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Bf2 problemer, ja dere gjetta det; lagg!

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MSI K8N NEO4-F, nForce4 ultra, helt ny. pcen er datakjeden dinside november eller oktober,


har nyeste 81.98 driver ja. kjørt litt forskellig på kvalitets innstillinger.. kan teste quality en runde..


litt kjipt med ny pc og kjøre medium og 1024|-):(


innstalert nye lydkort drivere og alle driverne som jeg fikk med hk..

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høres rart ut når PCen er helt ny. Tenkte et øeblikk på at HDD var en gammel haug, men det er det vel ikke. BF2 er jo ganske tung på HDD.


Uansett så skulle jo maskinen din rule BF2 på høye instillinger.


Trur nok også at jeg ville sjekket lyddriverne. Benytter du onboard lydkort så kan du jo prøve å kutte ut dette i BIOS og se om det fortsatt lagger uten lydkortet. da vil du iallefall få en indikasjon.


Vet ikke om 7800 kortet har ekstra power-oppkobling, men kan jo være en ide og sjekke at denne sitter skikkelig på plass. Slik at kortet får tilstrekkelig med strøm


Kjør en 3Dmark05 test og se hva resultatet blir der. Du burde vel ligge et sted mellom 5000-7000 3dmark points trur jeg.

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jeg skjønner hva han mener. Dette kommer av vsync.. Har du på vsync så skal den i realiteten holde seg til 60hz hvis dette er det du har på skjermen. Som min f.eks da jeg kjører LCD. Tipper du og gjør det siden du kjører 1280x1024..


Merket at så fort det skjedde noe tungt noe på skjermen så datt den ned til 30fps fort i alle spill. Å når den faller fra 60-30 merkes det stort! Synes jeg. Men jeg måtte bite i det sure epplet. Hater og ha av vsyncen men har gjort det nå. Å synes selve spill følelsen er helt konge! Selv om jeg får litt "uklart" "ripping" i bildet.


Test det. Du får masse mer fps eller en mer bedre flyt i spillet..


EDIT: Er desverre vsyncen som faller fort med en gang.. Synd.. Men Gt kortet trives best uten for da får den virkelig bredd ut vingene sine..


EDIT2: hehe bare for å styrke min lille teori; tatt fra en annen side ;)


Yes vsync is awesome, the only problem with Vsync on my LCD is that it won't go above 60 FPS. And when stuff gets heavy on the screen it drops down to 30FPS right away. That's why I have to keep Vsync off, I can't stand it when everything drops to 30FPS, especially on a 7800GT.


Link --> Tearing, Vsync osv


God natt!

Endret av BanAnus
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framerate blir ikke begrensa av Hz på skjermen... på lcd skjermer betyr det at du kan få framerates over 60fps..


på CRT skjermer kommer det ann på hvilken oppdateringsfrekvens du kan kjøre på en gitte oppløsningen.


edit: ser ut som jeg har blingsa litt ang. trippel buffering:


If you turn vsync on, you force the video card to only send updates at the rate that your monitor refreshes. In other words, your video card can not send more frames/second (even if it would be able to otherwise) than the monitor's refresh rate. If you set your monitor to 1600x1200@85 Hz and turn vsync on, a game that allows for functioning vsync will not be able to go higher than 85 frames/second. With vsync off, your video card will send frames as fast as it can even if it is not at the same interval as the refresh rate. This allows the video card to surpass the refresh rate if the video card is fast enough. These are the basic facts behind it before I go into pros/cons on the matter of vsync on versus off...


The good part about vsync off is that you can always get the actual framerate that your video card is capable of. The monitor does not interfere in this regard. If you're a benchmark junkie, vsync should almost always be off. The bad part about vsync off is that you may notice frame tearing. This is when the refreshes (or frames) comes fast enough out of sync so that you can see part of one refresh while seeing part of a previous refresh. If you use vsync on and then go back to vsync off, it tends to be more noticeable.


With vsync on, you first eliminate the tearing issue above for the most part. Vsync on prevents the video card from starting another refresh before the previous one is done. For some, this is a smoother experience while others can not tell the difference (monitor and card dependent).


There is a consequence of only allowing the video card to show the frame when the monitor refreshes. If the video card is slowed down enough so that it can not provide a refresh in time for the monitor's refresh, it has to wait for the next refresh before it can show the frame. From the example above, this would be 1/85 of a second. If the video card does this repeatedly, your frame rate will drop by a factor of 2, 3, or more depending on how many refreshes it misses. This is due to what is called double buffering. The video card has two memory buffers to write the frame to. It uses one for show (what you see) and one to write to before doing a switch and starting the next frame. In the case of the frame drop, the video card couldn't write to the buffer fast enough before the buffers are switched.


This is corrected by triple buffering. Using this, the video card has one frame buffer to show but two to work on/build/manipulate. This allows the card to always have a buffer available to send when bogged down. It can send a refresh anytime after the refresh time (1/85 second). However, it doesn't to wait for an extra refresh like double buffering would if it didn't make it in time. The good part about triple buffering is that you no longer drop by 1/2, 1/3, etc of your refresh rate as you would with double buffering. You will get the exact frame rate your video card is capable up to 85 frames/second. You still have the cap of 85 frames/second, but now you can run between 1-84 frames/second. This would not be possible with double buffering.


In D3D, the game has to support triple buffering for it to be used. In OpenGL, this is decided by the driver. nVidia supports it in D3D but not in OpenGL unless something has changed very recently (I wish this would change *sigh*). ATi does support it in OpenGL.


To summarize (and this is IMHO), use vsync off for benchmarking. Use vsync on w/ triple buffering where supported for gaming depending on whether or not you can easily see tearing. I know this was probably more than what you were asking for, but I thought I should be thorough as people do ask about these terms here and again. :)

Endret av MrLee
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hm, har slått av tripple bff og vsync. men merker ikke noe forskel.. noe mer jeg kan gjøre?


edit: satt opp alt på fullt og stakk inn på en 40player server.. fpsen ligger på 30-35, det er litt kjipt|-)


har lcd skjerm ja, den kjører 75hz..

Endret av Pattern
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