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Nytt Baldur's Gate bekreftet

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Håper forresten at de nye spillene ikke vil bli basert på D&D v4, for det var saker som sugde hardt!

Der er eg veldig einig med deg. Versjon 4 verkar på meg overforenkla og rotete på same tid, og har ikkje den same "sjela" som versjon 3. Dei har gjort ein del endringar som eg for min del berre ristar på hovudet av... :thumbdown:


Versjon 4 er i mine augo eit stort steg attende frå versjon 3, som eg på si side meiner var ei reell og merkbar forbetring frå versjon 2.




Har jeg forstått det korrekt, så har de gjort det mer MMO aktig, noe som absolutt ikke passer i ett p&p spill.

Her sette du ord på den oppfatninga eg og fekk av versjon 4 på ein enkel og grei måte! Eg delar absolutt dette synet med deg.


Uansett, eg kryssar fingrane for at dei ikkje brukar versjon 4 verken i BG3 eller NWN3.

Endret av Garegaupa
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Jeg har ikke spilt D&D fourth edition, men kan noen fort fortelle meg hva som var den store og ekle forskjellen?


Når det gjelder et eventuelt BG3 så håper, håper, HÅPER jeg at Atari legger ned noen kronasjer i historien også, og ikke bare prøver å selge det på navnet. Jeg har akkurat begynt på BG2: ToB (igjen) og har ikke orket mye videre der, men BG1 og BG2 var jo fantastiske spill. Allitd like mye stress å vite om man skulle ofre noen av de folka man hadde hatt med seg på eventyr.

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I can give you a few reasons:



1. 4th edition is more like a video game then a Pen and Paper RPG. Everyone has actions. Gone are the days of a spell caster wondering "Should I blast an orc with my magic missile, or hold it for a more powerful foe?" or a cleric having to choose between healing and damage spells. Now every battle is just throw everything you can at the encounter, you get it all back at the end anyways.


2. Abstract fast and furious combat has degenerated into a slow chess game with players moving minis to get the maximum flanking placement.


3. Role-Playing has given way to Roll-playing. Combat is the focus of 4th edition. Models, boards, and dice are now what you need to play instead of paper, pencils, and imagination. I've ran 6 hours sessions that had no combat whatsoever, and I've seen 4th edition games turn into 4 hours of moving minis trying to get a back stab lined up just right.


This is just from my own experience and is by no means an indication of how the game is if you haven't played it. I liken it to the relaunch of basic D&D in the early 90's. Re-processed sludge repacked in a cardboard box with a recognizable name.


I want to like 4th edition, I really do, but I loath its simplicity. I like lots of stats. I like lots of feats, skills, and abilities. I like the fact that I can play as a bard or an illusionist and don't have to fight. I like that as a DM I can send them into a dungeon and halfway through exhaust all of their spells and force them to decide to turn back to rest, or push on and risk death. I just don't get that from 4th edition.

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I can give you a few reasons:



1. 4th edition is more like a video game then a Pen and Paper RPG. Everyone has actions. Gone are the days of a spell caster wondering "Should I blast an orc with my magic missile, or hold it for a more powerful foe?" or a cleric having to choose between healing and damage spells. Now every battle is just throw everything you can at the encounter, you get it all back at the end anyways.


2. Abstract fast and furious combat has degenerated into a slow chess game with players moving minis to get the maximum flanking placement.


3. Role-Playing has given way to Roll-playing. Combat is the focus of 4th edition. Models, boards, and dice are now what you need to play instead of paper, pencils, and imagination. I've ran 6 hours sessions that had no combat whatsoever, and I've seen 4th edition games turn into 4 hours of moving minis trying to get a back stab lined up just right.


This is just from my own experience and is by no means an indication of how the game is if you haven't played it. I liken it to the relaunch of basic D&D in the early 90's. Re-processed sludge repacked in a cardboard box with a recognizable name.


I want to like 4th edition, I really do, but I loath its simplicity. I like lots of stats. I like lots of feats, skills, and abilities. I like the fact that I can play as a bard or an illusionist and don't have to fight. I like that as a DM I can send them into a dungeon and halfway through exhaust all of their spells and force them to decide to turn back to rest, or push on and risk death. I just don't get that from 4th edition.


Grunnen til at BIOWARE bestemte seg for å skape ei ny verd og eigne reglar i form av DRAGON AGE var at det var mange restrictions og "teite ting" med den nye D&D versjonen.

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Jeg ser for meg hvordan det begynner.


Inside a cosy tavern in Bergost(spiller ingen rolle) farmers drink away their earnings and young adventurers are planning their next exploit.


In a corner a large bald man, with a tatto on his face that signifies that he is a Rashemen warrior rests his legs,he nurishes himself with a tankard of Ale and feed nuts to a small rodent creture he brought that walks around on the table.


Suddenly the doors opens, the adventurings groups rouge looks up and automaticly assesses who walks in, as it his way.


After he turns his attention back to his drink, he suddenly realises something and his attention is shared on both the warrior in the corner and the new arrival.


He notifies his friends, most of his friends managed to grasp his concern, as did a few of the inns guest and the innkeeper himself.


A a good few people walked to the door, some of them stayed right outside and peeked in, the brawer souls and the ignorant ones stayed inside to see what happend.


The new arrival walked to the warrior, which got his attention.

He stood up and faced the red robed man, saucer plates of the other inn guests spying on them in anticipation.


Suddenly, arms moved...


And each one grabbed eachother for arms in a greeting, which was something no one expected.


Hello, old friend.

Greatings, Edwin.


You ready to hed down south.


Not yet, i recived messages that three other a comming from up North, i think it would be best to wait for them before we travell down South to meet him/her.



After all these years, i guess we can wait a bit more.


Yes, no need to hurry.


After all.


Whats going to happen next will certainly change the realms.


*fade out*



Tenker også at det kan være en konversasjon mellom gamle helter, som setter istand scenarioet.


Hvem protoganisten knulla, om han ble gud eller ikke, etc, etc.




Oh yeah....

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Dette her kan bli bra. Men det kan også ødelegge serien. Jeg får prøve og ikke bygge meg opp noen forhåpninger.


Men ja, syns heller ikke noe særlig om 4e. Ble liksom forenklet alt for mye, spesielt når en hadde lært seg reglene i 3.5e by heart, så ble det stress med 4e. Kommer sikkert inn i det engang, men liker 3e og 3.5e bedre.

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Eg trur dei fleste er einige med meg at det er viktig at dei fortsetter med infinty-grafikk motoren som vart brukt i Baldurs Gate serien. Om den er Nyoppussa,har muligheit for høg oppløsning, Mykje større detaljnivå osv er enkle grep i ein elles fantastisk motor som passar perfekt for gameplayet.


Eg vil tru det er heilt nødvendig skal dei skape ein verdig etterfølgar.


Dette vil også gjere spelet mogleg å spele på alles datamaskiner.

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Dette er enten den beste dagen i mitt liv, eller mitt livs mareritt!


Dette spillet MÅ inneholde disse faktorene får å bli bra:


- 2d engine (gjerne Infinity i nye klær)

- En like engasjerende historie som i BG I & II

- Forgotten Realms universet før 4edition

- Utviklere som har jobbet med serien tidligere

- Regler basert på 3, eeler 3,5


da blir jeg glad!

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