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"PS3 is an engineering masterpiece" sier iSuppli


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iSuppli har foretatt en kostanalyse av Playstation 3, og konklusjonen er som følger;

PlayStation 3 is an engineering masterpiece that sets a new high mark for computing price/performance


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PlayStation 3 Offers Supercomputer Performance at PC Pricing, iSuppli’s Teardown Analysis Reveals


November 16, 2006


From delivery delays, to technology hurdles, to missed production targets, to cancelled pre-orders, to an apparently exorbitant price tag—we’ve all read the bad news regarding Sony Corp.’s much-anticipated new PlayStation 3 video-game console.


Now for the good news: iSuppli Corp.’s dissection reveals the PlayStation 3 is an engineering masterpiece that sets a new high mark for computing price/performance—even when considering it is more expensive than its nearest rival, the Xbox 360 from Microsoft Corp.


“With the PlayStation 3, you are getting the performance of a supercomputer at the price of an entry-level PC,” said Andrew Rassweiler, teardown services manager and senior analyst for iSuppli.


Table 1 below presents iSuppli’s estimate of major component and subsystem cost drivers for the PlayStation 3.




PlayStation 3 costs


The combined materials and manufacturing cost of the PlayStation 3 is $805.85 for the model equipped with a 20Gbyte Hard Disk Drive (HDD), and $840.35 for the 60Gbyte HDD version, according to iSuppli’s Teardown Analysis service’s preliminary estimate of expenses in the fourth quarter. This total doesn’t include additional costs for elements including the controller, cables and packaging.


At these costs, Sony is taking a considerable loss on each PlayStation 3 sold. Materials and manufacturing costs for the 20Gbyte model exceed the suggested retail price of $499 by a total of $306.85, iSuppli’s Teardown Analysis service estimates. For the 60Gbyte version, costs exceed the $599 price by $241.35.


With Sony taking a smaller loss on the higher-end model, it’s not a surprise the company is steering customers to the 60Gbyte version.


In contrast, the HDD-equipped Xbox 360 has a manufacturing and materials total of $323.30, based on an updated estimate using costs in the fourth quarter of 2006. This total is $75.70 less than the $399 suggested retail price of the Xbox 360.


Table 2 below presents a comparison of costs between the PlayStation 3 models and the Xbox 360.


It’s common for video-game console makers to lose money on hardware, and make up for the loss via video game-title sales. Still, the size of Sony’s loss per unit is remarkable, even for the video-game console business.




Cutting-edge design


Despite this, iSuppli’s Teardown Analysis shows that with the PlayStation 3, Sony has delivered an amazing level of performance for the cost.


“The reason why the PlayStation 3 is so costly to produce is because it has incredible processing power,” Rassweiler said. “If someone had shown me the PlayStation 3 motherboard from afar without telling me what it was, I would have assumed it was for a network switch or an enterprise server.”


Some of the more advanced features of the PlayStation 3’s design include:


- The dual Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), i.e. the RSX Reality Synthesizer from Nvidia Corp. and the Emotion Engine & Graphics Synthesizer from Toshiba Corp.


- The RSX Reality Synthesizer delivers cutting-edge high-definition graphics—while the Emotion Engine provides backward compatibility with PlayStation 2 game titles. With their design wins, Nvidia and Toshiba control 12 percent and 11 percent of the total PlayStation 3 materials and manufacturing costs respectively.


- The Cell Broadband Engine from IBM, which serves as the central processing unit of the PlayStation 3, provides the equivalent computing power of eight individual microprocessors. The Cell is what endows the PlayStation 3 with its supercomputer-like power, Rassweiler observed. IBM’s Cell processor accounts for 11 percent of the PlayStation 3 costs.


- The use of four Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. 512Mbit DRAMs that employ high-speed memory interface technology from Rambus Inc. This marks the first use of the advanced XDR DRAM technology that iSuppli has detected. Samsung’s memory represents 11 percent of PlayStation 3 costs. Samsung and Elpida Memory Inc. are dual sources for the XDR DRAM.


Table 3 below presents the top-10 suppliers who control the most semiconductor value inside the PlayStation 3.




The PlayStation 3 exhibits a very advanced design in general.


“To give an example of how cutting-edge the design is, in the entire history of the iSuppli Teardown Analysis team, we have seen only three semiconductors with 1,200 or more pins. The PlayStation 3 has three such semiconductors all by itself,” Rassweiler noted. “There is nothing cheap about the PlayStation 3 design. This is not an adapted PC design. Even beyond the major chips in the PlayStation 3, the other components seem to also be expensive and somewhat exotic.”


Rassweiler cited the PlayStation 3’s inclusion of a power supply that packs a whopping 400-watts—yet uses a very compact, low-profile design. At $37.50, this power supply costs about twice as much as an average unit found in a PC.


Other component winners


While many of the major components found in the PlayStation 3 were already known, iSuppli’s Teardown Analysis team reported some surprise part selections in the game console that could boost the fortunes of their suppliers. These include:


International Rectifier Corp., which contributes several power-management devices to the PlayStation 3. This gives International Rectifier a 3 percent share of total PlayStation 3 materials and manufacturing costs.

Marvell Technology Group Ltd.’s 802.11 b/g module chipset, which provides wireless local area networking capabilities. With this design win, Marvell owns 2 percent of the PlayStation 3’s costs.

CSR plc’s BlueCore 4 solution, which supports version 2.0 of the Bluetooth wireless standard, plus Enhanced Data Rate technology, giving it a transfer speed three times faster than current Bluetooth devices, according to CSR. This gives CSR a 1 percent share of the PlayStation 3 cost.

Spansion Inc, which contributed an 8Mbit NOR flash memory chip for the PlayStation 3’s Bluetooth module, and a 16Mbit NOR flash part for the console’s Blu-Ray module. This gives Spansion ownership of less than 1 percent of the PlayStation 3’s costs.

A component glitch


Sony has suffered some well-publicized problems meeting its PlayStation 3 production and delivery goals.


Production problems meant that only 100,000 PlayStation 3 machines were ready in time for the console’s debut in Japan on Nov. 11, according to Chris Crotty, senior analyst, consumer electronics for iSuppli. When it goes on sale in the United States on Nov. 17, about 400,000 PS3 consoles will be available. Meanwhile, the console’s European launch has been pushed back until March of 2007.


Crotty said the reduction in shipments was due to yield problems at Nichia Corp., which supplies blue laser diodes for the PlayStation 3’s Blu-ray DVD. This slowed PlayStation 3 production.


Blues for Blu-Ray


Sony’s Blu-Ray DVD read only optical device in the PlayStation 3 has dual purposes: up-converting the game console’s output to high-definition resolution, and allowing viewers to watch high-definition movies using the console, according to Krishna Chander, senior analyst, storage devices, for iSuppli.


Sony’s strategy was not lost on Microsoft, which plans to offer a separate add-on high-definition DVD system for the Xbox 360. This should be available around the holiday season this year. Nintendo has no plans to offer a next-generation DVD system in its game consoles.


Given that more studio movie releases now are supported by Blu-Ray disks, Sony’s PS3 has a slight advantage. However, Microsoft plans to offer some network television movies for download into the Xbox 360 system.


PlayStation’s HDD


The PlayStation 3’s HDD is a 2.5-inch, 20Gbyte capacity drive supplied by Seagate Technology Inc. The reason a HDD is included in the PlayStation 3 is to store the mathematical modeling based on physics for the motion and impact of the various game objects. The DVD media produces the objects that are manipulated by the game player and for each scenario; the most realistic situations are replicated using the Cell processor and mathematical models.


Not so expensive after all


While many fret over the high cost and price of the PlayStation 3 compared to the competition, iSuppli believes the console provides more processing power and capability than any consumer electronics device in history. Because of this, the PlayStation 3 is a great bargain, well worth its $599 price and $840.35 cost, iSuppli believes.


For more information, please contact:


Jonathan Cassell

Editorial Director and Manager, Public Relations

iSuppli Corporation

Office: 408.654.1714

Mobile : 408.921.3754




Dette er altså et frittstående analysefirma sitt syn på prisen som er satt på PS3. Strengt tatt bekrefter de hva flere av oss har innsett, at kostnad versus hva man får for pengene er meget fordelaktig for forbrukeren selv om prisen er høy.


Jeg skjønner at dette tråden ikke vil falle i god smak hos de som ikke har til intensjon å skaffe seg en PS3 iom at de har en annen maskin i stua allerede, eller har planer om å gå for en annen maskin. Det er ei heller postet for å hovere ala "hva sa vi".

Vær så snill, se en annen vei om dere kan. Det er nok negative tråder der ute, som forøvrig stenges rett som det er.


Jeg har postet dette i all hovedsak for de som er intressert i PS3 men synes at den er en smule dyr og de som ikke ser at den 'svarte grillen' faktisk er verd pengene.


Hadde vært greit om man kunne gå litt i seg selv, og forsøke å kritisere sakelig dersom det er noe som er kritikkverdig i teksten..



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Fantastisk! :)*

SONY selg PS3 med tap - dette fortjen dei skryt for!



*Egentlig ikkje.



Er vel bare å si som Maddox: "That means that I and anyone else who makes any money at all between now and March (or at least manages not to lose more than $1,699,999,999.99) will officially make more money than Sony's gaming division."


Flinke karer.

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Microsoft selger med større tap enn Sony etter det eg har lest.


For all del ikkje la dette bli enda ein krangletråd. Den vil stenges på sekundet!



De gjorde nok muligens det. Tallene de har benyttet for komponentene er oppdatert for fjerde kvartal 2006. Er anbefalt utsalgspris 399$ fremdeles for premium 360'en?


Nå bør det tas med at man ikke tar med transport, skatte/toll avgifter og andre utgifter med tanke på administrasjon og softwareutvikling osv i denne analysen. Det går beint på hva det koster å lage hver enkelt konsoll. Så jeg tror nok den totale summen for hver konsoll ligger et par hundre dollar over dette før man har den i butikken.



Endret av Fhj
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Jobber dere for Sony/Microsoft? Hvorfor bry seg om de selger med tap eller ikke? Jeg er fullstendig likegyldig til hvor mye konsollen koster å lage. Bryr meg kun om hva jeg må betale for å skaffe den. Fullstendig likegyldig til om noen som ikke lager spill mener at en konsoll er "an engineering masterpiece" er jeg også. Noen i spillbransjen har sagt at PS3 har mye potensiale. Andre mener at den er for knotete å utvikle til. Tiden vil vise hva den faktisk kan levere. Hva den kan levere i teorien er jeg likegyldig til.

Lenke til kommentar
Jobber dere for Sony/Microsoft? Hvorfor bry seg om de selger med tap eller ikke? Jeg er fullstendig likegyldig til hvor mye konsollen koster å lage. Bryr meg kun om hva jeg må betale for å skaffe den. Fullstendig likegyldig til om noen som ikke lager spill mener at en konsoll er "an engineering masterpiece" er jeg også. Noen i spillbransjen har sagt at PS3 har mye potensiale. Andre mener at den er for knotete å utvikle til. Tiden vil vise hva den faktisk kan levere. Hva den kan levere i teorien er jeg likegyldig til.



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"“With the PlayStation 3, you are getting the performance of a supercomputer at the price of an entry-level PC,” said Andrew Rassweiler, teardown services manager and senior analyst for iSuppli."


Det er helt tydelig at denne personen har misforstått... Hvis han tror Cell-CPU'en som sitter i PS3 gir supercomputer-kraft, så er han faen meg tilbakestående. Eller, han veit i det minste jævlig lite om hardware. Den Cell-CPU'en som sitter i PS3 er lagd for å gjøre akkurat det den trenger å gjøre i forbindelse med PS3'en-funksjoner, ikke noe mer.

Endret av BTK
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Microsoft selger med større tap enn Sony etter det eg har lest.


Dersom vi antar at tallene til trådposter stemmer (noe jeg betviler, men dette skulle jo ikke bli noen negativ tråd, så nok om det), så går Sony 240$ i tap pr.konsoll, mens Microsoft mister 75$.


Da er det neppe gode nyheter for Sony at attach-raten så langt er *under* 1 spill per konsoll, men det bedrer seg vel når svartebørshaiene har gjort sitt :)


Forøvrig, som andre har nevnt, tyder svadaet om supercomputers på at disse gutta ikke har så mye peiling ... jeg har såvidt vært innom arbeid med supercomputers i forbindelse med studiene mine (grid-QCD), og ekte supercomputers får PS3 (og 360, og spill-pc, etc.) til å se ut som lommekalkulatorer ... kan jo sammenligne med fks. kassa til Brookhaven-laboratoriet, med sine 12,300 kjerner og 100 kW strømforskyning :)




som kjøper PS3 en gang i 2008, hvis ikke Sony går konkurs i mellomtiden ;)

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"“With the PlayStation 3, you are getting the performance of a supercomputer at the price of an entry-level PC,” said Andrew Rassweiler, teardown services manager and senior analyst for iSuppli."


Det er helt tydelig at denne personen har misforstått... Hvis han tror Cell-CPU'en som sitter i PS3 gir supercomputer-kraft, så er han faen meg tilbakestående. Eller, han veit i det minste jævlig lite om hardware. Den Cell-CPU'en som sitter i PS3 er lagd for å gjøre akkurat det den trenger å gjøre i forbindelse med PS3'en-funksjoner, ikke noe mer.



Då bør du gå og lesa om float berekninger. PS3 er nesten superdatamaskin på det området ;)


PlayStation 3's Cell CPU achieves 204 GFLOPS single precision float and 15 GFLOPS double precision


Men om du verkeleg lurer så bruker spel for det meste integere.

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Microsoft selger med større tap enn Sony etter det eg har lest.


Dersom vi antar at tallene til trådposter stemmer (noe jeg betviler, men dette skulle jo ikke bli noen negativ tråd, så nok om det), så går Sony 240$ i tap pr.konsoll, mens Microsoft mister 75$.


Da er det neppe gode nyheter for Sony at attach-raten så langt er *under* 1 spill per konsoll, men det bedrer seg vel når svartebørshaiene har gjort sitt :)


Forøvrig, som andre har nevnt, tyder svadaet om supercomputers på at disse gutta ikke har så mye peiling ... jeg har såvidt vært innom arbeid med supercomputers i forbindelse med studiene mine (grid-QCD), og ekte supercomputers får PS3 (og 360, og spill-pc, etc.) til å se ut som lommekalkulatorer ... kan jo sammenligne med fks. kassa til Brookhaven-laboratoriet, med sine 12,300 kjerner og 100 kW strømforskyning :)




som kjøper PS3 en gang i 2008, hvis ikke Sony går konkurs i mellomtiden ;)



Det er ikke mine tall, og tallene til MS er i parantes dvs. at de er negative. Sett ut fra denne analysen skulle MS tjene dette beløpet på hver konsoll. Men det er som sagt mange andre kostnader enn akkurat de som går på produksjonskostnadene.


Men jeg synes det blir et stråmannsargument å diskreditere et analyseselskap ut fra definisjonen på supercomputer..



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Då bør du gå og lesa om float berekninger. PS3 er nesten superdatamaskin på det området ;)


PlayStation 3's Cell CPU achieves 204 GFLOPS single precision float and 15 GFLOPS double precision



Nesten superdatamaskin er vel å ta litt hardt i. For å sammenligne med den tidligere nevnte Brookhaven-maskinen, så har den peak på ca. 10 000 GFLOPS double precision, så det er fremdeles litt å gå på ;)

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