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Tråden om post-apokalyptiske filmer

Awesome X

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Hvordan kunne jeg glemme "The Signal" (2007)...

Så den i går, og jeg anbefaler den på det varmeste - overraskende bra!! Jeg er litt i tvil om den faller inn under PA sjangeren, men jeg tror at den burde kunne passe inn på listen...


Synopsis:Set against New Year's Eve, some pretty freaky stuff starts happening when every electrical device starts radiating a mysterious signal. Without warning, random people start lopping off heads, slitting and stabbing with garden shears, and plain old bludgeoning people to death for no apparent reason.



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1984 er ikke postapocalyptisk, men dystropisk, så den tas ikke med. Jericho er en fullverdig serie (ikke mini), så den tas heller ikke med

Class of 84 er ikke mye PA ei heller Class of 99. Et samfunn som klarer å drifte skoler anser ikke jeg som PA.


Edit: Neil (The Descent, Doomsday) Marshalls favoritt PA: No Blade of Grass

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Kommende PA film: Dust (2009)


Et lite resyme:"Nick Anderson is an astronaut living aboard the International Space Station. Nick is notified by NASA that six meteors from deep space are headed directly towards Earth. They are too large to burn up in the atmosphere, but not large enough to present any major concerns. Days later, the meteors land on earth. Before the meteors can be examined, they begin to unleash heavier-than-air dust-like spores. When inhaled, the spores act like a virus and quickly mutate any animal or human into monstrous alien creatures.In a matter of weeks the dust spreads across the earth, reducing civilization to anarchy and a new dark age.

After months without contact, Nick and one other astronaut decide to return to earth to investigate. Landing on the surface, they find a pitch-black world of desolation that hardly resembles the Earth they once knew. Almost immediately, they are attacked by the mutants. Just as Nick is about to be overwhelmed by the creatures, he is saved by a group of survivors wearing makeshift airtight battle-suits. Nick is air-lifted out of the dust and taken to the top of the Sears Tower where he is introduced to a group of military personnel and survivors who have banded together to stop the aliens."



Dette høres moro ut!

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Har du glemt "Dust" ?


:hmm: Når snek du den inn.


Din lille kommentar om listen størrelse fikk meg til å lure på stor den faktisk var, så jeg telte opp. Og jeg må si resultatet overasket meg; jeg trodde det bare var runt 50-60 filmer. Resultatet av opptellingen ble 104 vanlige, 13 anime og 16 zombie, altså 136 filmer tilsammen. (tar forbehold om telle-/regnefeil)

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