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Nokia N9 tråden


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Ser ut til at 1.2 er på navifirm nå visst.


Sliter med Exchange Mail som før ved tidligere versjoner. Vil ikke virker med Exchange 2010. Kjipt. I skuffen med mobilen igjen da.


Funker heilt fint med gmail. Både med mail og kalender. Men det er kanskje ikkje ekte Exchange?


Gmail funker fint. Men jobbmailen er via Exchange 2010 og funker fint på alt fra Symbian til Android, iOS, WP7, WM6.5 etc., men ikke på Meego.



Vi kjører også Exchange 2010 på jobben, funker som en drøm på min N9.

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Ser ut til at 1.2 er på navifirm nå visst.


Sliter med Exchange Mail som før ved tidligere versjoner. Vil ikke virker med Exchange 2010. Kjipt. I skuffen med mobilen igjen da.


Funker heilt fint med gmail. Både med mail og kalender. Men det er kanskje ikkje ekte Exchange?


Gmail funker fint. Men jobbmailen er via Exchange 2010 og funker fint på alt fra Symbian til Android, iOS, WP7, WM6.5 etc., men ikke på Meego.



Vi kjører også Exchange 2010 på jobben, funker som en drøm på min N9.


Har prøvd alle type måter som virker på alle andre mobiler, men vil ikke virke på med Nokia N9. Aldri funket. Kan jo evt. være noe feil med sikkerhetssertifikat vi bruker som Meego ikke liker.

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PR 1.2 Change Log fra brukere i tråden fra TMO:





Features Added/Bugs Fixed




1 Folders. To rename a folder press and hold inside the created folder to see a space to type the name.

2 Default font changed. Including height and weight.

3 Contact Book has the 'Search' bar visible by default.

4 Each Contact Book entry now has wording "Synct to - MFE - <email address>". This isnt 'clickable' and seems odd as it takes up quite a bit of space without clear functionality.

5 IM Availability screen has been changed. It is now dark themed.

6 Searching for contacts has been optimised and now allows you to search in Skype from the same screen.

7 Swype keyboard now has bigger keys. Cant emphasise how great of an update this is. Also they seem to have fixed the "P" bug in swype. Previously starting a word with P in swype resulted in the keyboard being swiped. This no longer happens.

8 Turning off the device causes the LED to stay on. Once it goes off the device can be turned on again.

9 All UI menus have changed from white grey to black grey.

10 Support for D-Pad arrows.

11 Snooze/Off Buttons now much larger for the Alarm.

12 New Contacts option: "Prefer Avatars from" and prefer Nick name

13 Swype languages limited to Chosen list only.





Homescreen/Standby Screen

1 LED now 'breathes' when the device is being charged.

2 Facebook/Twitter notifications on the home screen.

3 Swiping down to close an app now results in a dark shadow being cast on the open window. I suppose this is to indicate the swipe will close the app? Nice touch.

4 Closing an app no longer results in the app appearing in the multi tasking window for a split second before closing.

5 Disable Backgound connection for mobile data connection (ie. if you want to allow only WLAN to be used for bg connection).




1 Copy and paste in the Browser.

2 Most visited links on the Browser now has the top 2 visited sites in Bold and same size. (see image)

3 Opening and closing a link from a browser sends you back to the original page as oppose to the multi tasking window.

4 Browser now remembers passwords.





1 Video Calling (Supported but no 3rd Party app available to make use. More info needed!)

2 Camera improvement (Shortcut to enable/disable flash, New filters for video recording? and an option to turn on flash whilst recording)

3 Gallery Improvement (Face tagging)

4 Some new Wallpapers inserted in Gallery?

5 Media Sharing. Support for DLNA enabled devices (not tested)

6 More image editing options in the Gallery.

7 Selecting multiple files in the image gallery causes a purple haze to appear over the images. Previously only a purple outline was used.

8 Music. Now you can delete a music file straight from the media player.

9 Music Player supports Playlist making

10 Support for Dropbox

11 Hitting the Album cover whilst playing a song shows the current play list instead of pausing the song.

12 Camera has continuous shutter mode. If you hold it, it will take 8 pics in rapid succession.








1 Email. The words "up-to-date" now appear when a mailbox has been synced in the last 1 minute.

2 Threaded email.

3 Email. A failure to sync an inbox now shows a red arrow on the notification bar.




1 Improved scrolling in most apps. Including the Ovi/Nokia Market. Though lag still appears unexpectedly.

2 Drive. The Drive App now has imported all the Favourites from the Maps application. Also the panning/zooming is much smoother. I also note that street names now re-flow with you to ensure you can always see the street names.





Bugs/lacking features that still annoy me

1 Twitter. Still unable to retweet in the official app.

2 Facebook App still missing "Groups".

3 After editing a photo it still takes a while for the "Share" button to appear for that particular image.


If anyone finds an official change log with everything detailed please share. In the meantime please share your discoveries.



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Gjest Slettet+asdfasdf

Har akkurat flashet min "svenske"64GB versjon med navifirm.

Brukte "Nordeuropeisk"64GB versjon og det funket fint,så da er PR 1.2 i boks.

Har ikke fått testet så mye enda,men ser bra ut så langt.


Du kunne vel ikkje vert så hyggjelig å gitt oss (meg) ein enkel og grei bruker veiledning om korelis ein går fram. Kva du treng laste ned i navifirm og korleis ein flasher?

"If you don't know how to install, or how to use it, probably you don't need NaviFirm at all."


Gløym det fiksa det.

Endret av Slettet+asdfasdf
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Har akkurat flashet min "svenske"64GB versjon med navifirm.

Brukte "Nordeuropeisk"64GB versjon og det funket fint,så da er PR 1.2 i boks.

Har ikke fått testet så mye enda,men ser bra ut så langt.


Du kunne vel ikkje vert så hyggjelig å gitt oss (meg) ein enkel og grei bruker veiledning om korelis ein går fram. Kva du treng laste ned i navifirm og korleis ein flasher?

"If you don't know how to install, or how to use it, probably you don't need NaviFirm at all."


Gløym det fiksa det.


Har ikke kunnet svart før nå uansett..

Fint at du fikk det til å funke.Og gratulerer med en bedre telefon.

Det synes i hvertfall jeg den ble :)

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