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Har egentlig ikke peiling, jeg. Retail Version betyr vel kjøpt versjon, uavhengig av om hvordan man har kjøpt det. Versjonen jeg har spilt har ingen Story Mode.



Ordet 'retail' bety vel så vidt jeg vet 'detaljhandel', i den betydning at noe som er kjøpt 'retail' er noe som er kjøpt i din lokale butikk. Altså i motsetning til "online", "On Demand", "Direct to Drive" eller tilsvarende.



Jasså... Vel, det synes jeg høres absurd ut (ikke betydningen, den vet jeg)!

Hvis butikk-versjonen har in-game features som Steam-versjonen ikke har, er det jo ikke det samme spillet!!

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Ja det synes jeg høres mer logisk ut. Kan hende de mente at butikk-versjonen ikke kommer i salg før SP-delen er ferdigutviklet, når de sa "Retail Version ONLY".


Skal uansett skaffe dette spillet. Kommer kanskje til å gjøre det allerede i dag. Gleder meg virkelig til å få spilt det på nett (har kun spilt Arcade og multiplayer mot to kompiser via LAN), og å se hvordan alle andre reagerer på spillets innovativitet. Håper bare ikke folk tror det er et nytt CS eller noe slik. :)

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Vel, nesten korrekt.

Is 'The Ship' a multiplayer game only?


No, you will also be able to play the game offline in an arcade mode which mimics online play. There is a single player story mode in the retail release with a tutorial and a mission based/story mode where players can discover the background to 'The Hunt' and see Mr X for the first time! We will most likely release this single player story mode as a separate product on Steam at the same time as the retail release, priced approximately $10. This will be confirmed nearer the time.


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Zomg, vi må betale ekstra for en treningsmodus? The Ship er jo billig, så det er jo ikke noe problem finansielt sett, men liksom... latterlig, likevel!


Må si meg uenig, det vil uansett være billigere å kjøpe begge via steam enn å kjøpe retail. Jeg er heller glad for at jeg slipper å bruke penger for noe jeg ikke vil ha.

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Jeg kjøpte spillet for to-tre dager siden. Gleder meg virkelig.


Noe som har falt meg litt inn, er det at man kan gå utenom spillets regler også, på en måte. Jeg kan f.eks spørre en annen spiller om han kan holde seg rundt meg, slik at jeg aldri er alene til å bli drept. Til gjengjeld kan jeg jo alltids betale han penger eller noe slik (om det skulle gå an da). Andre ting man kan gjøre, er jo å gå inn i små allianser som vokter hverandre. "Problemet" her, er jo selvsagt at han fyren som passer på deg likesågodt kan være han som har fått i oppgave å drepe deg. :D


EDIT: Sebbe, det der er ingen omtale. Det er en sniktitt som har blitt spilt på en uferdig versjon av spillet.

Endret av Hr. Jenssen
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fant en liten review av en som spilt beta.

Den er faktisk ganske artig og lese og nå fikk jeg skikkelig lyst å teste dette :)


So here we go. I started out in a cabin and started looking for a weapon. I opened a drawer and found a letter opener. "Good enough" I thought. After equipping it I set out to find my quarry. They where at "Deck B" in the second corridor, so I looked at my icon and realized they where almost directly below me. Before heading off to kill however, I took some money from the ATM, bought some chips and candy and some apple juice, then snacked a bit, used the bathroom, washed my hands and set off to kill.


I must admit, it was a bit of a struggle finding my quarry and then I realized I could press "P" to open my map, which made things a lot easier! I ran up towards his location and found him eating a burger. Of course I realized the scene was dripping with witnesses, so I sat down and had something to eat myself. I watched him finish and walk away, towards an apartment. "Perfect." I thought. I finished up and began to slowly follow him. He shut the door behind him, as I waited 30 seconds and barged through. He was nowhere to be seen, but after opening the door I saw him taking a shower (and his manhood had been replaced with a giant leaf!).


I grabbed my letter opener and took a slash at his head. I missed. The second slash hit his arm, which he had raised in defence. I aimed for his neck and almost clicked when a little "fwip" was heard through the air, and a bullet hole appeared right next to my head. "Holy sh**!" I yelled in real life, then turned around to find a skinny lady with a pistol aimed at me. She took another shot and got me in my side, but I was quick to throw my knife and impaled her head. She fell over dead and I was given a congrats message. Now, back to the quarry, I thought. Turning around, he was gone! In the fray he escaped! Curses!


In hot pursuit I ran after him, looking every which way to find him. On the way there, I came across a pistol in a drawer and picked it up. I checked the bottom right corner to see his location. "Cell 4", it said. My victim had ran away from me, picked up a weapon and ran right into a camera and been thrown in jail! I ran over to the jail area, waited for his time to be up (At this time I was wearing sunglasses and a tuxedo, stolen from drawers). There he was, he didn't see me. He walked into a corridor and I followed. He was walking away from me, his dimly lit silhouette giving me my target. I pulled my revolver out and aimed for his noggin. Click, BAM. The shot naled him right through the head, and lots of blood splattered forwards as he fell to the ground. I ran over, took his money, and then realized I needed sleep. I ran into the nurses office and dozed off in the chair.


I thought I had better wash my hands, so I did. After that, I went to see a shrink. I spent 100 bucks "discovering my inner child", and then took a crap in a toilet and gulped down some apple juice, then talked to a waiter for a little bit. Alright, time to kill. My pistol had two shots left, (aparently it was already used when I found it) and I didn't want to take any chances. I chucked it and found a large axe in a display case in the wall. I began stalking my next quarry, a female I had already met. She was swimming in the pool. I grabbed the nearby flare gun (but didn't equip it) and hid in the changing room, waiting for her to come out. Finally she finished, and walked towards an apartment. I followed her, and on the way there, sprinted to her and slashed her with my axe. I only skimmed her, though, and she sprinted away out of my grip. My sprint meter was too low; I couldn't chase her. I would have to rethink my plans.


I played pool for a bit and slept some more, then decided to go after her. She was in the kitchen of some resturant; probably getting a knife to kill me with. I followed her there, and not noticing me, she dropped the knife and went for the shiner weapon in the freezer. As soon as she walked in, I pressed the big red button to the left of said room, and watched the door shut her in. The funny thing is she was still wearing her bikini! Freezing wouldn't take long at all! After a few seconds I thought perhaps I had better warm her up! I opened the freezer again and took out my flare gun. One shot to the torso had her ignited. She ran around flailing her arms and burning...in the freezer! It only took seconds and she collapsed, still burning.


I got my next quarry, a guy who I happened to just pass by on the way to the kitchen. I ran backwards in his direction and found him taking money from the ATM. I saw no guards or cameras nearby, so I grabbed my axe and sliced open his back. He died instantly and I took his moolah. I turned around and headed for the door, running from the body. But I forgot to put my axe away, and got arrested! I spent a whole of 33 seconds in jail (how will I ever survive?) and was released.


I had time to kill one more quarry, and turned around to face my hunter. He had a katana and ran up to me and began slashing. Suddenly the round ended! Saved by the bell indeed.

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