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Kevin Mirallas told to 'stop talking nonsense' after he urged Marc Wilmots not to pick Adnan Januzaj


Everton forward Kevin Mirallas has been told to keep his opinions to himself by Belgium manager Marc Wilmots after he questioned Adnan Januzaj's World Cup credentials.


Manchester United winger Januzaj, 19, declared his allegiance to Belgium last week, ending a season-long saga in which England, Albania and Kosovo had all expressed an interest in his services.


But while Wilmots welcomed Januzaj's decision, Mirallas was less accommodating.


Mirallas, 26, said: 'I dont think he should go to Brazil. It would not be fair to leave out another good player for someone who does not know the others and has not played a lot for his club in recent months.


Adnan does not know the group, and the fact is, he has not had much game time at Manchester United lately. Its not as if we are short of good players in that area of the team. In fact, there are a lot of good players in his position in the Belgium squad, so it is going to be difficult for him.


He has yet to prove at United that he can be their No 1 asset in his particular position. I think for him, the European Championships in 2016 would be a more realistic target.


But, a day after confirming Januzaj will be in his preliminary squad to go to the World Cup, Wilmots hit back at Mirallas.


Wilmots, a former Schalke and Belgium midfielder, told Voetbal International: 'He (Mirallas) also said that if a striker is needed that Jelle Vossen (of Genk) could be likely. That's not his job. For this, he should be silent.


'The rules are: you have to talk about yourself, but not the others. On the selection I decide, Kevin may have his opinion, but he should not talk about others, or how new players like Januzaj can affect the group atmosphere?


'Stop talking nonsense. We have never had a problem when there is a new player. For Januzaj that will not be a problem. He has an exemplary attitude.'

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Den var stygg ja. Faen meg så bevisst som man får det, men han fikk gult kort av dommeren gjorde han ikke? Ikke at jeg skjønte hvorfor egentlig. For dommeren kan jo umulig ha sett den stemplingen der og gitt gult kort?

Han fikk ingenting for den. Gule kortet fikk han rett etter pause, dette skjedde rett før kampslutt.

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Den var stygg ja. Faen meg så bevisst som man får det, men han fikk gult kort av dommeren gjorde han ikke? Ikke at jeg skjønte hvorfor egentlig. For dommeren kan jo umulig ha sett den stemplingen der og gitt gult kort?

Han fikk ingenting for den. Gule kortet fikk han rett etter pause, dette skjedde rett før kampslutt.


Så den via stream og så bare andreomgang. Så ble kanskje litt lurt av det når de viste frem at han hadde fått gult kort. Vet det var rett før kampslutt. :)

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Stakkars Figueroa :D


Adnan er allerede klasse. Gjør enkelte juniorfeil, som unggutter ofte gjør og er fortsatt litt veik i kroppen, men synes også dette allerede har begynt å bedre seg.


Satser på at den nye manageren vil han sjansen og at vi ikke kjøper inn alt for mange offensive spillere i sommer, så han får spille regelmessig. Han er god nok til å være fast inventar i startoppstillingen til United.

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Om han spiller som han gjorde i går så er han helt klart klar til å spille fast på laget.


Da har vi Valencia - Januzaj - Mata - Kagawa - Welbeck som kan rotere på de 3 plassene bak spissen. Welbeck og Valencia kan tilby fart og direkte løp, mens Kagawa og Mata tilbyr mer ballspill og playmaking. Januzaj føler jeg er en blanding av begge delene. Jeg synes egentlig han fungerer bedre som en av kantene enn i 10ern. Men de vil jo naturligvis ha friere roller.

Med to solide midtbanespillere, en skikkelig VB, og en manager med en ordentlig plan, så tror jeg det blir bra.

Endret av Kammizez
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Adnan Januzaj has revealed he watches Cristiano Ronaldo in a bid to emulate the former Manchester United superstar.


Ronaldo has broken the record for the number of goals in an individual Champions League campaign, netting his 15th and 16th strikes of the season in the astounding 4-0 victory at Bayern Munich in the semi-final second leg.


Like Januzaj, the Portugal international arrived in Manchester from the continent as a callow youngster but through his dedication and surrounding environment the Madeira man developed into one of the very best footballers on the planet.


In an exclusive interview with June's edition of Inside United, 19-year-old Adnan admits he tracks Ronaldo's performances from afar.


"I watch him a lot and try to do the same things that he does," he explained. "He is a very good player. I always look at him and watch his games as well and try to do what he is doing and remember what he did at Manchester United.


"I have to work hard in the gym like he did because, when he came here, he wasn't strong. But after a year or so he became really strong and could push people away. I'm getting a bit stronger now due to the gym work."


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