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PS2 sin Emotion Engine, er en vesentlig bedre prosessor enn Xbox sin tilpassede Intel P3 733Mhz prosessor, på papiret, uten at det hadde særlig betydning i forrige generasjon.

PS2 sin Emotion Engine(EE) cpu er jo 2 år eldre enn Xbox sin Intel.... Uten at jeg har sett papirer på dette er jo XBox mye sterkere enn PS2, men PS2 har mye større markeds andel så jeg skjlnner ikke hvordan du kan si at det ikke hadde særlig betydning. PS2 holder forsatt koken med sin eldre EE over XBox så poenget ditt her er vel ganske borte?


Når det gjelder løsningene for å unngå mangelen på branch prediction, har Dave følgende å si:




The compiler is already smart enough to unroll loops frequently on SPEs to prevent lots of branching, but this has the glorious side effect of bloating the code tremendously (which uses more memory, and memory bandwidth), and becomes a major headache when fitting code in 256KB of local store in Cell. There are compiler pragmas and hints available for developers to suggest not unrolling, or unrolling such loops.


One thing a lot of programmers aren't aware of is if they type a loop, in the end the compiler may just unroll it and expand it out into a bunch of repeated instructions, regardless of the data structure used in the C/C++ code. It's one of the most basic optimizations.


The problem isn't with things like looping, it's with dynamic code. Stuff that you can't create by copying and pasting, because the paths code take can change constantly at runtime.






Q:What I'm saying, dave, is that often many branches can be avoided in algorithms. It's difficult, it's awkward, but it's possible, and if the SPEs are so branch-crippled as you say, then I'm sure developers will be using these methods. Of course, branches cannot be completely avoided... branching is a fundamental requirement of all programming, but they can be minimized.


A:This is pretty much a nonsense statement on its face. You can "minimize" branching, of course, but that doesn't help dynamic code like AI, data searches, etc that are all about branching. It's a complete waste of time to discuss "minimizing branching" as a real technique to improve game code, it's mostly something the compiler has to worry about. You can tell developers to use less "if" and "thens" in code, but then you're essentially generating the same code all the time in a completely linear fashion...you may as well pre-compute it all. wink.gif


Q:Also, from what I read, branch hinting (coupled with clever and methodic programming) can be almost as effective as branch prediction.


A: It can be "almost as effective" in trivial cases such as loops, which are meaningless as they're usually unrolled and treated as inline code anyway.


In any kind of real world situation they're grossly inadequate -- there is a reason millions of transistors are dedicated to branch predictors and branch history tables in CPUs.

Ja her er jeg enig, det må inngås et kompromiss for å få det til skikkelig, jeg har ALDRIG sagt at Cell er uten feil. Poenget mitt er at Cell er STERKERE enn Xenon.


For å bygge videre på hva Milford her sier kan vi ta for oss følgende sitat ifra en artikel om Cell vs Xenon. Her er det Tim Sweeney, grunnleggeren av Epic og mannen bak Unreal Engine 3, som snakker om hvordan de har tatt for seg problemer som AI og fysikk. De samme problemene som Milford diskuterer ovenfor :


Kilde: http://www.anandtech.com/video/showdoc.aspx?i=2453&p=3




According to Tim, a lot of things aren’t appropriate for SPE acceleration in UE3, mainly high-level game logic, artificial intelligence and scripting.  But he adds that “Fortunately these comprise a small percentage of total CPU time on a traditional single-threaded architecture, so dedicating the CPU to those tasks is appropriate, while the SPE's and GPU do their thing."


So what does Tim Sweeney see the SPEs being used for in UE3?  "With UE3, our focus on SPE acceleration is on physics, animation updates, particle systems, sound; a few other areas are possible but require more experimentation."


Tim’s view on the PPE/SPE split in Cell is far more balanced than most we’ve encountered.  There are many who see the SPEs as utterly useless for executing anything (we’ll get to why in a moment), while there are others who have been talking about doing far too much on SPEs where the general purpose PPE would do much better.


For the most part, the areas that UE3 uses the Cell’s SPEs for are fairly believable.  For example, sound processing makes a lot of sense for the SPEs given their rather specialized architecture aimed at streaming tasks.  But the one curious item is the focus on using SPEs to accelerate physics calculations, especially given how branch heavy physics calculations generally are.


Collision detection is a big part of what is commonly referred to as “game physics.”  As the name implies, collision detection simply refers to the game engine determining when two objects collide.  Without collision detection, bullets would never hit your opponents and your character would be able to walk through walls, cars, etc... among other things.



In fact, if properly structured and coded for SPE acceleration, physics code could very well run faster on the PlayStation 3 than on the Xbox 360 thanks to the more specialized nature of the SPE hardware.  Not to mention that physics acceleration is particularly parallelizable, making it a perfect match for an array of 7 SPEs.


Microsoft has referred to the Cell’s array of SPEs as a bunch of DSPs useless to game developers.  The fact that the next installment of the Unreal engine will be using the Cell’s SPEs for physics, animation updates, particle systems as well as audio processing means that Microsoft’s definition is a bit off.



Her er det vel å merke at AnandTech ga ut en artikkel som trashet begge CPUene, denne artikkelen ble senere trukket. Hvorfor? Noen sier det var pga av de var redde for at kilden skulle bli avslørt andre sier at det var pga press ifra IBM MS Sony.


Uansett du kan lese en cache av artikkelen her:



Mildford var rakt ute og benektet det hele:



Anand is out to lunch on a lot of this. His previous article was pretty sketchy, but this one is pretty much overboard with inaccuracies and random leaps to conclusions.


For one, he bases a lot of his discussions on the fact that the PPE is "identical" to a Xenon core, which is far from the truth. In fact, internally the Xenon team and the Cell team were not allowed to communicate with eachother for legal reasons. The cores were developed by different teams, they just happened to have made the same design decisions for a couple fundamental aspects (like SMT and in-order execution).


He gets so much fundamental basic things wrong that I'm shocked it was published, usually Anand is very knowledgable.

Floating point multiplies are also not "1/3" as fast as on Xenon, I've no idea where he got that from. It sounds like some developer told him that and he took it as verbatim truth.


What I think is going on here is Anand talked to some (curiously anonymous) developers who took their code designed for more PC-like processors (like the G5/PowerPC 970) and ran it on Xenon/Cell and was amazed that it didn't perform that well.


Xenon and Cell are in-order processors. The order of the instructions is very important, because the processor doesn't dynamically re-order them on Xenon/Cell, unlike the PC processors. A straight port will give you sub-par performance, easily.


Once they learn more about the chip, and how to program for it, the performance will be much, much higher.


Hvem skal man tro på? Jeg tror på AnandTech, Milford er ifra IBM og kan derfor ikke stoles på son en nøytral kilde. AnandTech har ingen grunn til å drive negativ PR.


Skal jeg oppsumere det hele vil jeg si:

Cell > Xenon > PC selv om etter litt vil det selvfølgelig bli PC > Cell > Xenon...

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Leste netopp av Microsoft "ler" av PS3 traileren av MGS4. Han fyren til Microsoft sa at det virket ikke som om Sony er like sikre på sin konsoll hvis de er nødt til å la Snake presentere Cell-prosessoren. Men det har jo ikke noe med saken å gjøre! Kojima er veldig flink til å lage annerledes spill og liksom ikke la dem være i spillverdenen, men få dem til å virke ekte. Selv ser jeg ikke noe galt i at Snake og Otacon snakket om prosessoren, faktisk så lo jeg litt! :D

Det betyr at Sony og Kojima har gjort en god jobb med traileren.

er den beste traileren jeg har sett :love: skal forhåndsbestile ps3 når det går:D og mgs4 seff :p

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Leste netopp av Microsoft "ler" av PS3 traileren av MGS4. Han fyren til Microsoft sa at det virket ikke som om Sony er like sikre på sin konsoll hvis de er nødt til å la Snake presentere Cell-prosessoren. Men det har jo ikke noe med saken å gjøre! Kojima er veldig flink til å lage annerledes spill og liksom ikke la dem være i spillverdenen, men få dem til å virke ekte. Selv ser jeg ikke noe galt i at Snake og Otacon snakket om prosessoren, faktisk så lo jeg litt! :D

Det betyr at Sony og Kojima har gjort en god jobb med traileren.

Dummeste jeg har hørt. De kan bare le så mye de vil. Jeg synes det er tøft at Sony og Kojima gjør det litt annerledes. Kojima er flink til å lage morsomme trailere, så dette ble bare sett på som positivt fra min side. :)

Endret av Nevnarion
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Han sa bare at XenonCPUen har en fordel med 3 general purpos kjerner mot Cellens ene.

Her viser du bare at du ikke vet hva du snakker om. Hvordan har man en fordel med 3 general purpose prosessorer over 1 general purpose og 8 litt mer spesialiserte prosessorer? Hadde vært interessant å få vite..

Greit... Dårlig formulert av meg... Jeg sier bare det at general purpose kjernene er litt mer anvenlige når det kommer til spill programering. Ikke dermed at valget til ms er bedre enn valget til sony. Men det vil nok være litt lettere for de som utvikkler for x360en å få nytte all kraften med en gang.

Faktumet er at ingen av oss nå, med unntak av de som utvikkler for begge konsollene, kan si hvem som har gjort det beste valget av cpu.


The majority of game code is a mixture of integer, floating-point, and vector math, with lots of branches and random memory accesses. This code is best handled by a general purpose CPU with a cache, branch predictor, and vector unit.


The Cell's seven DSPs (what Sony calls SPEs) have no cache, no direct access to memory, no branch predictor, and a different instruction set from the PS3's main CPU. They are not designed for or efficient at general purpose computing. DSPs are not appropriate for game programming.


Xbox 360 has three general purpose CPU cores. The Cell processor has only one.


Xbox 360's CPUs has vector processing power on each CPU core. Each Xbox 360 core has 128 vector registers per hardware thread, with a dot product instruction, and a shared 1-MB L2 cache. The Cell processor's vector processing power is mostly on the seven DSPs.

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Denne tråden har blitt så stor og uoversiktelig, og har gått mer og mer over til å være en ren chattetråd, at vi ser oss helt nødt til å flytte den til Off-topic -> Annet. Dette er ikke fordi den ikke har relevans til spill, men fordi dette er et forum, og ikke en pratekanal. Det er også komplett umulig for nykommere å finne frem til det de leter etter, så resultatet er at de samme tingene blir tatt opp på nytt og på nytt.


Hvis noen har noe spesifikt de ønsker å spørre om angående PlayStation 3, så anbefaler vi fremover at vedkommende starter en ny tråd om det konkrete emnet.

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  • 3 år senere...

Intressant lesestoff å lese i en tråd som ble started før jeg fant dette forumet, og som jeg alltid har prøvd å få fram PS3 ble aldri den maskinen i forhold til konkurenten og salg som Sony håpet på, det var rett og slett for godt til å være sant.


Når det er sagt så er likevell PS3 en utmerket underholdningsmaskin og står side om side med min svarte 360.

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