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Hvorfor må Norge være verdens barnehage?

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Det er ganske urealistisk at flyktningen skal søke ut det absolutt tryggeste stedet på jorda.

Derimot er det ganske realistisk at flyktningen vil søke ut det absolutt beste alternativet som er tilgjengelig for ham, uansett hvor på jorda dette er.


Hvordan noen kan mene det er naturlig å søke til ett dårligere alternativ, kun fordi dette er nærmere, ser ut til å innebære en grunnleggende mangel på forståelse av hvordan mennesker gjør valg mellom forskjellige alternativer.

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Det er ganske urealistisk at flyktningen skal søke ut det absolutt tryggeste stedet på jorda.


Derimot er det ganske realistisk at flyktningen vil søke ut det absolutt beste alternativet som er tilgjengelig for ham, uansett hvor på jorda dette er.


Akkurat hva legger du i "beste alternativ"? Snakker du om at de får gratis penger om de er her i Norge? Det er i så fall allerede svart på noen innlegg tidligere.

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Akkurat hva legger du i "beste alternativ"? Snakker du om at de får gratis penger om de er her i Norge? Det er i så fall allerede svart på noen innlegg tidligere.

Nei, utfra egne erfaringer som flyktning prøver jeg å påpeke at vi flyktninger gjør valg om geografiske resisemål utfra hva hver enkelt av oss anser som det beste alternatitivet for å bedre sin egen situasjon så mye som mulig. (Gratis penger, asylmottak, uforståelig språk, kalde vintre, etc er faktorer som man inkluderer i sin vurdering av Norge i den grad man har tilgang til denne informasjonen.)


Det at flyktningene selv har valg ser ikke ut til å være med i beregningene til de som mener at flyktninger bør holde seg hjemme, eller ikke dra lengre enn til sine naboland, siden de (ikke flyktningene) anser dette som "naturlig". Hvilket grunnlag det har for å anse dette som "naturlig" aner jeg ikke, men for meg ser det ikke naturlig ut i det hele tatt.

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Det er ganske urealistisk at flyktningen skal søke ut det absolutt tryggeste stedet på jorda. Hvis Libanon regnes som et trygt land og det er lettest å komme seg dit, så tror jeg det vil være naturlig å dra dit. Må være mye lettere å integrere seg i et land som er likere det de kommer fra, også.

Libanon er selvsagt ikke et trygt land sammenlignet med Vesten, men la oss se bort fra det.


Norge er tryggere enn Libanon, men vanskeligere og dyrere å reise til. I tillegg er kulturen annerledes (det kan være positivt, negativt eller nøytralt - la oss si at det er negativt). Hvis dette er de eneste faktorene (det er det ikke), så er det styrken på disse faktorene som avgjør hvor flyktningen velger å flykte. For noen veier de positive sidene ved Norge tyngre enn de negative, og Norge er dermed et naturlig mål.

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"It is a rare occasion that I post a long serious status about an ongoing problem, this status is gonna be one about the immigration problem.

I'm probably going to get a lot of hate for this but please read this to the end before you come to a conclusion, this is only a personal opinion on the ongoing matter, I think I have the right to speak about this matter considering the fact that I was once an immigrant and now I'm a Norwegian Citizen.

I've been a part of the asylum camps in Oslo and I've seen the things that some of the immigrants say and do, I can honestly say (from personal experience) around 80-90% of the people there would go in groups walking around discriminating and insulting the same people that are giving them help, people flee their countries to seek a better life or seek protection etc, when you seek help from another person you should be thankful and grateful, you have absolutely NO RIGHT to invoke your own beliefs or your own traditions/morals on the people that are paying for your food or paying for your shelter, you don't own the place, what really pisses me off is that every time someone says these things then people are QUICKLY using the race card, I swear I couldn't walk a day in Oslo without hearing someone who speaks the same language as me saying "Norwegians are racist and bad people" and then the same person will insult the locals that are walking around and praying that god will slaughter them all.

First things first.. people in my age needs to slow the hell down and stop getting too emotional because you saw a few pictures of people drowning or dying, you need to face the harsh reality that this has been going for ages, you're not thinking straight...you're letting the media manipulate you, this is like the Kony2012 thing.. everyone got all hyped up and emotional because of Kony's crimes and people got enraged about it then even though Kony was on top of the International Criminal court's list for years before the whole video came out.

2nd, Older people need to start acting like their age, this blind hate that you got towards a specific religion or a specific race is Juvenal and immature, just remember the next time you decide to blindly sum up a whole religion or race based on some people's behavior then others can sum up your whole culture and the people that you think you're standing for by what comes out of your mouth, Everyone defines themselves in their own way, you can not wrongly judge me (for example) just because someone who comes from the same country as me has offended you, we all have different minds and we think differently, I've met so many different people and experienced so many different cultures in just 21 years and I've experienced things that people twice my age hasn't experienced and I can tell you I've seen shady and shitty people in absolutely every religion and every country and every culture I've ever been a part of, as the old clichè saying goes "never judge a book by it's cover", at the end of the day we all bleed red.

If you are planning to flee to another country because you need help then be prepared to adjust to the new culture, respect their laws..if you can't then just go back to where you came from where are things done the way you want, you can't expect everyone to adjust and change so you can be comfortable.

When I was in Libya any immigrant wouldn't DARE to insult anyone or do the things that they're currently doing in Sweden or any other place in Europe because we all speak the same language and things are much harsher there, here in Europe we got it easier and a lot of people are exploiting that.

I was in Tunisia for vacation a few years ago and in our plane there was an old Norwegian lady, when she walked through the check point the guard there was talking to his comrade and making fun of the old lady saying some despicable things about her in Arabic while smiling to the poor old lady and then saying "have a nice holiday", this is just one of the many things that the same people that flee to Europe do daily.

Europe need to grow balls and start saying NO to some people, not everyone who comes in here is telling you a real story, some people are professional liars and are here to exploit you for everything you have and then move on with their lives, the same people that goes to UDI and gives a SOB story are the same people who comes back to their friends smiling and laughing and saying how they used this and that as an excuse and celebrates because their acceptance was based on a lie.

I am not saying shut everyone out because there is people who truly needs help and they deserve a second chance at life, the government needs to get extra strict and careful on who they let in, because it is YOUR fault if you let someone in and then a few months later that person decides to blow up a building or murder people but at the same time it is your fault that the family you rejected with great potential is going back home and will most likely be tortured for attempting to flee or killed in the war and those are the people who are hurt the most, it's really unfortunate that their surroundings are ruining their chances of being giving a shot to live life."

-Ramy Ouba

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