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Den store GTA San Andreas-tråden

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[iC,11/09/2004 : 00:35]
Det ser bra ut...håper den har med jet-fly f.eks ala boeing 737.

Du Kasp gratulerer med den nye damen din.

Nei, det blir ikke noe sånt...

Ikke bekreftet i allefall...lite sannsynelig også...

747 flyr bare over SVÆRE strekninger, og jeg tviler på at San andreas får et flate areal på størrelse med USA selv! :!:

Det hadde jo vært noe.


Kanskje GTA 12.

Hehe, eller GTA 44? :p


EDIT: Men nå sklir det helt ut her!


Poenget med tråden (min) var egentlig å få samlet så mye info som mulig om GTA San andreas!

Altså bare ny info, som har kommet de siste dagene/den siste uken!


Er det ingen som har noen NYE screens eller noen ny info om spillet, som vi kan sette tennene i da? :dontgetit:

Endret av MeTa][iC
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As many know, the main attraction that Las Venturas will offer is the casinos. EGM touched up a lot on this subject. Rockstar, who is known for their humor, included a lot of puns to be noticed in Las Venturas. V-Rock Casino will be one of the many casinos found in Las Venturas. This will be an imitation of the “Hard Rock Café”. If you remember the station “V-Rock” in Vice City, you will remember that it was a heavy metal station. This will be the theme of the V-Rock Casino.


Another casino, Caligula’s Palace, will take after Caesar’s Palace. If you do not know what Caesar’s Palace is like, it has an Egyptian theme to it. This is probably what Caligula’s Palace will be like.


This next one should be quite obvious. In Las Vegas, there is a place called the Mirage, which has a heavy tropical theme to it. Well, in Las Venturas, there is a place called The Visage. It should have the same theme to it as well.


This next one is kind of funny and strange. Rockstar also has made a casino that relates to the famous Treasure Island. However, they will call it Pirates In Men’s Pants. This casino will have a pirate theme to it.


If you have ever heard of a place in Las Vegas called The Flamingo, then you will be glad to hear that there is a place similar to this in Las Venturas called The Pink Swan. The theme to The Pink Swan will most likely be an old school Vegas style.


It is said that Rockstar have put a lot of detail and time into the casinos. Not every casino will be accessible, but many of them will be. There is also many things to do once inside the casinos. Obviously you can gamble. Some of the games include blackjack, slots, video poker, roulette, wheel of fortune, and craps. If you make CJ a high roller, you will be sure to gain respect. Also, there will even be drunken Elvis impersonators straying around the casinos (oh great).


The famous neonlight cowboy sign that is in Las Vegas will also be in Las Venturas. However, Rockstar tweaked it a bit. The sign in Las Venturas will have Avery Carrington from Vice City on it instead.


There is quite a few ties between San Andreas and Vice City that will be in the game. One building will have a huge Candy Suxxx figure on it. Maybe she made it big time? Who knows.

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As many know, the main attraction that Las Venturas will offer is the casinos. EGM touched up a lot on this subject. Rockstar, who is known for their humor, included a lot of puns to be noticed in Las Venturas. V-Rock Casino will be one of the many casinos found in Las Venturas. This will be an imitation of the “Hard Rock Café”. If you remember the station “V-Rock” in Vice City, you will remember that it was a heavy metal station. This will be the theme of the V-Rock Casino.


Another casino, Caligula’s Palace, will take after Caesar’s Palace. If you do not know what Caesar’s Palace is like, it has an Egyptian theme to it. This is probably what Caligula’s Palace will be like.


This next one should be quite obvious. In Las Vegas, there is a place called the Mirage, which has a heavy tropical theme to it. Well, in Las Venturas, there is a place called The Visage. It should have the same theme to it as well.


This next one is kind of funny and strange. Rockstar also has made a casino that relates to the famous Treasure Island. However, they will call it Pirates In Men’s Pants. This casino will have a pirate theme to it.


If you have ever heard of a place in Las Vegas called The Flamingo, then you will be glad to hear that there is a place similar to this in Las Venturas called The Pink Swan. The theme to The Pink Swan will most likely be an old school Vegas style.


It is said that Rockstar have put a lot of detail and time into the casinos. Not every casino will be accessible, but many of them will be. There is also many things to do once inside the casinos. Obviously you can gamble. Some of the games include blackjack, slots, video poker, roulette, wheel of fortune, and craps. If you make CJ a high roller, you will be sure to gain respect. Also, there will even be drunken Elvis impersonators straying around the casinos (oh great).


The famous neonlight cowboy sign that is in Las Vegas will also be in Las Venturas. However, Rockstar tweaked it a bit. The sign in Las Venturas will have Avery Carrington from Vice City on it instead.


There is quite a few ties between San Andreas and Vice City that will be in the game. One building will have a huge Candy Suxxx figure on it. Maybe she made it big time? Who knows.

Der ja! Det var da ikke så vanskelig!

Ikke info man IKKE kunne vært foruten, men godt og vite!

Dessuten var det jo info, som jeg ikke har vært borti! :)

Takker for den, SteffyBoy! :thumbup:

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- What you can carry in home invasions depends on your strength and time in gym.

- You can negotiate a price with the fence on stolen items.

- You will seemingly have the ability to jack the trams in San Fierro.

- You will see ruins in San Fierro from the 1989 Earthquake.

- Lombard road and the Trans-America tower are in the game.

- Cops chase peds in high speed chases and helicopters can even get involved. These chases can result in your death however.

- Helicopters seem to be avaliable in San Fierro.

- You can speak to pedestrians using dialogue boxes, similar to those seen in Role Playing Games.

- Climbing will be similar to the climbing in Tony Hawks Underground.

- Hints that the player will be able to steal trains and even skateboards.

- Angel Pine is the size of two Vice City blocks.

- It would appear there's no limit on how high you can fly.

- You can fly for minutes in a straight line without coming into contact with a town.

- CJ's mobile will help you get back on track if you get lost.

- A complete day takes 24 minutes to pass. Exactly the same as previous games.

- You can view your health in the stats page.

- It should take the average gamer about 130 to 150 hours to complete using a strategy guide.

- Each main city has an airport with vehicles to jack.

- The game might be open from the begining or it might not. Rockstar are still deciding on this.

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- What you can carry in home invasions depends on your strength and time in gym.

- You can negotiate a price with the fence on stolen items.

- You will seemingly have the ability to jack the trams in San Fierro.

- You will see ruins in San Fierro from the 1989 Earthquake.

- Lombard road and the Trans-America tower are in the game.

- Cops chase peds in high speed chases and helicopters can even get involved. These chases can result in your death however.

- Helicopters seem to be avaliable in San Fierro.

- You can speak to pedestrians using dialogue boxes, similar to those seen in Role Playing Games.

- Climbing will be similar to the climbing in Tony Hawks Underground.

- Hints that the player will be able to steal trains and even skateboards.

- Angel Pine is the size of two Vice City blocks.

- It would appear there's no limit on how high you can fly.

- You can fly for minutes in a straight line without coming into contact with a town.

- CJ's mobile will help you get back on track if you get lost.

- A complete day takes 24 minutes to pass. Exactly the same as previous games.

- You can view your health in the stats page.

- It should take the average gamer about 130 to 150 hours to complete using a strategy guide.

- Each main city has an airport with vehicles to jack.

- The game might be open from the begining or it might not. Rockstar are still deciding on this.

Now THAT'S what I'm talking about! :dribble::dribble::dribble:


- You can speak to pedestrians using dialogue boxes, similar to those seen in Role Playing Games.

Dette hadde jeg ikke trodd, og jeg tror det ikke enda!!! :love::thumbup::w00t:

Skikkelig bra info?



Noe mer å finne i farta eller? Slik at jeg kan sove godt? :p:dribble:

Endret av MeTa][iC
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Uhm.. flammekaster kunne man bruke i GTA3 og GTA: Vice City også... så skjønner ikke hvorfor du skriver at det er "nytt" nytt, men kult er det jo!

Det var ikke bekreftet at noen flamme kaster skull komme i San Andreas!

Men jeg skjønner poenget ditt :)


EDIT: ALLE GTA FANS! Gå inn på www.gta-sanandreas.com for mer info! (takker for linken, SteffyBoy! :thumbup: )

I screenshots kategorien finnes det noen nye screens som er stokket innimellom de vi har sett fra før!

Endret av MeTa][iC
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Jeg må si at jeg begynner å frykte at rockstar prøver å nå for mange med San Andreas nå. De blander inn både rollespill- og sims elementer. Jeg ser ikke poenget i å forandre for mye på selve stilen til Gta serien som allerede er perfekt. Det kan godt være jeg tar feil, men den som lever får se. Jeg gleder meg uansett! Forsett å pøs på med info :thumbup:

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Som de fleste vet finnes det et interaktivt kart på Rockstar sine sider, med masse info om forskjellige steder og ting. Her er ihvertfall infoen samlet:



West Los Santos. A very upscale neighborhood with some of the most expensive retail outlets in America, let alone Los Santos. With views over Santa Maria Beach to the south and Los Santos Inlet and Flint County to the west. Expensive, highly desirable, for intense capitalists.


Rodeo Hotel

If you need a very expensive place from which to base your assault on the exclusive shops of Rodeo, then why not stay at the Rodeo Hotel? The hotel where legends stay. Including the film stars, directors, models and war criminals from Vinewood's golden age.


Didier Sachs

High fashion at it's very highest. For those who are willing to spend a lot of money to cover up their inadequacies. Fashion never cost so much.



If you're a non selective victim, then Victim is the store for you. A wonderful retail house, where people can enhance their self-worth thanks to a huge array of fashion designer apparel.


Beach Party Area

Beauty spot popular with late night revelers. Impromptu beach parties common, occasionally descend into gang violence. But parties usually safe and friendly. Which is why we shut them down.


Richman Country Club

Where the rich play golf and shower together in exclusive surroundings, and pay a fortune for the privilege.



Home to “Blastin' Fools Records” - the leading gangster rap label in the world. And very socially responsible they are too. Always pay their police bribes on time.


Verona Mall

The Verona Mall is arguable the high point of American culture. A wonderful shopping center built in a place of very low average rainfall with beautiful weather, in which some very intelligent planner decided to build a roof over the street. Just think about that for a second - A shopping center, in a desert, with protection from rainfall.


Market Station

Public transport links that the auto industry have been trying to close down for years.


Blastin' Fools Records

Number one ganster rap label in the world. Popular form of idiomatic street poetry (rap) set to music (or beats in their parlance) in which the protagonist displays a macho and testosterone-fuelled response to the perceived realities of life in the Los Santos ghetto. Or so it says in this book. Luckily, I don't read much.


Los Santos Police Dept

Fighting a vicious fight against crime and the fact that being a fireman is a lot more glamorous.


Varios Los Aztecas

Extremely dangerous Hispanic street gang. Violent. Proud. Psychotic. Heavily involved in gun running, street violence. Have traditionally been anti-narcotics. Long term gang feud with Los Santos Vagos, as well as rivalries with all other street gangs in Los Santos. Dislike of San Fierro Rifa. Wear turquoise.



Contested turf, currently under control of FRONT YARD BALLAS, a major set of BALLAS. Old Reece's Barber Shop has been the local news service for years. Worth hitting up for information.


Smoke's House

Subject: Melvin "Big Smoke" Harris

Grove Street Families O.G.


Not the shot caller, but a powerful influence, especially over restaurant choice. Extremely overweight. Multiple arrests and convictions, but has never served a long jail sentence. Why not? Family background uncertain. Delusions of grandeur. Regards himself as potential savior and ruler of known universe.


Tattoo Parlor

Tattoos are popular with gang members who like showing that they can write on themselves. It is an important part of the initiation process, I've heard.


Reece's Barber Shop

Elderly hairdresser Reece - A man who gives you what you ask for, and doesn't worry too much how you look. His crimes are many, but most of them are against fashion.


The Well Stacked Pizza Co.

Great pizzas. We had these at the station party last week. Still - You know what they say - A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips, especially in my wife's case.



The Ballas are one of the major criminal organizations in Los Santos. A street gang that have been around since the 1970's. Wear color PURPLE - Thought to denonte respect on streets. Or is it Roman? Involved in drug dealing, gang bashing, prostitution, arms dealing, vandalism, degeneracy. Sworn enemy of all families' sets, especially Orange Grove Street. Origins shrouded in mystery. Heavily involved in cocaine trade. Thought to be developing ties with Mexican (drugs) and Russian (weapons) mobs.


Other terms -

Ball-sacks / Ball eaters / Ball-less / Ball Busters - All derogatory

Purples / Playas - Positive.


Lawless, mindless. Attempts to infiltrate have mainly failed. Thought to be uncontrollable. CRASH team investigating, under Officer Tenpenny. He is deeply ingrained in street culture and is to be given freedom to do whatever it takes.



Tough suburb. So tough I wished my mother-in-law lived there. Serious social problems persist, including, but not limited to, drugs, car crime, murder, stupidity and self-deception. Home to the Grove Street Families, once the toughest and most respected gang in South Central Los Santos, now seriously in decline. Them's the breaks. Grove Street runs west to east through Ganton and ends in a cul-de-sac populated by the oldest Grove Street Families.


B-Dup's House

Home of Grove Street OG - B-Dup. Rumors suggest he has drifted apart from gang banging and into other activities. Allegations of false imprisonment and kidnapping of friends persist.


Grove Street Families

Subject: Grove Street Families - Original street gang in Los Santos.

Notes: Now seriously in decline - Internal disputes?


Elder members (O'G's) include Sean "Sweet" Johnson, Melvin "Big Smoke" Harris, Lance "Ryder" Wilson, Mark "B-Dup" Wayne, Barry "Big Bear" Thorne...Spheres of influence diminishing.


Thought to have no serious involvement in drugs trade, which has led to their decline. Some OGs heavily involved in PCP business.


Wear color GREEN.


OG Loc's House

Home of Wannabe Gangsta Rapper, Jeffery Martin. No criminal record. Some unpaid parking fines. Unlikely to be a threat. Do not, repeat do not listen to his music.


Sweet's House

Home of Sweet Johnson - Shot caller for Grove Street Families.

Notes: Under investigation for murder, gang banging, car crime, and sundry other activities. Regards himself as a community leader. Believes gangs are a positive influence in the community. Virulently anti the spread of cocaine within the community. Naive, but powerful. Uncontrollable.


Family: Beverly Johnson (mother)

Kendl Johnson (sister - no major affiliations)

Brian Johnson - Deceased.

Carl Johnson - Whereabouts unknown. Possibly on the East Coast.


Crime Scene

Typical happy citizens on the streets of Ganton.


East Los Santos

Stuck between Ballas, Vagos and Grove Street turf, this neighborhood has been contested ground for years. Because this neighborhood contains community basketball courts, a skate park and the towers there is always some gang activity. Control seems to be impossible but desired by all. Not quite sure why.


Basketball Courts

Popular with those with an over developed pituitary gland.


Pig Pen Strip Club

Definitely a club where gentlemen prove they are gentlemen, just as the whole force did at the last holiday party.


Los Santos Vagos

Subject: Hispanic Gang.

Origins: Unknown.

Gang Color: YELLOW.


Notes: Sworn enemies of Varios Los Aztecas, another street gang. Extremely dangerous.



The hills above Los Santos and home to the stars. Anyone that can afford to live here does - luxurious, exclusive, and uninsurable.


Burger Shot

Major hamburger chain. Popular with parole programs.


Since surviving claims that meat contained human remains after incident a few years ago, Burger Shot has gone from strength to strength.


Now proudly claims "Our burgers are 100% organic, with only the choicest cuts of face, genital and spinal column to make a truly tasty and nutritious burger".


Madd Dogg's Mansion

Subject: Madd Dogg - Recording Artist.


Notes: Problems with alcohol, cocaine, egomania persist, raps a lot about being a gangster.


No criminal record. No gang affiliation. Lives in his Vinewood Mansion, never on streets. Benign presence - unlikely to cause major social problems aside from his immediate circle.


Vinewood Hills Mansion

Home of the rich and famous. Playground of mega-wealthy entertainment moguls, plastic surgeons and divorce-lawyers.



At the very center of the state of San Andreas, Blueberry is a farming community and home to the Fleischberg Brewery. To the west of local farm, Blueberry Acres lies a large hill, known locally as the Panopticon. The Panopticon affords views of both Bone and Flint Counties and Easter Basin Airport, serving San Fierro. We're sure some crime takes place here, only currently, we don't know what.


Palomino Creek

Locked between San Andreas Sound and Fisher's Lagoon, Palomino looks out towards the bright lights of Las Venturas. Local beauty spot, Hanky Panky Point, is notorious as a local make-out location. Popular with young couples and dirty old men.


Drive-Thru Confessions

What do you do when you really need to get something off your chest, fast! The solution for the extremely devout, in a hurry.



This bank has been robbed so many times, we've given up protecting it. Although we don't admit that.


Hanky Panky Point

Local beauty spot notorious as a make-out location. Popular with young couples and dirty old men.

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Dere som sa "takk for infoen MeTa][iC" osv, ikke takk meg, det var SteffyBoy som fant den! :)


EDIT: Til Administratorer!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hvorfor lager dere ikke en egen seksjon for GTA spillene?!

Det finnes jo mange av dem nå, og de er populære!

Det finnes også mange mods, og community'et rundt spillet er enormt!

I tillegg kommer jo det neste i serien snart, som tyder på at det kommer til å bli KONGE!

Teit at dere skal lage en seksjon for Morrowind og SplinterCell, og IKKE en seksjon for GTA spillene!

Endret av MeTa][iC
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