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Unreal Tournament 3 FAQ


Composed by Unreal Havoc (XBL GT: Unreal Warfare)



Using the Unreal Engine 3 (what other engine would it really use?), Epic's seminal first-person shooter will douse gamers with gorgeous, life-like graphics, arm them with unbelievable futuristic and brutal weaponry, and hurl them into online deathmatches like never before. The new game comprises a vast number of changes from increased aggressiveness and intelligence in the AI to better, more ridiculously powerful weapons to new characters, game modes, and online improvements.



UT3 will be coming this November for the PS3 and PC, and at a later date still to be announced for the XBox 360. There will also be Linux and Mac support.


Minimum Specs

Midway and Epic announced the minimum and recommended system requirements for the PC version of Unreal Tournament 3. See below for all information regarding these requirements.


Minimum System Requirements

Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista

2.0+ GHZ Single Core Processor

512 Mbytes of System RAM

NVIDIA 6200+ or ATI Radeon 9600+ Video Card

8 GB of Free Hard Drive Space


Recommended System Requirements

2.4+ GHZ Dual Core Processor

1 GBytes of System RAM

NVIDIA 7800GTX+ or ATI x1300+ Video Card

8 GB of Free Hard Drive Space


Engine and gameplay

UT3 will use the Unreal Engine 3. The engine can take advantage of third party technologies such as PhysX physics cards to provide an advanced game experience. The engine will require DX9 graphics cards.


UT3 will bring major advances in the artificial intelligence that controls UT3 bots, as well as the way in which players communicate with them. UT3 players will be able to give bots specific orders using their own voices. Whereas in UT or UT2004 you'd use the voice menu to tell your bots to "attack", you can now give orders like "there's a sniper on the tower, go get him". Bots will also respond to particular questions. For example, if you asked "is there anyone in the cave?", they might reply "no, the cave is clear". UT3 bots' personalities will also make them better suited to different in-game tasks.


UT3 also has a different way of indicating that you're taking damage. Instead of making the screen turn red or using a full-screen blurry filter, you get a shuddering iris effect that's definitely noticeable but not distracting.


Keyboard and Mouse support for consoles

Keyboard and Mouse support for the PS3 has been confirmed.


Support for Keyboard and Mouse periphirals on the Xbox 360 will most likely be dependant on whether Microsoft update the Xbox 360s software in the future.



Necris - White-skinned, gothic-looking aliens with advanced technology. They are described as humans resurrected via the "Necris Process" They are the antagonists of UT3.


The Corrupt - A team of cybernetic robots with very advanced programming. Their leader is Xan Kriegor. The robots, often upgraded, have been created and are financed by the Liandri Corporation itself.


Iron Guard - A group of hardened mercenaries, led by Brock and his girlfriend Lauren (who will stay a part of this team).


Krall - A veteran clan of reptilian alien warriors, slaves to the Skaarj during the time period of Unreal. In UT3, they serve as soldiers for the Necris army.


Thundercrash - Led by Malcolm, a famous team of former NEG soldiers that has been in the series since the original game.


Twin Souls - Not much is known about this team at this point. One of its members, a black man wearing red armor, can be seen in a publicity screenshot.


Custom Team - In the single player game the player can create a team of his/her own, name it, and play against the other teams.



The following are the only basic characters currently known to be in the game:


Iron Guard












The Corrupt



Xan Kriegor


Thunder Crash








Character customisation - New to the Unreal Tournament games, UT3 will now include the option to fully customize your character. For example, players will be able to change shoulder pad, boots, torso and leg armor pieces as well as additional parts like helmets.



The weapons in UT3 are visually very interesting. Nearly all of them have quite elaborate animations. The following weapons are confirmed to appear in UT3:

Impact Hammer - returning from UT, replacing the Shield Gun.


Dual Enforcers - returning from UT, replacing the Assault Rifles. Primary fire is a basic automatic shot; secondary fire is a three round burst.


Impact Hammer - This favorite from Unreal Tournament makes a comeback with an EMP alt-fire that disables vehicles and removes powerups from other players.


Translocator - a personal teleportation device. Primary fire launches a translocator beacon, while secondary fire teleports to that beacon.


Canister Gun - has two firing modes: Grenade Launcher and Mine Layer. Different types of ammunition will be needed for each firing mode. This weapon effectively combines two different UT2004 guns into a single, multi-purpose device. This weapon is unconfirmed and it is rumored that the grenade launcher and spider layer will be separate weapons.


Bio Rifle - This weapon fires a big slow arcing gob of sludge that can instantly take out a heavily armed opponent or stick to floors and walls, then break apart into smaller pieces creating an instant minefield. Players with a large amount of slime attached to them are given about one second to fight back before the glob explodes on its own.


Shock Rifle - Playtests confirmed that this weapon is now more similar to the UT version; the rate of fire is slower than the UT2004 version, and the cores are smaller and faster.


Link Gun - features a primary fire mode much like the Pulse Gun from UT, comprised mainly of repeated bolts of green energy. The Link Gun is much more similar to the UT version than UT2004's Link Gun, having a much faster primary rate of fire. The secondary fire mode fires a beam that, when linked to other team mates wielding the Link Gun, enhances its power. Additionally, the Link Gun can be used to repair vehicles and charge/heal power nodes in Unreal Warfare.


Tarydium Stinger - previously seen in Unreal and Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict, replaces the Minigun. The secondary fire mode has the ability to nail an opponent to a wall.


Flak Cannon - much like its previous forms, sprays shards of hot metal when using the primary fire mode and, when using the secondary fire mode, launches an explosive flak shell into the air. Primary fire remains the same, but the arc of flak shells is shorter than it was in UT2004.


Sniper Rifle - much like its predecessors, the Sniper Rifle fires when primary fire is pressed, and zooms in or out when secondary fire is pressed.


Rocket Launcher - primary fire will function similarly to the UT2004 Rocket Launcher with the ability to fire up to three rockets. It will also have an alternate function to fire up to three grenades as well. The rocket launcher main fire retains its features from past games, being able to fire in either spread or tight spiral patterns. Rockets fire slower than the UT2004 version, but deal more damage. It also has an improved homing feature.


AVRiL - Anti-Vehicle Rocket Launcher is a weapon whose main use is against vehicles. Primary fire shoots a slow but powerful anti-vehicle missiles; holding the crosshairs on a vehicular target causes the missiles to accelerate and home in on the target. Secondary fire zooms and locks on. AVRiL rockets can be shot down and are ineffective against infantry. The AVRiL is now hand loaded. Its tracking beam can be used to "herd" Spider Mines, much like the alt-fire on the Mine Layer in UT2004. It also has a secret function that has not yet been revealed.


Redeemer - Fires a small nuclear warhead, capable of killings anybody within range regardless of how they are protected. Primary fire just releases the warhead, while secondary fire gives you the ability to guide it.


Target Painter - activates a level specific hazard (such as a rock slide).


Turrets - These formerly stationary one-man laser cannons are now equiped with rails, offering the turret limited mobility in order to help prevent attackers from taking advantage of the terrain by obtaining angles of shot that cannot be avoided.


Deployables - Strategy-themed devices such as a time-slowing cube which can be dropped to slow down incoming weapon fire, not to mention turrets, spider mines and more. How they are deployed is not yet known, but footage from E3 showed spider mines and the slow-cube dropping from the back of a vehicle.




Hoverboard - (Personal transportation) All players have a hoverboard when playing gametypes featuring vehicles, intended to provide a fast way to get around the larger maps of UT3. While on the hoverboard, players may attach themselves to a vehicle in order to be "towed" quickly. Players are unable to use their weapons, and are extremely vulnerable to attacks; the hoverboard is intended for non-combat use only. Players are able to perform tricks while on the hoverboard which are purely cosmetic and has no effect on gameplay, although one could use a trick to avoid gunfire or another attack.


Axon vehicles


The vehicles in Unreal Tournament 2004 will return in UT3, referred to as "Axon Vehicles" as they are manufactured by the Axon Corporation.


Manta - (Quick Strike Ground-Skimmer) The Manta is an extremely fast and agile hovercraft, using a pair of fan rotors on either side to hover. Its primary weapon is a pair of plasma cannons, and the secondary is a downward thrust that brings the vehicle low enough to the ground to clip heads off with its rotor blades.


Raptor - (Air Superiority - dogfighter) The Raptor is a fast fighter equipped with plasma cannons and air-to-air homing missiles.


Scorpion - (Light Assault Buggy) The Scorpion buggy now has an enclosed cockpit and fires Grenades instead of bolas (plasma ribbons). It has a speed-boost function that allows long jumps off ramps and also works as a kamikaze self-destruct if the player ejects from the cockpit. Its secondary weapon is a pair of blades that extend to either side for cutting down enemies. The blades now extend from under the nose of the vehicle, rather than the sides as in UT2004.


Hellbender - (Armored Jeep) The Hellbender is a two-man armored jeep with shock weaponry and a heavy build. The driver is able to use the skymine turret eliminating the need for an extra gunner manning the turret, as was the case with UT2004. The vehicle's rear mounted beams have done away with the charge and release style attack; they now feature a much faster rate of fire similar to the Shock Rifle.


Cicada - (Airborne Support) The Cicada is a heavy, yet maneuverable two-seater flying gunship with an arsenal of powerful missiles. It also is equipped with a targeting mechanism allowing the pilot to target areas and release swarms of missiles. UT3's version will have its missiles home in on specific land units when they are targeted. The second seat controls a twin barrel turret on the belly.


SPMA - (Remote Bombardment Cannon) The SPMA, is a long-range and mobile artillery unit that shoots powerful shells. The SPMA in UT3 has a half-track chassis, and will allow players to more carefully calculate the trajectory and range of the shot - making the weapon more accurate to use. Whether or not the vehicle will have a skymine turret like the Hellbender is still unknown, but the vehicle does have a 2nd small turret on the front roof.


Paladin - (Prototype Defensive Tank) The Paladin is a prototype one-manned tank that moves (slowly) on 8 wheels rather than the traditional tank treads. It is equipped with a powerful plasma shot and a shield that protects it and nearby players from a particular direction. It also features a powerful shockwave explosion that surrounds the tank, activated by firing the main cannon into its own deployed shield.


Goliath - (Main Battle Tank) The new Goliath Mk.2 will feature improved handling and upgraded weaponry and it "should handle more like a tank than a brick". It has been rumored it will also feature destroyable treads. Playtests revealed that the main cannon fire was relatively the same; but the vehicle now featured a wide range "infantry killer" shell as its secondary fire (this is presumed to have replaced the secondary zoom function of the previous title). The secondary minigun turret has also been upgraded for much better accuracy and firepower.


Leviathan - (Mobile Weapons Platform) The Leviathan is a powerful five-man vehicle with a main turret controlled by the driver. The driver can deploy a super weapon at the cost of immobilizing the vehicle. There are also four secondary turrets controlled by other players. The secondary turrets feature shields similar to those on the Skaarj mothership's turrets in UT2004. Each turret has a different type of weapon.


Necris vehicles


The Necris, an alien species in the Unreal universe, will have a rival set of vehicles. There will be 9 new Necris vehicles with very different styling and unusual behaviors. Although they will not parallel Axon's vehicles, they are intended to make a good balance against them.


Viper - (Quick Strike Ground-Skimmer) Designed to be highly maneuverable. It will feature a kamikaze function which will allow the pilot to bail out and turn it into a sort of flaming projectile that will inflict much more damage than the turret weapon it has.


Nemesis - (Mobile Energy Turret) Will have snake-like treads which adapt to the ground below it as it moves. Its main gun is very similar to mounted energy turrets. This vehicle has a zoom function.


Darkwalker - (Main Battle Tank) The main weapon will be a powerful twin laser beam which can fire in short bursts; secondary fire produces a tremendous "scream", which knocks opponents off their feet, making them easier targets. It will also have the ability to bend down or pop up in order to surprise the enemy, and as a walker will be capable of negotiating terrain too steep or uneven for a wheeled/tracked vehicle. The second seat of the darkwalker is a powerful turret that projects plasma in a beam capable of instantly vaporising an unarmored target.


Fury - (Air Superiority - dogfighter) A Necris aircraft that uses tentacles for a jellyfish-like method of propulsion through the air. Has the ability to boost and barrel roll to escape enemy fire.


Nightshade - A Necris vehicle with stealth abilities.


Scavenger - This vehicle offers two modes of movement: a tendril crawl that can be used to pull itself up embankments and a rolling attack in which it draws up its legs and rolls across the terrain.


Game modes

The new single-player campaign is deeper and more engaging than before, and players will be happy to know that old favorite characters have returned and are joined by several new ones. Epic plans to provide advanced online changes to suit all three platforms, bringing seamless loading, improved matchmaking and co-operative campaign online play. Yes, cooperative online play indeed.


Familiar online modes such as Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag will be joined by an all-new Warfare mode among others. This game type features two teams with "asymmetric" goals, meaning they won't necessarily have identical objectives. Warfare maps will be potentially as large as three Onslaught maps, and will have objectives similar to Assault maps. A limited form of resource management will exist in the form of tarydium mines or fields that must be captured; the more a team captures, the faster it can build vehicles and turrets, and the more bunkers it has the more tarydium it will need. Bunkers will possibly serve a similar purpose to power nodes in Onslaught. A significant amount of details regarding Unreal Warfare has changed since it was first announced, so it is possible that this form of resource management no longer exists.


Also there is Vehicle Capture the Flag - Originally it was stated that there would be a separate game type for Capture the Flag with vehicles, but it now appears as if that idea has been scrapped and vehicles will be included in Capture the Flag by default.


There are rumors of some new game types that may be added, including a possible instagib mode. Onslaught will still be available. Assault has been taken out.



Epic plan to have about 40 maps in the retail box, with few overlaps (maps that end up being re-used for multiple game modes). This time around, Epic wants to step away from the wildly different maps seen in previous tournaments, and instead create a few cohesive worlds and tie them together with their level design. You may see a building in the distance on one level and play in it on the next. There are currently only a few known map names, however it has been confirmed that 13 of them are Warfare maps.


Capture the Flag


CTF-CoretFacility2 (working title)





















Vehicle Capture the Flag













WAR-Torlan2 (working title)



Epic plans to use UT3 to bring more and more people into the Unreal community, with strong community integration out of the box. In-game lobbies are planned for the Unreal Warfare mode, and game stats integration will allow you to find similarly-skilled opponents via the UT3 server browser. Also planned are a global rankings system to allow clans to compare scores, as well as a system for viewing community and clan pages in-game.


UT3 mod teams will, of course, be able to take advantage of the improvements in Unreal Engine 3's UnrealEd content creation tool, including the new UnrealKismet scripting environment, visual material editor and UnrealCascade particle engine. It is Epics intention to try and bring some community content to consoles though how much and what exactly is yet to be announced.




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