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Når det er slike scener og bilder som det er i dag, er det fler enn meg som tenker at det har foregått LITT mer på bakrommet siste året enn det som er kjent i media?

Jeg er ikke i tvil om at også ledelsen føler seg totalt pissa på av amerikanerne i lang, lang tid, men dette er selvsagt ikke noe en kan gå ut offentlig med. Etter den uvanlig krasse/dramatiske pressemeldingen for en liten stund siden om salget til NESV og at styremedlemmer var forsøkt avsatt, og noen uttalelser i forbindelse med rettssaken som at eierne oppførsel har vært forferdelig og brudd på kontrakter, er det ingen tvil om at det nok i lang tid har foregått en maktkamp. Broughton ante nok ikke hva han gikk til da han tok jobben.

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Altså, dersom LFC faktisk har en bindende avtale med NESV, som NESV i dag hevdet i en pressemelding (altså har de det) og LFC/RBS vant rettsaken i dag slik at H&G ikke kan gjøre en eneste dritt, så er det jo faktisk ingen annen teknisk mulighet enn at det blir NESV. Da er det bare formaliteter man må gjennom for å klargjøre oppkjøpet. Så akkurat det er ikke så mye å gruble på... Det eneste jeg håper på er at det i kveld blir 100% offentliggjort og ferdig, at det ikke er en eneste liten sjanse for at H&G ikke kan utsette noe lengre.

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10pm: Further to this story about a Texas court issuing an injunction on the sale of the club, Owen Gibson writes that Hicks and Gillett are claiming $1.6bn in damages.


9.58pm: Are Hicks and Gillett making life difficult? Are they ever. News reaches us that a Texas court has issued a restraining order on the sale of the club, calling it an "epic swindle".





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Hahahaha. Fy faen. :p Må jo bare le. Hvordan i helvete kan en domstol fra Texas, som er pult opp i rævva av Hicks kunne bestemme noe av dette?


Edit: Også £1.6Mrd da. Hicks må ha brukt pengene han har lånt i klubbens navn på noe heftige greier han har begynt å røyke.

Endret av ErlendRU
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Er ikke overrasket egentlig. Noe måtte jo skje. Kjenner jeg koker over med hat for de to jævlene.


10.15pm: Owen Gibson has passed on the following report about the latest classy move by Hicks & Gillett. It's a long read, but it's worth it.



The owners of Liverpool Football Club today reported that a Texas State District Court has granted a temporary restraining order (TRO) enjoining the Board of Liverpool Football Club (LFC) from executing a sale of the Club to New England Sports Ventures (NESV). The court set a hearing date of October 25, 2010. The TRO request, signed by Judge Jim Jordan of the 160th District Court in Dallas, was part of a lawsuit filed today by the owners of LFC against Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), Martin Broughton, Christian Purslow, Ian Ayre, NESV and Philip Nash. The lawsuit also seeks temporary and permanent injunctions, and damages totaling approximately $1.6 billion (over £1 billion). The suit lays out the defendants' "epic swindle" in which they conspired to devise and execute a scheme to sell LFC to NESV at a price they know to be hundreds of millions of dollars below true market value (and well below Forbes magazine's recent independent $822 million valuation of the club) - and below multiple expressions of interest and offers to buy either the club in its entirety or make minority investments (including Meriton and Mill Financial). It describes how the defendants excluded the owners from meetings, discussions and communications regarding the potential sale to NESV and interfered with efforts by the owners to obtain financing for Liverpool FC. The Club's owners are represented by attorneys from the international law firm of Fish & Richardson. The following are some of the key points in the complaint, which details the roles of RBS and the other defendants, and also describes previously undisclosed offers to purchase LFC: "The Director Defendants were acting merely as pawns of RBS, wholly abdicating the fiduciary responsibilities that they owed in the sale." "RBS has been complicit in this scheme with the Director Defendants. For example, in letters from RBS to potential investors obtained just within the past few days, RBS has informed investors that it will approve of a deal only if there is "no economic return to equity" for Messrs. Hicks and Gillett. In furtherance of this grand conspiracy, on information and belief, RBS has improperly used its influence as the club's creditor and as a worldwide banking leader to prevent any transaction that would permit Messrs. Hicks and Gillett to recover any of their initial investment in the club, much less share in the substantial appreciation in the value of Liverpool FC that their investments have created." "On or about October 4, 2010, Mr. Hicks received a letter of interest from a third potential purchaser represented by FBR Capital Markets ("FBR"), offering to purchase Liverpool FC for £375 to £400 million ($595 to $635 million). The letter informed Mr. Hicks that the potential purchaser would not need financing, possessed the funds to close the transaction, and intended to build a new stadium for Liverpool FC." "Additionally, the Plaintiffs learned just days ago about another potential investor that made a similar offer in the £350 to £400 million range that was communicated to Defendant Broughton and another unnamed co-conspirator in late August. According to this investor, Mr. Broughton never responded to the offer. Moreover, when the purported sale to NESV was announced, this investor again contacted Mr. Broughton and informed him that the offer, which significantly exceeded the NESV offer, was still on the table. Again, Mr. Broughton brushed this offer aside without further discussion."







10.37pm: We await to hear from legal experts precisely what authority a court in Texas has over the sale of Liverpool. Brass necks doesn't really begin to cover this, does it?


10.33pm: Let's see what you have to say about this latest development.


"Texan courts don't even have jurisdiction over happenings in other states," says Jonathan Kaszynski. "This injunction is a vindictive act, hoping to cause the board and supporters of Liverpool Football Club as much trouble as possible. This has no chance in hell of seeing the light of day in court."


"I am currently warming down from a rather intense tennis match," says Phil Wainwright. "I declare the Liverpool sale valid. I take it the court I'm playing on has as much jurisdiction as the Texan one?"


"Can't the Premier League revoke H&G's status as 'fit and proper persons'?" asks K. Phillip Harrison. "I realise I risk being named in a Texan lawsuit for suggesting this (but I am ready to counter-sue in the district court of Matale, Sri Lanka where I have Friends)."


And lastly, here's David Penfold. "I looked at the photo and thought those Liverpool chaps have got one rubbish bodyguard."

Endret av Jefe
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10.48pm: More on the jurisdiction issue. "If Royal Bank of Scotland does business dealings in Texas, courts there would certainly have personal jurisdiction over the bank," writes Daniel Stauss.


Elsewhere in the Telegraph Paul Kelso claims that "The jurisdiction of the Texas order in the UK was not immediately clear, but sources said the impact of the action could be to put RBS, which has considerable US interests, Broughton, through his role as BA chairman, and NESV in contempt of a US Court."



11.03pm: At around 9.20pm we were expecting to hear an announcement that the sale of Liverpool had been agreed. This is a quite astonishing turn of events. The sheer front of the pair is simply astounding.

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Following the successful conclusion of High Court proceedings today, the Boards of Directors of Kop Football and Kop Holdings met tonight and resolved to complete the sale of Liverpool FC to New England Sports Ventures.


Regretably, Thomas Hicks and George Gillett have tonight obtained a Temporary Restraining Order from a Texas District Court against the independent directors, Royal Bank of Scotland PLC and NESV to prevent the transaction being completed.


The independent directors consider the restraining order to be unwarranted and damaging and will move as swiftly as possible to seek to have it removed.


A further statement will be made in due course.



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