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En beskjed fra de utenomjordiske!

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At det er mange som tror på dette beviser bare at der fremdeles er lett å lure mange... :)


70% av de kristne amerikanerne TROR at jesus vil komme i løpet av 20 år :eek: , men det beviser jo bare hvor lettlurte de er som tro på slikt.


Men skal bli gøy å se hva DU, Armin23, sier den fjortende når du står der som en fnott med pinochio lang nese og glaner i været og lurer på hvorfor ingenting skjedde... :no: *rister oppgitt på hodet*


At det finnes så utrolig mange nogsakter i verden forundrer meg til stadighet.... :)

Endret av RWS
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Dere tror på julenissen da! så ikke kom her og fortell andre hva de skal tro på!


Ikke lenge igjen nå nei :)

Tror at vi ikke er aleine jeg også. Men, det er så utrolig jalla at aliens "prater" igjennom kroppene på enkelte menneskener. Det er så til di grader fake. De gjør en masse annsikts utrykk og grimaser, skriker og vrir seg litt, for så og spy ut en haug med tull.


Hadde man vist disse klippene til en hver normal person over 20-30 år, så hadde de ledd av det. Det er bare et fåtall mennesker som tror på slikt, og det sier sitt.

Aliens kommer ikke den 14. Og Amerikanerne har heller ingen aliens skjult i en eller annen base i Usa. Hadde de hatt det, så hadde det vært rart om de ikke publiserte det. Men, de har vell en eller annen "grunn" for og ikke vise de til verden.


Gleder meg til den 14 jeg også. Blir nok mange skuffa folk da gitt :)


Edit: Jeg har sterke meninger, ja. Dette er fordi jeg er skremt over hva verden har blitt, og hvordan folk lar seg lure av alt mulig. Folk ser ut til og følge massene, og ikke ha noen som helst form for tankevirksomhet, og logik.

Endret av Kjetil_90
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Dere tror på julenissen da! så ikke kom her og fortell andre hva de skal tro på!


Ikke lenge igjen nå nei :)

Tror at vi ikke er aleine jeg også. Men, det er så utrolig jalla at aliens "prater" igjennom kroppene på enkelte menneskener. Det er så til di grader fake. De gjør en masse annsikts utrykk og grimaser, skriker og vrir seg litt, for så og spy ut en haug med tull.


Hadde man vist disse klippene til en hver normal person over 20-30 år, så hadde de ledd av det. Det er bare et fåtall mennesker som tror på slikt, og det sier sitt.

Aliens kommer ikke den 14. Og Amerikanerne har heller ingen aliens skjult i en eller annen base i Usa. Hadde de hatt det, så hadde det vært rart om de ikke publiserte det. Men, de har vell en eller annen "grunn" for og ikke vise de til verden.


Gleder meg til den 14 jeg også. Blir nok mange skuffa folk da gitt :)


Edit: Jeg har sterke meninger, ja. Dette er fordi jeg er skremt over hva verden har blitt, og hvordan folk lar seg lure av alt mulig. Folk ser ut til og følge massene, og ikke ha noen som helst form for tankevirksomhet, og logik.


Det faller på det overnaturlige at noen mennesker mener de har kontakt med utenomjordiske kanaler ..

Amerika har jo Ufoer selv, reversed engeenering fra Ufo kræsjene i Roswell var en start. Tilogmed Hitler hadde Ufoer og en haug av andre høyteknologiske våpen forut sin tid.


Og bevisene fra Utenomjordisk kontakt med menneskeheten ligger i alle gamle kulturer.



Edit: Jeg har sterke meninger, ja. Dette er fordi jeg er skremt over hva verden har blitt, og hvordan folk lar seg lure av alt mulig. Folk ser ut til og følge massene, og ikke ha noen som helst form for tankevirksomhet, og logik.


Du følger nettop en av de store massene selv. Den kollektive bevistheten om at muligheten for utenomjordisk liv er tull.. Så du er ganske lik disse "Believersene" men på en annen side.


Nothing is known for a fact.



Vi får bare vente å se hva som skjer... Jeg tror det kan være Bluebeam for å skremme menneskeheten til å putte en CHIP i armen, se Project Camelot 2012 tråden min...

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Jeg følger så absolutt ikke massene. Når jeg snakker om "massene" så mener jeg folk som tror sterkt på en religion, folk som tror sterkt på alt de ser på youtube og andre nettsteder, osv. Jeg tror/vet at vi ikke er alene i universett, men jeg tror ikke på det som blir sagt på disse filmene folk har linket til denne siden.

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Hadde man vist disse klippene til en hver normal person over 20-30 år, så hadde de ledd av det.

Du mener vel enhver over 8 år?=)

Armin, det er sånne som deg som gjør dagen litt morsommere<3


btw, armin kan du filme deg selv eller få noen til å filme deg hele dagen den 14. oktober? for så og legge det ut på youtube etterpå?

Endret av HanssA
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Damn, dere har røpet min posisjon.






På tide å gi dere en Beskjed :)


When days come to be brighter than they already are then much love will fill the earth with vibrations of light and peace, and fulfillment of all there was, all there is and the future potentials of what you can create, now that your awareness has opened, your hearts have expanded and your minds have realized your true potentials for creation within the realities of light and love.


We are your beloved pleiadians of light. We have been with you and we have been strong at this time as much change is occurring in the lives of many people, and as we have told this one many times in the past ,and this day, that we are about CHANGE. The pleiadian energy signals change, shifts into different realities, opening to new paradigms, splitting of old belief systems and opening to new ways of being.


Within our own pleiadian system much is changing also and we have been preparing ourselves for the big and exciting changes ahead for

us. We see them and we know what they are. And we welcome the earth human consciousness into our reality, into our galaxy of worlds

and stars and home worlds. We allow the consciousness of humans to enter into our hearts, our mind and to our home planets to interact with us and to grow and learn of the cosmic mind which radiates through all of us, and binds us and connects us as one voice, one heart and one mind.


The earth is collapsing its realities in many ways. The people of earth and the earth herself are becoming cosmic energy portals. All of the humans who are opening, expanding and awakening at this time are becoming cosmic battery points of light. You are downloading and holding huge amounts of light and information. And your bodies are changing. You are vibrating a frequency of knowledge, information, open awareness, expansion and change that is vibrating from your very bodies and beings out to other humans and into the cosmos. This energy calls us forth even closer. For our energies are alike. You call and we come, your friends, your family, your teachers, your parents, your home, your mother, your father, your origins.


A true new age of science, of knowledge, of wisdom, of love, of peace, of growth and understanding is now on the horizon for planet earth. A thousand years of peace, of technological advancement, growth and healing for all humanity and mother earth. As you begin to see the connectedness and interrelatedness that you have with the ground beneath your feet you will see that it holds your very survival and the

truth of who you realy are, "Earth children with earth bodies of form". Where spirit and earth have merged as one in love, with the wish and the wanting to experience on this plane of reality.


The pleiadian, the sirian galactic federation of light and other star nations of intergalactic aliance's and peace draw nearer at this time. As we bring our hope, our support and guidance to all of the starry ground crew who have been awakening in the past years and who are awakening now feel the truth in your hearts and feel the pull and the call of their brothers and sisters and families of the starry light close by.


We say to you, "We are here, we love you, we watch you and we help you each and every day.Keep your hearts strong. Keep your feet planted firmly upon the earth. Keep your minds calm. And know that truth is on your side."


In the name of change, we are the pleaidians of the highest light, truth, peace and vibrational love.


We are, you are. So be it. Namaste

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Damn, dere har røpet min posisjon.






På tide å gi dere en Beskjed :)


When days come to be brighter than they already are then much love will fill the earth with vibrations of light and peace, and fulfillment of all there was, all there is and the future potentials of what you can create, now that your awareness has opened, your hearts have expanded and your minds have realized your true potentials for creation within the realities of light and love.


We are your beloved pleiadians of light. We have been with you and we have been strong at this time as much change is occurring in the lives of many people, and as we have told this one many times in the past ,and this day, that we are about CHANGE. The pleiadian energy signals change, shifts into different realities, opening to new paradigms, splitting of old belief systems and opening to new ways of being.


Within our own pleiadian system much is changing also and we have been preparing ourselves for the big and exciting changes ahead for

us. We see them and we know what they are. And we welcome the earth human consciousness into our reality, into our galaxy of worlds

and stars and home worlds. We allow the consciousness of humans to enter into our hearts, our mind and to our home planets to interact with us and to grow and learn of the cosmic mind which radiates through all of us, and binds us and connects us as one voice, one heart and one mind.


The earth is collapsing its realities in many ways. The people of earth and the earth herself are becoming cosmic energy portals. All of the humans who are opening, expanding and awakening at this time are becoming cosmic battery points of light. You are downloading and holding huge amounts of light and information. And your bodies are changing. You are vibrating a frequency of knowledge, information, open awareness, expansion and change that is vibrating from your very bodies and beings out to other humans and into the cosmos. This energy calls us forth even closer. For our energies are alike. You call and we come, your friends, your family, your teachers, your parents, your home, your mother, your father, your origins.


A true new age of science, of knowledge, of wisdom, of love, of peace, of growth and understanding is now on the horizon for planet earth. A thousand years of peace, of technological advancement, growth and healing for all humanity and mother earth. As you begin to see the connectedness and interrelatedness that you have with the ground beneath your feet you will see that it holds your very survival and the

truth of who you realy are, "Earth children with earth bodies of form". Where spirit and earth have merged as one in love, with the wish and the wanting to experience on this plane of reality.


The pleiadian, the sirian galactic federation of light and other star nations of intergalactic aliance's and peace draw nearer at this time. As we bring our hope, our support and guidance to all of the starry ground crew who have been awakening in the past years and who are awakening now feel the truth in your hearts and feel the pull and the call of their brothers and sisters and families of the starry light close by.


We say to you, "We are here, we love you, we watch you and we help you each and every day.Keep your hearts strong. Keep your feet planted firmly upon the earth. Keep your minds calm. And know that truth is on your side."


In the name of change, we are the pleaidians of the highest light, truth, peace and vibrational love.


We are, you are. So be it. Namaste

jeg tror du burde melde deg inn i scientolog kirken..

der er det en haug med folk som deg

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