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Jack Thompson på tiltalebenken

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Noen som husker Mr Beens "Hell sketch"? Advokater har tydeligvis en spesiell plass der nede :)


Jack Thompson har sin egen fløy.


-Veldig moro show det du snakker om forresten, "Rowan Atkinson Live", har det på DVD :D

Endret av Dipso
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The Florida Bar has called for infamous anti-games lawyer Jack Thompson to be disbarred and prohibited from applying to practice law for the next 10 years.


Judge Dava Tunis noted that the recommendations will be included in the official report to the Florida Supreme Court, due by September 2.


Thompson walked out of the courtroom after hearing the news, but not before filing a 4,500-word formal objection. Phoenix Wright, he ain't.


Thompson claimed that Tunis's first state loyalty oath was forged and the next two did not conform to the state regulations. Because of this, he's pushing for Tunis to be removed.


"I have fashioned a legal millstone that I will place around your neck and the neck of The Bar," he wrote. "Don't blame me, Referee Tunis, when you feel the water rising."



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