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Bioshock til Ps3? **Rumour**


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Ifølge OPM UK magazine så vil Bioshock komme til ps3.


PM UK have quite bluntly stated that the recently announced “Microsoft exclusive” will indeed be heading to the Playstation 3 in their March issue. Originally slated for Xbox 360, Vista and Playstation 3, Bioshock was shot down from the PS3 line up when Microsoft announced at CES that it would be a Microsoft exclusive.


We personally think this title will show up on the Playstation 3, and it’s only a matter of time that it is official, probably after its release on the Xbox 360 and PC. (Timed exclusive anyone?)



Jo flere spill jo bedre :)

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Tviler ikke på at det skjer. Bortsett fra 1.part og utviklere med utgivelseavtaler med Sony/MS/Nintendo, så er det kun idioter som ikke går multiplatform med tanke på next-gen utviklerkostnader.


Det vil nok ta en stund før spillet blir å finne på PS3. Noe ala Virtua Fighter 3.

Endret av Norse360
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Ja, Phil Harrison sa noen ord om akkurat dette.


GI: One thing we’ve noticed in the last year or so is a lot of the games that were originally PS3 exclusives or that would normally launch on a PlayStation platform early—like Grand Theft Auto, Assassin’s Creed, Virtua Fighter—things like that are also going to appear on 360 as well. It’s been said that Sony wasn’t as aggressive this time around with the PlayStation 3. What’s your response to that?


Harrison: It’s a recurring question, actually, so I’m very interested why this is such a hot topic. First of all, the trend that you described is very understandable, given the cost of development and investment that third-party publishers are making in their IP. So, at this stage in the lifecycle of the PlayStation 3, it doesn’t really surprise me. But, you’ve got to also understand the balancing benefit with the investment we’ve made with worldwide studios. You know, we are the largest platform-dedicated game developer in the world. We have more resources building more exclusive titles for PlayStation 3 than our competitors have for their platforms. Not just for disc-based, but for the network as well. That, combined with some very meaningful exclusives the likes of Metal Gear Solid 4 and Final Fantasy XIII. I actually think that net net, there will be more exclusive titles for the PlayStation 3—it’s just the place that they come from may have shifted a little bit. And that’s ultimately all that matters—when a consumer goes into the store to buy a game, they don’t care that MotorStorm comes from one studio or Heavenly Sword comes from another or Lair or Warhawk or GT5 or Everybody’s Golf or Afrika or you name it.



Spill blir dyrere og dyrere, og 3 party vil nok i en mye større grad gå for multiplattform for å forsvare investeringene som det kreves for å lage spill i dag.

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PM UK have quite bluntly stated that the recently announced “Microsoft exclusive” will indeed be heading to the Playstation 3 in their March issue. Originally slated for Xbox 360, Vista and Playstation 3, Bioshock was shot down from the PS3 line up when Microsoft announced at CES that it would be a Microsoft exclusive.


We personally think this title will show up on the Playstation 3, and it’s only a matter of time that it is official, probably after its release on the Xbox 360 and PC. (Timed exclusive anyone?)



OPM er sikker i sin sak, mens at de som har skrevet artikkelen om at OPM har skrevet en artikkel sier at de tror at den kommer til å bli en timed exclusive.


ok, Lakus?


Skrev også Rumour i emnet slik at man tar dette med en klype salt.

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Dette er et av spillene jeg ser mest frem til i 2007, og allerde har det blitt stemplet som sært av mange. Det som er trist er at enkelte slike spill kan være fantastiske, men desverre likevel selge lite, med den følgen at vi til slutt bare sitter igjen med spill som er nokså like. At spillet havner på PS3 vil derfor gagne alle spillere, da utviklerene ser at det også lønner seg med denne type "sære" spill.

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