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Min første chat med en stranger O.o eller andre :p



You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hey sexy

Stranger: Yo mama so old she knew Burger King while he was still a prince.

Stranger: lmao

Stranger: heyy

You: Want to take a ride?

Stranger: on my disco stick

Stranger: yeaa babeee

You: I also have a disco stick

You: You want it?

Stranger: i want it

Stranger: give it to me

You: Nah, i think it is to long for you

You: Its around 30cm

Stranger: oh is that right?

Stranger: hows 1 cm for u?

Stranger: 31**

You: around one car length

Stranger: mhmm

Stranger: u a virgin

You: Maybe

You: Something in the middle O.o

Stranger: i see

Stranger: playing hard to get

You: Yea

You: It isnt easy

Stranger: i like that

You: Thats nice

Stranger: yeaa

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Endret av Jrmaster35
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Yes, but for all i know you could be a 67 year old man masturbating too little kids :!: Jeg er morsom...




Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: http://omegle.com/

You: Its a funny page

Stranger: ??

Stranger: :D

Stranger: yep

Stranger: it is

You: love talking to strangers

Stranger: : DD me too (=

You: Fancy

Stranger: where r u from?

You: The planet Saturn

Stranger: ahh nice :)

Stranger: i'm from pokemon world!

You: I`m green

You: And I`m high

Stranger: i'm pink pikachu

You: I Pokèmon rules

Stranger: of course!!

Stranger: charmander is my best frend... he is blue!! ecause he is sick :(


Stranger: :((

You: If he is poisened

You: buy som metadote

Stranger: i think he gonna die :(

You: some*


Stranger: i haven't!!

You: Buy it in the mart

Stranger: money! ihaven't money

You: O fuck

You: Go to the hopital then

You: Take a ride with your bicycle

Stranger: it's too late... he is.... he is die :'(( NOOOOOO!!

You: Oh my fucking god

You: You stupid idiot

You: Go to the hospital and heal him

Stranger: ooh i wanna ride... hmm i take him body and ride to the bodyroom :)

Stranger: :*'DD

Stranger: jejjjee

You: Right

You: Tahe a flight with artiquno to the hospital

Stranger: ööh.. jeah :''D

You: It`s creapt to walk around with a dead pokèmon

You: creapy*

Stranger: aah hmm...

Stranger: well

Stranger: i don't walk :(

You: you cycle?

Stranger: i ride! :'DD buhauhahahaha

You: Cool

Stranger: jeah

You: I got punk`d

Stranger: :DD

Stranger: (i think u are a boy? or green boy??) :''))

You: I`m a shemale

You: (boy)

Stranger: ahh...

Stranger: ok :'D

You: You sounds like a little girl that are 3 years old

Stranger: i am heman (girl)

You: kidding

Stranger: actually i'm 2 and half years old (:

You: Lets make babies. Wondering how they would look like

You: Fuck my english sucks

Stranger: i have more sucks -.-

You: :p

You: You from?

Stranger: finland

You: Ohh i can one finnish word;

You: Pèrkele

Stranger: ?

Stranger: :''DD

You: Well, I live in Norway

Stranger: it is only Perkele without `

Stranger: aah :'D

Stranger: ok

You: Ok

You: :D

Stranger: neightbour

You: Mhm almost

Stranger: :')

Stranger: it is nice live in norway?

You: Don`t really

You: lots of jews here

Stranger: : (

You: And in Finland?

Stranger: i am been in norway (: when i was more younger ;DD

You: :9

You: :)

You: Wats your age, i dont believe that youre only 2 and a half ;D

Stranger: ; DD 15

Stranger: u?

Stranger: :p

You: Hmmm

You: Really want too know?

Stranger: ?

You: I`m 34675 years old

You: Kidding 13

Stranger: :OOO so old

Stranger: :''D

Stranger: okay.. this heard more normal :'))

Stranger: sorry but have u msn? :DDD

You: Yes, but for all i know you could be a 67 year old man masturbating too little kids :(

Stranger: : xxx

Stranger: :'''DDD

You: But here we go; [email protected]

Stranger: :''D

Stranger: lets see :)

Stranger: *:'D

Stranger: i added :')

You: i see

Stranger: : DD

Haha, dette er ei jeg har daglig kontakt med nå :)

Lenke til kommentar

Hvorfor har ingen fortalt meg om denne siden før :p

Glemte og kopiere den beste så klart ... men men :p



You: Hi

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey

You: You need help with something

You: ?

Stranger: im a gay male

Stranger: wanna fk/.'

You: Nah, i usaly fuck animals you see

You: so i dont like people

Your conversational partner has disconnected.





You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: gay or bi?

You: Ja vi elsker dette landet

Your conversational partner has disconnected.





You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: i put on my robe and wizard hat...

You: ...

You: And i take of my t-shirt and hat

Stranger: i'm a level 9 mage

You: And i'm god

Stranger: i cast an arousal spell on your genitals

You: And i help people with life

Stranger: they increase in size by 12%

You: I increase people's life so they have a good life

Stranger: i don't believe in you

You: All from 0.01% to 99.9%

You: You dont

You: You will belive me....

Stranger: why?

You: You will see

You: Something in the future will show you why you should

Stranger: still won't stop me believing in other stuff

Stranger: like science and evolution

You: And how your life is going to be

Stranger: i'll just be like oh right god is real find

You: Yea, you will find me there you now

You: I'm where your heart is

You: I'm with you when you:

You: Eating

You: Going

You: Working

You: All the time

Stranger: why

Stranger: i don't want you to be

You: And one day you are gonna realise it

You: I'm in everybody

You: I am everybody

Stranger: so god doesn't exist as a single almighty being

Stranger: its just people

You: Yes

You: Now you start to belive

You: And then you see the trouth through your eyes

Stranger: i don't believe

You: There is no life

Stranger: stop being a preachy faggot. nothing will change my mind

You: You will see, You will see

Stranger: and i hate that people need there to be more than just life

Stranger: because they are afraid

You: I'm not afreid

Stranger: afraid to die, and afraid to truely live

Stranger: you're afraid that there is nothing after death

You: I now what is gonna happend

Stranger: so you make up that theres a magical place waiting for you

Stranger: how do you know

You: We all born into the life we all die in it

Stranger: because you believe? how about if you believe you're going to get a job, but then you don't?

You: Then it is the life who want it to be

You: All cant get a job

Stranger: i don't want heaven

You: Earth is made like this

You: If earth was heaven it would have been hell

Stranger: i don't want god. i want to be strong enough to fight my own battles, and not just pray and hope for god to sort it out

Stranger: well?

Stranger: got a smart ass fucking answer for that one?

You: No

You: I'm not smart

You: I just Realise whats gonna be and how it works

You: All fight their own batles

You: But how it is gonna end is not in their power

You: To pray its just something people do for hope

You: But their destiny is set

You: But you can always break out of it

You: But then you need to realise it your self

You: Then you'le see the throuth and then you can change it

Stranger: heres a question

You: ...

Stranger: why do you think you're right?

Stranger: i don't go around preaching science

Stranger: why do you feel the need to make people change their beliefs?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.





You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: Hi random stranger

You: I like your name :)

Stranger: asl?

Stranger: hahaha

Stranger: i like your name too

You: i dont use asl, i prefer msn

You: But asl is good too

You: So what are you doing

You: ?

Stranger: nothing

Stranger: just this omegle thing and others

Stranger: :D

Stranger: where you from?

You: Nah

You: thats not important

You: U?

Stranger: m or f?

You: i use S

Stranger: what?

Stranger: she?

You: You got something ageinst me :(

Stranger: nope

Stranger: i'm a she

You: Cool

Your conversational partner has disconnected.



Lenke til kommentar

Hun satt på internettkafé, gitt.


EDIT: Selvfølgelig tenker dere at dette bare er tull, men jeg hadde en relativt lang samtale med henne, og er rimelig sikker på at hun snakket sant.


Samtale jeg nettopp hadde: :wow:




You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: ima male looking for a hot girl to fuck

You: I'm a female looking for a hot male to fuck.

Stranger: u got ur man

You: And that, translated to english, means?

Stranger: i wanna fuck u

You: And I wanna fuck you.. maybe.

You: But I need to know who I'm fucking. So... pic?

Stranger: of ..

You: You...

Stranger: my cock

Stranger: ?

You: Well.. I care less about your penis and more about your left ear.

You: I have this ear-fetish, you know.

Stranger: oo

Stranger: well

Stranger: here is ur pic facebook.com/natefaraci96

You: Ok, I'll see. Wait a moment

You: Well.. You know, I have this ear fetish. And it's especially important to me that your left earflap is hanging. Not inveterate as yours. So I have to say no, sorry.

You: You don't have anything to say, huh?

Stranger: no=[

You: Well.. Bye then

Stranger: k.

You have disconnected.


Endret av Mokko
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Holdt på å avslutte denne tidlig men den utvilket seg.



You: hey

Stranger: Hi

You: do you like candy?

Stranger: UH HUH

You: nice

Stranger: hbu?

Stranger: u like candy?

You: yeah, like to lick some chocolate balls

You: that's not gay for a guy to doo

You: or is it..?

Stranger: Uh huh, well back the fuck away from my stash, you frumbly bumbly bitch, or else imma rape the doodoo diddly shit out of your fudgely fuck fountain. Ya hear??

Stranger: huh?!

You: ok ok, you sound like an addict, you sould get some help... while im stealing your stash!!

You: suck on my toohh biatch!

Stranger: Toohh? Is that I kind of lollipop or other kinda candy?

Stranger: Cuz then sure...

You: ment to spell tooth

Stranger: Oh cooch?

Stranger: Then huh huh huh

Stranger: Heeeelll eah

You: nice

Stranger: slice

Stranger: dice ya thrice

You: well it's been nice talking to you, you shold watch out for your stash tonight...

Stranger: Oh don't worry

Stranger: It's more than safe

Stranger: It's ingested

You: i'll break you in half

Stranger: All of it

Stranger: Sex

You: now?

You: hanky panky?

Stranger: Well, sex is what I'm 'bout

Stranger: Fuck them girls from all around

Stranger: Fuckin every girl in town

Stranger: Stick it in pull it out

Stranger: Hear her scream hear her shout

You: well, i got to dissapoint you

Stranger: And my spouts rather stout

Stranger: Huh?!

You: ooh, nothing

You: just forget it, i'm comming for your disco stick!

Stranger: Wait. Are you a guy????

You: eeehhhhh, no?

Stranger: Cuz I don't do butt...

You: no no

You: girl all the way

You: i can't lie to you! i'm a boy, always has been and always will be!

Stranger: orly?

You: i'm sorry!

Stranger: Oh that's okay, I can just fuck the bullet hole I put in your neck then

Stranger: It's all good

You: yay

You: then we can all be happy

Stranger: Bloodcock

You: that's extreme

Stranger: Made possible by my glock

Stranger: Grab the 12 gauge by the stock

You: oooo, i like a man with guns, it shows that he has a big penis

Stranger: Pump the action bitch, it's time to rock

You: Oh my gawd!

Stranger: yes

You: more!!

You: give it to me!!

You: Harder!!!

Stranger: Higher calibre?

You: i don't know, take whatever you want!

Stranger: You see that liquid?

You: yeah..?

Stranger: Flask it

You: ok, 2 sec

Stranger: Before I put you in your casket

You: ok, got most of it

Stranger: You know the question, so ask it

You: hmm, i'm i going to live after this shit?

Stranger: Yeah, it's my musk. Mask it

Stranger: You bout to make me spastic

Stranger: You look fantastic

Stranger: So wrap my rid in plastic

Stranger: And get a little spastic

Stranger: Till I become orgasmic

Stranger: By rid I mean rod

Stranger: Oh my god,

You: ok, i a little new to this

Stranger: Stupid ipod

Stranger: Hard to type on it

Stranger: Studpid piece of shit

You: yeah

You: fuck apple

Stranger: Neck snapple

You: yeah, now what to do?

Stranger: you

You: me?

Stranger: ye

Stranger: hehe

You: damn, you're into some strange things

Stranger: Yeah, all I'm wearing ist leather stings

Stranger: Between my thighs

You: word

You: that sounds nice

Stranger: Cuz I know it pleases you guys

You: delicious

You: lovely

You: damn sexy boy

Stranger: I gotta toy;)

You: wow! what kinda toy??!

Stranger: Wanna know?

You: eeeh, sure!

Stranger: Dildo

You: cool

You: alway wanted one of them

You: can you spank me with it?

Stranger: Spank, or yank. Get jank like Aaron comma hank, let me be frank: the thing is well used and it kinda stank

You: that's deep man

Stranger: Deep in you

You: yeee

Stranger: All the way through

You: you should publish a book

You: "Deep in You" by Stranger

Stranger: I would publish a book, but imma crook. On the run not gunna get caught like weezy with his gun

Stranger: Well the day is old, but this was fun

You: how fun!

Stranger: If you didn't know I'm kinda bold, but I gotta run

Stranger: Cya later hun;)



Enda en:

Stranger: hi, iam a 20 male with camera, if u are a girl with camera we can do some teasing things on camera ( there is no face on camera and we are weared with clothes also, so there is no problem )

You: oooooh, interresting

You: you want to see my breasts?

Stranger: u are a girl with camera?

You: maybe

Stranger: u can show wht u want

You: theyre all wet

Stranger: whts ur age?

You: i spilt some milk on them...

You: does age realy mather?

Stranger: i just cared

Stranger: its no problem, whts age?

You: 12

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Endret av Burny
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Mine siste:

Klikk for å se/fjerne innholdet nedenfor
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

Stranger: Looking for another gay guy to chat with.

You: eh...

You have disconnected.

Klikk for å se/fjerne innholdet nedenfor
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: A wild shiny Abra has appeared!

You: Were no strangers to love

Stranger: i believe we are in fact strangers

You: You know the rules and so do I

Stranger: yawn

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Klikk for å se/fjerne innholdet nedenfor
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: We're no strangers to love

Stranger: Heey

You: You know the rules and so do I

Stranger: wat rules

You: A full commitment's what I'm thinking of

Stranger: sounds good

You: You wouldn't get this from any other guy

Stranger: i c

You: I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling

Stranger: go ahead

You: Gotta make you understand

You: Never gonna give you up

Stranger: naww thank god coz i thort u were goin to

You: Never gonna let you down

Stranger: nice to know

You: Never gonna run around and desert you

Stranger: yay

You: Never gonna make you cry

Stranger: i m crying now

You: Never gonna say goodbye

Stranger: but i will goodbye

You: Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Klikk for å se/fjerne innholdet nedenfor
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi.wanna webcamsex? if u r a girl who has a cam

You: eh... youre going a little to fast, arent you?

Stranger: :D

Stranger: noğ

Stranger: asl?

You: i want to get knowing you first, if thats okey...

You: 15 f norway

Stranger: 18

Stranger: m

Stranger: italy

Stranger: msn skype?

You: eh....

You have disconnected.

Endret av JanFr
Lenke til kommentar




You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: im a due

Stranger: dude*

You: Cool

You: I am not

Stranger: cool

Stranger: im 19

You: Im 38

Stranger: are you a dude?

You: No F

You: From Serbia

You: i am a girl

Stranger: and 38?

You: yes

Stranger: wow that's quite an age difference

You: Yes

You: very mych

Stranger: i guess that's bad huh?

You: NOe i dont think so

You: Ever tasted our national-dinner Krazscioic?

Stranger: i have not no

You: Too bad

You: I have

Stranger: nice! :) i bet it's delicious

You: You wanna know what it is made of?

Stranger: um ok

You: Carrots, pineapple and donkey meat

Stranger: interesting

You: yes

Stranger: am i being tricked?

You: What is tricked?

Stranger: like fooled?

You: No, just ask wikipedia

Stranger: ok ha

You: Haha, sorry I'm bored. 14/m/Norway here..

Stranger: haha nice man

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Lenke til kommentar

Ingen som liker shemales :p



You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: Hello

Stranger: m? f?

You: s

Stranger: ?

You: Shemale

You: .....

Your conversational partner has disconnected.




Stranger: hi

You: hi

Stranger: asl?

You: asl?

Stranger: taiwan

You: China

Stranger: f

You: s

Stranger: s??

You: She -.-'

Stranger: oh

Stranger: age?

You: 56

You: you?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.




You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: haha

You: haha

Stranger: lol

You: rofl

Stranger: lmao

You: hehe

Stranger: eheh

You: hoho

Stranger: gaga

You: mø mø

Your conversational partner has disconnected.



Lenke til kommentar

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hello there

Stranger: hi

Stranger: I am from China

You: where are you from?

You: cool me too

Stranger: ÄÇÄãÊÇÄÄÀïµÄ£¿

You: give me a sec

You: ÊÇ

Stranger: ÎÒºÓ±±ÌÆɽµÄ

Stranger: ÄãÄØ


Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Google translate = instant win!

Lenke til kommentar

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: yo

You: yo

Stranger: Good evening, we are here to inform you that you have went beyond this web sites policies. We are taking drastic messieurs’ to keep people like you off internet sites like these. We have encrypted a code into your software system that will allow us to watch what you do over the next few weeks. You will also receive a court date within the next week. You are also now enlisted in the Online Sexual Predators list. If you don’t go to court. We Will, have to take further action and have a warrant out for your arrest. Have a nice day.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.



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