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Children of Men - Menneskenes barn

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Dette er en av fjorårets favoritter. Trodde ikke mine egne øyne på hva slags mesterverk av en film jeg nettopp hadde sett da jeg gikk ut av kinoen. Stemningen, skuespilleren og de utrolige lange scenene (vet de har noen godt skjult klipp, men uansett) gjorde filmen til en av de aller beste sci-fi filmene jeg har sett. 10/10

Endret av hwknut
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Jeg lurer også på hvilke store mangler filmen har. Children of Men er en glimrende film. Når jeg gikk ut fra kinosalen var den bra, men i etterkant har den vokst til veldig stor og en av de bedre filmene i fjor.

Til tross for det så har den noen veldig dårlige scener som f.eks:



Når Theo sitter på bussen som plutselig blir angrepet av opprørere. Disse kommer fra ingensteds og hele scenen passer overhodet ikke inn i filmen på noen som helst måte og er svært "overfladisk".



Jeg vet at det er var noe mer, men det er såpass lenge siden jeg så filmen at jeg husker ikke så mye av filmen nøyaktig.

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Quote under en review på imdb som eg er stort sett enig i.


Children of Men has an absurd premise. In stead of depicting a world where human fertility has dropped significantly resulting in chaos, we are to swallow that 'over night' women stopped giving birth period (did the aliens from Planet KzOrp finally get it right this time?) and that the only country which can deal with this is Great Britain partially due to the introduction of a nazi-like regime. Why the rest of the world failed to do so is never explained just like everything else which is thought up as the storyline progressed.


The story which is served is equally as absurd as the premise. In a nutshell we are to believe that the birth of a single baby doesn't sound the dawn of a new age but in stead will lead to scientists implementing what 'naturally' happened to this horribly acted Kee on a global scale? This to further the idea that despite the self-destructive nature of humans we are still in control of our fate? Or the proof of the existence of God since it wouldn't be possible for ordinary people to stroll through a warzone with a freshly born child being shot at with endless rounds of amo and survive? Again, this is not explained in the movie, narratives were absent much like any convincing acting, the cameo of Caine aside.


The baby being born into the childless world has no real enemies, only the opposite. yet it is being hauled through a warzone on a tip by a stoned and aging hippie whos purpose in life is to have his fart-finger pulled, in order to reach a certain group of people who's intentions remain completely vague throughout the entire film? Sigh, how utterly stupid. In 2027 there are only two boats left? One in a warzone and one owned by the 'Human project'? Sounds more like a video game to me, hardly like the story of top-rated movie.


No plot development, no character depth, serious low-budgetfeel cinematography, nothing in this movie that would make it worthy of its high ranking. Totally out of place action-shooter war-scenes and the Hollywood trite which initially seemed to be left out, magically appears (alongside the terrorist cell) during the urban shoot-out and henceforth during the so called ending of this movie. The boat being called 'Tomorrow' came straight out of the Shallowwood textbook and made me bite my teeth till they finally broke off one by one.


The story is way too one-dimensional and frankly just straight out flimsy and implausible and did I mention completely boring?. And it is so filled with plot-holes that even the greatest mathematicians of our present world will not be able to count them all.


This movie could have been much much more if it's story had been, at least, logical or realistic and not the intellectual insult it obviously is. Preferably with one or two discerning messages (and not a score of them making it the pretentious rubbish it truly became) and performed by actors worthy of playing next to Caine.


Åsså ein svært irriterandes siste ting:

Children of men... poenget i boko var at menn blei sterile...

Har tydligvis gått hus forbi filmskaperen... :ermm:

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7/10 stemmer overens med min egen opplevelse, muligens en 8'er. Filmen skrytes litt vel mye av i forhold til hva som er resultatet. Det visuelle og Owen er det positive i filmen, men det er så mange sci-fi filmer som skal ha en helsvart fremtidsvisjon så akkurat der er ikke filmen særlig nyskapende. Der har andre filmer rett og slett kommet den i forkjøpet.

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Quote under en review på imdb som eg er stort sett enig i.


Children of Men has an absurd premise. In stead of depicting a world where human fertility has dropped significantly resulting in chaos, we are to swallow that 'over night' women stopped giving birth period (did the aliens from Planet KzOrp finally get it right this time?) and that the only country which can deal with this is Great Britain partially due to the introduction of a nazi-like regime. Why the rest of the world failed to do so is never explained just like everything else which is thought up as the storyline progressed.


The story which is served is equally as absurd as the premise. In a nutshell we are to believe that the birth of a single baby doesn't sound the dawn of a new age but in stead will lead to scientists implementing what 'naturally' happened to this horribly acted Kee on a global scale? This to further the idea that despite the self-destructive nature of humans we are still in control of our fate? Or the proof of the existence of God since it wouldn't be possible for ordinary people to stroll through a warzone with a freshly born child being shot at with endless rounds of amo and survive? Again, this is not explained in the movie, narratives were absent much like any convincing acting, the cameo of Caine aside.


The baby being born into the childless world has no real enemies, only the opposite. yet it is being hauled through a warzone on a tip by a stoned and aging hippie whos purpose in life is to have his fart-finger pulled, in order to reach a certain group of people who's intentions remain completely vague throughout the entire film? Sigh, how utterly stupid. In 2027 there are only two boats left? One in a warzone and one owned by the 'Human project'? Sounds more like a video game to me, hardly like the story of top-rated movie.


No plot development, no character depth, serious low-budgetfeel cinematography, nothing in this movie that would make it worthy of its high ranking. Totally out of place action-shooter war-scenes and the Hollywood trite which initially seemed to be left out, magically appears (alongside the terrorist cell) during the urban shoot-out and henceforth during the so called ending of this movie. The boat being called 'Tomorrow' came straight out of the Shallowwood textbook and made me bite my teeth till they finally broke off one by one.


The story is way too one-dimensional and frankly just straight out flimsy and implausible and did I mention completely boring?. And it is so filled with plot-holes that even the greatest mathematicians of our present world will not be able to count them all.


This movie could have been much much more if it's story had been, at least, logical or realistic and not the intellectual insult it obviously is. Preferably with one or two discerning messages (and not a score of them making it the pretentious rubbish it truly became) and performed by actors worthy of playing next to Caine.


Åsså ein svært irriterandes siste ting:

Children of men... poenget i boko var at menn blei sterile...

Har tydligvis gått hus forbi filmskaperen... :ermm:




Du vet at Men kan bety både menn og mennesker på engelsk ? Mener i hvertfall det.


EDIT: leste en anmeldelse og så at det var riktig som du sa, at menn ble sterile.. Men så små detaljer har ikke stort å si spør du meg.

Endret av Thomas_H
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Quote under en review på imdb som eg er stort sett enig i.




Åsså ein svært irriterandes siste ting:

Children of men... poenget i boko var at menn blei sterile...

Har tydligvis gått hus forbi filmskaperen... :ermm:


Jeg er uenig i ALT som står i den engelske anmeldelsen. At det er forandringer fra en bok til en film gjør da vel ingenting så lenge det tjener filmen? I dette tilfellet syns jeg det tjener filmen, selv om det egentlig ikke har noe å si hvem som er steril.

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