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Haha. Morsomt:



You: yeeea

Stranger: that means hi

You: oh

You: cool

Stranger: =)

You: So, who are you?

Stranger: I'm a horny girl

Stranger: i'm 18

Stranger: and i'm from finland

Stranger: how about you?

You: Probability:0,2%

You: but okey

You: I am a normal guy

You: I am 17

You: and I am from Norway

Stranger: mm, young blood

You: Ye, just like yourself.

Stranger: every really thinks that i'm a young girl who likes to fuck stranger

Stranger: every1

You: Thats sick man

Stranger: but you are smart! =)

Stranger: gratz!

You: Lol..

You: Woaaw.

Stranger: take care!

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You: hey

Stranger: y hallo thar

You: haihai

You: i'm boxxy

You: how r u?

You: i'm boxxy

Stranger: go on

You: well

Stranger: yes

You: My name is Boxxy

Stranger: orly

You: ya'rly

Stranger: nowai

You: do u know 'bout me boy?

Stranger: Indeed


Stranger: I

Stranger: do

Stranger: for

Stranger: you

Stranger: see

You: sence make?

You: try


Stranger: FOR YU SAEY

Stranger: IK

Stranger: AM THE

Stranger: ONE

You: you're not the one

You: i'm the one

Stranger: since when

Stranger: I have been the one

Stranger: since

Stranger: birth

You: since like forever

You: i'm older then u

Stranger: Orly

Stranger: I

Stranger: am

Stranger: 33+

Stranger: That

Stranger: is the oldest

Stranger: on the internets

Stranger: everything else is a lie

Stranger: trust me

Stranger: I know

Stranger: I'm old enough to know

You: my grandpa is 80 and he's on the internets

Stranger: No

You: yes

Stranger: no he is not

Stranger: Your grandpa

Stranger: doesnt exist

Stranger: you can't be 80

Stranger: if 33 is the oldest you can be

You: so you're just gonna leave the internets when you get older?

Stranger: Yes

Stranger: or else

You: else?

Stranger: where will the internets go?

Stranger: You see

Stranger: The internets is like

Stranger: a

Stranger: person

Stranger: who loves 0 - 33 year olds

Stranger: but

Stranger: once you turn 34

Stranger: it's all like

Stranger: Why

Stranger: why would you do that to me

Stranger: I told you what I like

Stranger: yet you go and do that?

Stranger: get out


Stranger: And they will never be together again

You: sorta like an divorce?

Stranger: I saposuse

You: the internets will never leave me tho it loves me

Stranger: No

You: he told me that

Stranger: love fades

You: it*

You: no

Stranger: yes

Stranger: The internets

Stranger: also known as

Stranger: the greatest lie evear

You: it told me i was the one, the only one for it

You: it loves me trust me

You: 4ever

Stranger: It told my granmdsa the same thing

Stranger: But guess what

Stranger: she is dead now

Stranger: wanna know how?

Stranger: the internets

You: how?

Stranger: She couldn't accept the fact

Stranger: that it didn't love her anymore

Stranger: so

Stranger: she would knock on it's window every knight

Stranger: I

Stranger: MEANT

Stranger: NIGHT

Stranger: she would say

Stranger: Oh internets take me back

Stranger: Age is just a number

Stranger: youse and me baby

Stranger: and the internets was all like

Stranger: No.

Stranger: and she was all like

Stranger: >:(

You: you're lying!

Stranger: She wouldn't accept this

Stranger: No troofs

Stranger: so

Stranger: SO

Stranger: She

Stranger: talk to

Stranger: the internets waifu

Stranger: and was all like

Stranger: it loves me not you

Stranger: And she was all like ???

Stranger: the internets heard this and was all like

Stranger: :|

Stranger: This

Stranger: is a no go joe

Stranger: So

Stranger: one night

Stranger: it was raining

Stranger: and cloudy

Stranger: you couldn't even see

Stranger: So me grandmas

Stranger: was out

Stranger: running

Stranger: through the rain

Stranger: to get

Stranger: enchantments

Stranger: and thats when it struck

Stranger: out of nowhere

You: who?

Stranger: he ran her over

Stranger: the internets

Stranger: she died that night

You: my god

Stranger: because

Stranger: of the internets

Stranger: And now you know

You: i can't belive it

You: i WON'T belive it

Stranger: I know it's hard

Stranger: but you must

You: nono you don't understand

Stranger: You cannot live this lie any longer

You: the internets loves me!

Stranger: OH?

Stranger: what a twist

You: oh'well i have to go now my teacher is standing behind me

You: he's pedo

Stranger: nooooo

Stranger: tell your teacher

Stranger: it was meant to be

Stranger: you and me

Stranger: meeting

Stranger: I had to warn you

Stranger: of the

Stranger: future

Stranger: your future

Stranger: Because

Stranger: of

Stranger: the internets

Stranger: and your rape

Stranger: yes

Stranger: I see it all now

You: rape?

Stranger: this

You: whta rape?

Stranger: the internets

Stranger: do you want

Stranger: to hear about it?

You: ok then..

You: guess i have ono choice



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Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Im ganne ask you this only once....

Stranger: noes

You: Do you or do you not.... know about the bird?

Stranger: oh shit....

You: A-well-a everybody's heard about the bird

B-b-b-bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word

A-well-a bird, bird, bird, the bird is the word

A-well-a bird, bird, bird, well the bird is the word

A-well-a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word

A-well-a bird, bird, bird, well the bird is the word

A-well-a bird, bird, b-bird's the word

A-well-a bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word

A-well-a bird, bird, bird, well the bird is the word

A-well-a bird, bird, b-bird's the word

A-well-a don't you know about the bird?

Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word!

A-well-a bird, bird, b-bird's the word



Endret av BigJaffa
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Sier alt om siden:

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Lol
Stranger: hi
You: I'm a guy, so if you're som kind of looser you should disconnect right now.
You: Tough luck.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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Endret av Blomsterbob
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Alt jeg sier er kopiert fra et annet chattested.



Stranger: raindrops keep falling on my head

You: You sound sexy.. I bet you want me in the back of your car..

Stranger: in the trunk, so i can kill you and not have to put you there myself

Stranger: yes

You: Maybe some other time. You should call up Papa John's and make an order

Stranger: 2 hamburgers please

Stranger: and a milkshake ;D

You: Onyl pizza

Stranger: hm

Stranger: salami then

You: Good. It will take about fifteen minutes to cook, and then I'll drive to your house.

Stranger: okay

You: You can't hurry good pizza.

Stranger: your right

You: I'm infront of yuor door. Are you still in the bathroom?

Stranger: yup

You: I can no longer resist the pizza. I open the box and unzip my pants with my other hand. As I penetrate the gooey cheese, I moan in ecstacy. The mushrooms and Italian sausage are rough, but the sauce is deliciously soothing. I blow my load in seconds. As you leave the bathroom, I exit through the front door....


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Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

Stranger: Do you like waffles?

You: yeah :D

Stranger: Do you like pancakes?

You: YEAH :D

Stranger: Do you like french toast?


You: :D

Stranger: Do you like Jews?

You: NO!

Stranger: Gas 'em~

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Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey

You: Liek mudkips?

Stranger: what?

You: do u liek mudkips?

Stranger: I don't know

You: wanna see mine?

Stranger: maybe

You: *undresses*

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Denne er ganske lang men jeg følte jeg bare måttte laste den opp. Starter ikke skikkelig før han sier hvor han kommer fra.




You: Hey there!

Stranger: OMG HI


You: I've never seen you before I think :O

Stranger: Maybe not

Stranger: there are a lot of people on here

Stranger: and aliens also

You: Sure are

You: Are you an alien?

Stranger: Yes, I'm an alien

Stranger: and I come from out of space

You: So not Mars then?

Stranger: ...

Stranger: maybe

Stranger: Mars is in Space

You: Well obviously, but if you are from Mars you've been pretty good at hiding

Stranger: Cydonia to be precise

You: Are you a knight?

Stranger: Too right!

Stranger: We all follow the god of Matt Bellamy here

You: Cool, any supermassive black holes close by?

Stranger: I dunno, the starlight is hiding them (if that made sense)

You: Starlight usually reveals black holes actually

You: But time is really running out

You: I'm getting kinda hysteric

Stranger: Don't be so hysterical

Stranger: Aww, you had that coming

You: ;D

You: Well I'm feeling good

Stranger: Are you in bliss?

You: Yeah, I'd almost like to take a bow

Stranger: well

Stranger: I've decided

Stranger: I'm going to assassinate you

You: Well that wasnt intended

Stranger: Maybe I'll just capture you and give you bit of the ol' Stockholm Syndrome

You: But then I'll just escape

Stranger: You won't be able to, your sunburn will be too bad

Stranger: you might even be in a coma

You: The star is dead though, so I'm not too worried

Stranger: Only in your world it is

You: Are you sober? There is just one world

You: You're making me kinda agitated

Stranger: maybe I've got space dementia

You: Well thats long overdue isnt it

Stranger: I suppose I just feel a little new born

You: I think I'll name you Fillip then

Stranger: Okay then Jimmy Kane

You: Dont call me that, im ashamed by it

Stranger: Well, you've been forced in

You: Do we really need to do that?

Stranger: You fucking motherfucker

Stranger: Yes Please

You: Dont go all balloonatic now

Stranger: I'm just policing the Jackson funk

You: Get a grip

Stranger: Why should I? I just want an apocalypse PLEASE!!!

You: Thats a crying shame

Stranger: It's the thoughts of a dying atheist i'm afraid

You: When I think about it, this is a pretty cool form of instant messaging

Stranger: I could do this endlessly :p

You: Bah, I cant figure out a way to answer that, I'll just go cry in my cave

Stranger: That's Showbiz kid

You: It's glorious isnt it

Stranger: Oh easily

You: Well we're in the groove now aren't we

Stranger: Aye, I'm just falling away with you

You: You're almost like a twin to me

Stranger: I know. I didn't even mean to host this

You: Well I'll eternally miss you when there are no songs left for sure

Stranger: It'll make me mad with fury

You: Yeah, hate it and I'll love you

Stranger: I'm going to need to go to my muscle museum soon

You: Well dont get all megalomanic there though

You: You're not invincible you know

Stranger: Don't worry. I'll eventually have a blackout

Stranger: from boredom probably

You: I'll just plug you in again baby

Stranger: we can make bedroom acoustics if thats the case

You: Yeah, it'll be hyper music

Stranger: It's the minimum I expect

You: Well dont build yourself a city of delusions still

Stranger: what a load of hoodoo

You: Heyheyhey, keep talking like that citizen and I might have to erease you

Stranger: I'll escape with my map of the problematique

Stranger: (2 in 1 - *dances*)

You: You didnt read the small print

Stranger: what can I say? It's a piano thing

You: The exo-politics are ruled by secrecy

You: (oh yeh, think you're special doing two at the time?)

Stranger: Silence. I'll get my butterflies and hurricanes on you

You: Tsp, I'll just hide in my pink ego box

Stranger: I'll find you. I'll send you a poem soldier

You: They cant enter the gallery so I'm safe

Stranger: You'll end up falling down somewhere

You: Argh, you're making me furious

Stranger: well don't be such a paranoid android you creep.

You: That sounds really futuristic

Stranger: Radiohead are teh future........(it's just a nishe)

You: I see. The jigsaw is falling into place now

Stranger: Too right. It's save calling in the Karma Police.

Stranger: *it'll O_O

You: No suprise there

Stranger: I'm glad everything is in it's right place now

You: Yeah, aren't you becoming a little homesick thought, alien?

You: though*

Stranger: I am a little. It was unintended that I would arrive in your world. Now I've crash landed like a dead star I feel quite hyper chondriac and want to sing myself into absolution.

You: (claps)

Stranger: I take a bow.

You: It's just that the weird fished taste kinda bad for tourists, like you

You: fishes

Stranger: Anyways, I don't want another map of your head so I better go now.

Stranger: (to bed)

You: Bah, the house of cards is falling down now isnt it

You: I love this site

Stranger: Yep.

Stranger: lol

Stranger: Anyway

You: Good night then

Stranger: good night!




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You: have any hobbyes?

Stranger: uh...i like to read =D

Stranger: how about you?

You: computer;)

You: do u play any games?

Stranger: uh huh, what games do you play?

You: most counter strike.. but not su much...

Stranger: i've heard of that game =)

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Hun var fra USA....:p

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