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Verden risikerer å gå tom for sjokolade (kakao bønner) ?


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Dette kan få store helsemessige påvirkninger. Mørk sjokolade er som kjent i små nok mengder svært helsebringende.


Sjokolade med mye sukker og melkepulver er vel av de litt mindre sunne variantene, men hvor usunt er det?


I artikkelen fra Dagbladet.no står det å lese at de forsker på modifiserte kakaoplanter som kan bringe større avlinger, men at smaken står i fare for å delvis forsvinne som en konsekvens av slike kakaobønner fra den type planter.


Det som skurrer litt med artikkelen, er hvordan konsumet kan være større enn produksjonen. Det er ihvertfall lite bærekraftig. Har de enorme lagre av kakaobønner?


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Bruk gjerne tråden til å diskutere de helsemessige sidene av kakao/sjokolade, i alle dets former :)


F.eks. så lurer jeg på om man framover, eller allerede kan / vil merke tukling med sjokoladen, slik at smak, konsistens med videre er endret? Det har i det siste vært en del ekstra brent smak av sjokolade har jeg notert meg, basert på egen smakserfaring. Jeg spiser kokesjokolade jevnlig, da det er kommet fram at det kan være sunt.


F.eks. så kan jeg glatt trykke i meg 50 g - 100 g kokesjokolade på få minutter. Er det for mye?

Endret av G
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De begrensede mengdene som fortsatt produseres vil selges til høystbydende.

I et rikt land som Norge vil vi selvsagt ha råd til sjokolade.


Men jeg regner med at mange sjokolademerker vil modifisere oppskriftene sine, og lage lysere sjokolade med billigere ingredienser. Vi går dessverre lysere tider i møte, sjokolademessig.

Sjokoladen skal helst være mørk etter min mening.

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F.eks. så kan jeg glatt trykke i meg 50 g - 100 g kokesjokolade på få minutter. Er det for mye?


100g inneholder ca. 600kcal, noe som svarer til rundt 1/4 av det daglige kaloribehovet til en gjennomsnittlig aktiv voksen mann. Hvorvidt dette er "for mye" avhenger av hvor ofte du spiser denne mengden, hva annet du spiser og hva som er målsetningen din (gå ned i vekt, holde vekten eller gå opp i vekt).


En annen ting er at, uavhengig av hvilke helsefremmende effekter kakaobønnen måtte ha, så består sjokolade for det aller meste av sukker og fett og veldig lite annet, så det er en relativt næringsfattig energikilde.

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Ser du mener det :wee:


7 Proven Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate (No. 5 is Best)
Dark chocolate is loaded with nutrients that can positively affect your health.
Made from the seed of the cocoa tree, it is one of the best sources of antioxidants on the planet.
Studies show that dark chocolate (not the sugary crap) can improve health and lower the risk of heart disease.

1. Dark Chocolate is Very Nutritious
If you buy quality dark chocolate with a high cocoa content, then it is actually quite nutritious.
It contains a decent amount of soluble fiber and is loaded with minerals.

A 100 gram bar of dark chocolate with 70-85% cocoa contains (1):

  • 11 grams of fiber.
  • 67% of the RDA for Iron.
  • 58% of the RDA for Magnesium.
  • 89% of the RDA for Copper.
  • 98% of the RDA for Manganese.
  • It also has plenty of potassium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium.

Of course, 100 grams (3.5 ounces) is a fairly large amount and not something you should be consuming daily. All these nutrients also come with 600 calories and moderate amounts of sugar.
For this reason, dark chocolate is best consumed in moderation.
The fatty acid profile of cocoa and dark chocolate is excellent. The fats are mostly saturated and monounsaturated, with small amounts of polyunsaturates.
It also contains stimulants like caffeine and theobromine, but is unlikely to keep you awake at night as the amount of caffeine is very small compared to coffee.
Bottom Line: Quality dark chocolate is rich in Fiber, Iron, Magnesium, Copper, Manganese and a few other minerals.

2. Dark Chocolate is a Powerful Source of Antioxidants
Have you ever heard of a measure called ORAC?
ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. It is a measure of the antioxidant activity of foods.
Basically, researchers pit a bunch of free radicals (bad) against a sample of food and see how well the antioxidants in the food can “disarm” them.
The biological relevance of this metric is questioned, because it’s done in a test tube and may not have the same effect in the body.
However, I think it is worth mentioning that raw, unprocessed cocoa beans are among the highest scoring foods that have been tested.
Dark chocolate is loaded with organic compounds that are biologically active and function as antioxidants. These include polyphenols, flavanols, catechins, among others.
One study showed that cocoa and dark chocolate contained more antioxidant activity, polyphenols and flavanols than other fruits they tested, which included blueberries and Acai berries (2).

Bottom Line: Cocoa and dark chocolate have a wide variety of powerful antioxidants, way more than most other foods.

3. Dark Chocolate May Improve Blood Flow and Lower Blood Pressure
The flavanols in dark chocolate can stimulate the endothelium, the lining of arteries, to produce Nitric Oxide (NO), which is a gas (3).
One of the functions of NO is to send signals to the arteries to relax, which lowers resistance to blood flow and therefore reduces blood pressure.
There are many controlled trials showing that cocoa and dark chocolate can improve blood flow and lower blood pressure, but the effects are usually mild (4, 5, 6, 7).
However, there is also one study in people with elevated blood pressure that showed no effect, so take all this with a grain of salt (8).

Bottom Line: The bioactive compounds in cocoa can improve blood flow in the arteries and cause a small but statistically significant decrease in blood pressure.

4. Dark Chocolate Raises HDL and Protects LDL Against Oxidation
Consuming dark chocolate can improve several important risk factors for heart disease.
In a controlled trial, cocoa powder was found to significantly decrease oxidized LDL cholesterol in men.
It also increased HDL and lowered total LDL in men with elevated cholesterol (9).
Oxidized LDL means that the LDL (“bad” cholesterol) has reacted with free radicals.
This makes the LDL particle itself reactive and capable of damaging other tissues… such as the lining of the arteries in your heart.
It makes perfect sense that cocoa lowers oxidized LDL. It contains an abundance of powerful antioxidants that do make it into the bloodstream and protect lipoproteins against oxidative damage (10, 11, 12, 13).
Bottom Line: Dark chocolate improves several important risk factors for disease. It lowers the susceptibility of LDL to oxidative damage while increasing HDL and improving insulin sensitivity.

Dark chocolate can also reduce insulin resistance, which is another common risk factor for many diseases like heart disease and diabetes (14, 15).

5. Dark Chocolate May Lower The Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
The compounds in dark chocolate appear to be highly protective against the oxidation of LDL.
In the long term, this should cause much less cholesterol to lodge in the arteries and we should see a lower risk of heart disease over the long term.
It turns out that we have several long-term observational studies that show a fairly drastic improvement.
In a study of 470 elderly men, cocoa was found to reduce the risk of cardiovascular death by a whopping 50% over a 15 year period (16).
Another study revealed that eating chocolate 2 or more times per week lowered the risk of having calcified plaque in the arteries by 32%. Eating chocolate less frequently had no effect (17).
Yet another study showed that chocolate 5+ times per week lowered the risk of cardiovascular disease by 57% (18).
Of course, these 3 studies are so-called observational studies that can not prove that it was the chocolate that caused the reduction in risk.
However, given that we have a biological mechanism (lower blood pressure and oxidized LDL) then I find it plausible that regular consumption of dark chocolate can in fact reduce the risk of heart disease.
Bottom Line: Observational studies show a drastic reduction in heart disease risk for the people who consume the most chocolate.

6. Dark Chocolate May Protect Your Skin Against The Sun
The bioactive compounds in dark chocolate may also be great for your skin.
The flavonols can protect against sun-induced damage, improve blood flow to the skin and increase skin density and hydration (19).
The minimal erythemal dose (MED) is the minimum amount of UVB rays required to cause redness in the skin, 24 hours after exposure.
In one study of 30 people, the MED more than doubled after consuming dark chocolate high in flavanols for 12 weeks (20).
If you’re planning on a beach vacation, consider loading up on dark chocolate in the prior weeks and months.

Bottom Line: Studies show that the flavanols from cocoa can improve blood flow to the skin and protect it against sun-induced damage.


7. Dark Chocolate May Improve Brain Function


The good news isn’t over yet. Dark chocolate may also improve the function of the brain.

One study of healthy volunteers showed that 5 days of consuming high-flavanol cocoa improved blood flow to the brain (21).

Cocoa may also significantly improve cognitive function in elderly people with mental impairment. It also improves verbal fluency and several risk factors for disease (22).

Cocoa also contains stimulant substances like caffeine and theobromine, which may be a key reason cocoa can improve brain function in the short term (23).

Take Home Message

There is considerable evidence that cocoa can provide powerful health benefits, being especially protective against cardiovascular disease.

But of course, this doesn’t mean people should go all out and consume lots of chocolate every day. It is still loaded with calories and easy to overeat on. Maybe have a square or two after dinner and try to really savor them.

Be aware that a lot of the chocolate on the market is crap. You need to choose qualitystuff… organic, dark chocolate with 70% or higher cocoa content.

Dark chocolates often contain some sugar, but the amounts are usually small and the darker the chocolate, the less sugar it will contain.

There are of course other benefits to chocolate that I have not mentioned… such as the awesome taste.

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De begrensede mengdene som fortsatt produseres vil selges til høystbydende.

I et rikt land som Norge vil vi selvsagt ha råd til sjokolade.


Men jeg regner med at mange sjokolademerker vil modifisere oppskriftene sine, og lage lysere sjokolade med billigere ingredienser. Vi går dessverre lysere tider i møte, sjokolademessig.

Sjokoladen skal helst være mørk etter min mening.



Helt enig. Eneste utfordringen med f.eks. så høyt som 70 % kakaosubstanser i sjokoladen, er at den kan være litt brutal for første sted i fordøyelsen. Magesekken. 56 % går glatt ned :)


Har prøvd oppi 90-ish % også, men der kjenner man tydelig at for å få til sjokoladekonsistens, og for å holde seg tro til at den virkelig inneholder 90 % kakaosubstanser, så blir de nødt å stappe resten av prosentene med kakaofett. Det er ikke tull !! Det kjenner man også på konsistensen, at 90 % er veldig fet, og lite søt.


70 % kan være til tider sterk på smak og til tider litt tørr, alt etter hvem som har laget sjokoladen.

  • Liker 1
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All sjokolade begynte å smake dritt den dagen de begynte med plastikk emballasje på sjokoladen, papir og sølvpapir var mye bedre også smakte det bedre enn bare noe rart noe.

Tror heller det skyldtes at med papir så var man mye mer avhengig av å selge fersk sjokolade. I papir hadde den veldig kort holdbarhet. Med plastikk skal den visstnok ha bedre holdbarhet, den tørker hvertfall ikke ut like fort som i papir, men det fører igjen til at sjokoladen nå kan selges lettere etter at den har blitt ganske gammel. Jeg visste ikke det var så kritisk med fersk sjokolade inntil jeg fikk smake dagsfersk sjokolade av en sjokoladetype jeg kjente godt til fra tidligere. Det var noe helt annet.
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