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Diablo III: Rykter og Storyline

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Les Først: Siden jeg ikke vil at denne tråden skal bli stengt er jeg nødt til å fastsette ett par regler:


Her skal det kun diskuteres Diablo 3, Rykter og evnt. Storyline. Så klart er små enkle kommentarer lov i blant, men i små mengder folkens :), håper dere forstår dette.

Så, "on with the posting!"




Vi har hørt mye frem og tilbake innen diablo universet, nå kommer jo også det som kalles "hellgate london" som noen hevder er Diablo 3.

Jeg hevder dette som feil!


Min begrunnelse har jeg i ett Intervju som jeg har lest, en mann med navn Richard A. Knaak som nesten så godt som går ut å sier at de driver på å lager Diablo 3.





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Gamle Rykter

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Rykte Nr. 1

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se her:


Medievaldragon (han som spør)

How much of the book is creation of yours, and how involved is Chris Metzen behind the canon storyline of Diablo: The Sin War Trilogy? Do you think the ramifications of this book impact in the storyline of Diablo 3 the game?


Knaak (Vår man i sammerbeid med Blizzard)

This is a pure collaboration between myself and Chris Metzen/Blizzard. All that is written is passed by him and the others there. This will be canon and has adjusted earlier info. The ramifications here will be used for any future project ... and I ain't writing for a dead game. :)


Litt lenger nede:



So ... Diablo 3?



I am not writing for a dead world ... but a world with dead. 'nuff said!


Så fortsetter det med dette der han så godt som sier at ja, det skjer:


Rathi (WCRadio)

Any information on Diablo3? Have you been asked to write a further story? Can we expect anything?



What happens in the Sin War is significant, as I mentioned, toward the future. I know that Blizzard is very eager to make Diablo fans happy.


Historien bak at jeg fant intervjuet var for at jeg kjøpte den første boka i Sin War serien i dag og søkte litt rundt på nettet (veldig spennende bok... Nuff' said)


her er Kilde


Rykte nr. 2:

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Ifølge Gamereactor og andre sider vil Blizzard fortelle om ett spill de driver å lage under årets "Blizzcon".



Fant en side som også gir ut noen rykter:




En annen side ga ut denne infoen:

Gamespot’s coverage of Starcraft 2 has been spot on. At the same time, IGN has got it wrong before when it comes to Diablo 3, so I take these articles with a grain of salt.


In essence, Rob Pardo talks how Starcraft 2 is one of the smaller projects currently in Blizzard:




Rykte nr. 3

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Ifølge en blog, sies det at:


Blizzard Forum Moderator reveal hints of DIABLO III


Recently, a fansite moderator revealed an explosive news in his answer to forumers: Blizzard will unveil 2 brand new game on Blizzcon. One is WOW' s 2nd expansion , and the other is a new game of DIABLO series. This fansite got well cooperation with Blizzard(they even obtained 100 close beta account of a Blizzard game), so the speaking of this moderator has high reliability.




Rykte nr. 4

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I følge Nettstedet 1up.com så har Blizzard gitt ut 4 nye topp jobber; Art Director, Lead 3D Environment Artist, Lead 3D Character Artist, Lead 3D Character Animator. Om disse stillingene er stillinger for Diablo 3 utvikling er usikkert, men ett rykte er det ivertfall :).




Rykte nr. 5


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I følge Wikipedia så har flere folk som står nær Blizzard godt ut å sakt at Blizzard har holdt på med Diablo 3 i 4 år nå, men også at alle disse ryktene har blitt sluppne av Blizzard selv for å "get the ball rolling" som Wikipedia sier.


Også har Blizzard kjøpt flere Diablo3 domener, blant annet:

# http://www.diablo3.de/

# http://www.diablo3.fr/

# http://www.diablo3.es/

# http://www.diablo3.com.au/


Men igjen, alt er ryker.




Rykte nr. 6


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Blizzard på shopping:

Ifølge nettsiden "Diablo3 Watch" så har Blizzard værtpå jakt etter en ny grafikk motor (muligens for Diablo3), og har satt fingen på Havok 4.0 (så viss noen kunne funne litt info om det så hadde det vært flott).




Rykte nr. 7



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Ifølge nettstedet "Diablo3 Watch" som hadde ett intervju med en mann som jobber for blizzard så har det vært litt snakk om Diablo 3 skal være MMO eller ikke.

Paul Sams som jobber for blizzard har sakt at "Blizzard er ett selskap som driver mye på med MMO nå i det siste, men at det forskjellige gruppene utviklere kan få velge selv hva de utvikler", og hinter til at det ikke blir MMO på Diablo 3.


Om Havok


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Havok (eller Havok Physics som det egentlig heter) ble laget av ett Irisk selskap med samme navn, det er en fysikk motor som "dynamisk simulerer" fysikk i spill.

Spill som Half-Life 2og Doom3 (correct me if I am wrong) bruker for eksempel denne fysikk motoren. Motoren kan for eksempel stimulere røyk, effekter som at kuler går nedover (sier egentlig seg selv), men kan også simulere slik at viss en død kropp detter i bakken så må du gå rundt den (noe som egentlig blir litt vanskelig i Diablo da...)




Rykte nr. 8


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I årets E3 messe, i ett intervju med en fra Blizzard.

Han snakket om hvor mange som jobber i Blizzard, og hvor.

Da ble det bland annet røpet at 140 joober med World of Warcraft, 40 med Starcraft II og 40 med ett tredje prosjekt.

Sjansen for at dette prosjektet er Diablo 3 er ganske stor, og vi vil finne ut av det om bare noen få veker under Blizzcon.




Rykte nr. 9

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Ett nytt spill med navn "Hand of God" er under produksjon, og rykter har det til at viss Diablo skal bli noe bra spill så burde det holde samme standarden som dette


Hand of God


Kilde: Camper_Killer på side 7


Rykte nr 10

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Blizzard har kunngjort produksjonen av ett nytt MMORPG spill. De har utlyst flere nye stillinger under kategorien "Top Secret", der det virker som de søker inn ett helt nytt team med 3D designere av forskjellige klasser.

De har også sagt at spille ikke "nøvendigvis trenger å være en WoW expansion". Og, jeg annser dette som en ypperlig mulighet til å fortsette denne tråden!


Kilde: http://itavisen.no/sak/500234/Blizzard%3A_...MO_p%C3%A5_vei/


Rykte nr 11 *nytt*

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Fansiden Diablo3.com ble for ikke veldig lenge siden oppkjøpt av blizzard (eller, mer gitt vekk). Så, nå eiger blizzard domenet, men kommer til å vise siden til diablofans.com inntil juni en gang.


Ahoy there, fellow Diablo fans!


Well, there's no point in beating around the bush any longer, so let's get right down to it. A few months ago we were contacted by Blizzard in regards to the Diablo3.com domain name. While they appreciate all the work that's been put into running this big Diablo fan community over the years, they still want the domain name. Hmm, I wonder why?

- Fra en Admin hos Diablo3.com


Om dette er en kunngjøring fra Blizzard sin side er sannelig ikke godt å vite. Men, har uansett ett lite rykte til (se rykte 12).





Rykte nr 12 *nytt*

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Blizzard Worldwide Invitationals kommer nå 29. Juni, det er bare en spekulativ teori, men: Diablo II ble annonsert den 29. juni 2000. og Diablo II Expansion ble released 29. juni 2001. Det er selvsagt ikke noe fast bevis annet en ett rykte og en teori :)









Spoiler advarsel! Storyline og Personer


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(story line, del 1 - Hva spillet muligens kommer til å inneholde)

N.B. Før du leser, les dette: Ifølge Richard A. Knaak (forfatter av the Sin War serien) så kommer de til å bruke noe fra serien i spillet, så ta det du leser med en salt stein.




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Det hva jeg har observert til nå:


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Fra det jeg har forstått fra boka så foregår (hvertfall starten) i ett land med navn Kehjan. Hovedpersonen har ett merkelig navn: Uldyssian og blir anklaget for 2 mord han ikke har gjort, dermed må han bare rømme, så finner han ut at han har "merkelige krefter".


Akkurat den delen av historien er ikke så viktig for spillet tror jeg, men (ja men) som i alle Diablo serier så er det jo kampen mellom godt og vondt som står (selve konseptet), det samme er det her.

Historien tar plass før diablo 2 serien, 1000 år før tror jeg (skal ikke si noe sikkert), og det er nylig blitt lagt 2 nye reliøse sekter som "sloss" mot hverandre. den ene: Cathedral og andre Temple eller Triunity.

I Triunity er det litt spesielt, for de "worshipper" "gudene" Dialio, Bala og Mefis. Noe jeg tror vi vil se til i spillet.


Planet Diablo sitt "Point of View" (engelsk Adversel)


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Diablo II: Lord of Destruction ended with the third and final Prime Evil slain and the Archangel Tyrael destroying the precious World Stone that had been corrupted by Baal. Here's where the story may go, but first, the background.


History: The Sin War


* Spoiler Warning: This contains plot details from The Sin War trilogy by Richard Knaak.


Since the beginning of time, the angels of the High Heavens and the demons of the Burning Hells have endlessly warred for dominion over all existence in what is referred to as The Great Conflict. The motivation of the battles are unclear, as the sides seek only to conquer each other. This dilutes the sense of good and evil, though later events show demons to be ruthless and cruel. Neither side has ever fully crushed the forces of the other, and it is a struggle bound to last through all time.


Eventually, dissent grew in members of both sides of the eternal battle. Demons and angels who questioned the incessant chaos banded together and created an entirely new plane of existence, which they named Sanctuary. This crudely designed world, a jumbled mix of climates, was quite literally a sanctuary away from the eternal war of the High Heavens and Burning Hells. The existence of this new world was kept secret from the battling forces, who would only destroy it or use it for the purposes of the war.


Along with the creation of Sanctuary, the race of humans was created by the Angel Inarius and Demoness Lilith. They were the star-crossed lovers from two planes of existence. Humans were literally their mutual creation, so the blood of angels and demons flowed through the bodies of humanity.


Inarius and Lilith disagreed on the future of humans. Lilith desired to create superior beings by awakening the powers of both angels and demons in humanity referred to as the nephalem. The nephalem could, then, overtake the Heavens and Hells and end the eternal war. Inarius cared only to keep Sanctuary secret and distinct from the other cosmic planes, and banished Lilith to the Endless Void to prevent her from awakening the nephalem, which would alert the High Heavens and Burning Hells to Sanctuary's threat.


Lilith, cunning as the temptress demoness was, found a way to return to Sanctuary and continued her efforts. Centuries later, following the defeat of Baal at the World Stone, she would restore the Prime Evils, Duriel, and Izual to the mortal realm through the Dark Summoning referred to as the Pandemonium.


As The Great Conflict came to a standstill, at least the Burning Hells became aware of Sanctuary and sent servents of the Prime Evils to corrupt mortal souls and establish reign over the realm. These servents included Mephisto - Lord of Hatred's son Lucion, Diablo - Lord of Terror's favored demon , and Baal - Lord of Destruction's mindless demon Gulag. Lucion, the brother of Lilith, created the three Triad religions of the Temple, worshipping fake gods Mefis (God of Love), Dialo (God of Determination), and Bala (God of Creation), seeking to thus reign over humanity and use it for the purposes of the Prime Evils.


The Angel Inarius, who remained in Sanctuary, created the Cathetral of Light, a competing religion that was more represenative of the High Heavens. This was, in part, a response to the Temple and also to maintain his sense of ownership of Sanctuary. Inarius took the guise of a human as The Prophet of the Cathedral of Light.


The religions of the Temple and Cathedral spread throughout Sanctuary and gained legions of followers.


Many years later, in the town of Seram, Lilith found a host to awaken the nephalem. She chose the strong and simple farmer Uldyssian Ul-Diomed, the son of Diomedes who had suffered terrible losses as his family died from disease, save for his brother Mendeln. The demoness awakened abilities in Uldyssian likened to magic, allowing him to heal and fight beyond any means imagineable to a mere human and led him on a quest to supposedly free the world of the Cathedral and Temple. However, along the way Uldyssian was made aware of Lilith's true demonic nature by her brother Lucion. He escaped Lilith's grasp for a time and slayed Lucion.


Further details of The Sin War await, but details from the established story line in previous Diablo games follows.


Meanwhile, a civil war raged in Hell as the Lesser Evils Azmodan and Belial forged together armies to overthrow the rule of the Prime Evils. They were unhappy with the plot to corrupt the mortal realm, wishing to return to The Great Conflict with their fierce strategy to overtake the High Heavens. The plan was to banish the Prime Evils to Sanctuary, causing chaos and terror to shift the legions of angels to focus on protecting the mortal realm, leaving the High Heavens vulnerable to attack. Azmodan and Belial succeeded in banishing the Prime Evils to Sanctuary, but turned on each other, once again causing a lasting civil war in the Burning Hells.


Sanctuary soon descended into chaos as the Prime Evils reaked havok on the mortal realm. Those who would not directly follow them were turned on their bretheren through their demonic forces, causing civil wars throughout the land. The Lord of Terror, Hate, and Destruction sought only to cause pain and suffering.


The Archangel Tyrael gathered together a secret order of sorcerers named the Horadrim to hunt down and imprison the Prime Evils for all eternity. The magi came from various mage clans in the East, surrounding the kingdom of Kehjan. They were able to capture Baal and Mephisto and bind them into artifacts referred to as Soulstones, and buried them deep beneath the deserts of the East.


For many years, the continued search for the last of the Three continued, as Diablo evaded their attempts. In the lands of what would become Khanduras they finally captured Diablo and buried his Soulstone in the caves near the river Talsande. The Horadrim construted a monastery nearby to keep close watch over the constrained demon and passed on its secrets for generations until the order all but slipped out of existence. From then, the game of Diablo I begins...


Diablo 3: Disruption


The World Stone, corrupted by Baal in his conquest of the Barbarian Highlands, was shattered by the Archangel Tyrael after a champion slayed the last living Prime Evil. The Stone, once protected by the spirits of the strongest warriors of Sanctuary to preserve the separation between Sanctuary, Hell, and Heaven, has been destroyed to prevent its use for evil as a gateway to and from Hell.


The realities of Sanctuary, Heaven, and Hell begin to collide and merge as the World Stone no longer preserves and protects them. Mt. Arreat violently erupts, causing chaos and terror as the tribes in the surrounding lands attempt to flee.


The land of Sanctuary begins to literally splinter, as the continent experiences dramatic geographic shifts. The continents violently expand as regions of Heaven and Hell hemorrhage in various areas of Sanctuary. This begins with the Barbarian Highlands, the region immediately surrounding Mt. Arreat, and extends beyond to Scosglen, Kehjistan, Ensteig, Westmarch, Khanduras, and the desert of Aranoch. Previously unvisited areas of Sanctuary will be added to the series, namely the vast lands to the east of Kehjistan.


Unfortunately for the humans who by no intention wander into the merged regions of Heaven, their existence is short-lived. The reality of Heaven cannot sustain the human form and thus any humans to venture in perish.


Human society grows unstable and begins to crumble as well. Ten years following the end of the World Stone, the kingdom of Khanduras collapses as Westmarch is flooded with bands of demons seemingly under no ultimate master. The warriors of the West and the mages of the East band together with the remaining barbarians and necromancers to survive the continuous onslaught.


Meanwhile, the two remaining Lesser Evils -- Azmodan (Lord of Sin) and Belial (Lord of Lies) have escaped from Hell into Sanctuary and taken refuge in Scosglen, the land far north of the jungles of Kehjistan known for the Druids. Together they are building vast armies of fiendish minions to overtake the Merged Realms, and begin attacking the surrounding areas.


The leaders of the Druids, who are usually secretive and reclusive, send out a call for help throughout Sanctuary, only to find that chaos is rampant everywhere. Once they receive word from the united forces, the remainder of the Druids flee to join them.


You enter the picture again as a hero or heroine set to rid the land of its demonic plague, just as it appears that all hope may be lost.



NPC'er/Personer vi kan vente å møte (Engelsk Advarsel)


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Returning Characters

Blizzard North has a reputation for re-using only key characters in human form (others in gruesome demonized form). However, unless Diablo 3 is set far in the future from the end of Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction, there are numerous key characters that would likely make a reappearance.


Key Story Leads


* Deckard Cain - Who could imagine a Diablo game without the guiding voice of Cain?



* Archangel Tyrael - Heaven's representative.




Faction Leaders


* Asheara - The leader of the hirable mages from Kurast played a minor role in Diablo 2 but could play a key role in the faction of mages.



* Griez - The leader of the desert warriors from Diablo 2: Act 2 would naturally play an important role in said faction's future.



* Jerhyn - The ruler of Lut Gholein will probably have something to say about the destruction in Sanctuary.



* Kashya - The military head of the Rogues from Khanduras.



* Natalya - The mysterious assassin from Kurast should play an important role in the Viz-Jag'taar, the clan of mage slaying assassins of which she is a member.



* Qual-Kehk - From the Barbarian lands, this elder would likely play a key role in their survival.






* Adria the Witch - Having escaped Diablo's first and second round slaughter of Tristram, we suspect Adria and her powerful magics will play an important role in the game.



* Horazon the Sorcerer - The status of Horazon is debated. The sorcerer slain in Diablo 2: Act 2's Arcane Sanctuary was supposedly an impersonator and likely the sorcerer from the first Diablo game gone mad by demonic corruption.




Minor Roles


* Anya - A strong personality in the Barbarian lands of the North.



* Fara - A softspoken Paladin from Act 2, who may pop up again as a minor character.



* Gheed - He's a sticker.



* Halbu - There is much more to explore in this mysterious figure from The Pandemonium Fortress.



* Hratli - Something tells us he'll be back.



* Jamella - There is much more to explore in this mysterious figure from The Pandemonium Fortress.



* Ormus - The calm and, at times, comedic healer of Kurast has more to say.




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The Sin War: Birthright (bok)





Så, hva syns dere folkens?

Og jeg oppfordrer alle til å søke nettet eller lese bøker om ting som eventuelt skal skje i Diablo 3, men også rykter.

Endret av Mr_Wood
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Mulig jeg vil ha det.


Gidder ikke spille 1'er og 2'er men dette høres spennende ut.


Edit: svarer her jeg Wood.


Jeg har lest nok om de og i tillegg sett filmer på youtube til at jeg føler jeg vet nok om hva det går ut på og historien gjennom ener og toer.


Grunnen til at jeg ikke orker å spille de er at de antakeligvis vil henge litt etter nyere spill i dag. F.eks Neverwinter Nights 2 som jeg er opphengt i nå

Endret av okristian1
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1 er jo for de nostalgiske spillerne, det samme er nesten 2'n bare de er også ett spill som "just keeps running", uendelig bra med folkemasser der enda, men viss du skal begynne å spille det i dag tror jeg ikke du kommer til å like det så godt.


Svarer her jeg:

Filmer og notes på nettet sier lite om gameplay. Men, Forstår deg når du vil henge litt med i nyere tider.


Og forresten folkens: Det er lov til å vær med å diskutere :)

Endret av Mr_Wood
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ja, leste det.

Vet du hvor og når Blizzcon er?




When and where is BlizzCon?


The event will take place on August 3 and 4 at the Anaheim Convention Center, located at 800 West Katella Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92802. The hours of operation are 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Pacific Time on both days (Friday and Saturday).


For sent å kjøpe billetter da dessverre :(

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Blizzard er noen flinke folk, men er fortsatt svært spent på hva de klarer å gjøre med Diablo 3, og om de f.eks går for 3D 3. persons synsvinkel som alle andre spill eller fortsetter med fast synsvinkel, det hadde vært stilig, men jeg tviler de gjør det. Eller hva slags nye items som kommer, om de klarer å lage hver class like ekstrem som i Diablo 2, der alle kan bli sykt overpowered man skaffer rett gear. Om det kommer noen nye classer som da assassin og druid kom. Om de kommer til å beholde hardcore eller bare lager softcore mode, slike små ting.


De fleste som er fan av Diablo 2 har gjort opp hva de vil ha i Diablo 3, så blir bra vanskelig å tilfredsstille alle, men tipper de gjør en fin jobb uansett.

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Ikke helt samme konseptet heller, synes personlig at det ikke ser like "kult" ut som orginal Diablo serien.

Begynte selv min Diablo karriare med å runne Diablo 1 som 9 år :p. Diablo 2 var helt Konge! (er helt konge)



Hva sier dere til at jeg bytter navn på tråden til "Diablo 3, Ryktet og hva vi vil se" eller noe sånt slik at vi kan diskutere ulike ting innen Diablo 3 som både vi vil se og: Ut fra bok serien "The Sin War" så diskuterer vi storyline eller no.

Åpen for Forslag!

Endret av Mr_Wood
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