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Tråden om mass effect 2

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Så ingen annen tråd når jeg søkte så bestemte meg for å starte en egen. Moderator er velkommen til å stenge/slette hvis det allerede finnes en annen.

Jeg vet heller ikke om det er postet på riktig sted, men 1'ern var jo både til PC og Xbox så bare postet den under Generelt om spill. Gjerne flytt hvis det er feil.


Japp da var vel Mass Effect 2 blitt sånn halveis 100% bekreftet, så da tenkte jeg å lage en liten tråd om spillet (alla alle andre "tråden om "****")


Tenkte vi kunne prate litt om hva vi ville se i dette spillet og hvordan vi kanskje tror historien kommer til å utvikle seg.

Folk må gjerne komme med mer info og så skal jeg prøve å holde denne tråden oppdatert.


Her er link til Mass Effect 2 Debut Teaser.




Personlig så gleder jeg meg veldig til se hvordan Mass Effect 2 uttarter seg, mass effect 1 var forøvrig et av yndligsspillene mine på X-boxen og jeg håper at Mass Effect 2 lever seg opp til det. Jeg håper også på lokal eller online multiplayer i form av Co-Op men forventer det egentlig ikke.


Det er det deres tur til å komme med deres tanker rundt Mass Effect 2.

Endret av Perrern
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Det var hele tiden meningen at Mass Effect skulle bli en trilogi, så Mass Effect 3 er mer eller mindre 100% bekreftet. ;)


Jeg elsket det første, men xboksen kræsjet når slutten så jeg aldri fikk fullført det. Har det på PC også, men det ble ikke helt det samme å spille hele grei om igjen. Hadde du giddet røpe slutten i en spoiler?


Jeg kan ta det så langt jeg kom:



Jeg banket Saren på en planet, og han truet med å sprenge en bombe. Resultatet ble at jeg fikk velge om Ashley eller han fyren jeg møtte i begynnesen skulle dø, og Ashley er penere... :p Husker ikke så mye etter det, men mente vi begynte å samle en liten hær til et siste angrep og fant et digert levende romskip. Dette viste seg å være hovedfienden og truet med å ødelegge galaksen. Hva skjedde etter det?


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Giga spoiler for dere som ikke har spilt Mass Effect 1 (sånn nå kan dere takke dere ikke beskylde meg for å ødelegge opplevelsen deres).



Kort forklart: På den "siste planeten" du var på fulgte du etter Saren gjennom et sånn Mass Relay som tok deg tilbake til Citadel. Citadelen var forøvrig under angrep av de store romskipene. Under dette angrepet kunne du velge å vente med å gå til motangrep og ofre councilet, eller du kunne gå inn med en gang å redde councilet. Når du hadde tatt dette valget var det opp og drepe Saren.

Når dette var gjort skulle du (hvis du reddet councilet) velge ut hvem som skulle bli det første menneskelige council medlemmet. Det stod enten mellom han "politikeren" eller han "kapteinfyren som ga fra seg normandy til deg (han brune)(jeg husker ikke hva de to het). Og så sluttet hele spille ganske enkelt ved at Du (shepard) dro ut får å finne resten av reaperne (de store maskinene). Husker ikke helt hva du skulle gjøre hvis du valgte å la councilet dø da :hmm:



Håper dette var en grei forklaring :p

Endret av Perrern
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Håper de får fiksa equipment menyen, synes det var ganske rotete, og man kunne liksom ikke velge hva man ville plukke opp og ikke(man tok alltid alt som var i boksen eller whatever)


Kanskje litt mer likt oblivion, hvor man kan droppe og plukke opp etter eget ønske.


Annet enn det, mer varierte sidemissions! Ble ganske ensformig i lengden. Var bare dra dit, gå inn i bunkern, skyt folka, repeat 100 times. Noen side missions var det lagt mer arbeid i tho, og hvis det er fler av disse i toern, hadde det vært fresh.

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  • 3 måneder senere...

Pussig at ingen har rapportert om dette, men har ihvertfall kommet en masse ny info iløpet av helgen. Deriblant en ganske god trailer (ME 2 ser ekstremt lovende ut!): http://na.llnet.bioware.cdn.ea.com/u/f/eag...lay_trailer.mov


Hjemmesiden er også oppdatert.


E3-klipp av en ny figur, Thane. Legg merke til hvor mye ansiktsanimasjonene er forbedret..!


Litt mer utfyllende info fra det offisielle forumet:




Can I play Mass Effect 2 if I didn't play Mass Effect?

Mass Effect 2 has been designed to be a standalone game. If you have played Mass Effect, you will benefit from the save game carry over and character knowledge. However the intense combat, intriguing storyline and the sheer beauty of the character and level design will ensure a great experience whether you have played the first game or not.


Is Shepard dead?

Commander Shepard is the main playable character in Mass Effect 2, however his death is a major part of the game.


Will my character carry over from ME1?

The choices you made in the first Mass Effect will have impact in the storyline of Mass Effect 2. Certain characters will carry over depending on the choices you made and the relationships you had with the characters from the previous game.


If my character from Mass Effect was at the maximum skill level how will I be able to restart a new game in Mass Effect 2? Will my skills or powers carry over?

The choices you made in the first Mass Effect will have impact in the storyline of Mass Effect 2. Certain characters will carry over depending on the choices you made and the relationships you had with the characters from the previous game. If you start with a save game from Mass Effect, your character's level will be appropriate to the difficulty level where you begin in Mass Effect 2.


Is Shepard still a spectre? If so, why is he partnering with Cerberus?

Shepard is still a Spectre, but a lot of things have changed as of ME2 and why Shepard ends up working for Cerberus is itself an interesting part of the story that we don’t want to spoil for you.




How does Mass Effect 2 start if I have save games?

The beginning of Mass Effect 2 starts differently depending on how you played the first Mass Effect. The multiple ending possibilities, the bigger choices you made about characters, such as who lived or died are all decisions that had a long-term impact. And that's the real fun of playing from your saved game from Mass Effect 1 into Mass Effect 2 is that those choices you made are there. It's the world the way you left it.


Do the choices I make really affect the outcome of the story?

The choices you make will have a direct impact on how the story plays out. Your actions can have brutal consequences. Important characters can die.


Why is Mass Effect 2 a "darker second act"?

In Mass Effect, you repelled an invasion of Reapers – a race of ancient machines that want to harvest all organic civilization. But the Reapers are still out there. Humans are being abducted all over the galaxy, and you’re working with a shadowy pro-human group called Cerberus to find out why. This plot line and the intensity of the action naturally lends itself to a darker second chapter.


Why a trilogy? How are you going to maintain the story through all 3 chapters?

We wanted to tell an interactive story over the course of three games. So the choices you make can affect the broader story in the trilogy. There is a high level story arc that we will maintain through the trilogy and you control how the outcomes play out and who the lead characters will be.


Character Relationships


How will the character I chose to be in Mass Effect, make my story in Mass Effect 2 different?

Depending on how you played the first Mass Effect, the way you start Mass Effect 2 will be different. How it ended, which morale path you chose, the characters you chose to kill, it all impacts your story.


Will there be a new cast of characters in Mass Effect 2?

Yes there will definitely be new species and new characters that you will meet. If the player chooses to use save data from the first Mass Effect, there will be some carry over with the characters that they chose to favor in the first game. That being said, if the player killed Wrex, then Wrex will not be in Mass Effect 2 etc. As well, the player is recruiting a new team for the crew and will be meeting a lot of unusual and sometimes threatening new party members throughout the story.


Will there be relationships in the game?

As with any BioWare title, Mass Effect 2 has the key features to create an emotional impact within any epic story with a mix of action, adventure, conflict and romance. Relationships will be built within party loyalty and the actions and decisions you make throughout your journey.


Why should I care if I have strong relationships in the game?

Without the party member’s loyalty, success is less likely. You need to develop a strong and loyal squad in order to be able to succeed. They can leave your party or be killed. With the loss of a team member the player will also lose unique skill sets storyline, and subplots.




Are there new classes in Mass Effect 2? If so, what are they?

You will have the same classes as in ME1, but each class is now able to progress through a new set of abilities.


Is Saren really dead?

Yes Saren is dead and will not be in Mass Effect 2. The purpose of finishing the first Mass Effect was to defeat Saren. We didn't want to take away the glory of that victory. The threat in Mass Effect 2 is new…and even bigger.


Is Liara back as a playable character?

You will see Liara in Mass Effect 2, and in fact that’s her in the beginning of the demo. It’s an example of the impact of ME1 choices, because for the Shepard in the demo, Liara was his love interest in ME1. For someone else that had a different love interest, there would be someone else in that position.


Is Seth Green involved in the project again?

Joker will play a role in Mass Effect 2, so Seth Green will be doing voiceover work on the sequel.


Who are Nassana and her sister?

Nassana and her sister were characters from ME1. Nassana betrayed Shepard as part of a feud with her sister, and how you handled the situation will reflect on her reaction to you in ME2.


Who and what is Thane?

Thane is a deadly assassin who we want to join our crew for his unique abilities. Thane is part of a new species we are introducing, called the drell. We will be talking more about the drell in the future.


Can the Geth become Party Members?

We will be discussing more about the Geth’s role in the future.


Who is Grunt?

Grunt is a Krogan and a character we will be discussing him more in the future.


How many party members can be in your group at one time?

You can have 3 party members with you at any given time including yourself.


How many party members can you get total?

You’ll have more potential squad members than in ME1 but, what we can tell you is, you are developing a diverse, dangerous and rough crew that you will need to gain the loyalty and trust of to be able to succeed the final battle. Without the loyalty of your party, your chance for success is hindered.




How does the Interrupt System work?

With the interrupt system in Mass Effect 2, you can physically seize control of a conversation and dramatically or even drastically change its outcome. There is a new interface icon on the bottom left side of the screen, when it appears the player can pull the trigger to reveal the sometimes shocking real-time outcomes of the decision.


Is the initial intro and tutorial system better?

In Mass Effect 2, you start the game with more guidance so learning the controls will be seamless and quick.


How have the Squad Controls been improved?

Players can now issue squad commands to each individual in their party. The player can map various powers and abilities, and issue “context sensitive” commands to the squad, all in real time. So for example if you are pointing at a spot on the ground, the D-pad will send a squad member there. If you are pointing at an enemy, the D pad will instead have that squad member launch a power at the enemy. Right side is one squad mate, left side is the other one.


How has the combat and cover systems been improved in Mass Effect 2?

The cover system in Mass Effect 2 is more dynamic, with the addition of new realistic animations, getting into and out of cover is smoother and more intuitive, and you can also mantle over objects.


How has Mass Effect 2 enhanced animation?

Individual character animations have improved giving characters unique and subtle characteristics, which further develop their personality and appeal. Facial animations have been improved greatly, where the characters expressions convey the most believable digital acting to date in a video game.


How is the Power Wheel different in Mass Effect 2?

The power wheel in ME2 works similarly to before, but is now used more for mapping powers so that they can be used throughout combat in real time.


How does the new tactics system work? Does that mean I will never have to use the power wheel if I don't want to?

You can now send independent context-sensitive commands to each squad member, for movement and targeting. You will still use the power wheel, but more of the combat takes place using real time commands.


How does the Dialogue Wheel work in Mass Effect 2?

We were extremely happy with how the interrupt system worked on the first game, so that interface is the same. But we’ve made a lot of creative and technical improvements to how the conversations actually look and feel, so that they are now more dynamic and more seamlessly woven into the game.




You say that the environments are different and more rich. Does this mean that they won't be as repetitive?

We have taken fan feedback from Mass Effect and directly implemented the changes in Mass Effect 2. As space and planet exploration was an area for improvement, we have ensured richer and more diverse planets with unique landscapes and developed very interesting and relevant plot expanding side quests on those planets to ensure there is more fulfillment within the exploration.


How has the Exploration System been advanced?

We’ve taken the fan feedback very seriously and made the entire exploration experience deeper and richer.


Will there be more planets?

The planet exploration in Mass Effect 2 is richer and more lush than previously experienced. There is a huge universe to explore with many new planets that will feel rich and varied. There is also much more intrigue within the exploration.


What is the planet scanning mini-game?

With the ship’s scanners you literally feel and listen for signs of life, technology and resources. You will decide which locations are worth launching a probe, to retrieve resources or get information on potential landing sites. When you find a landing site, the things you’ll discover there are much richer and more varied than ever before.



Do you control the Normandy?

You still navigate using the galaxy map, but now you actually move the current position of the Normandy through the map itself. It streamlines the interface but also supports the enhanced feeling of deep space exploration since you now manage fuel to get to distant stars.


Is there in space fighting? Ship?

There will be no ship to ship combat.


Will you able to pilot other ships beyond the Normandy?

You will be able to pilot other vehicles, and we will be discussing those in more detail at a later date.


At what point in the story does the Normandy crash take place?

We aren't saying what point in time the Normandy crash occurs; only that it isn't at the end of the game.


If the ship attacking the Normandy is not Geth - What are they?

We are not revealing the origin of the Normandy attackers at this time.


Will there be new weapons?

Yes, you will have 9 new types of weapons beyond the 4 from ME1, plus the new heavy weapon system.


When you say Mass Effect 2 feels like a precision shooter, what do you mean?

In Mass Effect, your character played at the skill level they had achieved; instead of at the skill level the player could be capable of achieving. In Mass Effect 2, if the player shoots at a target, despite the skill level, it will be hit if they have properly aimed. Skill level will have no impact on aiming and shooting abilities. It’s a cleaner, more precise system to better enhance the overall gameplay and combat experience.


What is Location Based Damage? How does it work?

With location based damage, the player can target specific spots on enemies to take them down. Some enemies can take partial damage and though disabled, will continue to pursue their attacker. However, targeted head shots are possible and those can inflict critical damage to your enemies.


What are biotic attacks, how do they work? How have they advanced since Mass Effect?

Biotic powers are obtained by implanting a cybernetic device. Today we were showing a combination of attacks with Biotic Pull which pulls enemies out of their cover positions and sends them into an airborne state, it can be combined with overload, which Is an attack where the mechs are immobilized by electricity. This is just one of many cool new combinations that can be found in the Mass Effect 2 combat system.


Så det er bare å glede seg :D

Endret av andrvas
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  • 6 måneder senere...

Nå nærmer lanseringen seg med stormskritt!


Men en ting jeg har lurt noe jævlig på, veldig lenge nå, er: Hva hvis det er lenge siden jeg spilte gjennom Mass Effect 1, og jeg ikke husker alle valgene jeg gjorde med den karakteren? Kommer det til å være en liste hvor det står hvilke valg jeg gjorde, eller noe lignende?

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Jeg gleder meg sinnsykt til mass effect 2. Forgjengern var helt vill. Historien var kjempe bra, og kamp systemet var morsomt. Er litt usikker faktisk. Hvilket spill jeg ville kronet som det absolutt beste rpg jeg har spilt. Men det står mellom Dragon Age og Mass Effect.


Det kan ikke bli dårlig. Det er jo bioware som har lagd/lager det. En av kongene når det kommer til rpgs.


EDIT: http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Mass_Effect_2 Jeg tror det er bare mulig å velge en save game fra mass effect eller velge "standard" background fra mass effect.

Endret av Haventh
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Den eneste konkurrenten Bioware har er seg selv, altså de ulike utviklerteamene innad. Dragon Age og Mass Effect er så soleklart de beste rpg-spillene at det er helt vanvittig. Men helt ærlig så var ikke Dragon Age et skritt fremover akkurat, Mass Effect ga hvertfall meg mye mer (ikke i spillelengde da off course, DA var et LANGT spill).

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Gleder meg vilt selv, håper denne tråden blir ordentlig stor XD for da er det den første "populære" tråden jeg har laget.


Jeg får collectors edition da =D

Gleder meg utrolig mye til det. Kan du si meg hvilke "fordeler" collectors edition har?


Bioware har sagt flere ganger at Mass Effect 2 er det beste de har lagd til nå. Jeg har ikke kommet noe særlig langt på Dragon Age, men den kan vente når ME2 kommer ut.


PS: Godt at noen endelig publiserte en slik tråd :thumbup:

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Gleder meg vilt selv, håper denne tråden blir ordentlig stor XD for da er det den første "populære" tråden jeg har laget.


Jeg får collectors edition da =D

Gleder meg utrolig mye til det. Kan du si meg hvilke "fordeler" collectors edition har?


Bioware har sagt flere ganger at Mass Effect 2 er det beste de har lagd til nå. Jeg har ikke kommet noe særlig langt på Dragon Age, men den kan vente når ME2 kommer ut.


PS: Godt at noen endelig publiserte en slik tråd :thumbup:

lenge siden jeg mekka denne tråden :p


Tror det er mest kosmetiske ting vi får, aka collectors armor eller collectors våpen eller noe.

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• Bonus DVD

• Art Book

• Specialized Cerberus Network Access Card

• Limited edition Dark Horse comic

• Tin packaging

• In-game armor and weapon

Bortsett fra det siste punktet, veit jeg ikke hva f.eks. Specialized Cerberus Network Access Card går ut på XD

Endret av chris_123
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