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Den offisielle Smite Tråden "Et tredje persons moba spill av verdensklasse"

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Får i spelet sjå kva FPS og latency man har?

viss det, korleis? Og korleis skaffa meg seg den UI saken (lilla pila som vise kor man sikte) som enkelte spelarar har? syns den er bedre ein den lisje blå svake pila


Driv å spele smite med 3 andre sjøl, level 26 atm. Spela han Zeuvs masse


du kan bruke f11 til å se hvilken fps du har.

tenkter du på quick casting ? da vil du få en pil på 75 (yards?)

setting --> controls --> cast mode --> instant casting

bare husk at du faktisk insta kaster skillsa dine :p så du burde trene litt med det før du faktisk bruker det i game.

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Hei! :) Ville bare melde om at det er enda en Smite spiller her, har nettop kommet meg til lvl 30. Spiller de fleste gudene egentlig. Bare å adde meg hvis dere vil ha noen å spille med!

IGN: Blazox


Hallo :)

herlig å høre! og velkommen til forumet :w00t:

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SMITE Patch Notes- Version

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New Skins:

  • Blood Eagle Thor -- This skin, drawn from the lore of Tribes: Ascend, can be purchased for gems, or is free to anyone that buys or has bought the Tribes: Ascend Game of the Year Edition (from the Tribes Ascend Store or Steam).

New Gamemode: ASSAULT

  • The Assault gamemode features a single lane with 2 towers, a Phoenix and a Minotaur surrounding both a friendly and enemy base. Your god selection is random. No recalls are allowed and you cannot return to the fountain area after leaving it.


  • The in-match Item Store has undergone a significant UI overhaul.

  • On the Character Builder screen, you may now save your choices, as well as choose to use this profile when you have auto-buying turned on in the game. (Further future improvements to this functionality are planned)-

  • A popup notification now shows when Friends come online. You can control this behavior from the UI tab of the SETTINGS menu, deciding whether to show friend online notifications always, only in the lobby, only in game or never.

  • The Conquest queue under the Casual tab now accepts parties of only up to 3 players. A separate “Conquest Pre-made” queue has been created for 5-person parties. Domination, Arena and Assault still support parties of up to 5 players.

  • When running in borderless window mode at your monitor’s native resolution, the window will always be positioned on the primary monitor and cannot be moved. This helps the game behave more like “fullscreen” mode, solving a variety of user issues.

  • Fixed a variety of map bugs and issues in Joust.

Spectator Changes

  • Pinging the minimap with the left mouse button will move the camera to a predetermined height and pitch with the pinged location as the focal point. Pinging the minimap with the right mouse button will move the camera to the precise ping location, preserving the camera angle and camera height.

  • Fixed an issue where clicking the mouse at the beginning of spectating could sometimes send the view to a Phoenix.

  • Smoothed out transitions between various camera modes and FOV changes now smoothly blend.

  • Fixed an issue where keyboard input was not available until everyone had loaded into the map in spectator mode.

  • Removed the ability to report players from the Spectator End of Match Lobby.

  • Fixed a crash condition when playing back demos.








FX have been updated for visuals and performance.




FX have been updated for visuals and performance.


Ao Kuang


Fixed an issue with animations on some abilities not playing correctly if fired while using the Slither ability.



Across the Sky

The base damage per tick (4 ticks) has been increased from 60/75/90/105/120 to 70/95/120/145/170.




If the eggs are broken by damage, 1 spiderling is spawned instead of 2.

The spiderlings will now attack the enemy that caused the eggs to burst.

Tangled Web

The radius of the web has been reduced from 25 to 20 ft.

The web now cripples enemies that are within its radius, preventing movement based abilities from being used.

The lifetime of the web has been changed from 7s at all ranks to 3/3.5/4/4.5/5s.

The speed at which the web is fired has been increased. The web will now deploy immediately if fired at her feet.



Fixed a description problem where the damage values in the game lobby and on tooltips was incorrect.

Fields of Love

The base damage has been increased from 175/225/275/325/375 to 220/300/380/460/540.


He Bo

Flood Waters

The flood waters now give allies the movement speed increase as well as himself.



Kali Rage

While this buff is active, her basic attacks, Blood Lash and Frenzy also cause her targets to Bleed for 5/10/15/20/25 physical damage every .5s for 2s.

Siphon Blood

Kali now heals an additional 20% from any targets hit that were affected by her Bleed.

The delay between the damage being done and the heal being applied to Kali has been removed.


The damage per tick has been increased from 60/75/90/105/120 to 60/80/100/120/140.

The physical power contribution per tick has been increased from 15% to 20%.



Aimed Strike

The physical power contribution has been decreased from 150% to 100%.



Back Flip

A slight build has been added to the beginning of this ability before firing, similar to other leaps.



Branching Bola

Fixed an issue where the Branching Bola's were doing slightly more damage than intended.


Endret av igxx
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Spiller også smite, er i level 22 akkurat nå.


Liker best Fenrir, men er glad i og spille mid med Hel, eller spille Apollo.


Noen som vet hvem den neste guden blir?


Den neste guden som vil komme ut er: chronos



"I gresk mytologi, var Chronos (ofte sammenblandet med titanen Kronos) legemliggjøringen av tiden. Han oppstod fra det opprinnelige kaos, og er ofte avbildet som en gammel, gråhåret mann med langt skjegg. Hans navn betyr egentlig «Tid» (Khronos på gresk), og blir alternativt stavet Khronos, Chronos og Chronus (latin). Dette står i motsetning til det andre greske ordet for tid, Kairos."



Spiller forresten i TAWeu for tiden :) hvis noen trenger tips eller råd eller bare vil spille for fun så er det bare å sende en pm

Endret av igxx
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Hørte rykter om at det skulle komme en stor oppdatrering imorgen ( Torsdag ), der Sun Wukong skulle bli byttet ut med en mayansk ape gud. og Hel skal få annet default skin.


Tror Zeus skulle få et nytt skin også, som heter young Zeus.


Ifølge Smite sin channel, skulle dete være en av de største updaten, med masse mere innhold.

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For å ta å ta den korte versjonen:


UI endres, flere items får 2 valg på slutten, kordan smite ser ut vil endres dramatisk (ser jævelig bra ut) guda vil se bedre ut, Hun Batz kommer (OP OP, treng ikke prøv han en gang), vi får en AWSOME spectator mode, noen guda får fixa noen last hits og junglene blir endra litt i forhold til ka du få (last hit finnes ikke lengere, slik at alle får 30% mere)

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Rykter på hva som kommer neste patch:

rez spoils us in twitch chat with new stuff coming this week!

-New conquest map (not only graphical but also in layout)

-New active options and item options

-Teleport scrolls (Consumables) You can teleport to towers or wards.

-New gold skin (Don't know which god.)

-Shorter shot range on tower

-Fog of war in jungle



Next god:

-Chronos : Ranged Mage , best tower diver (apparently), "His ult is a pain in the butt" - Erez

Will edit when new info comes out.

-Chang'e has a pet which gets stuff from the store (Little rabbit)

-Ninja skin for loki being worked on

-Domination getting a change in the next month

-Shorter respawn times



Kopiert fra reddit

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Har ikke spilt Smite siden Beta. Laster det ned her nå, og har trua for å game litt igjen. Husker jeg likte det veldig godt i beta'en. Hva kan jeg forvente som n00b nå, når jeg tar det opp igjen etter ca 1 år?


Beklager for at jeg ikke fikk svart deg tidligere, hvordan gikk det?

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Beklager for at jeg ikke fikk svart deg tidligere, hvordan gikk det?

Har vært på ferie, så har ikke spilt veldig mye. Men tatt noen runder med ett par kompiser, og syntes det virker bra med det nye. Arena osv.. Tenkte faktisk å spille litt nå utover kvelden også.


Sliter litt med å finne ut hvilken Gods som er noob friendly atm. Har spilt litt freya, men får ikke helt dreisen på det merker jeg. Dør veldig lett.


Noen tips? :)

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