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Så mye kan PSN-krisen koste

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Hadde vært nytting om dere skrev noe nyttig informasjon og linket til denne, og ikke bare skriver om spekulasjoner og antagelser.




Q: Are you working with law enforcement on this matter?

A: Yes, we are currently working with law enforcement on this matter as well as a recognised technology security firm and local law enforcement to conduct a complete investigation. This criminal attack against our system and against our customers is a criminal act and we are proceeding aggressively to find those responsible.

Q: Was my personal data encrypted?

A: All of the data was protected, and access was restricted both physically and through the perimeter and security of the network. The entire credit card table was encrypted and we have no evidence that credit card data was taken. The personal data table, which is a separate data set, was not encrypted, but was, of course, behind a very sophisticated security system that was breached in a malicious attack.

Q: Was my credit card data taken?

A: While all credit card information stored in our systems is encrypted and there is no evidence at this time that credit card data was taken, we cannot rule out the possibility. If you have provided your credit card data through PlayStation Network or Qriocity, out of an abundance of caution we are advising you that your credit card number (excluding security code) and expiration date may have been obtained. Keep in mind, however, that your credit card security code (sometimes called a CVC or CSC number) has not been obtained because we never requested it from anyone who has joined the PlayStation Network or Qriocity, and is therefore not stored anywhere in our system.

Q: What steps should I take at this point to help protect my personal data?

A: For your security, we encourage you to be especially aware of email, telephone, and postal mail scams that ask for personal or sensitive information. Sony will not contact you in any way, including by email, asking for your credit card number or other personally identifiable information. If you are asked for this information, you can be confident Sony is not the entity asking. When the PlayStation Network and Qriocity services are fully restored, we strongly recommend that you log on and change your password. Additionally, if you use your PlayStation Network or Qriocity user name or password for other unrelated services or accounts, we strongly recommend that you change them, as well.

To protect against possible identity theft or other financial loss, we encourage you to remain vigilant, to review your account statements and to monitor your statements.

Q: What if I don’t know which credit card I’ve got attached to my PlayStation Network account?

A: If you’ve added funds to your PlayStation Network wallet in the past, you should have received a confirmation email from “[email protected]” at the email address associated with your account. This email would have been sent to you immediately after you added the funds, and will contain the first four digits and last four digits of your credit card number. You can also check your previous credit card statements to determine which card was attached to your PlayStation Network or Qriocity accounts.

Q: When or how can I change my PlayStation Network password?

A: We are working on a new system software update that will require all users to change their password once PlayStation Network is restored. We will provide more details about the new update shortly.

Q: Have all PlayStation Network and Qriocity users been notified of the situation?

A: In addition to alerting the media and posting information about it on this blog, we have also been sending emails directly to all 77 million registered accounts. It takes a bit of time to send that many emails, and not every email will still be active, but this process has been underway since yesterday. At this time, the majority of emails have been sent and we anticipate that all registered accounts will have received notifications by April 28th. Consumers may also visit uk.playstation.com/psnoutage and www.qriocity.com for notices regarding this issue. In addition, we have taken steps to disseminate information regarding this issue to media outlets so that consumers are informed.

Q: What steps is Sony taking to protect my personal data in the future?

A: We’ve taken several immediate steps to add protections for your personal data. First, we temporarily turned off PlayStation Network and Qriocity services and, second, we are enhancing security and strengthening our network infrastructure. Moving forward, we are initiating several measures that will significantly enhance all aspects of PlayStation Network’s security and your personal data, including moving our network infrastructure and data center to a new, more secure location, which is already underway. We will provide additional information on these measures shortly.

Q: Has Sony identified the party or parties responsible for the PlayStation Network hack and subsequent theft of personal information?

A: We are currently conducting a thorough investigation of the situation and are working closely with a recognised technology security firm in order to find those responsible for this criminal act, no matter where in the world they might be located.

Q: When will the PlayStation Network and Qriocity be back online?

A: Our employees have been working day and night to restore operations as quickly as possible, and we expect to have some services up and running within a week from yesterday. However, we want to be very clear that we will only restore operations when we are confident that the network is secure.

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Ja, de tok det jo useriøst til nå. All informasjonen var jo kun beskyttet av en brannmur og Sony selv har hatt uttalelser som "Vi gir jo komplett faan i sikkerhet og personvern" og "Det er da nesten ingen sjanse for at noen vil hacke oss siden vi ikke har gjort noen noe som helst".


Skjerp deg. Hvor trangsynt er du egentlig?

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Snedig å tenke på konsekvenser og tilfeldigheter. Dersom foreldrene til Geohot aldri hadde gjort det den dagen/kvelden/natta for x antall år siden så hadde han aldri blitt født og Sony hadde kanskje ikke hatt denne krisen nå. Dersom det viser seg å faktisk være hacking pga Geohot-saken, noe det sannsynligvis er.


Haha, don't mess with Anonymous BITCH!

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Haha, don't mess with Anonymous BITCH!


De har vel sagt klart i fra at de ikke har noe med saken å gjøre. Da er det i tilfellet et (eller flere) medlem som har gått rogue.

Vil det ikke være mulig å spore opp de som står bak da? I så fall blir vel ikke straffen særlig mild kan jeg tenke meg... :p

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Haha, don't mess with Anonymous BITCH!


De har vel sagt klart i fra at de ikke har noe med saken å gjøre. Da er det i tilfellet et (eller flere) medlem som har gått rogue.

Vil det ikke være mulig å spore opp de som står bak da? I så fall blir vel ikke straffen særlig mild kan jeg tenke meg... :p


Regner med at det er ganske dyktige hackere det er snakk om her, så de er nok minst like dyktige til å dekke sporene sine.

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Vanskelig å vite hva man skal mene om dette. Selv er jeg ikke ekspert på datasikkerhet akkurat, men jeg har litt på følelsen at dette i prinsippet kunne skjedd hvem som helst. Dog, det bør komme en slags gransing av hvor god sikkerheten var på PSN, og om det viser seg at den faktisk var under det den burde, så er det jo definitivt Sony sin feil, og de fortjener å bli straffet for det. Vi kan i det minste håpe at trenden med å tvinge deg til å være online og tilkoblet et eller annet blir noe svekket. Og konstatere at det ikke blir year of the PS3 i år heller.

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Sony sikrer ikke dine data godt nok og da er det SYND i dem?! :o


Enig i at dette er et meget pussig perspektiv, men om vi skal være ærlige, så vet vi tross alt ikke om Sony har sikret sine data bedre enn feks Microsoft. Om dette skyldes dårlig sikkerhet fra Sony sin side, så fortjener de all den straffen de kan få, men hackere har kommet inn i NASA og masse annet før også, så for meg virker det som om at hvis dyktige hackere først har bestemt seg for å hacke deg, så er det lite du kan gjøre. Så jeg synes vi skal vente med å dømme Sony - og synes "synd" på dem (hvem dem egentlig, aksjonærene som sikkert har tonnevis med cash likevel?) - før vi faktisk vet mer om sikkerheten til PSN. Vi kan uansett kritisere Sonys behandling av saken, for den har vært helt elendig.

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