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Jeg vant 1.000.000 GBP


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Tror jeg sier opp jobben i morgen. Fikk nettopp denne eposten. Litt rart at engelsken ikke er helt korrekt.


Your e-mail address has won the British Telecom Promotion.Therefore you have

been approve to claim the sum of 1,000,000.00 GBP. Send




Phone No:


Håper du ikke er seriøs nå. Hvis du er det, så er det folk som deg de tjener penger fra. ;)

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Håper du ikke er seriøs nå. Hvis du er det, så er det folk som deg de tjener penger fra. ;)

Neida, så dum er jeg ikke. Lurer bare litt på hvor mange prosent av de som får slike e-poster som svarer på dem.

Hehe. Usikker på det der, men de tjener jo fett om bare en person gjør det hver dag. :p

Endret av Latias
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Det er nok noen som svarer, eller så hadde de jo ikke giddi å sent dem ut.


Samme med de der 2224 reklamene på tv. Du vet, de hvor du vil at noen helt ukjente folk skal fortelle deg hva ungen din skal hete basert på ditt navn og dama di sitt navn, eller hvor lenge man skal holde sammen. Man håper liksom alltid at det ikke er noen som bruker de tjenestene, men hvis ikke det hadde vært noen som hadde gjort det hadde de jo ikke hatt pengertil å markedsføre det.

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Jeg svarte faktisk på denne, men har ikke fått noe svar tilbake, overaskende nok :innocent: (eller ikke, hehe). Her er svaret jeg sendte dem:


I'm very happy to recieve such an official looking email from you. The lack off information and names just adds to the mystery, nice touch I must admit. Although i am already filthy rich, a million pounds could always come in handy. Just to be clear, am I the winner off this shitload of money (since I am the owner of the e-mail adress), or is it the e-mail itself that has won the price? (In that case I think I have to sweet-talk my way into sharing the profit with my e-mail, or I could just take the e-mail to bed and sleep with it, that usually does the trick).


So now what happens? First of all; what do I call you? I really feel more comfertable knowing the name of someone giving away this kind of money. It just feel to ackward saying: "Did you know that my good friend British Telecom Promo just gave me a million pounds?". It would be much better if I could call you Bim or Joe or something? Can I call you Bim? I will just call you Bim for now, since it sounds about right.


Now Bim, buddy, your short e-mail didn't really cover the whole process off how you are to give me the money. Bim, what do you mean by "Send: Names..... Adress:...." and so on? I can give you names, but what kind of names do you like? Personally I like names that sounds a little different. I think I will give you the name Laquesha Prada, that sounds like someone you would like to know, doesn't it?


And adress? I don't know, what places do you prefere Bim? Graceland maybe? I think Laquesha Prada would fit in just perfect there.


Now a phone no... Hm, why do you need a phone Bim? I thought it was my e-mail that caught your attention? I really don't know about the whole phone thing, my e-mail could easaly get jealous. But if you insist, I think I will give you a phone number, (416) 523-1121 is the number to a really annoying car's warranty service, but if you ask me I think it's actually a scam. Why do you think people scam eachother Bim? Don't you agree that it's a really bad thing to do? I'm glad I can trust you atleast Bim, you would never trick me, right? No, of course not, you just wanted to give me a lot of money, right? How can that not be true? No, I trust you Bim, you've always been a good friend.


But the last entry puzzles me, occupation... Hm, filthy rich bastard, would that do? Because that's what I am, basically. I think I will just go for that.


There we go, I think this is the information I will go for:


I, the owner of this awsame e-mail, claim a shitload of money. I send name: Laquesha Prada. Adress: Graceland. Phone No: (416) 523-1121. Occupation: Filthy rich bastard.


Well, that's it. Could you please leave the money at my local post-office, in case i'm not home? Or you could just come over with them, and we could see a movie and eat some snacks toghether, I just installed a new surround-set, movies are really not the same you know. Well, it was nice to hear from you Bim, take care now, you hear?


Sincerely; Me!


2009/9/5 British Telecom Promotion <[email protected]>



Your e-mail address has won the British Telecom Promo. Therefore you are

to claim the sum of (1,000,000.00 GBP) Send: Names:..... Address:.........

Phone No:........ Occupation:.........

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