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Tipper det blir Mad Men i juleferien, akkurat nå går det i Breaking Bad, og så har jeg halve sesong 6 av 24 igjen.


Noen som fikk med seg rekordforsøket av tv-maraton forresten. 3 stykker klarte å sitte litt over 80 timer i strekk under 24 maraton. Rimelig kult. Hvis noen har noen intervjuer med de som deltok i et talkshow eller lignende så gjerne si ifra. Inntresert i å se hvor ødelagt de er.

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Er det samme folka bak Tudors som lager The Borgias og? Hvertfall en serie jeg ikke skal se med en gang, hater alt sånt handling satt til renisansen og alt rundt Borgia-familien. Mulig jeg gir det en sjanse etterhvert.



Litt mer info om The Killing som er nye serien til AMC. Blant annet at serien er satt til å starte i mars. AMC har tidligere gitt oss knallserier som The Walking Dead, Mad Men, og Breaking Bad.



AMC begins production today in Vancouver on the network's next original series, The Killing. From writer, executive producer and series showrunner Veena Sud (Cold Case), The Killing is based on the wildly successful Danish television series Forbrydelsen. It tells the story of the murder of a young girl in Seattle and the subsequent police investigation. Produced by Fox Television Studios, it is executive produced by Mikkel Bondesen (Burn Notice) for Fuse Entertainment. Fuse's Kristen Campo co-produces. Season one consists of thirteen, one-hour episodes and is slated to premiere in March 2011.


The Killing stars Mireille Enos (Big Love) as "Sarah Linden," who is the lead homicide detective that investigates the death of Rosie Larsen. Other castings include: Billy Campbell (Once and Again, Enough) as "Darren Richmond," Seattle's City Council President running for Mayor; Michelle Forbes (True Blood) as "Mitch Larsen," Rosie's mother; Joel Kinnaman (Snabba Cash) as "Stephen Holder," an ex-narc cop who joins the homicide division in the investigation to find Rosie Larsen's killer; and Brent Sexton (W., In the Valley of Elah) as "Stan Larsen," Rosie's father.

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EDIT: Håhå, avataren til Autzen er elsk.


Takk, takk! :D Følte det var på tide å finne meg en ny Bored to Death avatar.


Forresten, noen som har en oversikt over hvilke kvalitetsserier som vil komme i '11? Skal isåfall følge med på den nye til HBO med Sean Bean - nemlig Game of Throne.

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Nye serier fra Showtime, AMC og HBO i første del av 2011. For det meste.




Hell on Wheels

TBA 2011

The project centers on Cullen (Mount), a former slave owner and a Confederate soldier determined to avenge the rape/murder of his beloved wife by tracking and killing the Union soldiers who killed her. Fearless, Cullen winds up working on the Nebraska prairie's Hell on Wheels' portion of the transcontinental railroad. McElligott will play Lily Bell, an intelligent woman taking care of her ill husband who is part of the team of surveyors mapping the railroad's course. In the pilot, Mount and McElligott join recently cast rapper-actor Common.


The Killing





Game of Thrones



Mildred Pierce(mini-serie)

Våren 2011

Mildred Pierce is the story of a proud single mother struggling to earn her daughter's love during the Great Depression in middle-class Los Angeles. Virker som en serie for Mad Men-elskere. Med Kate Winslet, Evan Rachel Wood, Brían F. O'Byrne(Flashforward/Oz), og Guy Pearce.




TBA 2011

Enlightened follows the story of Amy, a self-destructive executive, who, after a very public breakdown, tries to get life back together after she has a philosophical awakening in rehabilitation. The series stars Laura Dern, Luke Wilson among others.




Luck follows a number of characters who are frequenters of the same horse-racing track. It will star Dustin Hoffman as "a man in his late 60s just released from four years in prison who's autodidactic, intelligent, and deeply involved in gambling.


The pilot is about a bunch of intersecting lives in the world of horse racing...It's a subject which has engaged and some might say has compelled me for 50 years. I find it as complicated and engaging a special world as any I've ever encountered, not only in what happens in the clubhouse and the grandstand, but also on the backside of the track, where the training is done and where they house the horses.


Nick Nolte, Dennis Farina, Kevin Dunn also star.





9. Januar

The show is about a British husband-and-wife comedy team who travel to Hollywood to remake their successful British TV series. Matt LeBlanc stars as himself with Stephen Mangan as Sean among others.



9. Januar


The Borgias

TBA 2011

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Noen andre premierer og eldre serier som retunerer.


Jan. 4

Southland (season premiere, TNT)


Jan. 11

Lights Out (series premiere, FX)

(Lights Out burde sjekkes ut av de som likte Terriers)


Jan. 17

Skins (series premiere, MTV)

Being Human US (series premiere, SyFy)


Jan. 21

Spartacus: Gods of the Arena (season premiere, Starz)


Feb. 9

Justified (season premiere, FX)


April 6

Workaholics (series premiere, Comedy Central)


April 27

South Park (season premiere, Comedy Central)

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Endelig er tiden inne for andre episoden for serien som er basert på utelukkende donasjoner.serien har klart å skrape sammen ca 30 000 dollar til, og vi får også to epsioder til de nærmeste ukene.episode to ble sluppet idag.3 og 4 kommer snart.


likte godt første episode, er spent på hva de har gjort siden juni. historien var interresant og lovende i første episode, håper de klarer å følge opp.

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