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Demonstrasjon mot scientologikirken! 10. Mai i Oslo

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Før Jason Beghe intervjuet, annonserte Andreas at noe ganske viktig ville skje snart. Noe som viste seg å være enormt.


I denne nye videoen er Tory Christman helt vill, og sier at noe skikkelig stort vil skje snart. Fy faen så nyskjerrig jeg er -

Endret av LunarPoet
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Mitt passord er av en eller annen grunn endret på Enturbulation.org og de svarer ikke på mine henvendelser, derfor poster jeg dette her. Jeg har tillatelse fra forfatteren av boken "Religion til salgs - et kritisk søkelys på Scientologikirken" for å legge på Internett. Jeg har skannet og kjørt OCR på boken og planen var å lage en bra webside av det på Operation Clambake. Men tiden går og kulten finner jo på så mye tull som stjeler tiden min. Er det noen gode webdesignere der ute som klør etter å bli med på et slikt prosjekt?


PS: Hvis du ser på HTML-koden på Operation Clambake foretrekker jeg den ren og enkel. Dette for at siten skal være lett å flytte og manipulere hvis nye angrep fra kulten.

Endret av spirous
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Folk sier at Jenna kommer på ABC Nightline i kveld. Vi får se om det skjer.


Og om du ikke har dress så er du velkommen da også, bare du prøver å kle deg litt pent. Sier bare at de som har dress bør ta den på.

Endret av 89
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Jeg skal så SYKT se det intervjuet med Jenna Miscavige, det kommer til å bli WINWINWINWINWINWIN



Sitter bare å teller timene tiljeg kan komme meg hjem og slenge meg på youtube. Dette er virkelig ikke noe jeg vil gå glipp av. Dette er tross alt hva all har ventet på! Det første og største steget fra nettet og gata til den gemene hop.

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Denne kan det være greit å se før 10 mai.

Det er regler for hvordan man skal oppføre seg under en slik demonstrasjon.

Se filmen hos Youtube


Her er reglene i tekst


ule #0: Rules #1 and #2 of the internet still apply. Your memes are not, at this juncture, something that the real world can appreciate. Although meme speak between fellow Anonymous is acceptable, focus on the target and keep it to a minimum.


Rule #1: Stay cool.


Rule #2: Stay cool, especially when harassed. You are an ambassador of Anonymous. Although individuals trying to disrupt your demonstration will get on your nerves, you must not lose your temper. Doing so will harm the protest and tarnish the reputation of Anonymous.


Rule #3: Comply with the orders of law enforcement officers above all else. Doing otherwise is harmful to the demonstration as a whole and may compromise your performance as a human being. Do not request badge numbers unless you are being treated in a very abusive manner, as doing so will anger officers.


Rule #4: Notify city officials. Most jurisdictions either have rules about public protests, or would prefer to be notified that they are taking place. Know the rules for your jurisdiction and abide by them.


Rule #5: Always be across the street from the object being protested.


Rule #6: In the absence of a road, find another natural barrier between yourself and the target of protest. Doing so will make it more difficult for individuals hostile to your cause to come and harass you.


Rule #7: Stay on public property. You may be charged for trespassing if you do not.


Rule #8: No violence.


Rule #9: No weapons. The demonstration is a peaceful event. Your weapons. You will not need them.


Rule #10: No alcohol or pre-drinking. Violating this rule may easily precipitate a violation of rules 1 and 2.


Rule #11: No graffiti, destruction, or vandalism.


Rule #12: If you want to do something stupid, pick another day. These should be self explanatory. Violation of these rules during a demonstration will tarnish the reputation of Anonymous, harm the demonstration itself and leave you vulnerable to attention from law enforcement.


Rule #13: Anonymous is legion. Never be alone. Isolation during a protest marks you as a target for handlers who wish to provoke an angry reaction from you and other hostiles. In keeping with this principle...


Rule #14: Organize in squads of 10 to 15 people.


Rule #15: One or two megaphones per squad. A megaphone is helpful for maintaining the overall cohesion of a demonstration and spreading your message. However, too many will confuse the public and render you hearing impaired.


Rule #16: Know the dress code. Forming a loose yet reasonable dress code for protest members will help to maintain cohesion and get the public to take you seriously.


Rule #17: Cover your face. This will prevent your identification from videos taken by hostiles, other protesters or security. Use scarves, hats and sunglasses. Masks are not necessary, and donning them in the context of a public demonstration is forbidden in some jurisdictions.


Rule #18: Bring water. A dehydrated, thirsty Anonymous is not a useful Anonymous.


Rule #19: Wear good shoes. Following these rules will assure your comfort during the demonstration. Keep in mind that demonstrations may often be quite lengthy.


Rule #20: Signs, fliers, and phrases. Have yours ready. Make sure that signs are large enough to read. Also ensure that the text on your signs and your phrases are pertinent to the target of the protest.


Rule #21: Prepare legible, uncomplicated and accurate flyers to hand out to those who wish to know more regarding the motivations behind your actions.


Rule #22: Document the demonstration. Videos and pictures of the event may be used to corroborate your side of the story if law enforcement get involved. Furthermore, posting images and videos of your heroic actions all over the internet is bound to generate win, exhorting other Anonymous to follow your glorious example.


Endret av GnoMiz
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Er det egentlig noen som har fikset tillatelse for at vi skal kunne ha en demo?


Ja, det kan jeg bekrefte. Det er blitt sendt søknad både til politiet og Oslo kommune. Vi avventer svar, før vi også sender søknad til bydelsoverlegen for å få lov til å lage litt støy :)


Håper jeg ser så mange som mulige av dere den 10. mai


Finn mer info på http://www.xenu.nu/wiki/index.php/Norway:May_10th

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