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Modern Warfare 2 i kryssilden (PC)

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Problemet er at man ikke kan lage egne servere, det blir altså en slags "play now"-knapp, dette gir få muligheter til klaner fordi man må bli med på en offentlig server om man skal spille klankamper, såvidt jeg har forstått, kan jo alle bli med på slike servere.

I tillegg kan småunger bli admins i spillet.


Selv har jeg ikke noe spesielt problem med dette, ettersom jeg ikke interesserer meg for klaner uansett.

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Ser ikke problemet? Har dere spilt data før?


Det kommer til å lagge helt jævlig. Jeg vil ikke bli tvunget til å spille på servern til hanz fritzl fra tyskland med rotte internett med 130 i ping heller.



Så mister man communities. Jeg liker å spille på en server om og om igjen, og bli "kjent" med de som gamer der.


I tillegg mister man modding, noe som suger balls.


vi mister valgfriheten, vi mister muligheten til å holde spillet ved like. Det er devs'a som skal være under kontroll over alt.


De sparker oss i ballene, selv om det er PC communityet som har fått COD sjangeren til hva det er i dag.


Jeg har kjøpt Cod 1, 2 og 4(MW) og 5(WaW). Men der stoppet det.

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Og problemet er?

For å forklare problemet enkelt så siterer jeg en annen post fra en annen tråd. der noen har plukket fra hverandre IW sine uttalelser ganske godt:

Måtte bare få mine tanker (og kanskje andre sine?) tanker ut på papir i min frustrasjon over at de ødelegger det spillet som jeg hadde inntrykk av kom til å bli toppen av FPS gaming. Både på public og i clanmatcher. For de som vil så post også gjerne en reply på IW sitt forum så tråden holder seg i live og øverst på førstesiden ;)


Link til IW



What made you do this? Did the guys at the top say: «NO! You will not delay the game because you want to make the servers dedicated, just sell them with the same setup as consoles. After all, they do have larger salesnumbers!»


If I've understood this right, these arguments doesn't actually give us a good reason why dedicated servers got left out:

Matchmaking & Smoother Gameplay: When you want to player a multiplayer game on PC, in the past. You’d have to scroll through a Server Browser which listed every available server which was hosted by individual server admins. Each had their own private rules, mods, or ways of playing the game. Most players would also use the server browser to find just the best quality game (based on PING). With IWNET matchmaking, it takes all that into account for you. All you have to do is select the playlist (pre-set gametypes with custom rules) that fits the style of play you are in the mood for. When you do, it will automatically find you a game with the best performance, ping, and preferences based on your location and individual connection as well as matching you with players of your same SKILL. So you’re always guaranteed the best game performance for where you are and what connection you’re playing on as well as an equal game with other players of your same skill level, not rank, but skill level. It doesn’t mean you’ll just be thrown into a random game! It will put you in the game that will give you the smoothest gameplay possible without you having to manually find a server with the best ping.


If I have understood the way the game are beeing hosted, this doesn't make up for it. Not a single bit...why?

Scenario 1:

Player wants to play MW: 2

Player joins the matchmaking-system.

The last possible host has filled all the spots so there's no room for Player

The matchmaking-system then places Player as the host for a new batch of players

Now Player now has fenomenal ping (ofcourse he has, he is the «server»)

Other players join the game and Player will have a good gaming experience

Scenario 2:

Here you are SNIPER.GER playing on Player's server

SNIPER.GER come from Germany, Player is from the upper northern parts of Norway

SNIPER.GER have an average internet connection (standard ADSL)

Player have a little bit over the average internet connection (fast ADSL)

Because those kinds of internet connection doesn't have symmetrical upload/download speeds Player will have kind of a crappy offer to the players coming to play on «his server»

SNIPER.GER will lag hard on Player's server because no normal connection can host many players without lagging


Now, what is a gamers most used excuse for playing badly? You got it sir! IT'S LAG! LAG WILL MAKE ANY PLAYER PLAY BAD!


Just as a sidenote for the marketing guys in IW/Activision:

This WILL create a bad WOM-effect! (Word-of-Mouth)

Conclusion: It will NOT result in a «smoother gameplay». You take something good and make it bad...do you see a flaw?


Playlists and Private Matches: As I described above, Playlists are pre-set game modes and gametypes for public games. If you just want to jump into a public game of Search and Destroy or Hardcore Search and Destroy and you don’t care about fully customizing it, then you can utilize playlists to do that quickly for you. However, say you’re in a clan and you want to play a Clan match with another team, or you want to practice for an upcoming tournament that has specific rules in a private game. Then you can start a Private Match (which is essentially like running your own private server) where you have complete control over the rules, who can join, boot players you don’t want, and essentially control the entire game or tweak it to your liking. Once the rules are set, you can invite the other team in or just start it up with your clan to practice with the custom rules before the match. This now allows you to play custom games out of the box without the need to install mods, find a modded server with the rules you like, or worry about not being in control of the match.


This idea ain't all that bad, but it ain't good compared to what we have today. What if the guns are unbalanced according to pro's on the top? You have already mentioned that you are concerned about the major batch of players out there so don't you dare saying that you will make it good at once! Just look on what the nade launcher, red dot sights ( <= I'm actually a fan of those sights, GJ :D ) and perks did on CoD: MW. It's tiny adjustments that mods took care of, that you could see and make a good patch with more server options (though you never did with MW as far as I can recall).


A Private Match is just like ANY other clanserver. I've searched mathces in 2v2, 4v4 and 5v5. NONE of these brackets had lots of problems with the lack of servers, so why fixing it? Ain't worth fixing something that ain't broken/unbalanced/imba or what?


And to the thing with placing you into servers with players with the same skill level as you. How are you supposed to learn? Beeing better at an FPS game like this involves learning from more experienced players, or maybe getting the tactics right because you go against bad players that you easily can put in a situation you want to test.


And my guess ( please say I'm wrong ) is that with mod-made server settings, you will be able to customize so much more than you guys can think of. Not to be rude, but you have to face that the community playing your game hardcore will very often have a tad better clue of what needs to be done (what to be done with old stuff, and also new stuff that you may implement to make the game funnier, better etc.).




Party System and Friendslist: Modern Warfare 2 on PC also makes it much easier if you want to party up with your friends, or again, with your clan for a match. You can utilize the friendslist to see when your friends are online, and invite them to your Party. A Party allows you to move from game to game as a group. It’s great for clan matches, because you can party of with your clan and move from public game to public game together. Or if you’re doing a scrim, party up and invite the other clan (who is in a party) and they’ll all join at once. Set up a private match together and play. It makes setting up scrims or games with friends easier and hassle free.


This is NOT a problem atm. I've NEVER encountered problems with any other game with dedicated servers. And I've never heard about anyone having it, even though I know players from the ones playing for pure fun, to the guys playing amateure hobbystyle, to the very few guys at the top that play hardcore. Again, why try to fix this?


Cheat / Hack Free Games: The biggest benefit of using IWnet by far is the fact that you don’t have to worry about joining a server full of aim-bots, wallhacks, or cheaters. Or relying on the server admin of the server to constantly be monitoring, banning, and policing it. Modern Warfare 2 on PC allows us to control the quality of the game much more than ever before as well as utilizing the VAC (Valve-Anti-Cheat) system to keep games clean of hackers and cheaters.


You listen to mails where people complain about cheats. Guess what! I can't count the times someone have given me whine because they think I cheat (btw: I'm clean). It's just that some people don't handle very well the fact that some players are better than themselves. I find myself quite often in that position when I «meet my maker(s)».


Also a thing: I've never played an FPS game with such a low percentage of people using cheats (never actually seen one with cheats)! Take CS for an example, much more populare, YET more cheaters.


All in all, IWNET adds a load of new features that the PC version of our games have never had before and allows us an infrastructure to continue to update and improve on the game post-launch.


You add OLD features in your own NEW system.



Just a last sidenote for you guys:

You try to be innovative, but you remove the things that make PC games superior to console (my personal opinion).


If you piss off the community because you have chosen to satisfy what you have analyzed as the biggest segment. What are then the chances that communities will give your game much publicity, good reputation etc.? You are losing many players, and even whole communities because of one, and if I may say so, silly decision, instead of just keeping it the way things were...

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1. Du kan ikke lage modder til spillet (svært pop. i Cod4)

2. Du kan sannsynligvis ikke være mer en maks 12 spillere på ett map (vanlig med 32 og opptil 64 spillere på PC).

3. Om du skal spille private match må du hoste, dvs maks 6 spillere sammen uten veldig mye lag. Om hosten logger av så blir det i beste fall en pause i spillet.

4. Mye mer lagg.



dvs at PC "bare" blir konsoll. Det er litt som å sette i en Lada motor i en Ferrari, da utnytter du ikke potensialet i bilen. Capish?

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Har vært med i krigen mot IW siden den bomba fra robert kom, jeg er utrolig skuffa over IW og de har mistet respekten over PC gamere som virkelig gledet seg til spillet. Vis jeg skal spille CoD MW2 på pc så vil jeg ha pc førelse og ikke consoll, det IW gjør nå er rett og slett egoistisk, blir på samme måte som om IW skulle fjerne Mus og tastatur så brukerne måtte bruke en 360 kontroll på PC for å kunne spille CoD MW2. IW har driti seg lagt ut og for å gjøre oss blidere er å gi oss det vi vil ha.

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Jeg er en av de som syntes dette er totalt idiotisk. Likevel, jeg kunne kanskje (stort kanskje)kjøpt spillet om ting viste seg å fungere greit. MEN, det er KUN fordi jeg har en 30/30Mb fiberlinje. Hater å spille med lag, så det hadde blitt til at jeg hadde hosta selv hver gang jeg skulle spilt.

Desverre skjer nok ikke dette da det er et krav for meg at det skal være mulighet for 30 players på en server. Uten det laster jeg dette ned. Husker tidene med M60 med reddot og hardcore på crossfire.. Ahh, plukke tonnevis med players oneshot med s60 er FUN :)

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SP utgjør knapt en halv dags spilling i MW. Det er en grunn til at COD4 og COD2 er de spillene som har logget nest mest spilletid bak WoW på Xfire siden release...


En titt på Game-Monitor viser litt av støtten blant casuals og klanspillere. 300 servere med BOYCOTT MW2 i navnet sier sitt om vreden. Fredag og lørdag er det også en 24-timers standown der serverdriftere oppfordres til å stenge serverne i 24 timer. Link


Tenk deg at favoritt restauranten du har spist på i årevis plutselig kun tilbyr deg chips til biffen. Tidligere kunne du velge mellom ulikt tilbehør til biffen. Men nå MÅ du spise kun det som kokken sier du skal spise, selv om de har ingrediensene til å lage hva du måtte ønske, men kokken mener altså at du liker chips best. Og at du attpåtil må gå hjem å steke den selv...


136 000 gamere har signert så langt. Gjør det du også! Vis din støtte

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Left 4 dead er jo ett bra eksempel imo, er så sinnsykt vanskelig å finne en server med grei ping.


Om Left 4 dead hadde hatt en bedre måte å finne servere så hadde jeg sikkert spilt mer.


Men vær gang jeg skal begynne å spille, må jeg drasse gjennom 5-13 servere(hosts?) før jeg finner en med grei ping.


Play now eller noe automatisk find & join server på pc er tragisk..

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Fyttisvartegranskauhelvete, hva pokker er det de tenker med?


Jeg har vært Infinnty Ward fan lenge pga. de gode spillene de har gitt ut, men nå

ble jeg jævlig usikker på om de skal få gleden av pengene mine. Om ikke de fikser dette

så tror jeg at jeg satser på videre Cod 4 spilling for multiplayer.


Jeg kommer ikke over det, faen!

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