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Spore lanseres for Iphone

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Det er ute til ipod, ikke iphone. Altså, ikke iphone eller ipod touch.

Så hele denne nyheten er feil. Er ikke sluppet spore til iphone pr dags dato. Verken her eller usa.


Går man på eamobile.com får man fram Spore Origins med teksten "Comming soon to iphone"


Pent lite med release datoer dessverre, og nå er det 4 dager siden artikkelen ble skrevet. :(

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Jepp, spillet er ute, og her er hva folk sier om spillet så langt:




* great game, would've been a five star game if it had integration with the pc game.

* Been waiting for this game for a while and it was worth the wait! the graphics are smooth and the gameplay is fun although it's just the cell stage of spore! The best part is I haven't had any iphone issues with this game... no crashing etc! for $12 it will keep you interested for a few solid hours of play

* This game is good, if you like skinned down, retarded versions of stupid casual games!

* Awsome game. Sleek graphics, beautiful gameplay. worth buying.

* Awesome game for the iphone! Can't wait for more EA games to come to the iPhone. Spore will provide hours to kill.

* The long awaited game is here, and it looks great!




* Very nice all round. Great feel ingame. Some of the best UI I have seen from an iPhone app so far! Great job.

* this is a game i have been waiting for ever since it was shown off at apple's keynote along with super monkey ball (which was a let down IMO). and it finally arrives on the app store, the game has great graphics and very slick animations. The game is great fun, and really shows off what the iPhone can do.

* best game for iphone by far



Får vel kjøpe og teste ...

Endret av Marasmus
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