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Jason Hayes kommer nok ikke, det kan det godt informeres om i artikkelen.

Etter hva jeg kan skjønne har det skjedd noe med ham eller hans familie som hindrer ham fra å delta.


» Jason Hayes has been forced to cancel Oslo appearance.

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., October 10, 2007 - Jason Michael Paul Productions, Inc. announced yesterday that American video game composer Jason Hayes was going to attend the PLAY! concert on October 26, 2007 in Oslo.


Due to circumstances beyond our control Jason Hayes will no longer be able to attend this show. The following statement from Jason Hayes has been issued, "It's very unfortunate, but something has come up in my schedule that prevents my attendance. I was greatly looking forward to visiting Oslo and going to the concert, which promises to be an exciting evening. Hopefully I'll get the chance to come out next time." His music from World of Warcraft will still be a part of the PLAY! program.


Says Jason Michael Paul: "It is unfortunate that Jason cannot attend. However, something has happend that has forced him to not be able to join us in Oslo. Our prayers are with him and his family."


Når det er sagt: Håper jeg vinner :)

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Jason Hayes kommer nok ikke, det kan det godt informeres om i artikkelen.

Etter hva jeg kan skjønne har det skjedd noe med ham eller hans familie som hindrer ham fra å delta.

Du har helt rett. Dette hadde jeg glemt. Jeg valgte å endre spørsmålet, i stedenfor å forklare endringene. ID-en til det korrekte svaralternativet forblir identisk, så de som svarte korrekt før jeg endret spørsmålet er også med i trekningen :-)

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