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Informasjon om "paid transfers" [FAQ]

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Hi, This is post from another forum. The post was withdrawn within minutes after they published it. Some nice info tho.



WoW Character Transfers!

By Rulke - Thu Jun 22, 2006 7:56am Title: World of Warcraft

Developer: Blizzard

Publisher: Vivendi Games

Site: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com


More news on World of Warcraft, and this time it's a beauty.


A warning to the WoW fans. You best sit down or risk falling over in shock. The one feature that everyone's been begging for since release has finally arrived, of course, with conditions attached to make any lawyer giggle with pleasure.:p It will be a paid service, so make sure you have a hard think about it before you transfer that uber char. All the questions you might have should be answered with the following Paid Character Transfer FAQ we have below.


Paid Character Transfer F.A.Q.


What is the Paid Character Transfer feature?


The Paid Character Transfer feature allows you to move characters to other realms and even from one account where you are the subscriber to another account where you are the subscriber, subject to certain restrictions. The cost of each paid character transfer is $25.00 USD.


It seems like many realms are missing from the list of eligible realms. Why is that?


Since this is a brand-new feature, we decided to take a staged approach for releasing paid character transfers to the public. The initial launch will only allow transfers between a limited set of realms, allowing us to closely monitor our system's performance, and then we’ll gradually expand the list. You can see an updated list of currently eligible realms here. [Links to character transfer realm list]


Why is the realm I want not listed?


We may remove a realm as an eligible destination for a variety of reasons, including:


• The realm is full or densely populated at this time.


• It has been fewer than 90 days since the realm was launched


• You are attempting to transfer from a PvE realm to a PvP realm. Characters currently located on PvE


realms are only eligible to move to other PvE realms.


• There might be an upcoming free character migration to this realm.


Please note that Blizzard reserves the right to disable paid character transfers to any realm at its own discretion.



Will the realm ever be available for transfers?


We are constantly evaluating realm populations, so check back regularly for new availability.


Some other realms seem to meet the criteria, but mine does not. Why?


Blizzard monitors numerous factors contributing to individual realm availability. While two realms may appear to be the same from a playability perspective, there may be some technical reasons why we are unable to implement transfers to certain realms at certain times.


Blizzard's goal is always to allow you the widest selection of destinations and to ultimately get you where you want to be. Part of this process means we must ensure the stability of all realms along the way.


Does this mean I can now transfer my characters to any realm I want?


While this new feature allows a much greater degree of freedom than past realm-to-realm migrations, there are still some restrictions for paid character transfers, which include the following:


Standard Restrictions:


• A character's mailbox and auctions must be completely clear before that character can be transferred.


• A character that is the leader of a guild may not be transferred as long as he/she remains the leader. If you wish to transfer a character that is currently a guild leader you must transfer leadership to another member or disband your guild.


Character restrictions:


• Every character to be transferred has to be at least level 10.


• Characters carrying too much gold are not eligible for transfer, as follows:


- Level 10-30: 300 gold limit


- Level 31-50: 1000 gold limit


- Level 51+: 5000 gold limit


• An individual character may only be transferred once every six months.


Realm restrictions:


• You may transfer characters from PvP to PvE realms, but transfers from PvE to PvP realms are not




• Transfers from PvP to PvP realms are only possible if there is no faction violation. If you already have a


character on your desired destination PvP realm, then you will not be able to transfer any characters of


the opposing faction to this realm.


• You may only transfer characters to a realm as long as you will not exceed the maximum of ten


characters per realm at your destination once the transfer is complete.


• Realms that frequently have queues and/or regularly show a high concurrency may be taken off the list


of eligible destination realms to prevent overpopulating realms through character transfers.


How do I transfer one of my characters to another realm?


Simply log on to the account-management section, click the Paid Character Transfer button, and follow the on-screen instructions. You will need to answer your secret question to begin the transfer process. During the process you will be asked for your credit card information. Please note that this is for verification purposes only. Your credit card will not be billed until you have completed the paid character transfer process.


Once you have entered the necessary information and confirmed the transfers you will receive a confirmation email. Also, the characters you signed up for transfers will be unavailable until the process finishes, which should take no more than 10 days. When the transfer has finished, you will receive another email with instructions on how to complete the process. Follow these instructions, and your characters will be available and ready to play on the new realm.


I signed a character up for a realm transfer, but it’s still on the old realm and I can't play with this character anymore. What's going on?


Character transfers may take up to 10 days to process. You won't be able to play the characters you signed up for a transfer during that time, so you may want to spread out your transfers so that not all your characters are locked at the same time. Once you've completed the transfer process as described above, your characters will appear on the destination realm, ready to continue your adventure.


Why is it set up that way?


Blizzard takes the integrity of its game and its account ownership very seriously. For this reason, the sale of characters and accounts is expressly against the World of Warcraft Terms of Use, and the transfer of characters from one account owner to another is prohibited.


Can I give one of my characters to a friend or guild mate?


No. You are only allowed to transfer a character to an account where you are the subscriber.


Can I transfer characters from one region to another (i.e. moving North American characters to European realms or accounts)?


No. Characters can only be transferred between realms and accounts within the same region.


Is there any way to check the status of my character transfers?


Yes. Log on to the account-management section and click the Paid Character Transfer button. Answer your secret question, and you will then be able to access a page that lists the details of all your pending, completed, and ineligible transfers. You can also use this overview to cancel pending character transfers before they are completed.


How do I cancel a pending character transfer?


You can cancel pending character transfers on the character transfer status page. Check the section containing your pending transfers and follow the on-screen instructions if you wish to cancel a pending character transfer.


If I don't like the new realm or change my mind, can I transfer back?


Once you have chosen to complete your transfer, you cannot reverse it. We strongly recommend you research your destination realm ahead of time to ensure it is a desirable long-term environment for you, before you initiate the transfer. The only way to move the character off the realm again would be to wait six months for that character to become eligible for another transfer.


What happens to my honor ranking? Will I have to start over from scratch on the new realm or can I keep my current ranking?


Your ranking points will be transferred along with your character. However, your character will be inactive during the time it takes for the process to be completed, which can be up to 10 days. Therefore, there is a possibility you could lose your current rank in the Player-vs.-Player Honor System while your character is inactive. Also, please keep in mind that should your destination realm have a more active PvP community, you may find that keeping your rank will be more challenging.


Will all my stuff be transferred along with my character?


Your character will arrive on the destination realm with all the gold, equipment, pets, and all items in your characters' inventory and the bank. You will also keep all your bank slots, lifetime honor rank and ranking points. Quests will also be transferred, but please be aware that the progress for quests that require you to kill a certain number of monsters will be lost.


Will my guild status be transferred?


Your guild affiliation and tabard design will not be transferred. You will have to join or create a new guild on your destination realm.


Is there any discount if I am transferring more than one character?


We do not have a discount plan available at this time for multiple transfers. Should we offer any additional promotions or pricing options, they would be announced on our website.


Whom should I contact if I have questions about this service?


Please contact our billing department by phone or email. Billing representatives are on hand to take your call Monday through Friday between 9am and 6pm Pacific Time, at 1-800-59-BLIZZARD (800-592-5499). Customers in should call 1-800-041-378. Alternatively, you may e-mail [email protected] with any transfer related questions.

Endret av nazrm
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hadde godtatt prisen hadde det vært snakk om èn lvl 60 char med masse epix, men sånn som jeg har spilt har jeg begynt på nytt for mange ganger ( :wee: ) helt til jeg fikk meg en level 60, da har jeg spilt på kun en server, men er jo dritkjedelig å levle opp characters fra lvl 1. Og jeg kunne tenkt meg å flytte over noen characters fra andre servere....

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Gjest Slettet-p4PIYwb6

Prisen var ikke alt for høy, men det jeg ikke likte var at man ikke kunne flytte char'n sin til hvilken som helst server. :-/ Har 5 kompiser som spiller på Kazzak, og der går nok ikke an å flytte dit.


Jaja, da blir det ikke mer WoW på meg da. :]

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• You may transfer characters from PvP to PvE realms, but transfers from PvE to PvP realms are not allowed.





Quotet fra Adey, den 22/06-2006 : 17:42

Jeg likte heller ikke det med at man ikke kunne transfere fra PvE-PvP eller fra PvP-PvE.





Bare PvE-PvP som ikke er lov, noe som er helt ok.



Edit: quotes tulla seg til.

Endret av JayHeM
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Gjest Slettet-QqZexW9o
Det jeg ikke skjønner er hvorfor i all verden man ikke kan ha av to forskellige faksjoner på en PVP server.



Enkelt. Da kunne du vært en spion og avslørt deres planer for motsatte laget.


edit: Kunne godt tenkt meg å flytte noen lvl 60 med fult epic til diverse servere og solgt unna high level items som har droppet for meg og tjent mye gull. De 25$ er jo tjent tilbake innen 1t på serveren.

Endret av Slettet-QqZexW9o
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[edit: Kunne godt tenkt meg å flytte noen lvl 60 med fult epic til diverse servere og solgt unna high level items som har droppet for meg og tjent mye gull. De 25$ er jo tjent tilbake innen 1t på serveren.



• An individual character may only be transferred once every six months.


Forstod det slik at du ville migrere tilbake etterpå.

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Det jeg ikke skjønner er hvorfor i all verden man ikke kan ha av to forskellige faksjoner på en PVP server.



Enkelt. Da kunne du vært en spion og avslørt deres planer for motsatte laget.




Ja, men det er problemet. Det har minimalt å si for WoW. I andre spill som f.eks Battleground Europe (2. verdenskrig MMO) kan det ha noe for seg. I WoW derimot.. "Neeei! Nå avslørte de at vi raider Stormwind". Det har jo ingen fordeler i det hele tatt å raide en by på den måten, og dessuten er det mer moro å sloss mot alliance enn de teite vaktene deres.

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Dette åpner for nye muligheter.


Fra ER som er en RP-server som dessverre har blitt overrun av casual spillere, kunne Blizz åpna en server der man bare kunne lage char's om man først betalte over en char fra nevnte server. Dette ville trolig ført til massiv hardcore RP, noe jeg veit veldig mange ville digga.

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Dette åpner for nye muligheter.


Fra ER som er en RP-server som dessverre har blitt overrun av casual spillere, kunne Blizz åpna en server der man bare kunne lage char's om man først betalte over en char fra nevnte server. Dette ville trolig ført til massiv hardcore RP, noe jeg veit veldig mange ville digga.



Funker dette nå? er det åpnet? jeg er helt forvirra :)


The Character Move feature is currently open, but is unavailable at this time. Please check back Monday through Friday, between 3:00 and 15:00 CEST.


Visit www.wow-europe.com to view the list of realms eligible for Character Transfer.

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