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DKP System og Guild Bank som virker?

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Du vil med andre ord ha en eller annen form av loot Council, hvor Officers/Raidleader bestemmer hvem som skal få loot til en viss grad..?




Kan også legge til dette om faste priser:


En typisk effekt av fri bidding er at folk pusher hverandre høyt på en del items. Det som skjedde med min gammle guild var at dette slo ut slik: Druids, som vi hadde 2-3 av i hvert raid, fikk masse items billing... Ingen av dem brukte mye DKP, fordi de visste at de sannsynligvis fikk det en av de neste gangene. Kun noen få Druid Tier 1 deler gikk for en høy pris. Druidene kunne etter hvert ta mange items til en lav mistepris.


Med Priestene derimot, som vi hadde 5-6 av i hvert raid, Brukte mye dkp på få deler. T1 var dyrt, og T2 gikk til himmels når det gjalt priser. Dermed Lå De fleste priestene lang under det druidene hadde av DKP. Vi endte alstå opp med at alle items som var class shared (Ringer, necks, trinkets) med + Healing gikk til druids.


Dessuten var det utrolig mye taktikk og avtaler inne i DKP bidding. Når i gikk over til fast pris fungerte dette veldig bra. De fleste fikk det de ville, om de bare sparte til det. Når man så på dkp siten var det tydelig at Raid hvor mye man deltok i raid -> Hvor mye loot man fikk.


Vi slapp også problemet med at items som droppa første gang gikk for sky høye Priser... Perditions blade feks, Gikk for over 500 DKP første gang, mens det 3 gang gikk for under 200. Med det ny systemet gikk det for 250 hver gang.

Endret av theWWW
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Har ikke tenkt til å la noen stacke DKP for å spare til ett item de har lyst på. Dropper det noe som er mye bedre enn det du har, og du har råd til det needer du selvfølgelig.

Her er det om å gjøre å hjelpe guildet for å komme lengst mulig i instances.



Det er jo ikke som om looten blir disenchanted heller :dontgetit:

Det hjelper vel raidet like mye om player 1 eller player 2 får en item?

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Igen slår faste priser bra ut: Problemet med at folk vil spare blir stort sett løst ved at MC loot (Tier1 etc) Blir ganske billig, mens Tier 2 blir opp mot 2-4 ganger så dyrt. Dermed plukker de fleste opp enkel loot i MC. De fleste passer d aikke på denne om de trenger.


I tilleg har en del guilder at hvis du har Tier 1, får du prioritet på Tier 2.

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Har ikke tenkt til å la noen stacke DKP for å spare til ett item de har lyst på. Dropper det noe som er mye bedre enn det du har, og du har råd til det needer du selvfølgelig.

Her er det om å gjøre å hjelpe guildet for å komme lengst mulig i instances.



Det er jo ikke som om looten blir disenchanted heller :dontgetit:

Det hjelper vel raidet like mye om player 1 eller player 2 får en item?


mye bedre at noob A for 1 % crit og 10 agility enn at pro-spiller A får 10 agility.


Vi bruker closed bid hvor det er minimun priser på epic, satt til 100 DKP.

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feks i AQ



5p per time.


10p per boss.

15p bonus on first try.

10p bonus on second try.

5p bonus on third try.

Etter det, ingen bonus - men fortsatt 10p for killen.


Minimumbud på alle items er 100p, maks bud på randomdrops ( ikke klassespesifisert ) og maks 600p.


På setitems er det 100p minbid og 400p maksbid.


Om flere går inn med maksbid, vinner spilleren som har mest poeng for hånden.


Systemet favoriserer ikke spillere som spiller masse, men de som spiller mye får ting først - og guildet blir ca likt geara.

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Jaha? Liker bedre et system der du kan vinne items selv om du ikke har mest dkp av din klasse, rett og slett ved å by over deres smertegrense. Uttalelsen din tyder på total mangel på forståelse for at andre ikke har samme meninger som deg. :wallbash:



Neida, skjønner godt nå at du er en grådig kid som løper rundt og skriker gief epixx plzzz og ikke gidder å joine raid der du ikke får loot ;)

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Vil anbefale ndkp (nurfed dkp) systemet. Veldig enkelt og ganske fair system.


Kan copy-paste noen av regelene inn her: (engelsk)

Skjult tekst: (Marker innholdet i feltet for å se teksten):

Zero Balance DKP - No Inflation -

NDKP is software support for a Zero balance system, in definition - points spent during a raid is divided by number of participants on that raid equally.


Nurfed Mandatory Attendance -

Players with less than 50% attendance calculated on a rolling basis over the past 6 weeks may not 'buy' items until everyone passes. If 2 players under 50% want both want an item, the player with higher DKP is awarded said item. In some cases the Officers may ask for a random roll.


DKP Awarded -

DKP isn't awarded until the end of a raid.


Item Pricing -

Each item is priced based on its stats. The formula to calculate each price values statistics in terms of a 1% upgrade to your overall character's power. High-end blue items (shadow items) are used to help calculate weapon formulas.


Max Cost -

When you take an item that can be used by multiple classes, you may be preventing another class from getting 'better' use out of it. As such, items are valued at the maximum possible cost for all classes that can use them.


Exceptional Items -

Certain items do not follow the 'max cost' ruleset. If an item is deemed to be the best possible item in the game for a certain class to the extent that the class in question gains significantly more power than others, it is only offered to that class first (examples: Spinal Reaper for Warriors, Vis'Kag for Rogues). If your class is forced to pass on an item, you pay the 'secondary dkp value,' which is the actual power increase for your class rather than the max cost of the item.


Multi-Slot items -

When buying an item in which there are 2 slots available on your character (Rings, Trinkets, 1h Weapons), you pay upgrade cost from the cheaper of the 2 items. This is true for Melee, casters to include Shamans and Paladins will upgrade from one hand weapons to one hand weapons, shield to shields, off hands to off hands etc...


Upgrades -

When buying an upgrade of an item you have already purchased (eg. you have bought might legs and are buying wrath legs) you pay the difference of the 2 items. Please note that because item values are based on stats, some tier2 may cost less than tier1.


Downgrades -

If all players pass on an item, any players that have bought a more expensive item of that slot may random 1-100 for it if applicable to their class. If a person is willing to pay full cost for the item, he may opt to do so and receives priority over those rolling for downgrade.


Sitting Out -

When sitting out, you must be available for the entire night and message an Officer at the conclusion of the evening to receive credit/attendance. Sit-outs may be required to farm for raid required mats or farm to support world event progression. These requirements are at the discretion of the Guild Officers.


Option to Pay Full Price -

Players may purchase items which are a downgrade to them if they are willing to pay the full price for that item. This has no impact on the secondary pricing rule -- if "full price" for them on an item is secondary pricing, then you pay the full secondary cost. For example, if you already have a Neck piece valued at 10 DKP, and another Neck drops that is valued at 9 DKP, you can now pay the full 9 DKP to purchase it rather than simply be ineligible for the item due the item downgrade rule.


Sammen med ndkp føler diverse addons som gjør in-game loot fordeling til en lek.


Sjekk ut disse linkene:


NDKP Tutorial by Calrayray (Hvordan sette opp raid osv)

NDKP install-filer

NDKP Installasjon

Endret av Jan Åge
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Jaha? Liker bedre et system der du kan vinne items selv om du ikke har mest dkp av din klasse, rett og slett ved å by over deres smertegrense. Uttalelsen din tyder på total mangel på forståelse for at andre ikke har samme meninger som deg. :wallbash:



Neida, skjønner godt nå at du er en grådig kid som løper rundt og skriker gief epixx plzzz og ikke gidder å joine raid der du ikke får loot ;)



Jeg skjønner ikke så veldig godt hvorfor du oppfører deg som en frekk jævel, men du har hverfall gjort deg vel fortjent til en ignore.

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Vi har ett som funker ekstremt bra..


2dkp per time

1dkp on-time


Så bidder vi utifra tier på items, i whispers ofc.


Tier3: Nefarian, Emperor, Ouro, C'Thun, Viscidius loot (minbid:25)

Tier2: Normale BWL items, tidlig i AQ og AQ quest items (minbid:15)

Tier1: MC gear, veldig dårlig BWL items, resist gear, plate dps gear (minbid:5)


Skjult tekst: (Marker innholdet i feltet for å se teksten):

As a serious raiding guild it's rather obvious that a rolling system is insufficient for our needs. As such, the system we are using is a dkp-type system, called 'SpaceBucks'.


What is SpaceBucks[tm]?

Spacebucks is an auction based point system which we will use to allocate loot. People gain points for attending various raids, and can spend them by bidding on items.


How does the auction system work?

The auctioning system is run as a private bidding auction. Each item will have a minbid, some of which are larger than others depending on quality. Items are sorted into 3 tiers with minbids of 5, 15 and 25 points respectively. These tiers can be viewed here.


Anyone who wishes to place a bid will give a tell to the person designated the 'bidmaster', with the amount of SpaceBucks they are willing to pay. If you wish to bid more than the min bid you can only bid as many points as your current dkp. The person with the highest bid wins the item, but pays the amount of SpaceBucks equal to the second highest bid +1. If only one person is bidding he pays the minbid. Note that each person gets 1 bid and one bid only per item.


If several people bid the same amount they will be notified and required to make a second bid atleast as high as the old. If noone wants to raise the bid further the one with the highest current dkp wins. If both have same current dkp the one with the highest total dkp wins. If both have same current and total dkp the winner is determined by /random.


You are always allowed to bid minbid on an item even if it will take you into negative dkp. If several people bid min bid without having the points the one with the highest current dkp wins. If it's still tied the above procedure is used to determine the winner.


If noone wants to pay the minimum bid the item will in general be disenchanted and the shard given to guildbank. As an exception the officers present may decide the item is mispriced and permanently lower the minbid.


A small number of items will have artificial class restrictions on bidding to prevent retardation. There won't be a lot of items subject to this, a few will exist. Which can be viewed here


How do we gain SpaceBucks?

The gaining of SpaceBucks is done via an attendance system, the longer you raid, the more points you get. Attendance will be taken roughly every half hour or hour, with 1 SpaceBuck per 30minutes credited to everyone present in the raid. Generally any pve guildraid run by an officer during normal raidhours is eligible for SpaceBucks.


You wont have to do anything to be marked down for attendance, everything is done automatically. You are able to view your attendance, as well as your current SpaceBucks balance on our homepage.


An earned spacebuck will generally be lost if not used for a certain timeframe. This timeframe is currently set at 60 days. More information about this here


What if there is an error or problem with my Spacebucks?

Make a post in this forum and wait for the issue to be resolved. However the website is always assumed to be correct. If there is a mistake, and your mistake/problem is not resolved by that raidday, then you have to wait until it gets fixed. You cannot invent your own 'real dkp', you go by what's on the website.


What if i want to raid but it's full?

If you are ontime and you have to sitout due to the raid being full, you will be awarded the SpaceBucks as if you were actually in the raid. If you login late, you'll get credit for whatever time you are online. People who are not currently in the raid but gaining SpaceBucks would be expected to drop whatever they're doing and join the raid if it were needed.


What if a scheduled raid is cancelled?

If you are present at the raid, you will receive dkp as if the raid had gone the full duration.


How do trial members fit in?

Trial members may gain SpaceBucks as normal but generally can't spend them until they're a full member, excepting items which would otherwise rot.


Why are we doing this?

Sometimes we will be learning fights which require a lot of patience and learning with very little loot in return. We want to reward those who have come on the multiple wipes, not those who only log in when loot is dropping.

Endret av Per-Stian
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Neida, skjønner godt nå at du er en grådig kid som løper rundt og skriker gief epixx plzzz og ikke gidder å joine raid der du ikke får loot ;)



Jeg skjønner ikke så veldig godt hvorfor du oppfører deg som en frekk jævel, men du har hverfall gjort deg vel fortjent til en ignore.



Vel, det er mulig at du oppfattett det som frekt, men det du sa underbygger da min halvveis spøkefulle påstand ...

Endret av kjetilkl
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Det med guild bank. Noen som kan linke nøyaktig til hva jeg trenger?



Hvis du setter opp wowprofiler: www.wowprofilers.com så kan bare den som har guildbank laste opp profilen sin, så har du oversikt der. - Finnes også addons med mer avansert guildbank-funksjonalitet til denne.

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