enemies. Mustering local armies, Catherine marches to Erathia's capitol, restoring lost land along the way. Rescuing Erathia's besieged capitol, Catherine learns her father was poisoned with a goblet of wine. Setting herself up as queen, Catherine goes to war to restore Erathia's borders and discover her father's murderer. In the course of war, in an attempt to counter Catherine's recent successes, her enemies resurrect her buried father as an undead lich and make him general of their armies. Fighting her dead father's undead armies on the battlefield, Catherine continues her murder investigation and learns one of her most trusted generals was responsible. At the war'sconclusion, Catherine and her armies surround the last standing. Battling to the throne room, Catherine and her generals come face-to-face with Erathia's former king, now their undead enemy. From her assembled generals, Catherine points out the traitor. The undead king attacks and kills his murderer as Erathia's allied generals stand by and watch. Hunched over the dead body of his killer, the lich turns to the woman he named Catherine and once called daughter. Using a spell book, Catherine summons a lightning bolt from the sky and destroys her undead father. Sitting to the throne of her vanquished enemy, Catherine speaks, "Rest in peace father."


Better graphic, more colors, amazing animations, louder music, and same controls. The battle for lands continues, with different story and more units, spells and characters to use.



Heroes of Might and Magic IV (2002)

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As the fourth installment of the very popular HoMM game series, Heroes of Might and Magic 4 brings many new things to the game while retaining the good old interface design and gameplay.


The game still is about exploring huge maps with your heroes and armies, collecting treasures, building up cities, fighting monsters and defeating your foes, so this part has not changed. There are six new and large campaigns and 24 single scenarios to play. 48 new hero classes and many new skills have been created so the game is even heavier on the strategic side as before. You now can lead multiple heroes to battle as well as separate troops from heroes (so you maybe move troops alone to another hero).


The new battle screen has now isometric view instead of side perspective. And now your heroes may fight side by side with your soldiers (yes, you now can use them for real battle, not only magic).



Heroes of Might and Magic V (2006)

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Today a marriage is to be celebrated: the Griffin Empire celebrates Emperor Nicolai and the tomboy-like Isabel who are soon to be united. But... something goes wrong and Demons emerge from the darkness, interrupting this joyous celebration! So, now Nicolai has to lead his army to war; while Isabel is carried away and treated like a poor defenseless girl.


She cannot sit still for long, so she breaks free from her escorts at the first opportunity and tries to seek some help for her Nicolai. While her escort, Godric, leaves to seek the powerful mages of the Shining Cities; Beatrice tries to contact the Elven armies of Irollan. Will she succeed in bringing help to her soon to be husband, Nicolai? Will Godric convince the mages to help the Griffin Empire?


This is the first Heroes of Might & Magic to feature 3D graphics and Multiplayer options. The turn-based system for tactical battles has been entirely re-written to be more scalable. It also features an entirely new plot, along with new spells, new units and new creatures skills.




Priser i Prisguiden

Notis: se pakka til 89,- ..du får komplett HoMM3 og HoMM4 inkl. alle expansions. Sinnsyk bra pris!!

Endret av überGoliath
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Min favoritt er HOMM2. Det var det første spelet i serien eg prøvde og det eg har brukt mest tid på. Har ein klar samanheng med at eg prøvde det første gang på den tida eg brukte mest tid på spel.


HOMM3 var ikkje dårleg, gjekk ein god del timar med der og, men var aldri heilt det same som HOMM2.


HOMMV har eg endå ikkje prøvd, heller ikkje planar om det i nærmaste framtid. Gjekk lei PC-spel for nokre år sidan og kan nesten telje antal timar dei siste tre åra på to hender. Er derfor ikkje så lett å vurdere overgangen til 3D.


Til slutt vil eg få nevne at det er ein fabelaktig spelserie, 3DO gjorde ein veldig god jobb. Kan ikkje hugse at nokon av dei vart noko kjempehit, men eg har hatt veldig mykje moro med dei. Nærmaste eg kjem eit liknande turbasert spel er Worms, noko som ikkje kan samanliknast.

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Jeg syntes helt klart HoMM3 var den beste i serien. Mitt første møte serien var i 1996 med det første spillet. Jeg hoppet forsåvidt glatt over HoMM2 siden jeg fant det ikke i butikken noe sted (netthandel var jo ikke utbredt). HoMM3 kjøpte jeg på EBGames i Orlando, Florida i Mars 1999. Kjøpte med meg Prima Strategy Guide for spillet så jeg hadde lesestoff på flyet :) HoMM3 er desidert den beste i serien (sier seg selv når Ubisoft brukte HoMM3 for å utvikle HoMM5)..


Skuffelsen var stor når jeg kjøpte en overpriset HoMM4 på Spiderman. Tror jeg prøvde det kun i 3 timer. Jeg likte nesten ikke noe med spillet og jeg hatet at man kunne vandre rundt med spillere uten Heroes. Mistet mye av oversikten for min del.


HoMM5 er et glimrende spill og jeg syntes overgangen fra 2D til 3D har fungert glimrende. Visuelt sett så er dette den peneste HoMMspillet. Gameplayen er tilnærmet HoMM3, noe som Ubisoft hadde som mål. Det jeg savner i HoMM5 er musikken slik den var i HoMM3..

Endret av überGoliath
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Vanskelig spørsmål. Heroes III er definitivt bedre enn II'ern, men II'ern var trossalt ganske så revolusjonerende da den kom ut. Det er på en måte den tittelen som satte Heroes på kartet.

Heroes III inneholder en rekke forbedringer, men ingen like radikale som Heroes II kontra Heroes I.


Jeg vil si at det er uavgjort jeg.

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Vanskelig spørsmål. Heroes III er definitivt bedre enn II'ern, men II'ern var trossalt ganske så revolusjonerende da den kom ut. Det er på en måte den tittelen som satte Heroes på kartet.

Heroes III inneholder en rekke forbedringer, men ingen like radikale som Heroes II kontra Heroes I.


Jeg vil si at det er uavgjort jeg.


Helt enig i alt du sier her. Holder likevel en ørliten knapp på HoMM2, rett og slett på grunn av nostalgien :love:
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