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Burning Crusade rett rundt svingen?

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det finnes en tråd på WoW-europe.com forumene der noen har samlet opp alt blizzard har sagt angående BC i en tråd som en slags stor FAQ (editer posten når jeg finner linken).

Der mener jeg å huske at det sto at nye alliancen rasen måtte være noe stygt fordi horde fikk noe som ser menneskelig ut sånn at noen som spiller Horde kan begynne spille Alliance og at alliance begynner spille litt mer horde nå som blood elves er der.

Det sto også at den nye ally rasen måtte ha et passende sted å bo i Kalimdor, de skulle også tydeligvis ha noe sammenheng med outlands. jaja les tråden selv.



Endret av Ickz
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Siden Horde får blood-elf så er det mange som tror at alliance får den pandaen ^^



Dei mange som trur det trur nok mest sannsynleg feil. Alt i Wow har samanheng med Wc3. Panda har virkelig ikkje noken rolle i wc3 har den vel? Einaste er at vi kan kjøpe den som hero i The Frozen Throne.

Nei, går for Draenei.

Eit av poenget er jo at horden ska få ein fin race, altso blood elfs, og alliancen ska få ein stygg race.

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Den nye allianse rasen blir Dark Trolls tipper jeg :) !



I'm a huge lore Addict and have been in search of clues leading to the unveiling of the new Alliance Race for the last few months and now believe I may have finally figured it out. First, let's look at the clues given by Blizzard:


The New Alliance Race would be:


1) "Leafy" meaning, in-tune with the Natural world.

2) Have a connection with the Nightelves.

3) The base models for the new race are already in-game.

4) Upon finding out what the Race is once revealed, would at first make you say "Huh?" And then "Oh, I guess that makes sense."


I had been debating Draenei, Pandaren, Ogres, and even Furbolgs for quite some time. I had finally settled upon the idea that it was Draenei, and gave up the hunt. Even when the Draenei don't quite fit the clues that Blizz had left.


Untill a friend of mine stumbled across a book in Booty Bay...


To quote a passage from the book concerning Troll Lore:





The Twin Empires


About 16,000 years ago (long before the Night Elves foolishly called down the wrath of the Burning Legion), Trolls lorded over much of Kalimdor (then a single continent). There were twin Troll Empires -- the Gurubashi Empire of the Southeastern jungles -- and the Amani Empire of the Middle Forestlands.


There were smaller tribes that lived far to the north (in the region now known as Northrend). These tribes founded a small nation known as Gundrak, but never achieved the size or prosperity of the Southern empires.


The Gurubashi and Amani Empires had little love for one another, but rarely warred against each other. At the time, their greatest common enemy was a third empire -- the civilization of Azi'Aqir. The Aqir were intelligent insectoids who ruled the lands of the far west. These clever insectoids were greatly expansionistic and icredibly evil. The Aqir were obsessed with eradicating all non-insect life from the fields of Kalimdor.


The trolls fought them for many thousands of years, but never succeeded in winning a true victory over the Aqir. Eventually, due to the troll's persistence, the Aqiri Kingdom split in half as its citizens fled to separate colonies in the far northern and southern regions of the continent.


Two Aqiri city-states emerged -- Azjol-Nerub in the northern wastes, and Ahn'Qiraj in the southern desert. Though the trolls suspected that there were other Aqiri colonies beneath Kalimdor, their existence was never verified.


With the insectoids driven into exile, the twin troll empires returned to business as usual. Despire their great victory, neither civilization expanded much farther than their original boundaries. However, ancient texts speak of a small faction of trolls that broke off from the Amani Empire and founded their own colony in the heart of the dark continent.


There, these brave pioneers discovered the cosmic Well of Eternity which transformed them into beings of immense power. Some legends suggest that these adventurous trolls were the first Night Elves, though this theory has never been proven.




Anyone who knows their WC Lore also knows that The Nightelves came from Trolls. Nightelves are simply a small group of adventurous Trolls who hung around the Well of Eternity for long periods of time absorbing its magical energies until they were transformed into beings of imortal power. The Kaldorei (Nightelves).


Let's look at what else needs to be considered for the Alliance Race in terms of game-balance.


1) It would have to be "Unpretty" to balance the factions, as Horde is getting Bloodelves, which are "Pretty"

2) Their starting area would have to be Kalimdor. To balance the continents.




Alliance gets Trolls. The Trolls who were never fully transformed into Nightelves because the original Well of Eternity was destroyed During the Sundering of the World. Which leads us to the next clue...Their Starting area:


Where would a group of Trolls who never got transformed by the original Well's energies move to? They would head for the NEW Well of Eternity in effort to complete their evolution into the imortal beings they should have been, and the new well is sitting RIGHT under the world tree at the top of Mount Hyjal. Explorers will also know that there is ALREADY a fully populated Troll Village above Darkshore that could lead right into Hyjal through a series of tunnels. (It is now mostly innaccesible due to the nerf to Wallwalking, but you can still see it on the flight from Moonglade to Auberdine)


The new Alliance race is a form of "Dark" Troll. They would be "leafy," have a direct connection to the Nightelves, make you go "Huh? Oh I guess that makes sense" and start on Kalimdor, either in a new zone currently represented by a placeholder above Darkshore, or in Mount Hyjal itself.


The ultimate reason for their re-emergence? Because with the reopening of the gates of Anh'Quiraj, the threat of the ancient Aqiri incectoids (now the Quiraji) is once again casting it's shadow upon the dark continent. The Trolls will return to drive them back once more.


Every piece fits.



I think he has some very good arguments there, and as he says, every piece fits. I'm looking forward to it, I really hope the new race would be somewhat "Dark Trolls" or "Night Trolls".


I don't think it's going to be Draenei, since they're very ugly in their corrupted form, and the clues aren't fitting in. I also found some Draenei housing in the WoW-directories in the Outlands. Outlands is 60-70 area, so I don't think lvl 1 Draenei newbs would be starting there. Probably they're just gonna be some npc's to help us on our journey to lvl 70.

Endret av bte
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hmm ja, det hadde jo vært kos. Men hvilke mounter skulle de fått da? :p kan jo ikke være raptorer der også, det blir for kjedelig


Det minner meg også på, hvilke mounter skal blood elfs få?



Blood elfs får nok sabers de også, men vi må nok forvente oss noen andre farge-samensettninger.. kansje rød-hvit på den ene? :love:


Skjer nok det samme med trollene, hvis de kommer.

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Trolls høres meget logisk ut for å være ærlig. De passer profilen ganske perfekt spør du meg, både lore-wise og hvordan blizzard vil at de skal stå til de andre rasene.


Dessuten ville det være tullete hvis det faktisk var Draenei som "alle" har gjettet opp i mente hele tia og Blizzard absolutt skulle skjule det.


Blir nok en troll hunter på meg i så fall :)

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Det spredte seg noen rykter når Blizz annonserte BC om at target release var mai. Og noen butikker som cdon satt en slik dato. Men det har vel blitt klart ettersom tiden har gått og Blizz har vært sparsome med info om at det ikke blir noen Mai release. Når har noen nettbutikker satt release til Juli. Men kjenner jeg Blizz rett vil jeg tippe at release til høsten er mer korrekt.

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Trolls høres meget logisk ut for å være ærlig. De passer profilen ganske perfekt spør du meg, både lore-wise og hvordan blizzard vil at de skal stå til de andre rasene.


Dessuten ville det være tullete hvis det faktisk var Draenei som "alle" har gjettet opp i mente hele tia og Blizzard absolutt skulle skjule det.


Blir nok en troll hunter på meg i så fall :)


nå finnes det forskjellige trolls da.

Er ikke darkspear trolls (horde), vil tro det ikke er jungeltroll grunnet ZG osv, ei icetrolls (drepes av gnomer/dverger). Hva står igjen da?

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Trolls høres meget logisk ut for å være ærlig. De passer profilen ganske perfekt spør du meg, både lore-wise og hvordan blizzard vil at de skal stå til de andre rasene.


Dessuten ville det være tullete hvis det faktisk var Draenei som "alle" har gjettet opp i mente hele tia og Blizzard absolutt skulle skjule det.


Blir nok en troll hunter på meg i så fall :)


nå finnes det forskjellige trolls da.

Er ikke darkspear trolls (horde), vil tro det ikke er jungeltroll grunnet ZG osv, ei icetrolls (drepes av gnomer/dverger). Hva står igjen da?



Dark Trolls


Da jeg skrev troll var meningen å vise tilbake til bte sitt innlegg.

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